Lament (Sebastian Sallow)

By EllaSallow

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In the year 1900, Penelope Silverthorn returns to Hogwarts after eight years of leaving only to find herself... More

Lament (Sebastian Sallow)
Chapter 1: Floor -4
Chapter 2: Professor Sallow
Chapter 3: Luna, The Dog
Chapter 4: Percy
Chapter 5: P.S (P.S)
Chapter 6: Sebastian's Journal
Chapter 7: Pen, Get It?
Chapter 9: Cecil's Red Flags
Chapter 10: Professor Sallow's Distraction
Chapter 11: Sebastian's Grudge
Chapter 12: A Summer Fling
Chapter 13: A Drunken Owl
Chapter 14: I Think I'm Drunk
Chapter 15: Sister-In-Law
Chapter 16: Prewett's Legacy
Chapter 17: Coach Sallow
Chapter 18: Time For A Proper Welcome Back
Chapter 19: The Rabid Fiancée
Chapter 20: At What Cost?
Chapter 21: The Undercroft
Chapter 21 1/2: Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 22: Missed Me, Britain?
Chapter 23: Poppy's Reflection
Chapter 24: Matching Rings
Chapter 25: Sebastian's (Dis)Respect
Chapter 26: Professor Sallow's Office
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 1
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 2
Chapter 28: Did Merlin Do This Too? *
Chapter 29: Dreams Show Signs *
Chapter 30: Sebastian's Nemesis
Chapter 31: Professor Sallow's Outburst
Chapter 32: Restricted Section, Restricted Things *

Chapter 8: We're All Parentless

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By EllaSallow

Albus "Percy" Dumbledore, 1900.

Chapter 8: We're All Parentless

"Argh, what?" Penelope Silverthorn whined out in a crunch tone from her awake.

The feathers flapped, sending air over Penelope and making her wake up fully at the sight of an owl.

Good morning, Miss Silverthorn.

We were informed last Faculty Meeting that you'll visit the affected students in St Mungos as soon as possible.

I should meet you at the south exit of the castle passing the wooden bridge.

See you soon.


Penelope sighed.

Even if she wanted to sleep in, it was impossible. It wasn't uncaring of her to think that way, but ever since her stay at Hogwarts, sleep felt odd. Night terrors were affecting her, but she didn't bring it up. They always happened when she was in places where trauma was experienced.

Penelope slipped on a tight pastel long sleeve with ruffles over the neck. The color green on it was fainted, but it still made her feel casual, along with brown pants.

"A skirt to the hospital isn't very ideal," Penelope murmured to herself at the thought, "Or is it?"

Gathering the familiar brown journal and a beige bag to depart, Penelope took a breath, flowing over the Floo Powder in the fireplace of her room, and disappeared away.

Penelope almost tripped at the appearance over the Clock Tower. She was lucky it wasn't class day or else students would've witnessed her chaos of not knowing how to travel properly.

"Oh, you have to be kidding me," Penelope protested at the sight of Percy Dumbledore standing at the opposite end of the wooden bridge.

Penelope stood there for a minute, wand tapping over her pants and eyes narrowing at the far-end.

Percy Dumbledore blinked once at the sight of Penelope Silverthorn appearing feet away from him in seconds. His eyes blinked twice to ensure he missed something.

"Did you just appear out of..."

"A talent of mine," Penelope breathed out at the dodging, "Bit exhausting, but I wasn't feeling the walk."

"Oh, I apologize, I should've—"

"It's alright, no worries," Penelope cut in, "Sorry for the late arrival. I almost forgot the destinations of the Floo." She laughed nervously.

"No need to apologize, Miss Silverthorn. Did you sleep well?" Percy asked, looking down at his watch as if he was waiting for someone else.

No, I never sleep well. Penelope thought, but she didn't want to ruin the conversation over her struggles.


"Insomniac too?"

Penelope let down her shoulders, nodding, "Yes. You too?"

Percy altered himself at the questioning, and shrugged, "I've had a pretty rough few years, but nothing severe."

Penelope Silverthorn wondered what Percy's life was like. She had only met him a few times and didn't know much. She knew Sebastian Sallow held more information than she did, but the chances of asking him were at zero.

