Supernatural One Shots

By mylittlelove19

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I don't own any of the characters. I write the story line based off ideas I have had on my own, or imagines/o... More

Ghost Facers
Drunk John
Dean saves you
Dean and Bobby
Nightmares (Sam)
Cass interrupts
Wearing his flannel (Dean)
Texting Pictures
Reuniting (Sam and Dean)
Surprise Actions (Dean)
Drinking with Dean
Hey Sam.
Lonely Video Call (Dean)
Fighting with Dean
Reasons (Sam)
Shadow (Dean)
Trouble Sleeping (Dean)
Sweet Pie (Dean)
Finding Sam and Dean
Your Old T-Shirt
News at a funeral (Dean)
Let me forget (Sam)
Broken Hearted (Dean)
Lies (Dean)
Jo joins Training
Almost Sam
John (Dean)
Hey Jude (Dean)
Fooling myself (Dean)
Before we had a chance.
I hate witches Pt. 1 (Dean)
I hate witches Pt. 2 (Dean)
Can't hide it (Dean)
Bad Fight (Dean)
I hate you, but I love you
I hate you, but I love you Pt. 2
Done with you (Part one)
Done with you (Part Two)
Just a sad song
Jo (Dean)
Team Free Will rescues (Dean)
Note from me.
Journal (Dean)
Scary movie night (Dean)
Just a fool.
Because (Dean)
Personal Elephant (Dean)
Missing (Dean)
Update from me
Used to be Dean Pt. 1
Used to be Dean (Pt. 2)
Lee Webb's Daughter (Dean Request)
Truth Spell (Dean)
After Hell (Dean)
Before we had a chance Pt. 2
Before we had a chance Pt. 3
A choice (Dean)
A choice pt. 2 (Dean)
Purgatory pt. 2

Purgatory pt. 1

212 2 0
By mylittlelove19

Dean is your best friend: though you have felt more for a long time. But he vanishes after taking out Dick Roman, leaving you spiraling.

Part two will pick up where this leaves off, and have smut.

Warning: none? Leviathans, purgatory?

You POV (As Alivia)
Dean had such vengance in his eyes as we approached the building. The latest blow of losing Bobby was hard and taking its toll on him whether he will admit it or keep trying to bury it. The amount of rage he was about to unleash while seeming so calm had me a little worried.

We have been fighting to save everyone from these damn Leviathans for what feels like a year. So, we are charging their building.

Meg was actually taking one for the team and taking on the ones outside. Leaving me, Sam, Dean and Cas to head inside.

Once inside, we ran into a problem immediately. Every person inside looked like Dick Roman. They were just doing normal things so we wouldn't know which was which.

After a second Cas realized he could tell which were fakes and which one was the true one we were after. So we slipped down the halls unnoticed, looking for the real asshole.

"Hey. Guys...." Sam whispered and gestured toward the room in front of us.

We looked in and my heart dropped to the floor. There was poor Kevin Tran.

"Oh no." I gasped softly.

"I'll get him." Sam said.

So, the rest of us pushed on. Dean and Cas ready to stick with our plan, trusting Sam to save Kevin.

We found him.

It felt like a flash and I was watching Cas grab Dick's head and Dean was stabbing him through the throat. But Dick was smirking.

Sam and Kevin appeared next to me in the doorway as this energy field started pulsing off the Leviathan leader. I started panicking; something wasn't right. I tried to call out to Dean, but Dick exploded. Sam spun around, blocking Kevin and me from the guts of the creature.

But when we turned around, the room was now empty. No Dean. No Cas. No Dick Roman.

"Dean?!" I yelled and started looking around, so did Sam.
Kevin said we needed to go before the other creatures came.

Then Crowley was there. He and Sam were talking back and forth but I couldn't even focus on what they were saying. I was looking around for Dean, as if he would suddenly appear where I had looked.

Then in a blink Kevin and Crowley were both gone. Crowley stole him.

"Liv, hey, focus." Sam said, getting me to come out of my fear filled thoughts.

"Right. Sorry. What now?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

He sighed. "We need to get out of here. We need to go."

