The Unlikely Hero

Door StValentineSt

135 14 27

When both the impossible and improbable happen and, out of all the wondrous creatures that reside in Amyron... Meer

Chapter 1. The Fateful Meeting
Chapter 2. Who Needs a Savior
Chapter 3. Sheep in Distress
Chapter 4. First Mission
Chapter 5. A Pet
Chapter 6. Yet Another Mission
Chapter 7. Morning Musings
Chapter 8. The Bandits
Chapter 9. The Date
Chapter 10. Dreamwalking
Chapter 11. Johny Trouble
Chapter 12. The Mess in the Crypts
Chapter 13. The First Signs of a Storm
Chapter 15. Meeting Ralph
Chapter 16. The Potion
Chapter 17. Oh Look, I'm a Dragon
Chapter 18. The Key to Survival
Chapter 19. Treasure Door
Chapter 20. First Knight
Chapter 21. Old Friends and New Acquaintances
Chapter 22. The Art of Persuasion
Chapter 23. The Silver Dragon
Chapter 24. Ancestry
Chapter 25. Promises Kept

Chapter 14. The Personal Quest

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Door StValentineSt

The first thing I did after parting with Elek and getting my reward from Johnny was venturing back to the mines. No matter how tired I was, my worry over Totto only grew stronger and I felt somewhat responsible for his injuries. I found my way across the mines the very same way I did the first time – by following the strongest magical source I could feel. It didn't take me as long as the first time though, as there were no more rats in the mines and the passages were completely empty.

Still, my feet were ready to chop me into pieces if they only had such an opportunity when I finally reached my destination. The entire walking today had taken its toll on my body, but I did my best at ignoring it. I pushed the wooden door open and entered the cavern. It looked just like I remembered it – littered with parchments and books. A total mess, if you ask me.

I made my way across it, calling out for my dwarfy friend, "Jill?"

Instead of a normal greeting, I was tackled down by a huge black mass of growling shadow.

"Gah!" I yelled as I fell and the shadows above me took form to reveal my beast friend Totto. His head bopped up and down as he growled appreciatively and then bowed down to lick my cheek. I felt his slightly ticklish and wet tongue rub against my skin and giggled as Totto licked my cheek a few times.

"Ah, I thought you'd come over sooner or later," I heard Jill's voice boom over me and my dog friend growled as he finally jumped down from me.

"Yeah, sorry for dropping by earlier than planned," I said as picked myself up from the floor. Totto wagged its tail sideways and rubbed against my legs affectionately.

I smiled and squatted down to take a look at its side. "How is he, Jill?"

To my surprise, the wound on Totto's side was considerably smaller and as I ran my fingers along it gently, it seemed to be almost healed.

"Well, the puppy didn't even let me touch it, but, apparently, he has some self-healing abilities," Jill noted. "He just took a short nap and the wound healed by itself. Cool, isn't it?"

I nodded my head and rubbed Totto's head. It growled happily and I smiled. Thank the Gods he was fine. Apparently, I was worried for no reason.

"So, what happened?" Jill asked as she perched on a stool beside one of the desks.

"I'm not sure," I replied as I reached my hand into my sack. "Come here, Totto, I brought something for you."

The hound looked up at me expectantly and I took out a medium sized bone that I had secretly taken from the crypts while Elek was not looking. He would have had a fit if he knew.

"Here, Totto," I gave the bone to the hell hound and his red eyes glittered as soon as his teeth sank into the white bone.

I frowned slightly as Totto munched on the bone, holding it between his paws. I couldn't really tell what was so fascinating about bones. Yucky things.

"Well, if to cut the long story short," I said as I walked to Jill, "a portal was opened in Trarton cemetery crypts and a bunch of moving skeletons came out."

"Ohhhh," Jill stared at the ground contemplatively. "Sounds bad. Really bad."

"Apparently, such portals have been opened in other parts of Amyron too."

"Hmmm, demon portals require immense magical energy to open up," the dwarf commented. "And why would anyone want to do this?"

I pondered for a moment and then shrugged my shoulders. "You'll just laugh if I tell you."

"Girl, I've seen things you've only dreamt about," Jill scoffed. "There's nothing you can say that will surprise me at this point of my life."

"Oh, really?" I gave her a short smirk. "And what if I said it was a huge black dragon bent on destroying all humanity, huh?"