Penelope opened her mouth, wanting to question Percy's concerns, but before she could attempt a word, another third person joined the team.

It was only September. The weather was a nice contrast between the beginning of autumn weather and the end of summer, making the temperature in-between for dressing up and debating sweats or chills.

Sebastian Sallow dressed in a thin collared shirt, thin enough to not produce sweat over the shining sun, and beige pants that ensemble his figure.

The man was handsome. Everyone knew that.

Penelope Silvethorn knew that. She dated him.

Penelope froze at the sight, the abrupt arrival of Professor Sallow becoming unguarded. What were the odds, again?

"Professor Sallow, I debated whether you were joining us this morning or not. I know you're busy—"

"I am," Sebastian answered Percy while adjusting the sleeves of the white shirt, "But in the evening."

"And do not forget we have dinner with my parents this weekend, Sebastian. Mandatory." Cecil Greengrass's voice echoed through Penelope's head.

Why do I remember this? It was none of my business that Sebastian Sallow had dinner with his fiancée's parents this weekend. None of my business at all.

"Miss Silverthorn, I hope you do not mind the extra hand. It's usually common for Professor Sallow to take notes during our trips and observations. He's quite expertise in that." Percy introduced to her.

Penelope felt like there was a hair stuck in her throat. It was all in her head, but she remembered clearing her throat like two times at the presence.

"Hm, no, not minding at all." Penelope faked a smile, avoiding Sebastian's face.

Again, Penelope then took the realization that she was holding onto Sebastian's journal in her hand. If she had known that he would bloody be there, there wouldn't have been a more obvious place to hold it, but now it was too late.

"Oh, uh," Penelope brought up the journal at him, "I presume you'll want this back for note-taking,"

Sebastian kept one hand inside a pant pocket while the other stayed on his side as he spoke to Penelope.

"No need. I have a spare." Sebastian commented, "You might need it for note-taking yourself."

Penelope just nodded.

How ironic that she had just gotten permission to write in Sebastian Sallow's journal after the last paper she wrote on years ago was gone.

Get over, Pen. It's 1900 now.

"Right," Percy Dumbledore's vibrant voice disrupted the awkward silence between the two adults, "Very well then. Shall we go? I have a Portkey to St. Mungos." He held the silver watch.

Penelope tucked over a strand of her thick hair behind her ear and put away the journal on her side, nodding.

And Sebastian watched her do the littlest things from feet away.

"Fingers here," Percy directed, placing the Portkey between all of them, "Get close."

With a crack, the trio apparated.

Penelope could still remember the uncomfortable feel, the body pulling, and the breathless take on apparation. She had never gotten used to the sensation of teleportation.

The air inside St. Mungo's was a unique mixture of scents. The typical hospital smell of disinfectant and disinfectant was present, but it was tempered by a faint, but pleasant odor of magic.

All three Hogwarts visitors watched injured wizards entered with levitating beds, or on their own two feet, seeking treatment for injuries ranging from mild cuts and bruises to complex curses and powerful hexes.

Penelope felt an uneasiness from the setting. She hoped she wasn't there for long.

Percy Dumbledore walked to the nearest front desk, beginning to speak with the nurses for the students.

Penelope Silverthron and Sebastian Sallow stood there uncomfortably, the familiar visions of being here as teenagers reflecting over them as they awkwardly took in the silence. Only the voices of the hospital were ringing.

There was a gesture from Percy before Penelope followed behind along with Sebastian. The trio walked side to side as they ignored the chaotic feel of the eerie place.

"Have you ever been here before, Miss Silverthorn?" Percy asked, breaking the silence within the walk.

Penelope parted her lips, about to answer, but Percy chuckled as they made a turn on the first floor.

"Merlin, what am I saying? I believe you've had your fair share of visits here in your Hogwarts years."

Penelope gave out a half-smile, "I did, actually. Only less than five fingers. Nothing severe." She answered.

Professor Sallow stood silent for a moment, redirecting his mind on the spare visits he'll give Penelope Silverthorn years behind. He would get so worried for her and couldn't help, but visit her the fifth year.

