The Owl House (Lilithxreader)

By Violetbentbotg

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So Camila asked her niece y/n to drive Luz to the summer camp, but they both ended up pretty far away from th... More



77 5 0
By Violetbentbotg

Y/n sat at the playground bench watching some kids play.

"Hello y/n."- she turned around.

"Lilith."- she smiled.-"how are you? I'm glad to see you here."

"I'm fine, thank you."- Lilith sat at the other extreme of the bench.-"are you here with Edalyn's dog?"

"No, it's just me."- she slid closer to Lilith.-"King's at school with Luz."

"At school?."- Lilith looked at her.

"Actually I came here expecting to see you."- she said.

"It's been a long time since we saw each other last. I had been really busy these days."- Lilith explained.

Y/n remembered that 'bloom of eternal youth' thing but she didn't mention it.-"That's what I thought. Aren't you too tired?"- cause Eda definitely was after getting scammed.

"Not very much, I'm good. What have you been doing?"- she change the subject.

"Delivering Eda's elixirs and potions mostly."

"Aren't you too tired?"- Lilith did the same question.

"Yes, very much."- she replied smiling.

Lilith smiled too-"I thought we could go and see some parts of the titan's skeleton from a closer distance this time."

Y/n's heart fluttered. It was so sweet that Lilith made those plans.-"sounds great! I'd love to."

"Okay. Let's go, I have a lot to do today."- that's what she always said. Lilith stood up and her magic staff started to float.

Y/n was fast to sit behind her and hug her waist before they started to fly.

"The titan was once alive right?"- y/n asked.

Lilith just nodded.-"yes, a very long time ago."

"And covens had always been a thing?"

"Actually there used to be dangerous wild magic before but emperor Belos banished it. That's when the covens started 50 years ago."- Lilith seemed to know every detail about it.

"I see... How do you know the titan's willingness was to group all witches by covens?"- y/n thought Eda and Lilith were both good apart from being part of a coven or not, covens sounded just like human religions for her.

"The emperor is a very wise and powerful ruler, he is the only one able to communicate with the isles, in that way he can know the titan's willingness."- she explained.

The emperor was just a dictator, the leader of one only religion, or probably he did have the power to talk with the titan... Everything was possible in the boiling isles.

"Sounds great, there's people like that on my world too but their not very relatable... Anyway, I want to see the titans head first, Lilith!"- y/n exclaimed.

"Okay."- Lilith descended close enough to watch some details of the skull.

"There's no people in here?"- it looked empty and silent.

"No, the titan's head is sacred ground. No one can go there."- Lilith said.

"Fuera impulso de idiotez."- why humans always want what they can't have?

"What?"- Lilith had never heard something like that before.

"We should go somewhere else, I seriously wanna get off this and step on every inch of the sacred ground right now."

"But I just told you that's forbidden."- Lilith replied with widened eyes.

"And that's exactly why."- y/n hugged Lilith's waist a little too tight.

"Fine, where should we go now?"-they were flying high again.

"The knee."- y/n said.- "I can walk there right?"- Luz found her ice glyph in there, y/n wanted to see the place.

"You can try but the snow would make it a little difficult."- Lilith laughed as she headed there.-" we'll just stay there for a few seconds, you're not even wearing a jacket."

Y/n didn't imagine how cold it was.-"is this the highest place on the boiling isles?"- there was snow everywhere.

"It is, there is not much diversity of creatures in here because of the low temperatures, but those beasts able to adapt are very dangerous."- Lilith pointed at a giant scary creature.

"Cool."- y/n smiled.-"but I wish I never have to see one of those again."- Lilith smiled and flied away from the mountain.

"You're so so intelligent."- y/n put her head on Lilith's shoulder.-"I could listen to you all day."- she whispered in Lilith's ear.

"Really?"- Lilith had a strange feeling. Maybe it was fear because she was playing around with y/n instead of doing her job. Or maybe she was nervous because of y/n's closeness. Or could it be the way she whispered in her ear? She didn't know but it felt new, fresh, right.

"Sure, I would make time stop just to stay like this with you forever."- Lilith felt a kiss on her cheek but it wasn't that unexpected this time.

"I think I would enjoy that too."- she took a deep breath and after realizing her words she frowned, quickly descending back to the ground.

"That was all? I wish you had more time."- y/n was kinda upset about it.

"So do I."- Lilith replied looking at y/n's eyes.

"Maybe the next time?"- y/n stood up when they landed. She needed to make sure there'll be a next time.

"Hoot! Where have you been? I've been alone for ages!"- Hooty started to complain.

"Ugh I hate that house demon."- Lilith had her poker face again.

Y/n smiled.-"you're so mean...I kinda like it."

"You do?."- Lilith looked at the floor.-"I'm not."

"You think we can go out again soon?"- y/n asked.

"I'll be busy for a few days so I couldn't be sure."- Lilith started to leave but then stopped and turned.-"but I'll make a try."

"That's fine by me, good luck with your missions."-be careful with scammers too- but she didn't say it out loud.

Lilith smiled and walked away.

"Luz! How was your first day in hell?"-y/n hugged her cousin.

"It was unbelievable. You'll see, I was in detention and suddenly bam! a basilisk! So, me and the other guys there had to save everyone. And principal Bump allow me to study a little bit of everything!"- she said really fast before hugging y/n again and ran upstairs.

"Wow I can't believe she's so excited for school."- y/n told Eda who sat at the couch.

"Isn't it a human thing?"- Eda replied.

"No! Most humans hate school."-y/n started to think.-"but I can see why she likes this one so much."- magic of course, taking a snake there wouldn't be a huge disaster like on human realm. Or maybe yes, but it wouldn't be the worst thing ever.

"Whatever, what did you do today? I promise I'll help you more with the market stand."- Eda said.

"And potion delivering?"- she looked at Eda.

"The human stuff I said."- that was y/n's favorite one, she would rather Eda did the other part.

"Fine."- she accepted.-" I was at the playground all day."- y/n remembered Lilith didn't want Eda to know what they were doing.

"Doing what? King sneaked into the school for what I know."- Eda started to suspect.

"I like to see those little monsters, maybe one day I'll have a kid of mine so... I'm studying their behavior. "- she quickly made that up.

"Wow you and Morton are going fast, aren't you?"- Eda would never miss a chance to push someone's buttons.

"I'm trying not to press him."- y/n played along to Eda's surprise.-"I want this thing with Morton to work but the thing is... I'm absolutely crazy about him. I can't control myself when he's near."- Eda was about to burst a laugh at how serious she sounded.

"I knew it!"- but then Luz came out of nothing.

"Were you spying on us!?"- y/n frowned, she could never convince her cousin that she was just lying.

"I knew it y/n!"- she jumped around the living room.-" and I have a great idea."

Y/n was far from being excited at that.

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