Till Sunrise┊Luke Castellan

By strawbery_sobet

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Luke Castellan ✧. ┊   Percy Jackson and the Olympians ✧. ┊   。・:*˚:✧。 He was so young and doo... More

Till Sunsrise
1 .·:· The Dawn of Dissent
2 .·:· Forging One's Destiny
3 .·:· Whispers from the Sea
Winter's Embrace⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
4 .·:· The Prophet's Echo
5 .·:· Sunlit Bodies
6 .·:· Beneath the Storm's Embrace
.・゜゜・ II
7 .·:· Ripples in the Shadows
Painted Gold ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
8 .·:· The Whispers in Her Tears
9 .·:· Misguided Truths
10 .·:· Secrets Among the Sunbeams
11 .·:· Beneath the Canopy
First Encounters⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
12 .·:· Kaleidoscope of Colours
13 .·:· Med Bay Musings
15 .·:· The God of the Grape
16 .·:· Apollo's Call
17 .·:· Whispers Among Sunflowers
18 .·:· The Eve of Change
19 .·:· Under the Storm's Veil
.・゜゜・ III
20 .·:· The Darkened Path
21 .·:· Shifting Landscapes
22 .·:· Wrath of the Sky and Sea
23 .·:· Into the Heart of Deceit
24 .·:· The Shadows under the Fireworks
25 .·:· The Edge of Night
26 .·:· Paths of Fate
27 .·:·The Fall from Grace
28 .·:· The Labyrinth of Suffering
29 .·:· Whispers of Loss
Before He Fell .・゜Neil Perry

14 .·:· Artemis's Canopy

1.4K 55 43
By strawbery_sobet

Kaminary, San. 'Tanabata Sky'. unkown.  [Detail] ⋆.ೃ࿔*:·

Words:  1,393

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
four days before the summer solstice

The balmy summer night air was soothing, wrapping her in a blanket of comfort as she drifted into a peaceful slumber. The rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets created a serene ambience that lulled her into a deep sleep. Suddenly, a tapping sound disrupted her slumber, causing her to stir. She ignored it at first, hoping to fall back into the realm of dreams. But the tapping persisted, gradually growing louder and more insistent as if someone was trying to get her attention. With a groan, she reluctantly sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and peering at the window in the dim moonlight.

To her surprise, outside stood a beaming Luke, his silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the night. Blinking her sleepy eyes, she tried to focus on his face before pushing her window open. As it opened, she felt a cool breeze waft in, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and she looked at Luke, who stood there, grinning from ear to ear, but all he got in return was a sleepy frown.

"What?" She mumbled.

"Come on," he urged, pushing his face through the window with a mischievous grin.

"Luke," she huffed, her reluctance evident in her tone as she whined.

"Phoebe," he mimicked her tone. "Come on."

"Mmm, fine," she relented with a huff.

Luke teased, "You're so easy to convince, Pheebs." his laughter dancing on the night breeze.

"Hmm," she huffed again, a faint smile tugging at the corner of her lips before she reached for a random camp half-blood sweatshirt that lay on her floor. The fabric enveloped her in its familiar warmth, offering a sense of comfort amidst the nighttime chill.

She climbed over her bed, and Luke reached up and took her hand to help steady her. "Isn't that my jumper?" he teased, a playful twinkle in his eyes as he noticed the familiar garment draped over her frame.

"I don't know what you mean," she replied innocently.

Chuckling, Luke squinted at her. "Sure you don't."

When she landed on the dewy grass he didn't release her hand, instead, he began to speed walk away from her cabin, his excitement palpable. As she was dragged along she couldn't help but notice he was wearing a backpack. She squinted questionably at it, her mind racing with curiosity.

"Where are we going?" she whispered nervously, casting a cautious glance around them. The harpies could come from anywhere, after all. But Luke apparently was paying them no mind, he just continued to pull her along, his enthusiasm contagious.

"The hill overlooking the camp," he replied, his smile unwavering.

"Why?" she sighed.


"But it's so late," she huffed.

"You'll like it" he reassured her, his tone filled with excitement. "Trust me."

·. .·゜゜·  ·゜゜··.