"Professor Sallow, I never asked," Percy directed the question to him.

"It varied. I was here for my twin sister. She was sick at the time." Sebastian answered firmly.

My twin sister.

Anne Sallow.

Penelope wanted to glaciate, reminding herself that it wasn't only Sebastian Sallow she hadn't seen for years. There were friendships, animals, and love she left behind.

Penelope began to wonder how Anne Sallow was doing. There would be several occasions throughout the years where she'll think about her, then think about her twin brother. Curiosity stayed put.

"How about you?" Penelope joined the topic, asking it back to Percy.

Percy shuffled a little between his walk and sighed, keeping a firm smile as he spoke his truth.

"Dozens of times. I believe the last true reason I was here, besides the students, was for my younger sister, Ariana," Percy admitted, "She passed away last year."

Penelope felt her heart sink, beginning to regret even back-throwing the question at him, but she closed her eyes.

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that, Percy." Penelope exhaled at him. "I wasn't aware-"

"All well," Percy shook it off, "I've been through lots of obstacles in my life, but without them, I wouldn't be where I am today." He kept the contagious smile.

There was a moment that Penelope turned at the teenager and was ready to babble out questions about his life, but in a split second, she saw Sebastian gesture a finger at her, out of Percy's sight and signaling to not ask anything right now.

Penelope understood Sebastian's sign language and just nodded.

As they reached the designated area, there were a few maintenance over the patients room, making the three of them have a seat over the uncomfortable small chairs in the St. Mungos waiting room.

Percy Dumbledore squeezed into the middle seat between Professor Sallow and Penelope. They were almost glad he did that, avoiding any tension that might've built from the sitting chart.

It was awkward. As a teenager, Percy couldn't stand silence. It was a pet peeve. He needed to speak, to entertain, and to guide. He felt the uneasiness in the aura.

"Miss Silverthorn, do you care if I ask how your stay in America is like?" Percy crossed his legs and hands, resting them over his knees as he turned at her.

Penelope was grateful that Percy was around. She wouldn't have been able to survive another minute in silence with an old lover one seat away.

Penelope postured up, glad to answer, "It's alright. A huge difference from here, I can say that. The laws, the people, the magic..."

Sebastian Sallow fidgeted over his spare journal, wanting to get any distraction he could to avoid hearing Penelope Silverthorn talk so fondly about her stay the last eight years.

On one side, he wanted to be so nosy and let Percy ask her a million questions, but in another side, he wanted to know nothing about her life in America.

"I heard! And let's not get started on the American Ministry there, right? The rules, the negative floors." Percy asked with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, very." Penelope gave an agreeable sigh, before furrowing, "Wait, how do you..."

"I have been around the states back in my childhood, and for my early practice as an Auror," Percy answered, "Mainly for my parents before they passed."

Again, Penelope held in her gasp from the drastic news Percy Dumbledore was giving out about his life. It almost seemed unreal, but at the same time, she was no different than him.

"I...Merlin," Penelope said breathlessly, "I am so sorry. I know I said this, but I am, Percy."

Percy signaled a nod at her condolences, but took it in a good manner, aiming at a positive side, again.

"No worries, Miss Silverthorn, I still have my brother around. He's actually at Hogwarts currently too." Percy said in stress.

"Really?" Penelope said, more intrigued in the conversation, "Who's your brother?"

"Aberforth Dumbledore." Sebastian Sallow suddenly joined the conversation, "Quite a lurer your brother is as a student, I may say." He says to Percy.

Percy chuckled, but shook his head, almost embarrassed at the confession.

"Abe is trouble. I've been guiding him around, but I suppose the last few events of the last year have tackled him a bit. He's annoyed I'm back at Hogwarts." Percy laughed.

Penelope just gave repetitive nods, wanting to signal an understanding of getting to know the Dumbledores. There was so much to uncover. Much she missed out on.

"I suppose this makes all of us parentless." Percy wondered in a joking manner.

It was dark humor, but Penelope understood where Percy came from. She would also do the same thing.

Professor Sallow chuckled out first, shaking his head at the comment, but Penelope caught along, giggling.