"What about Dean? Where the hell did he go? Or Cas?" I demanded.

He shook his head, running his hand through his hair. "I have no idea. But they obviously are not here. So, we need to go. Alright?"

I reluctantly agreed, only because he had a point that Dean obviously wasn't here anymore.

To my total disbelief, Sam gave up. He took Baby and he just left. I told him we needed to look for Dean. Instead, he left. He walked away.

I have spent six months looking for answers to where the hell Dean could be. To where he would end up. To what the hell even happened.

Finally, I got an answer from Crowley of all people. He paid me a visit to tell me to quit killing his demons and he made a comment that made something click for me.

He said, "No use in being after the leviathan leader. Dick Roman is where all creatures go when they die, my dear. He is in purgatory."

My eyes snapped to his. And I think he saw the gears turning in my mind. I pictured in my head what happened that day. "Dean and Cas were within that weird energy as it was coming off of him. Could he have taken them with him?"

He made a 'huh that makes sense' face and shrugged, "I suppose it could be possible, love. Perhaps that's why nobody has been able to locate Dean or Castiel."

I huffed, "How do I get there? How can I get to purgatory?"

He chuckled and shook his head, taking a step closer to me. "Dear, I know you care for Squirrel but that is madness."

I glared at him as angrily as I have ever done. "Can you help me get there, or do I need to have someone else help me?"

He huffed, surprisngly seeming to soften at my desperation, "I suppose I could call on one of my reapers and ask them to get you there. But surely you realize that since the clever Winchester is not back home that there isn't likely a way to get out without help. It would be only a trip there, not there and back."

I nodded, "I don't care. I can't leave him there."

He agreed, "As you wish, dear."

He called on a reaper. Who reluctantly did what he was told and got me in.

I was in a dark and gloomy world. Instantly there was growling and hissing. I spun and there were two vamps coming my way. I grabbed the machette I brought and fought.

I wandered some and fought off about a dozen monsters before Cas was in front of me. I smiled hugely and threw my arms around him. "Cas! Oh my God! I'm so happy to see you again. Where's Dean?" I pulled back.

He tilted his head at me. "Alivia, why are you here? What did you do?"

I inhaled deeply and sighed, "I came for Dean. I got some help and here I am. Where is he?" I started to get worried that he had been mobbed and killed by a group of monsters.

He frowned, "Here, come with me. They can sense both of us, and we need to get you safe."

He grabbed my shoulder when I hesitated. Then we were in front of my favorite person in the entire world. Or rather I was. Alone.

Those green eyes were dark, he was filthy. But God was it so damn good to see him. As he processed that I was standing there in front of him, his eyes grew wide and he lowered his weapon.

There was another man next to him who half followed his lead, but kept it ready to attack me if the need presented itself.

Cas had never appeared next to me based on the confusion on Deans face.

"Liv? What the hell are you doing here?" He sounded conflicted. Like he was angry, surprised, and happy to see me here.

I sighed with relief, because I finally found him. "Dean. I had to come for you."

He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me against him in a flash. He held me against him and inhaled deeply.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest.

But then he pulled back again and gave me a stern look. "What are you doing here?"

I had to fight rolling my eyes. "I'm here for you. I uh, got some help from Crowley and a reaper. I just had to find you. Then I was here... and Cas found me and brought me to you."

He got more interested when I mentioned his angel friend. "You saw him?! Where did he go?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. But he brought me here then he was gone again. He found me and said I needed to get somewhere safer and not be alone. God, I cannot believe you've been here all this time."

He rubbed his face, "How long have I been gone?"

The pain hit me again, reliving the nights crying and worrying. "About six months."

He nodded slowly, looking me over for a minute before he glanced at his friend. "Oh, shit. Right. Uh, Liv, this is Benny. Benny this..."

"This is Alivia? My, my, it's nice to meet you, Alivia. I have heard a lot about you from Dean." He stuck his hand out.

So I took it in mine, and I instantly knew that he wasn't human. I glanced at my friend who nodded and said, "He's why I'm still alive, Liv. Okay? He's cool. Promise."

"I am. I swear." Benny assured me as he let go of my hand.