"D-dragon?" Jill gaped at me for a shot moment and then, the laughter came. "Haahhaahahah, a dragon... a dragon?! Hahahahaha!"

"Yeaaah," I rolled my eyes as I waited for Jill to calm down. The dwarf laughed for a few more minutes or so until she suddenly stopped. It was so abrupt that I even forgot I was watching Totto playing with his bone and turned back to Jill surprised.

The dwarf was sitting with her brows knitted together in one line as if she was in some deep thought. Suddenly, she raised her head and her small eyes hidden beyond the thick bushy eyebrows bore into mine thoughtfully.

"You know, this might not be so funny, after all," Jill finally muttered.

I merely shrugged as I pushed myself up on one of her less cluttered desks and made myself comfortable. It surely wasn't funny to me. I felt like I've been Dreamwalking a tad bit too much and there wasn't anyone I could actually confide in.

"You see," Jill leaned towards me and continued in a hushed voice as if she was attempting to tell some sort of a secret, "I have read this one book, an unabridged version of the History of Amyron, and it said that not all of the dragons are dead."

"Oh, really?" I drawled, rolling my eyes. Gee, as if I didn't know that already.

"Some say that a few of them survived and escaped to the Demon Realm."

"No way!" I mock-gasped and Jill gave me a dull look.

"Look here, you were the one to start this," she scoffed and I smiled sheepishly.

"You're right, sorry."

"Anyways, if that's true, there is a possibility the dragons might come back, who knows," Jill shrugged her shoulders.

"I do think at least one dragon is back," I muttered grimly as I recalled my newly found dream buddy I had dubbed Blacky.

"Well, if the dragons are back, we're in deep shit, girl," Jill said matter-off-factly and I glanced at her somewhat worriedly.

For a moment there, we remained silent as I wondered how much I could really trust this dwarf. Should I tell her I had actually met even two dragons? And that I myself am cursed by one of them?..

"If there's anyone who actually knows the truth," Jill glanced at me conspiratorially, "then it's Soran the Mage."

"Soran?" I echoed dumbly. Now where have I heard that name?

"People say he lives in seclusion on the top of-"

"Let me guess," I interrupted her, "the Ugundi Mountains."

"Oh, how did you know?"

"Heard it somewhere before," I replied as I looked away sullenly. I suppose there really is no way I can avoid this.

"Well, I'm not so sure about that," Jill frowned slightly. "You see, according to the rumors, Soran is over 300 years old by now. Even a magician can't survive for 300 years!"

I gaped at Jill surprised, "300 years?!"

"That's what I heard," Jill shrugged. "Not even elves live that long, you know."

"Oh, Gods of Amyron," I whined as I bowed my head down. "I'm so dead."

Now I'll never ever get rid of this stupid curse... No, wait, I can't be like this. The dragon did say I had to find Soran, so he must still be alive. Even if he is 300 years old, I mustn't give up! I mean, I've seen eyeless walking skeletons and dragons that are supposed to be dead. Surely, there can be a 300-year-old magician, too.

So, I jumped down from the table and pressed my hands into tiny fists. "It's decided then. I'm going off to the Ugundi Mountains!"

"EH?!" Jill gaped at me and then shook her head. "Girl, you're nuts! You'll be robbed or even worse!"

"Well, what's the worst that can happen?" I questioned her and myself. "It's just a few days trip to the mountains. I can deal with a few robbers or wild animals. And if Soran's alive, then he'll help us out and if he's dead, then... well, then he's dead."

I furrowed my brows. I sure hope he didn't turn into a pile of moving and talking bones. Ew.

"I don't think it's such a good idea," Jill shook her head, "but it's your life, girl. Your choice how to end it, haha."

"Aw," I glowered at the dwaf, "I'm so glad you care about me."

"At least take the hound with you," Jill noted and Totto tilted his head up immediately, his red beady eyes glittering with sudden joy at the prospect of travelling with me.

I furrowed my brows thinking and Totto let out a pleading whimper as he reappeared beside me and rubbed his warm silky body against my legs. Well, he could be useful, right?

"Fine," I said aloud. "Totto can come with me."

The hound leapt up with apparent joy and I laughed at his antics. Jill merely shook her head and hopped down from her stool.

