The Prince and the Parchment

By etherium_rising

77 23 6

Prince Cassius of Voria has a lot of problems; training to inherit the crown, pleasing his overbearing mother... More

Chapter 2: Finnian
Chapter 3: Cassius
Chapter 4: Finnian
Chapter 5: Cassius
Chapter 6: Finnian
Chapter 7: Sophia
Chapter 8: Cassius

Chapter 1: Cassius

20 3 1
By etherium_rising

On a quite beautiful day in the middle of August, my chamber doors were thrown open to reveal a tall, intimidating figure: the King, also known as my father. He always found a way to dramatically burst into my room when he had something to discuss with me, or other important news to deliver. It was a habit that he simply couldn't shake. Then again it was always fun, at least until he burst in at inopportune times, such as when I'm barely clothed, standing in front of a mirror, preparing for a lavish bath.

As the doors flew open, I yelped and grabbed my robes, covering myself as quickly as possible. "Father!" I yelled. "Why don't you knock?"

"Why don't you lock your doors?" he sassed, disregarding my partial nudity and stepping closer, sky blue and white cloak dragging on the floor behind him.

I managed to finally cover myself fully. "What do you desire?"

"Esme sent me, naturally." He gave a small smirk, simply for the fact that he knew I would hate the next words that came out of his mouth. If Mother sent him, it was always the same.

"She's hosting another gathering," he said. "And of course, all the women in the land are invited, because apparently you can't get your act together and choose a princess to marry." He scoffed and rolled his eyes, though it wasn't at me. Father was on my side about this issue. On the other hand, he knew things that Mother didn't.

I tilted my head back and groaned loudly, dragging out my voice into something that was surely unbearable. "But, Father! That's the third time this quarter. Can't you spare me of another wretched ball?" I groaned and moaned on as I complained. Perhaps it would show him how truly hateful I was, though he already knew. "Can't I skip just one? I'm so tired of all the women and the dancing and the small cheese platters and the heavy clothes! It's atrocious." I threw myself onto my bed. Now if my mother was standing before me, I would have been torn from limb to limb verbally, but Father understood. Yet it still surprised me how he tolerated my fits. At least I cleaned up my act decently in front of others. This was the only true chance I had to throw myself down and cavil. My life was truly difficult.

Father groaned at my antics. "Cassius. Pick yourself off the floor and get ready. It's tonight."


"Yes, tonight. I am well aware that these situations are unpleasant, but please just entertain your mother. Dance with a few women. Make it at least seem like you might be interested."

"But how can I act so interested when I'm not?" My bottom lip stuck out.

"The same way you act interested in your geography lessons."

I groaned again. I wasn't that good at acting. How does a man court a woman he doesn't even find attractive? How does a man court someone that they wouldn't dream of spending a life with? It was all too much effort, and far too much thought.

"It doesn't matter," Father spat, then sighed. "Just make your appearance. The night will be over before you even realize. I'll see you before dusk." He then turned on his heels and took his leave before I had the chance to protest more. The doors shut behind him.

When would this nightmare end?

I slowly removed my robes once more and sunk down into the bathing pool. I now had peace and quiet, but I no longer had peace of mind.

Would Mother ever stop this torment? We'd been on this for about two years now. The moment I turned eighteen, all she seemed to care about was finding me a wife. A king needed his queen, after all, but did he really? There were much more important things to worry about, such as— I don't know— learning what I needed to do as a king. As silly as I'd admit to be, I took great pride in our kingdom and it's future. It laid on me, after all. The people would always come first. Either she didn't understand that, or it wasn't of her concern. Regardless, she should be as aware of it as I am. She was just as active in ruling the kingdom as my father was, yet she taught me nearly nothing, leaving my education and guidance to my father an other miscellaneous teachers. Those people were all fantastic, and took my teachings very seriously, but her lack of interest still aggravated me.

My thoughts wandered aimlessly, my irritation only following them. Curse dances and these social events. Curse these efforts. Curse my mother.

A gentle knock came on my door, a soft, light voice seeping through the cracks. "Your highness? Do you need assistance? King Raymond has been asking for you."

