Mafia's collateral (M Book2)

By Chick_ennugget

55.8K 2.9K 1.4K

Seraphina Allen has been struggling through life, trying to make ends meet. But the more she lives, the more... More

Crashing Down
Into the waves
Art work
Cold bastard
The pain in me
What to think of it all?
Trouble is never far
A Job
Unknown fear
The feeling of shame
The pain of my wolf
A softer side
Burning apartment
Trust your guts
His place
Stolen Item
The shadow at the window
The kid shouldn't be isolated
Special Event
His Broad Back
The heartthrob
Kindergarten problem
Brother figure
Of all the thing that could happen
Special service
Gut feeling
First Attack
One save
Reminder of what he is
Think again
Between rogues
Between rogues-Fight
Am I a pervert?
Bringing her back
Clean up
Crushed hope
Broken Heart
Broken Mind
Nothing but despair
My wolf
Can I say it?
Only Hope
Big things
How to seduce?
I think it might work
Something sweet
Secret helpers
Be Assertive
Missing Door
The surprise
A little bit of suspicion
The picture
He's gone
Feeling lost
Bad Decisions
Let's make a deal
Looming Threats
He was using me
Rescue Mission
Into the sea
Talk it out
Find the sister
His past
Pleasant days
The death of my first love
The Ghost of Sarina
The Death of A Demon
The Handover
The peace I always wanted
The last of my problems
My Peace
Happy Birthday


672 32 28
By Chick_ennugget


I have to control myself.

I can't get angry this time! Last time it ended up in such a mess! I was choked and I could have died. Azef got super angry too! He told me to keep myself under control. I'll have to do that!

It's just one night. If I get through this, I get paid enough to pay Azef back for Eris's admission. That's all I need.

"Hey~" The brat sitting beside me slapped my thigh, "One more drink," He poured more wine in my glass that I barely finished.

I felt so disgusted


I now understand why Ariana refused to take the offer, she left with so much confidence. Money is always tempting but at the expense of dignity, it's nothing.

I bit my lip and endured it. But at the expense of poverty, anything seems fancy enough.

For Eris,

I watched the glass fill up

"Be sure to drink it in one go," Another one said, "I'm loving the service tonight!"

"Yes," I tried not to frown but my eyebrows still knitted together.

"One, two, three, one shot!!" All the men along with the hostesses cheered for me as I drank the whole glass in one go. I had to close my eyes as I gulped down the whole thing.

"YEAH!!!!" The place was as noisy as it normally is, "Wohoo!!!"

A drop stream of the red liquid slipped down my mouth, down to my jawline and further down to my neck. I pulled the glass away from my lips after I was done and the table hooted at me.

This is not going to end well. I felt dizzy.

I'm going to faint on my way home.

The man sitting beside me slapped my thigh again and this time his nail got stuck in the stocking. When he took it off, a rip came along with it

"Oh~" One of the hostess noticed it first, "Ace you idiot, you tore her tights."

"Huh?" These people had been drinking for a while and I knew they were drunk, anyone could tell that, "What?" He looked at me, "Tore what?" He brought his face down to my thighs, "Ah," He saw the tear but instead of apologizing for that he buried his face in my thighs


"S-sir," An ick consumed me because of his actions and I grabbed his shoulders to get him off of me. It took a lot of effort and I had barely gotten him halfway up when his eyes landed on my neck.

"Oh, wine~" He forced his face into my neck.

"Sir!" I tried to get him off but he still managed to attach his lips on my skin.

It felt dirty.


Control yourself! This was your own decision! No one forced you into it!


Even thinking that didn't make it any less disgusting.

I made a quick glance around, all of them had their eyes on me.

"Ace has lost it!" They were pointing fingers and laughing while falling on top of each other.

They won't notice, right?

They won't,

I nodded to myself, balled my fist while I kept my other hand on Ace's shoulder, then I punched him in the gut

"Ooofff!!" He let out a ghastly groan and moved back. But it made everyone look at us in suspicion.

