Murder Drone U

By Jss2141

14.1K 318 152

Life and Death is a choice all species have, even drones. But what happens when something occurs and you WISH... More

Ch. 2: Understanding Yourself
Ch. 3: Flying High, Feeling Low
Ch. 4: Colony Gloom
Ch. 5: Durability
Ch. 6: Blow It Up
Ch. 7: Drink Up
Ch. 8: Dance Dance Mayhem Part 1
Ch. 9: Dance Dance Mayhem Part 2
Ch. 10: Dance Dance Mayhem Part 3
Ch. 11: Dance Dance Mayhem Part 4
Ch. 12: Dance Dance Mayhem Part 5
Ch. 13: Breaking and Entering
Ch. 14: Planning Ahead
Ch. 15: Camp Chaos Part 1
Ch. 16: Camp Chaos Part 2
Ch. 17: Camp Chaos Part 3
Ch. 18: Camp Chaos Part 4
Ch. 19: Fly With Me Tonight

Ch. 1: Reboot

2.7K 39 10
By Jss2141

Uzi pointed her railgun at J, ready to pull the trigger and end this fight... but things wouldn't be that simple. J used the rest of her strength and shot the railgun, hitting the powercore. Green energy began to emerge from it, and a massive shockwave was released, followed by an explosion that engulfed J and Uzi. When it was done, V and N stopped fighting and just looked on in horror of what they witnessed. There was a mangled pile of limbs, and one body with severe damage to it.

"Uzi!" N yelled, rushing to his new friend.

Everyone else in the warehouse stood in shock of Uzi's body, especially her father as he tried to approach but was scared back by N landing beside her.

"Uzi! Speak to me! Please, say something!" N said, gently holding her up.

"... N... I *bzzt*... don't... f-f-f-feel... good." Uzi said, before her visor displayed error on it.

"Uzi!" N yelled.

V slowly walked up behind N, not entirely sure what she's going to do herself.

She could just kill Uzi like she was programmed to do, finish this job and be done with the miner colony afterwards. But something inside her hated this, it hated seeing N so heartbroken at the sight of his friend in such a state, even though they were also "friends".....right?

V looked at J's parts and marched over. She grabbed N and pulled him to his feet.

"Get J's parts... we can fix her." V said.


"We can fix her, repair her, so grab her parts and let's get back to the spire." V said, taking Uzi's body and letting her wings come out, "Well don't just stand there."

V flew up into the sky.

"UZI!" Khan shouted in horror, seeing his daughter being taken away. "NO!"

Seeing this, N quickly grabbed what was left of J and let his wings come out.

"No! Stop!" Khan shouted, running towards N.

But it was for not as he was blown back as N took into the air.

The fly back wasn't long, but it felt like hours for N. All he could think about was Uzi's well-being. He couldn't care less about what happened to J, she was a terrible boss and a worse friend.

N had known Uzi for less than a day and she was a greater friend than J and V ever were, even saving his life after J almost killed him with a virus.

'V, whatever you have planned, it better save Uzi.' N thought.

He landed and V rushed him inside of their nest.

"Hurry, idiot! You wanna save her or not?" She shouted at him.

"Okay, okay! I'm hurrying but you didn't explain how we can save her!" N said.

"Just put them near the worker and I'll show you!" V ordered.

He put the limbs near Uzi's body, which was laid on top of a destroyed car. N moved back as V kneeled down before Uzi's body, looking over the extent of the damage. Both her legs were gone from her body, her right arm was destroyed beyond repair, her left was barely salvageable, and her chest had a gaping hole in it.

"I need tools." V said, "N, find me some."

"R-Right! I'll look around!" N shouted as he rushed to their crashed pod.

V looked at Uzi, still wondering why she even bothered trying to put her together.

'Do I feel guilty? I've killed thousands of drones like her, so no. Do I just find her interesting since she's the first to actually fight back?' V thought, putting a hand on her chin. 'Or am I just doing this to make N happy?'

It didn't take long for N to come back, slamming a tool box on the car hood.

"Here!" He said, "Now fix her!"

V placed her clawed hand over his mouth, scaring and shutting N up.

"I will but you NEED to be quiet so I can focus." V said, looking very serious at N. "Okay, N?"

N just nodded slowly as V slowly pulled her hand away and turned it back to normal.

'Saving a worker drone... great, that won't make me a traitor to the company or anything.' V thought.

Even with the risk of being "fired" by JC Jensen, V still used the tools and J's old parts to repair the worker drone in front of her.

It was hours before V was done. She looked over her work and smiled.

"There, that's about as good as you'll get given the circumstances." V said, before getting pushed out of the way by N.

N looked over Uzi, making sure she was in one piece and V didn't secretly eat her.

"Uzi, buddy? Can you hear me?" N asked as he focused on her face/screen.

A few seconds later, it lit up with a loading wheel spinning.

A little bit after that, her eyes appeared. She shot up in a panic and looked around, before finding herself in front of a mirror. She looked at her body... it... didn't look like hers.

"W-What the fuck?!" Uzi shouted in shock.

"Uzi... we did this to save you." N said, "I know it's a lot to take in but... this was the only way."

"If it makes you feel better..." V said, putting an arm around Uzi's shoulder, "I think you look better like this."

Uzi couldn't believe it. Her reflection said it was true but... she didn't know how to react... she was now a Murder Drone.

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