I opened my eyes, glancing at the window. The water had gotten rather cold, and the sun had sunk low unto the horizon; nearly dusk.

Dusk! My father had asked for me before dusk! Where did that time go? I'd barely even been here for a half hour— at least that was what I'd thought.

I leapt out of the bath, nearly slipping and cracking my head open on the stone floor, a new adrenaline coursing through me. "Cadence! Why didn't you come get me earlier?" I hurried for a towel, patting myself down and throwing on my undergarments. "Please, come help me!" How did the time slip by?

Cadence slipped inside as silent as a fox and gathered my royal garb. While I didn't enjoy wearing it, it was truly a work of art, the royal crest embroidered into the cape with fine detail; white against a shimmering light blue, each shade of the sky hidden within. Each piece sat well fitted against my chest. The design was truly impeccable, and I couldn't help but admire myself in the mirror for a mere moment as Cadence attached my sword to my belt.

She then took my crown, barely touching the silver with her fingers beneath it. "Cassius, sir, could you please?" She presented it to me; a simple ring of spiked silver perfectly fitted to my head.

I knelt onto one knee. She was too short to reach my head when I stood straight, and I rather enjoyed having it placed upon me rather then putting it on myself. Plus, it amused Cadence that I would kneel for her. I couldn't deny her a smile.

She set the crown onto my head with utmost care, a grin crossing her silly face. "You're ready, your highness." She gave a little curtsy as I stood once more. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, Cadence. Thank you." I turned to her and flashed a charming smile. "You are dismissed."

She performed a deeper curtsy, a small pink tone rising to her cheeks, then took her leave from my quarters.

With haste, I found my own way out and down the long, barren halls of the east wing towards the ballroom. The distant sound of music and hubbub travelled throughout the castle and into my ears. The extravagant party had already started.

Naturally, I was fashionably late.

"Prince Cassius of Voria!" The steward's voice boomed throughout the ballroom, announcing my arrival just so every soul could stop and stare at me, though I didn't mind the grand gesture. Seeing the smiles of so many people always tickled me. The admiration was intoxicating.

The orchestra slowed their song as I descended the grand staircase. I would be the only one they did this for, as they knew me well enough to know that I enjoyed the thematic effect. The only grander than me were the king and queen themselves, seated on the opposite end of the room in their thrones, a staircase leading up to them as well. To be perched higher gave them a grand scope of the event, and grand scope of me and my pursuits. Mother was always watching, so I had to be diligent with my time. Father could care less— for he was always entertaining the guests— but I could never escape her eye.

So I smiled and waved for our subjects, guests, and whoever else was there from whatever part of our land that they may have hailed. Once my foot hit the floor, the music once again sped up, and everyone returned to dancing.

The room was filled with a rainbow of different colors, each dress standing out in its own right. Cobalt, shades of the sunset, green, you name it, and it was there. Even the more modest ladies from our kingdom had dresses of beauty, creating a more refined image of themselves, and I could not deny that they were all beautiful. Many ladies that had come to previous balls made a reappearance. Noble colors drifted across the floor, though not many of them had arrived yet. I was sure to have to entertain Vlyadmir's daughter, who had determined that I was the only suitable company up to par with her standards, or any of the other noble girls. A few had given up hope that I may play into their arms, which was the rightful thing to do, as none of these people had any place in my heart. None of them would.

I'd met every noble daughter in our realm, and none of them appealed. Then we expanded our search to the commoners, whom I found none to my appeal either. Mother had continued these fruitless pursuits, holding ball after ball, hanging on a prayer that I may find a woman suitable enough to become my wife, but to no avail.

So I danced with the noble girls, and with the commoners and with the artisans. I entertained each face with my presence, eliciting a smile or laugh where I could, making some giddy., some solemn when I moved on to someone else. With many I spoke of trivial things, such as how far they'd travelled, where they'd gotten their dress, and what their favorite dish was. If there was one benefit to this hopeless endeavor, it was that I got to know my subjects well; it was something I would value when I became king.

Guests kept trailing in throughout, one after the other. One eye stayed fixed on the grand staircase, desperately looking for someone new or entertaining enough to draw myself too.