"Oh my!" I stood up, "Sir, are you alright?" I pretended to take care of him. He held his stomach in pain.

"You-" He was still a little out of it

"What's wrong with him?" A friend of his asked.

"Does your stomach hurt?" I moved away, "I'll get you something," I turned around.

"Wait," Ace tried to grab me but I managed to get away, "You,"

"I'll be right back," I lied as I made a run for it. I moved through the crowded place full of people when I came across a waiter, Truce, with a tray of coffee on it.


I blocked his path, "Where are you going?" He was tan, and looked awfully sultry in his bunny costume

"The boss wants coffee in his room." He replied.

Azef does?

He's back in this office?

"I'll take it!!" I immediately grabbed the tray from him and turned around to leave,

"Hey!" Truce tried to go after me, "Sera,"

"I said I'll deliver it!!" I didn't look back at him at first but when I felt he wasn't coming after me, I turned to glance at him. I saw an older man slap his butt and wrap his arm around him. Truce was glaring at me while the older man tried to take Truce with him.

OH, poor guy, he was probably taking the coffee to avoid trouble like me.

I turned around

Sorry Truce,

I ran away from there.


I knocked on Azef's office ,

"Come in," He answered and I opened the door to walk in. He was busy, he was texting someone as he stood by the window which had a view of the open dance floor but his eyes were glued to his phone.

Maybe I should tell him why I'm here.

"I brought your coffee." I said,

His ears seemed to perk up when he heard my voice but he still kept typing, "Good, I need that before I go in to meet people." He didn't look at me.

"You look tired." I said, "Maybe take a break. The meeting can wait for a few minutes."

"The meeting here is actually for a company project."

"Company project?"

"Yes," He answered, "So I need to leave as soon as I can."

"You don't spend much time in the nightclub it seems."

"I'm only here for two hours. I have a company to look after too."

"You work at a company?!?!"

He smirked, "I co-own one, so I-" He seemed to be finally done texting and turned his face to look at me, "Work is always-" He froze when he saw me, "...there..."

His eyes scanned me from top to bottom and for a moment it looked like his breathing slowed.

"What are you wearing?" He asked as if he didn't know. But looking at his face made me feel like he was really confused, but along with that confusion, there was something else in his eyes.

"Oh," I looked down at myself, "This is for today's event." I felt an intense gaze on me, "You know, all the staff members are wearing it. It's a bunny costume?" And then even heard a growl


I shot my head up and looked around. What did I just hear!?!? What was that??!?

I didn't see anyone there but Azef.

'Ah," He looked away, "Right, that was today..." He even turned around to not look at me.

"Sir?" But his action confused me. One moment it felt like his gaze could bare me and the next moment he didn't even want to look at me.

Why is this man so confusing?

"Put the coffee on the table and you may leave."

"Yes..." I didn't want to leave... But I have to get to work if I want to get paid. And I would like to pay back Azef as soon as I can. But how do I avoid that group of brats that made me drink?

I brought his coffee over to his desk but just as I was putting it down, a wave of heavy dizziness crossed me and I almost spilled the coffee. Thankfully, I had almost put it on the table, so it spilled only a little but. The real problem was me.

I started falling down. I made an attempt to grab onto the desk but failed. My hand slipped away, and exactly at that time, my ankle twisted, making me fall towards Azef

I know life is weird and it's very unexpected but it shouldn't be this weird that I fell towards him and accidentally grabbed his ass.


Both of us froze. I was barely saved from falling but at what expense?!

"OH shit!!! I'm so sorry!!" I squeezed my hands in a weird gesture without realizing it

Azef turned his face to look at me, "Seems like you had fun pulling that stunt." He scoffed as he stared at my hands

"It wasn't on purpose!!" I backed away, "I promise!!!"

He looked at me in disappointment.


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