"Unfortunately." Penelope sighed out with a laugh.

Again, it went quiet.

The awkward silence hung thick in the air, as though they were all searching for something to say but couldn't find the right words

"Say," Percy uncrossed his legs, pointing his fingers at both older adults beside him, and asked, "It's said, you two know each other?"

The question caught both Sebastian and Penelope off guard, as though they had forgotten that they were in the presence of someone who was once a student.

Sebastian cleared his throat, also adjusting on the uncomfortable seat. He wore a thin dress shirt, and yet, he could feel the sweat build up from the question.

"We attended Hogwarts the same year." Penelope answered bluntly, not giving away anything, as if her heart wasn't pounding a million times per second.

"Right," Percy nodded, turning to his former professor, "I might've recalled you mentioning a lesson solely on your experience alongside—"

"It's ready." A nurse interrupted the overwhelming subject.

Sebastian Sallow breathed out, almost thankful that the nurse came out at the right now. He wasn't ready for Penelope to hear anything.

"Oh, conversation over." Percy stood up, wiping his blazer.

Percy Dumbledore entered the room freely, his dress shoes clicking over the glossy floors and Penelope Silverthron was supposed to do the same.

But the moment Penelope side tracked over the door frame, a weird aura overtook her, causing goosebumps over her skin. She stopped.

As a gentleman, Sebastian Sallow stopped along, not wanting to pass her first, but he turned to check over the sudden action.

Penelope gathered over herself, taking notice of Sebastian's side-stare, and shook her head, entering the room quickly and becoming observant.

The student looked awful. Awful was a strong word, but it was the truth.

Her skin was yellow. Very yellow and pale. The eyes seemed to be a mixture of open and closed, roaming around the bright room as if she was hallucinating.

"And this is," Penelope spoke out slowly, examining the child at her sight.

"Estellar Mellen. Only fifteen years old." Percy informed, digging his fingers over the pocket of his blazer and revealing a small yellow fainted photo, "This was her before the illness."

Penelope stared over at the portrait of a bright girl with a perfect smile on the paper. Nothing as how she was now.

Penelope stared back down at the student and sighed, concentrating on the eye-twitching that repeatedly kept happening.

There was a note inside Sebastian's journal he had taken of this specific symptom, but she was too embarrassed to take out the journal right now.

There was a word he wrote down for this.

"She is actually in deep sleep, but due to the constant hallucinations and all, it stayed a temporary pattern." Percy discussed out.

"Teleoptosis," Sebastian Sallow inserted.

That was the word.

He stood a little behind Penelope, arms crossed as he explained the meaning behind the gesture. Like any other professor would.

"I might've taken note of this, but it's a condition by an overabundance of repetitive illusions, visions, and night terrors," Sebastian informed, "It is rare, considering it only happens on underlying diseases or, magical injuries that are unchecked."

Penelope listened. She listened so well to the raspy and thick voice of Sebastian Sallow that she thought it needed to say more. Explain more. She was learning so fast over it.

Penelope didn't turn around. There was just a nod that came off her from the small lecture and her eyes were glued on Estellar Millen.

Penelope raised her wand, waving it gently over the body; her hands also working slowly as one became attached over the forehead, whispering unknown incantations.

Percy Dumbledore watched her with his fingers over his chin, concentrated on her expertise actions, but then his eyes narrowed over the man behind her.

He noticed how Professor Sallow's stare was soft; it wasn't just a regular stare, but something more than that. It was a look that was concentrated and attentive like he was watching every one of Penelope's movements closely. As if he knew her.

There was a moment of cautious when Sebastian Sallow noticed the unusual observation from Percy Dumbledore and grew pink, his eyes no longer concentrating on the woman.

It wasn't intentional for Sebastian, but if someone took notice when he became distracted, that meant anyone else would.

The moment was ruined when Penelope became highly concentrated on the student, beginning to feel the effects she felt the previous night.

The coldness, the stinging, the unusual visions of ancient magic — the guidance.

This time, with this student, since she was more ill than the others, Penelope got a more clear vision over the guidance. There was a millisecond where she reflected on a familiar location. A location she knew well.