The steward's voice once again took over the room, drowning out the music for but a brief moment. Time seemed to slow as the music did. "Princess Sophia of the Realm of Dyluth!"

I turned my head to get a look at her, expecting her to be just another woman of moderate interest, only to be completely awestruck.

She was possibly the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on. Princess Sophia, clad in a dress of purple and black, presented herself not like a princess, but like a queen. Her long, dark blond hair framed her face as an image of perfection. Atop her head set a crown encrusted with rubies and gold, only befitting of such a perfect image. Each step she took down was filled with so much grace that for a moment, I questioned if she was human. How could so much poise lie within a person?

I closed my mouth, blinked a few times, and approached her, attempting not to stumble over my own feet.

She was even more beautiful up close. Her features were perfectly highlighted, as if she were a living painting, though I'd never seen a painting as grand as her. Her smile pierced a hole through me.

Unlike my entrance, the music did not speed up once more. It remained at the same tempo, granting me a perfect opportunity. I gave a small bow, careful not to let my crown slip off my head. I smiled down at her, a tint of nervousness creeping into my voice. "Princess Sophia. It is a true honor to be in your presence. I am Prince Cassius of Voria."

She performed a flawless curtsy, bowing her head slightly. "The pleasure is mine, your highness."

"I insist, you may call me Cassius."

A small giggle came from her. "Well, then, Cassius, you may simply call me Sophia."

I extended my hand to her. "Dare I ask this so soon, and so bold of me, but may I have this dance?" I tilted my gaze to her in an attempt to seem more charming.

Her brows heightened along with her voice. "Dare I say yes?"

I chuckled. "I would recommend it. I've been told that I'm a good dancer."

She gently placed her hand in mine. "I suppose I'll have to find that out myself."

I led her further out to the floor, engaging in a traditional dance— we faced different direction, palms coming together in the middle. She was light on her feet: as light as when she'd first come down. It was evident that she'd been given many lessons, as I had, though she was far more graceful than me. I would conclude to pin that on the fact that she was a woman. There were many simple facts of life, and one of them was that women were on the much more graceful side of the coin. She was the pinnacle of that superiority.

We exchanged glances, and as we drew closer, I couldn't help but ask about her. "It isn't often that we get visitors from other realms. What brings you here, or do you grace us with your presence simply to dance?"

"My father has actually sent me on a diplomatic trip to Voria in place of my brother. We are wishing to discuss trade between us. I'm surprised you haven't been informed of my arrival." Her brow lifted in the slightest.

So Mother and Father had invited a guest for negotiations and hadn't told me about it? How strange indeed. It was rare that they didn't tell me of these things. Or perhaps they had just forgotten. Many things were on their plates, so it wouldn't have been the strangest thing they've done.

"My dearest apologies, Princess Sophia. Sometimes news is delayed. I'm glad to know that you'll be staying. We have the finest guest quarters, and our staff is simply wonderful. I can assure that you will be most welcomed."

"I'm glad to hear that. I hope your parents and I can reach a fair agreement."

The enchantment that I had been previously afflicted with dissipated into thin air, yet I wasn't sure why. If she was on a diplomatic mission, by herself nonetheless, her intelligence was certainly incredible. Her beauty had not changed from when she first entered, and she entertained my antics enough. Yet, my gravity towards her was gone as fast as it had arrived. There was no apparent reason that I could pinpoint, and it made me sweat trying to decipher it.

Regardless, Sophia seemed to be a truly amazing person. Perhaps I just needed to get to know her better. Then again, she wasn't here for the same reason I was. Perhaps we could just be friends? I would surely be working with her in the future, if not tomorrow alongside Mother and Father.

The very last of the magic of the situation faded away, as did the dance. As we separated, the last sliver of hope I had left towards finding someone among this crowd slithered away, forever disappearing into the dark, far far away.

I truly would never find a wife.

I hope you enjoyed! Please feel free to vote and leave a comment! It brings me so much joy when people leave comments, even if it's something silly. I gotta know if you want more!

- Etherium

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