"Well, if you're really bent on heading to the Ugundi Mountains, I suppose I should give you a little something too," Jill grinned at me and rummaged through the papers on her table. "I made some summoning spells ready for use, but I have yet to try them out. I suppose you'll do that for me."

I cocked my brow as she extended a few pieces of colored paper to me.

"Here, use them when you're in a pinch," the dwarf smiled at me. "Should summon some help for you. If they work, of course."

"Yeah, that's really reassuring," I laughed and then bent to hug the little dwarf. "Thanks, Jill."

"Uh, ah," the dwarf smiled at me sheepishly. "Um, you're welcome, yeah."


*** 3 days later ***

"Aaaah," I heaved a long sigh as I halted with my back to a mountain wall and my arms stretched out wide to hold onto its crevices. "I almost want to go back..."

"Grrrr," Totto growled in response and leapt up on another cliff. Little stones rolled down from under his paws and I glowered at the beast angrily.

"Easy for you to say," I grumbled. "You don't have to walk on a 50-cm-width ledge splattered to a mountain wall!"

"Grr," the hound replied and jumped forth enthusiastically.

I'm sure this was a quite a funny trip to him, but certainly not to me. We've been walking for three days now and finally I was so close to Soran's Tower that I could almost touch it. Almost.

Before that, I needed to cross just a few more cliffs which had absolutely no path carved into them. And so, this is how I have ended up crawling along a silly crumbling ledge and praying it doesn't break under my feet. My eyes trailed off and down to the ravine that was staring back at me with all the horrors a ravine might have. Coincidentally, it had burning lava.

Don't ask me how that could even be true for I really saw no logic of lava rivers flowing at the top of the Ugundi Mountains, but I had little wish to check it out. Thank you so very kindly, but no. I'll pass.

"Grrr," came a growl from above and I scoffed.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming!"

With another short sigh I continued my perilous journey along the ledge and towards the broadening path up ahead. Hopefully, it will really be a path leading to that stupid tower that I've been staring at for the past half a day. As they say, objects in the distance are slightly further than they seem to be. Actually, a lot further.

Meanwhile, my feet shuffled carefully on the cliff as my eyes seemed to be drawn to the burning magma beneath again and again. It was almost fascinating how the road to the one person who could help me out seemed like a road to Hell. Or the biggest villain in the universe. I swear, if there are fire breathing dragons guarding the entrance to his tower, I will just... oh, wait. He can't have any dragon guards. They're all extinct! Ha! Well, except for one particular psychotic dragon bent on annihilating humanity. Ha ha.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at my own thoughts and that was when I finally managed to pass the cliff safe and sound. When I climbed up the rocky pathway I found myself up on the top of the mountain ridge overlooking a spectacular view. I halted just for a brief moment and my eyes trailed off and around me, taking in the mountain range and the plains far below me. I could see Trarton City down there and a few more villages up ahead, as well as smaller towns of Amyron. As if the entire country could fit onto the palm of my hand.

"Heh," I smiled as I turned to Totto. "Maybe it was worth all the climbing, after all."


I giggled and nodded my head. "Yep, it's not every day that one sees this!"

My demon hound merely pounced around me and his tail swished back and forth playfully. He paced a bit and then went running forth towards where I could see the Tower rise up above. I followed Totto walking across the mountain top. Finally, even I got some luck. I could already see the base of the tower and so I quickened my steps so I could reach it faster. Yet, as I neared the Tower I was starting to get a very bad feeling. The Tower was literally a tower. A simple round structure rising high above and no matter how hard I strained my eyes I could not see any windows on it. Or a door. I furrowed my brows as I walked around it and took a glance at its back side which faced the edge of the cliff. Nothing. Just a round stone wall.

"Ok, this is..." I shook my head as I walked around it again, "beyond weird."

Totto growled in response and I walked back to my pet to rub his head.

"Do you think we came to the wrong tower?" I asked and the hound let out a whimper as it paced around me. "Yeah, you're right. There are no other towers around. Or any kind of other structures for that matter."

I furrowed my brows and turned back to the stone tower.

"Hm, should I call out?" I wondered out loud and then yelled, "Helloooo?! Anybody there? Mr. Soran?.."





Still nothing.

"Well," I turned to Totto. "I think he's-"

"You shout as if you want to wake up the dead," someone muttered behind me and I whirled around in surprise. "I'm pretty much sure they're already up, young lady."