I nodded and gave him a soft smile. "Alright. If you're cool with Dean then you're cool with me."

They filled me in. They have been looking for Cas. Trying to get him so they could all go to this doorway that humans can get through.

"He left because while they can sense me being human, the creatures here can sense him even more. So he's stayed away to keep me safe." Dean explained calmly.

I huffed, "Well had I known I would've held onto his hand and made him stay so we could all get going on this a little sooner."

We were stormed by a group of five leviathans. God I haven't missed these creepy suckers. We fought them all off and killed all five before they got to us.

Benny looked at me and chuckled lightly, "Dean was right about you. You sure can handle your own against evil."

I blushed, and so did Dean. "I take that as a huge compliment from both of you. So, thanks."

I started getting tired after a while. I haven't slept the best the last six months without knowing where Dean was or if he was alive.

He noticed my sleepy state and found a little place, almost like a cave. "Let's stop for a few hours. Take turns on watch and each get some rest." He commented.

Benny nodded, "I'll take first watch. You guys go on in."

Dean lead the way into the rock space. He propped up against the wall and patted the ground next to him.

I sat and leaned my head on the wall behind us and turned to look at him. He looked so tired and ready for some sort of relief. "Dean, it is so damn good to see you. I was so worried for the last six months that you might not even be alive."

He turned and locked eyes with me. Our faces within a foot of each other. He smiled at me and hummed slightly, "It is damn amazing to see you again, Liv. I had no idea how much time had gone by. I wasn't sure I'd ever get out, or if I'd see you again. You're so amazingly stupid for coming here."

His chuckle made me giggle, "Yeah, Crowley said the same thing. I had to find you."

He leaned his head on mine for a minute, then pulled back and patted his leg. "Here, lay down and sleep for a little while. I'm here now. Alright? You know I won't let anything get you."

I smiled, all my extra feelings about him boiling to the surface. "Thanks, Dean. I know you'll keep me safe, you always have." I laid down, resting my head on his thigh.

His arm went across my shoulder and rested down my side. It felt like home.

I slept for a little while, but knowing we weren't somewhere even remotely safe only let me get a little while. When I woke up Dean was still sleeping. He must not get too much rest. I slowly got up and went out to Benny.

"Hey there, darlin'." He greeted me with a smile.

"Hi. Thanks for letting us rest. You can go in and take your turn. I'm good now."

He lifted an eyebrow, "I'm not sure Dean would want me to leave you out here on your own."

I raised an eyebrow but then nodded in agreement. That would definitely be Deans reaction. "Alright, well I'm going to sit with you while he gets some more sleep."

"Okay. Be my guest. But I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to go back in there." His tone hinted at something more being between me and Dean.

"Benny, he and I are just friends. We're like family after all these years."

He gave me a 'yeah right' face but didn't push it. "If you say so, darlin'. I don't know many friends that would risk coming to purgatory not knowing there was a way out."

I shrugged, "He's my best friend. And I know he would do the same for me. He never would've stopped looking for me. It's not a big deal. We stick together."

He nodded with a smirk, "I just... get a feeling there's more there. He talked about you like you were the best person he knew. He looks at you differently than he looks at me. And you two have this energy. But hey, that's just my view."

I laughed but decided to change the subject. "How long have you been here?"

He sighed with a soft chuckle. "Far too long to know. I died a long time ago." He sounded like he didn't want to talk about it.

So I asked, "How did you and Dean get paired together? It isn't like him to work with a vampire. No offense, because you're pretty awesome."

He laughed again, shaking his head slightly. "None taken, sweetheart. I found him, and helped him take out some nasty people like myself. Then we talked. I told him about the way out. Now we're lookin' for the angel and Dean's going to get me out of here."

I nodded along, "I'm glad he found someone to have his back here."

He spoke up, "It goes both ways. We need each other. I won't pretend I don't need him to..."

He was interrupted by Dean's voice. "Alivia?!" Then the sound of movement before Dean came out of the little cave looking for me. I watched his entire body relax as he saw me sitting with Benny.

"Relax, Dee. I'm right here. I'm okay." I assured him, but slightly teased.