Penelope felt her ancient magic vibrate through her veins, her throat closing slightly at the upcoming curse that she was feeling. Something never felt before.


"Agh," Penelope screeched out, coming back to reality.

Penelope Silverthorn was in such a state of shock that she didn't take realization of how Sebastian held her over that floor. His hands prevented her from a fall as he breathed over her ear in concern.

"Miss Silverthorn—" Percy lifted.

"It''s not a plague, or—or an illness," Penelope struggled to breathe out, "It's a curse."

Percy furrowed at her solving and tilted his head at Sebastian.

Sebastian didn't let go of Penelope's arm, but he gave a bit of space between them as she began to get a sense of reality, again.

"It's in the castle. It's in Hogwarts." Penelope swallowed.

"Where?" Sebastian asked, wanting answers too.

Penelope turned to Sebastian, their eyes finally meeting after hours of avoidance. The stare was not heavy or bad, but it was a soft connection. An, "I trust you" connection.

"In the Map Chamber." She said.

Sebastian's brows went back to normal at the mention and he gave a nod, his eyes still on her.

"The where?" Percy cut in from the other side of the hospital bed.

Penelope's eyes closed, not preparing herself to bring up the secret location ever again, but there was no choice.


All three heads bobbed up over the speaking student above them.

Penelope came forward, leaning over the confused student under.

"I-I know you...I seen—seen you." Estellar Millen's shaky fingers pointed at her.

Penelope sighed, feeling like her existence from everyone was common, but also overwhelming.

"Hey, you're going to be alright," Penelope caressed her head, "I'm going to fix this. I promise." She whispered at her.

Sebastian Sallow's eyes roamed around the bright room, not wanting to feel any sense over Penelope Silverthorn's calming words.

They always worked, even if he had a prediction within himself that the student was most likely not going to be there for her own graduation.

Penelope's fingers were shaky upon exiting the hospital room. Her body felt weak as she leaned against the nearest cold wall and sighed, wrapping a hand over her wrist and wiggling it.

"Your fingers," Percy pointed out as he walked out last, noticing Penelope's glow over her skin.

Penelope's brows furrowed over the notice Percy took on the ancient magic on her. Nobody else could see it, but herself.

"Ancient magic." He said.

"You could see it," Penelope said to him, surprised. "How?"

Percy shrugged, "I have the ability to perceive several kinds of magic in the Wizarding World. A talent of mine."

Penelope was surprised, "You're gifted."

Sebastian Sallow stood there, feeling awkward he didn't have the access to join the conversation. He couldn't see the post-magic of Penelope. Only powerful gifted wizards could. Like Percy.

Why was he annoyed? This was barbaric. He was engaged for fucks sake.

"Do you also feel that off energy while being inside the castle?" Penelope asked Percy, connecting answers.

"Not really, but there are several occasions where the traces of magic would guide me onto the lower floors."

The Map Chamber. It was guiding him to the Map Chamber.

"Pardon me for a second." Percy disappeared for a moment, wanting to guide himself to a lavatory.

Penelope lost track of concentration for a moment. The eerie shock of the student left her in a weak state, bringing her conscious into a void.

"This should help."

Penelope's eyes re-opened, only to come into a confrontation with Sebastian Sallow.

He held a familiar vial over his long fingers. Wiggenweld potion. He was always good at potions. On everything, actually. Penelope remembered.

The trembling fingers lifted, taking the vial with a small "thanks" before chugging it down into her system and feeling energized.

Both Sebastian and Penelope stood side to side against that hospital wall, their elbows touching just an inch as they waited for Percy.

"Did you know?" Penelope let out in a stiff tone, feeling her confidence back.

"Know what?" Sebastian asked, not bothering to turn to her.

"That he could see traces of magic,"

Sebastian swirled his tongue over his cheek inside his mouth as he crossed his arms and sighed.

"I did."

Penelope was still, taking in the truth and also crossing her arms.

"It was guiding him to the Map Chamber."

"I'm surely aware of that," Sebastian said bluntly, "But I didn't have enough evidence to prove that the cause was that."