"Wha-" I stared down in slight shock for a small boy stood in front of me. He was short and was wearing baggy pants with a beige vest and dark red sleeveless shirt underneath. His straw blond hair fell down messily on his forehead and he had a cute round face with big brown eyes. They were staring up at me almost accusingly.

"Ah..." I flashed a smiled at him trying to hide my confusion. "Hello?"

"Yeaaah," the boy drawled giving me a dull look. "I've heard it the first three times too, you know."

"Um, I'm sorry?" I offered an apology, feeling rather dumbfounded. What was a kid doing up here? "Ah... are you... are you here to see Soran the Mage too?"

"Excuse me?" the kid arched his brow almost mockingly and suddenly I felt he was one overly cocky child.

"Ah, well, I'm looking for Mr. Soran, so I thought..." I paused. "Oh, Gods almighty! Are you his grandson? I'm so sorry, I didn't know-"

"G-g-g-grandson?!" the boy exclaimed utterly surprised and then glared at me. "Are you out of your mind, young lady? I'm not even married yet!"

"Well, duh," I giggled. "You're not of age."


"Uh, I mean... wait..." I paused, unsure of what I was supposed to say.

"Look here, young lady, I'm very busy with my experiments, so I have no time for you silly tourists."

"No, no way!" I breathed out and the boy stared at me as I hyperventilated. "No, no, no! You can't be!"

"Just what in the world is wrong with you, young lady?" the boy enquired and I shook my head desperately.

"You couldn't be... Mr. Soran?"

"Why? Is something wrong with me being him?" the child asked rudely and I gaped at him.

"You're a KID!"

"No, I'm not."

"YOU ARE!" I exclaimed as I pointed at him. "You... you... you are an 8-year-old kid!"

"I told you I am not," he replied irritably. "For your knowledge, I am already 314 years old."

"Haha," I chuckled as I shook my head. "Very funny, really."

"Look here, young lady, I am not at fault Ralph's Youth Elixir had side effects," the boy retorted and crossed his little arms over his chest. "Had I known I would have used my own Youth spell, but nooo, I just had to give into his pleas..."

"Youth elixir?" I arched my brow wonderingly. "Side effects?.. What side effects? You were turned into a child!"

"That is of no importance any longer," he grumbled. "Now that you know who I am, may I know who are you and what are you doing at my doorstep with a hell hound in tow?"

"Oh," I turned to Totto, which was busy sniffing the ground around the tower and then turned back to the child who supposedly was Soran the Mage. "Um, well, actually..."

"Out with it, young lady," the boy rolled his eyes. "I don't have all day."

"Um, I was cursed?" I muttered unsurely.

"So sorry, I don't deal with curses," the blond shook his head as he passed by me. May I add he didn't sound sorry at all?

"By a dragon?" I called out after him nevertheless and the kid merely shrugged at my words.

"Dragons don't curse humans. Never heard of it and never will cause they just don't."

"Ah, but I," I paused as I rushed after the child. "Wait just a minute, there's more."

"Oh, there's more?" he turned to me smugly and I grinned sheepishly. This kid was slowly getting on my nerves. Was he really Soran the Mage? Or was he pulling my leg?

"Well, actually, when the dragon cursed me he told me to go to you, so here I am," I said and smiled again trying to seem friendly. Whatever the case, I really do need to get this curse off my back. "And as I've been seeing strange dreams lately, I thought maybe you could help me out."

"Your dreams are none of my concern," Soran rolled his eyes. "I have more serious matters to attend to."

"Suuure, like what?" I asked irritated and the boy glowered at me.

"Like saving the world, for example," he grumbled, "but you can just stay aside being the ignorant human you are."

"Oh, saving the world?" this time I was the one to roll my eyes. How cliché can that get?.. Saving the world, pfft.

"Well, I know someone who wants to destroy it," I grimaced at him. "A big black dragon, if to be exact."

"Where did you hear that?" The kid practically jumped at me and I glanced at him confused. What's up with him now?

"Uh, he himself told me so?" I replied and the boy just gaped at me for a moment with his mouth open.

"It can't be... you met him? You met Jeth and you still live?"

"Jeth?" I echoed.

"That's the name of the big black dragon," Soran explained irritably and I shrugged. Blacky suits him more.

"Well he said there are no other dragons beside him and me, so I suppose we're talking about the same one."

"Wait, wait, you?"