He came over and sat next to me, a little closer than needed. Benny gave me a subtle glance. "Sorry. I woke up and you were gone. That's never been a good sign in my life, here that's even worse."

I nudged him playfully. "It's alright. Sorry I worried you. I've been getting to know Benny more."

Benny stood up. "I'm going to take my turn to rest. I'll see you guys in a while."

I tried to stay focused on keeping watch but I found myself glancing at Dean a lot. He was focused on watching for trouble; but kept close to me.

"Dee, I'm glad that you're alive." I eventually said casually as I looked around.

He turned to look at me, and smiled softly. He put an arm around my shoulders. "It's going to take more than a few monsters in purgatory to take me out."

I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad for that. When I finally figured out where you were, I just knew I had to come here and find you. I couldn't let you be here all alone."

He laughed and rested his head on mine, "That's why you're my favorite girl. You're the best friend a guy could ever ask for. I wish you hadn't put yourself in danger by coming here, though."

He was so damn sweet.

"I know. I figured you wouldn't like it very much. But I had to try. You'd do the same for me if I had been the one standing too close to Dick." I said softly.

He nodded. "You have a point. Uh, what about Sammy?"

I got up and paced away from him, putting him on alert. He followed me, grabbing my hand and making me focus on him. "Liv, hey, what's wrong with Sam?"

"Nothing. Well, as far as I know. He took off. I called him a hundred times a month. But nothing. I don't know where he is or what he's doing."

His jaw flexed but then he shook it off. "Alright. It's fine, Liv. I'm glad you stuck by my side even when I wasn't there."

There was a rustling near by that broke up our conversation. I spun around and pulled out my blade. Dean did the same with his awesome blade. Three more leviathans came charging out at us.

"Son of a bitch." I grumbled.

We charged at them. One of them threw me. I let out a small yelp as I slammed into a tree. It hurt like a bitch. My shoulder and knee felt busted. But I pushed forward.

Benny came running out, hearing the commotion I'm sure.

I tried to go head to head with the one who threw me because she was walking at me. But when I tried to swing my blade my shoulder hurt horribly and I couldn't.

She smirked when she realized I couldn't defend myself. As she backed me up, Benny came up behind her and took her out.

Dean rushed over to me after killing the other two. "Liv, hey, you alright?"

I sighed, "Yeah I'll be fine. Bitch threw me against the damn tree. Caught my shoulder and knee. I'll be alright."

He looked at my shoulder. "Shit. It's dislocated."

I sighed and dropped my blade, "Alright. Let's take care of it, then."

Benny looked at me like I was crazy.

Dean grabbed my arm and placed the other hand above the shoulder socket. "On three... One.." he popped it back in with a small crack sound.

I made a small squeak sound but took a deep breath. "Thanks, Dee." I felt a little light headed.

He put the hand from my shoulder to my lower back gently, "Breathe, Liv. Let's get moving again. Okay? You ready?"

I nodded and reached down with my good arm to grab my blade. "Yeah, let's go. We should go find cas to go home."

Benny raised an eyebrow, "Whoa. You're tough, Alivia." He complimented me.

I waved him off. "It had to be done. Would've been worse to leave it."

Dean babied me as I tried to hide the slight wobble of my knee. I think he could tell it was still hurting me but he let me pretend I was fine for now.

It felt like weeks and weeks before we found Cas. Maybe it had been longer.

Dean and I always slept on the same shift, and took watch together to let Benny get some rest. Cas is going to get us to the door and go through with us - per Dean's demand.

I was walking around ahead of them with Benny to let Dean have a moment with Cas. "You know, I think I was right about you and Dean." Benny said with a small chuckle.

I raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think that?"

He gave me a face. "Alivia, I have seen people who are married who are less in love than you and Dean. You two... you just seem to fit together. You watch out for each other. He watches you in awe and you do the same with him. I don't understand why neither of you will admit it's there."

I glanced back at Dean and Cas for a second, they were in an intense whispered conversation. I smiled, "I guess there's always been more there for me, but I don't know how to say it. He's my best friend."

"Well once we're all out of here maybe that'll be your chance."