When they finally trudged far enough up the hill, his grip on her hand loosened and he finally let go. He reached for his backpack and pulled out a large folded-up blanket. He then spread it out evenly on the grassy slopes, making sure it was free of any debris or bumps. With a proud smile on his face, he looked at her and then back at the blanket, as if to say, 'Ta-da!' The blanket was big enough for both of them to sit comfortably, with plenty of room to spare. It was made of soft material that looked like it would feel smooth against the skin, and it had a cosy, inviting look that made her want to snuggle up and stay awhile. Despite the dewy grass, the blanket remained dry and warm, providing the perfect spot for them to enjoy the view.

"You seemed hell stressed, so voilà," he said, opening his arms as if to present it to her.

A wave of warmth washed over Phoebe as she took in the sight before her. She felt herself melting.

Luke lay down on the soft blanket, feeling the gentle breeze caressing his face. His gaze was fixed on the vast expanse of the night sky above, and she joined him, settling down beside him and mirroring his position. Together, they looked up at the stars that glittered like diamonds in the dark canvas above them. They saw Artmiss riding her chariot across the sky, casting a soft, ethereal glow over everything below. Her light illuminated their faces just enough for them to make each other's features.

"You see that one there" Luke said, his finger pointing upwards towards a particular cluster of stars.

Phoebe tried to follow his hand but couldn't make out which star he was talking about. Sensing her confusion, Luke wrapped her hand in his and guided it towards what he was trying to show her. Cradling her hand like fine china the entire time.

"See that yellow one?"

"Yeah," she said softly.

"That's Saturn," Luke said, his gaze still transfixed by the stars above. "Oh, and that one there," he added, gently moving her hand in a new direction, "that's Sagittarius."

Turning to her with soft eyes, he spoke quietly "You," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Me," she repeated, her own voice barely louder than a breath as she met his gaze, feeling warmth spreading through her chest as she looked at him.

He turned back to the sky, his finger tracing a new constellation. "Oh, you'll like this," he said with a grin. "Those two stars there are a Japanese love story."

"A love story?" She mused.

"The best kind," his eyes twinkling. "Tragic."

He turned back to the heavens, guiding her hand towards one of the hundreds of stars scattered across the night sky. "That one there is Vega. She's a celestial princess."

Bringing her hand in a new direction, he pointed out another star. "And there is the mortal Altair. One day, he caught the attention of the princess, and when she came down from the skies to meet him, they fell in love."

"Vega promised him that no matter what, they would be together in the heavens," Luke continued. "But when her father found out, he was furious that she would promise herself to a mere mortal."

"So he ticked the lovers by allowing her to fulfil her promise. He turned them both into stars, but he separated them between the Great Celestial River, the Milky Way."

As Luke spoke, a cold wind blew in, and Phoebe instinctively moved closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"But on the seventh night of the seventh moon, so sometime next month, a bridge of magpies forms across the river," Luke continued, his voice carrying a hint of longing. "And Altair will dare to travel to his beloved, reuniting them for one night of the year."

"Does he always make it to her?" Phoebe asked, turning her head to look at him, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Luke's expression softened, and he shook his head slightly. "Not always. Sometimes he can't reach her. When that happens, Vega's tears form raindrops that fall over Japan."

"That's so sad," Phoebe remarked softly.

Luke turned his head to look at her, offering a soft smile. "They are only stars, hey, and I warned you. I said it was tragic."

"Still," Phoebe insisted, her gaze returning to the stars above.

"You're so sensitive," Luke teased gently.

In response, Phoebe playfully slapped his shoulder, a small grin tugging at the corners of her lips.

They fell silent, gazing up at the vast expanse of the night sky. The stars overhead twinkled and shone, casting a gentle glow over everything around them. Phoebe couldn't help but steal a quick glance at Luke, her heart beating faster with every passing moment. He seemed lost in the beauty of the night. Lost in the stars.

As they lay under the celestial canopy, Phoebe's thoughts drifted back to a lesson from Chiron. He spoke of how almost every element was formed from the fiery heart of a star. Most importantly, mortals, he imparted, are not merely flesh and bone, but manifestations of cosmic remnants - fragments of stardust woven into the fabric of their being.

And when she looked upon Luke, she knew this to be true. He had the beauty of the night sky within him.

And in that moment, she knew she was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.¹

¹Myer, Stephenie. Twilight, Book 1 : Twilight'. 2005

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