"You just said something about-," he paused and his brown eyes landed on me almost searchingly. "No, it can't be!"


"There is a rumor flying around," he said thoughtfully. "You said you were cursed by a dragon?"

"Oh, and where did the 'dragons don't curse people' attitude go?" I mocked and the boy glowered at me angrily, which was rather funny as he was so much shorter than me. I just love it when short people try to glare at me.

"This is serious, little lady! The fate of the world depends on it!"

"Ohhh, the fate of the world..." I echoed and giggled. "Should I actually care?"

"You-argh," the boy sighed in what seemed to be frustration and grabbed my hand, pulling me after him. "Come with me!"

"What? Hey, wait!" I yelled as I got dragged away towards the tower. For a little boy he had some serious strength.

"Totto!" I called immediately and my hound leapt up and down in front of us, bearing its teeth at the boy.

That was rather effective and he halted surprised. I pulled my hand out of his and scoffed. "Don't drag me off without my consent, kid."

"Alright," the boy said through clenched teeth and turned around to face me. "We can either talk here in the middle of nowhere or you can come inside and we'll talk like civilized people we are."

"Civilized people don't drag others against their will!" I replied pointedly and Soran sighed, running a hand through his straw blond hair.

"Oh, Gods Almighty," he whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, fine, let's go talk inside," I then relented and walked to my hound, which was standing in front of us with a curious look in his eyes. "Totto, I'll go talk with this boy for a while. You stay around, alright?"


"Yes, you can play around in the cliffs, if you wish, I'll call you if I need you," I said as I rubbed his head affectionately. The hound growled in response and then jumped off to another cliff. I noticed he had taken quite a liking to these mountains. Must be some demon hound thing that I fail to understand.

"This is the first time I see a demon hound act like this," Soran commented as he walked to me. "Usually, they are bloodthirsty creatures."

"You're not the first one to think so, apparently," I commented dryly as I remembered Elek's words. For a moment, I wondered if he was already back from the Council Meeting.

Coincidentally, Oheli had also gone out, so I didn't have to explain anything and merely left a note to him that I was off to see a distant relative of mine. After all, I couldn't say that I was gone to see a 300-year-old magician to get rid of a curse that was put on me by a dragon. Nah, too many words to write.

"Well, you coming?" my thoughts were interrupted by Soran and I nodded my head.

He took my hand again and dragged me towards the tower.

"Ah, wait, there's no door-"

The words got stuck in my throat as I saw the boy walk right through the wall and as he was still pulling me after him, I too soon crossed the stone wall as if it was empty air. Illusion magic?.. When we passed to the other side, he let go of my hand and I arched my brow in surprise as I glanced around a big and spacious room.

The walls were lined with wooden panels and the furniture seemed to be made of wood and dark red material. It smelled like forest in here, a fresh and pleasant smell. I looked around in slight awe and the kid beside me smirked as he watched me.

"Wow," I breathed out. "How?.. How does this-"

"Big room fit into a small tower?" the kid asked mockingly and I nodded, feeling stupid for asking such a question. "Magic, little lady, magic."

"You can do this with magic?" I asked surprised and he nodded.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" he glared at me and then plopped down on a nearby armchair. "Now, tell me just how exactly did you get cursed by a dragon?"

"Hmm," I furrowed my brows and walked around the room, taking a look at the exquisite ornaments on the wooden wall panels and other decorations. "I was walking down the mountains from the Trarton Academy after graduating and then this dragon just- Is that a Mocad vase?!"

I halted by a medium sized vase on a small table and leaned closer to it, trying to determine if it really was an original. If it was, it was worth more than 500 gold coins. Five hundred!

"Hey, little lady, focus here!"

"Yeah, yeah, but is this real?" I asked squinting my eyes at the vase.

"No, it's a copy," Soran grumbled, "Now can we move on?"

"A copy," I mumbled disappointed. "But what a good one."

"Would you please concentrate?" Soran shot up and walked to me. His tone was rather demanding and I looked down at him surprised. "Tell me what happened."

"Ah, as I said," I furrowed my brows trying to recall those events. "I was walking and then a dragon fell down from the sky."

"What did he look like?"

"Um, all red and very big-"

"Tanek!" the boy breathed out and I nodded.

"Yeah, that was his name."

"And then?"

"He cursed me and died," I replied shrugging my shoulders. "And now I want that curse off my back."