"Yeah, maybe I will. I can tell him once we're in a calmer and safer place. I mean, we're so close that I don't think it would ruin anything."

We came to a spot that we could take a break. There was water. And we had some shelter. So I paused with Benny waiting for Cas and Dean to catch up the small space they were behind.

Dean and Cas quit talking as they got closer. Dean gave me a small smile. "Ready to get some rest, Liv?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

He grabbed my hand and lead me in to the more protected area. Secretly I was hoping he wouldn't let go. He sat and pulled me down next to him.

I laid down and put my head on his lap, and he wrapped his arm around my waist like always. He held me tightly, then he leaned down and kissed my head. "Rest, Livy. I'm always here to keep you safe." His rough voice is always a comfort.

I put my hand on his and whispered back, "Thanks, Dean. You're the best."

God I love when we have time like this. This is one of the few times we are actually alone and have this connection and it keeps me holding onto hope. Plus the way Benny talks about me and Dean. He tells me about how Dean looks at me, how he watches out for me, and the way he protects me. Then he mentions how I blush around Dean and the bond we have. It's hard to not wonder if Benny knows something about Dean feeling more about me.

When I woke up I wasn't on his lap anymore. Instead I was on the ground with his arm tucked under my head and his body next to mine, holding me safe and close. I smiled to myself and didn't move. I was going to hold on to this closeness as long as I could.

It was only for a little while, maybe twenty minutes later he stirred. He stiffened slightly, then he groaned and rubbed my arm gently. "Livy, hey, wake up. We should let Benny have a turn."

I pretended to just wake up and stretched. "Hey, right, sorry. I usually don't sleep too long."

He chuckled and smoothed my hair after I sat up and he copied me. "It's alright. Soon you can sleep all you want. Right?" He commented, referring to us getting out of here.

I smiled, "Yeah, that's the plan. I think we should just sleep the entire first day that we're home again."

He stood up and offered me his hand. He laced our fingers together when I was standing next to him; making me smile. But when we got out to Cas and Benny, Benny gave Dean a look and Dean subtly dropped my hand to grab out his blade. "It's your turn, Benny."

He nodded, "Thanks."

Cas was standing near me as Dean walked around the place looking for any danger. Cas cleared his throat and looked at me, "Why are your thoughts so full of Dean holding your hand?"

I blushed. And looked around to see if Dean was close enough to hear. Thankfully he wasn't within ear shot for a whispering voice. I sighed, "Let's not talk about that, Cas. And we have talked about you reading our minds. It's an invasion of privacy, remember?"

He nodded, "Right, of course. I just, don't understand why you don't tell him that you like when he holds your hand. It seems to make you happy."

I nodded, "Yeah, I suppose it really does. He doesn't need to know, okay? It's not something we talk about."

"So, you both obviously know it then, and have feelings. But you don't talk about them? Why?"

I laughed, "It's not both of us, well I guess maybe he has figured it out recently. But we don't because it could complicate things. Alright? We're amazing friends. And we work together."

Then Dean walked over so I gave Cas a look, hopefully telling him to shut up. "When Benny's done resting, it should be our last stop."

Cas nodded, "It's probably about a day, possibly a little more, away from here."

That was music to my ears. We were going to get out of here, finally. It's been so long since I got here to get Dean. "I can't wait to be Earth-side again." I said as I scanned the tree line.

"I'm ready to sleep and eat normally." Dean commented, making me laugh.

"When we get back we are going to get you a fresh apple pie." I teased him.

His eyes lit up, "That's why youre my favorite girl."

I looked over at Cas and he looked at me then Dean, then back at me and raised his eyebrows.

The next day, or as best as we can measure days here, we saw it. The little tear in the realm that would get us home. Dean did his thing with getting Benny's soul in his arm; which freaked me out.

Then we were chased by leviathans. Dean picked me up and practically threw me through the doorway. I looked around, I was home. Then Dean was next to me. No Cas.

"What happened? Where's Cas?" I asked frantically.

Dean looked at me and looked like he was in pain. I knew instantly that something was really wrong. Cas didn't get out. "I'm sorry. I failed. I had him and my hand slipped. Dammit. I failed him."

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