Sebastian sighed again, "Because there's no proper guide on entering such a location. I do not have enough knowledge on the place, let alone, I do not wield or see that type of magic." He reminded.

Sebastian was right. He knew a lot, and he knew about Penelope's special abilities, but only because she would tell him. She would tell him everything in the fifth year and so on. He gathered a lot -- until she left.

"Percy does." Penelope gave in.

"Percy was once my student," Sebastian said in defense, "I wasn't willing to take the risk of telling him about it. I was weighted by enough ill students already, I didn't need another one."

Sebastian's tone was harsh. It wasn't intended to be harsh, but he was upset with himself. Upset of failure. He had done so much in the past, yet gained nothing. It was just natural for him to react this way.

"And you also told me to keep that place forbidden from anyone. It was a secret." Sebastian finished.

There was a certain opening of heart at Sebastian Sallow's last words to Penelope.

He kept it a secret. He kept his promise, and despite the life-risking threats in the Wizarding World, Sebastian stood loyal to his words.


"Merlin's beard!" Fifth year Sebastian Sallow gasped out loudly over the magical setting.

"Shh!" Young Penelope Silverthorn hushed him as they entered over the Map Chamber, "Keep quiet before the Keepers notice you and pop up!"

Sebastian stood like a frozen snowman, eyes wide and not blinking once from the secret setting.

"And I thought I was cool for showing you the Undercroft," Sebastian said in a lost, "You won this round."

"I win every round, Sallow." Penelope teased in confidence.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Don't start," and he stared over the glossy floor that contained the region's map, "This is mad, Pen."

"I know."

"And nobody knows this? You're telling me, I've been at Hogwarts my entire life, and yet you come in for a few months and discover the most hidden places?" Sebastian scoffed.

"Are you jealous?"

"No." Sebastian crossed his arms, "But..."

Sebastian couldn't finish his words, he was so mesmerized by the view.

Sebastian watched as Penelope used her wand to produce special magic, making the open place glow like a million stars.

"Who else knows?" Sebastian asked.

"Another male species." Penelope let out.

For a moment, Sebastian Sallow backed up, wanting to hide a sense of jealousy. It was unnecessary, considering he only knew Penelope Silverthorn for a few months at the time. What was happening?

"Who's the lucky guy?" Sebastian cleared his throat and kept his eyes on the map over the floor as he prepared for the answer.

Penelope let out a laugh, "If you think Professor Fig is the lucky guy, well..."

They both laughed.

"You can't tell nobody about this place, Sebastian." Penelope said in a more serious tone, "The Keepers are possibly going to be suspicious, but you showed me the Undercroft, so it's only fair I show you The Map Chamber." She introduced.

Sebastian lifted his finger, giving a zipping motion over his lips and nodding.

"I assure you, your secret is secured with me. I promise." Sebastian locked in.

"We'll see, Sallow."

"I promise, Pen." Sebastian smiled.


Penelope Silverthorn broke the eye-contact first with Sebastian Sallow on that hospital corridor within the memory. She was too ashamed to keep staring after he kept his promises.

"I..." Penelope couldn't even generate words out of herself. There were so many questions that needed to be asked.

"Yes?" Sebastian let his guard down, feeling weak upon a conversation with her that didn't deal with work.

Before Penelope can let out anything, Percy Dumbledore reappeared, cutting out the tension.

"I apologize for the wait," Percy huffed out, staring at Penelope "Miss Silverthorn, are you feeling any better?"

Penelope took a sigh, washing away anything that had just happened over the minutes, and nodded, "I am."

Percy nodded, "Good. Good to hear," He pointed at Sebastian, "I believe we can gather up for the day. It's been quite hectic and I believe you mentioned a busy evening, Professor Sallow. Don't want you to be late."

Sebastian Sallow wasn't looking forward to the busy evening, but there was no choice.

"Right." Sebastian nodded.

And with that, the trio prepared to leave the hospital with new observations and unsaid memories.


Did not intend to make this chapter long (3k) — but I didn't feel like splitting a chapter just on St Mungos.

Can't wait for the next ones. I can't stop writing for this story, I want to get to the drama (evil laugh)

See you soon. 💚

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