"So, it is true," Soran noted and his eyes stared up at me. "But... but why did he choose you? I can't believe he gave his powers to someone like you!"

"Ah," I glanced away irritated. Here's another one who doubts Tanek's choices. "Great, welcome to the club."

"This is unbelievable," Soran whispered. "I heard about it, but I just... you, you... did anything strange happen to you lately?"

"Strange?" I cocked my brow. "Boy, everything's been strange ever since that day!"

"Any dizziness, sudden fatigue?"

"Um, sometimes?" I replied flabbergasted. How did he know I would feel all dizzy and woozy at times?

"What about fire magic?"

"Now that you mention it, the strength of my fire spells did increase very suddenly and the fire no longer burns me like before," I mused with my brows furrowed.

"What about dreams? Any strange dreams at all?"

"Oh, the dreams!" I exclaimed. "That's what I wanted to talk about. You see, I've been having these weird dreams where I turn into a bubble and meet that black huge dragon you called Jeth. Can I get rid of those? Maybe a potion or a spell?"

"Unbelievable!" the boy exclaimed staring up at me. "You were Dreamwalking?!"

"Yeah, that dragon said so too," I sighed. "So, anyways, how do I get rid of it?"

"Get rid of what?"

"That Dreamwalking thing?"

"That's impossible," Soran shook his head. "Tanek had given his power to you and now you are one of the Dragon race."

"Not you too!" I exclaimed shaking my head. "I'm not gonna turn into a dragon, I'm telling you! That's not possible!"

"Tell me, what's your name?" the kid asked as he passed by me and took a seat on a long dark red couch.

"Oh, sorry," I smiled sheepishly. How rude can I get? "I'm Aleta."

"Aleta?" Soran echoed and then let out a short chuckle. "How befitting."


"You don't know?" He arched a brow and when I shook my head, he let out a soft sigh. "In the demon tongue, it means 'the small winged one'."

"Oh," I furrowed my brows in thought. Winged one? Small? Why small?

"Aleta, what do you know about dragons?" Soran asked me and I shrugged my shoulders in bewilderment.

"Not much, really," I replied as I took a seat in front of him. The armchair was really comfy.

"There were many dragons soaring in the skies above Amyron until the Great Dragon Wars," Soran started. "No one knows how the war came to be, but it lasted over a hundred years until the last of the dragon race was killed. Or so the books say. In reality, there were two survivors, at least, as far as I know."


"They were known as Tanek the Dreamwalker, that would be the red dragon you had met, and Jeth the Elusive, the black one you have dreamed of," the kid continued and I furrowed my brows in thought. Jeth the Elusive? "They had leapt through an ancient portal into the realm of demons and I had not heard of them until only recently. A few weeks ago, Tanek came to visit me. That was right before his death as I understand it."

"Why did he come back?" I asked, cocking my head sideways. "He was hunted down, wasn't he?"

"Dragons had always been peaceful creatures. Peaceful, yet immensely powerful," Soran noted grimly. "Perhaps, their power was the reason for the war. Perhaps, humans feared them and loathed them for what they could do. Each of the Dragons had a special skill, ability, a gift. Tanek's was the Dreamwalking – the power to see into the past, the present and the future, the power to transcend time and space. When he came to me, he was perplexed by a strong vision he had seen."

"I suppose it was nothing good, huh," I commented and Soran nodded his head.

"He had seen Jeth destroying the entire Kingdom of Amyron and drowning it in flames. He had seen armies of demons and otherworldly beasts marching on human lands and burning them down to the ground."

"Whoah," I breathed out. "Not a very bright future for us."

"Yet, Tanek had always said that what one sees in the past is already a fact, but the future is prone to changes. He was sure he could still prevent it from happening. He planned to confront Jeth and either negotiate with him or kill him."

"He must have had a very big heart," I muttered. I would never go back to help humans, knowing they would pierce me with a magic arrow the moment they saw me.

"True. Now his legacy lies in you, Aleta," Soran said as he leaned forth. "For one reason or another, he saw something in you and he decided to entrust his mission to you. No one else, but you."

"Well, duh," I grimaced. "There was no one else around at that time. It's not like I was there on some divine purpose or led by fate."

"No, Aleta," Soran smiled at me. "But it is our choices that give reason and purpose to everything that happens around us and it is us that weave the threads of fate."

For a moment I stared at him flabbergasted. Some big words from an 8-year-old kid. Then, I let out a nervous chuckle. "Um, look, Mr. Soran, this is all very nice and interesting, but really, I am not sure what it is exactly that you mean to say."

Soran let out a sigh and leaned back to the couch. "Something has snapped in Jeth. He was never one to show mercy or kindness to humans, but now he is utterly lost in his hatred and loathe. Tanek must have failed in his negotiations. There is no way back now. Jeth the Elusive needs to be slain."

I remained silent and so Soran leaned forth again, staring me straight in the eyes, "Aleta, if we do not find a way to kill Jeth, he will eradicate us all. He will destroy the world as you know it."

"Well, how do you know that?" I shook my head, trying to shake off the bad feeling that I'll be somehow involved in all of this.

"Because Tanek had said so and you told me you had witnessed his frame of mind," Soran answered firmly and I whimpered.

"But still," I flailed my hands around in the air desperately. "Maybe we can talk it out or something, you know? And it's not like I can do something about it. He's a dragon, remember?"

"So are you."

"Argh, not again with this!" I shot up from the armchair and made a cross with my arms. "No way am I turning into a dragon! No way!"

"Aleta, listen to me!" Soran rose up too. "Aleta, your body is already going through changes. Headaches and dizziness, fatigue and limb pain are just the beginning. If you don't turn into a dragon by your own wish, your body and mind won't be able to adjust and you will experience fainting, loss of consciousness and even worse things until in the end, your body will assume the form of a dragon by itself. Trust me; it won't be a pleasant feeling."

"Ah," I frowned as I took in his words. "Is it really gonna be that bad?"

"Yes," Soran nodded his head. "But if you turn into a dragon on your own will, your powers will adjust to it automatically. Even your Dreamwalking skill will not bother you as randomly as till now. You will learn how to control it for your own purposes."

"You think?"

"No, Aleta. I am sure of it. You need to assume your dragon form as soon as possible," the blond boy explained to me patiently. "Do not worry, you will retain your human form as well. You will learn how to change into a dragon and then back to human in no time. It will come to you naturally."

"So," I paused thinking. "I'll be kind of... half-human and half-dragon?"

"What?" Soran furrowed his brows in confusion and I sighed.

"Never mind," I plopped down on the couch in defeat. "Is there no other way? Do I really absolutely and inevitably have to turn into a dragon?"

"Yes," Soran replied firmly. "You must do so in order to gain the powers and skills needed to slay Jeth."

"I don't think I'll be slaying anyone anytime soon," I retorted. "I mean, did you even see that huge thing? He is GINORMOUS!"

"Yes, I have seen Jeth before and it is not his size that matters," Soran mumbled. "Now, we need you to change into your dragon form."

"Even if you say so, I have no idea how," I rolled my eyes and slumped back in the couch.

"Hmm, I'm sure Ralph will have something," Soran noted. "We can't wait till your body tries to initiate it by itself. We have no time to lose."

"Who's Ralph?" I asked as I recalled the boy had mentioned him before too.

"He's an alchemist, an old acquaintance of mine," Soran said. "Come with me, I have a portal leading to his forest hut."

"He lives in the woods?"

"Why yes, he's an elf."

"An elf?!" I exclaimed as I shot up and followed after Soran. "For real? I get to meet an elf?!"

"Ah, the ignorance of not knowing," Soran mumbled as he glanced at me with derision. He led me out of the room, across a long corridor and down the stairs to what seemed to serve as a lobby and a portal room. There were portal circles drawn all around the room and I managed to count up to 14 of them.

"Where do they all lead?" I asked curiously and Soran shrugged as he halted by one of the portals.

"They're all connected to various places I frequent," he said. "This one leads to the forest near Ralph's hut. Just follow the path up ahead and you will arrive there in a few minutes."

"Wait, wait!" I turned to him taken aback. "Aren't you coming too?"

"Hm, let me think," he looked away in deep thought and then turned to me almost beaming. "Nope!"


"Just tell him I sent you and everything will be fine! Maybe."

"Maybe?" I exclaimed as he pushed me onto the circle drawn on the floor. "But, but what am I supposed to say to him?"

"That you need to turn into a dragon, what else?" Soran shook his head and mumbled some magical incantation that I was unable to decipher for I was already being transported into the unknown. 

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