
By TiffanyVaychilingum

843 24 99


Character sketch.


32 2 8
By TiffanyVaychilingum

Ansh cabin...
Maahi was waiting for Ansh more than 5 hours....

She was tired and hungry....
She decided to go to the cafeteria....

Maahi step in the cafeteria... she look around and she was shock to see Ansh eating chocolate cake with a girl...

She was waiting for him inside and here he is eating cakes with a girl...

Maahi was hurt! She decided to went home....

Ansh decided to go back to his cabin. He smile bitterly not seeing Maahi.

Ansh: I knew you would left Maahi!
Ansh pack his things and went home...

On the road.
Maahi was walking lifelessly on the road.... A car honk at her... to tell her move but maahi wasn't listening...

Someone hold her hand and pull her out in front of the car...

Girl: Are crazy! Can't you see where you are walking! What if you make an accident! What would your father and brother do!

Maahi look at the girl.
Maahi: You..

Girl: Yes me! Kavya! Your brother fiancee.

Kavya: Get in the car...
Maahi look at her with tears and fall unconscious..

Kavya was shock...Kavya put her in her car and drive to Kapoor mansion.

Kapoor Mansion.
Kavya stop the car in front of the door.
Kavya: Help! Uncle! ABHIR!! Please help me

Abhir and Ram came out running.

Abhir: Why are you screaming.

Kavya: let me take your sister out.

Ram and Abhir were shock to see Maahi unconscious.
Abhir immediately take Maahi out of the car and carry her inside in his room.

Ram and Kavya follow him.

Goenka mansion.
Ansh walk inside tiredly.

Ansh: maahi! Maahi!

Sejal and Manish came downstairs.
Sejal: Why are you screaming?

Ansh sit on the couch while holding his head.
Ansh: Mumma i am having a headache.

Sejal: Wait I will bring medicine for you.
Sejal went in the kitchen.

Ansh; Papa where is Maahi...

Manish look at his son.
Manish: maahi is still not home Ansh... wasn't she supposed to come back home with you.

Ansh look at his father.
Ansh: But she left early. I thought she came back home...

Manish: Didn't she tell you?

Ansh sigh.
Ansh: We had a little argument....

Manish sigh...
Ansh call maahi but she wasn't answering... he keep calling till she answer the phone.

Ansh: Where the hell are you? Can't you answer your phone! Do you know how worried I am!

Girl: Mr Goenka.. please calm down.

Ansh: Who are you? Where is Maahi?

Girl: I am Kavya.. Abhir Kapoor fiancee.

Ansh: Where is my wife?

Kavya: She isn't well! She felt unconscious! Please come take her at the Kapoor mansion...

Ansh: What! How!

Kavya: Please just come.

Ansh: Okay.
He cut the call..
Ansh: Dad tell mumma i am going to pick up maahi.. she isn't well.. she is at her dad house. I will explain later.

Manish nodded and Ansh left fastly.

Ahuja mansion.
Dharam room.
Reema was sitting on Dharam bed... He was standing near the table looking at Reema with smile.

Reema look at Dharam... seeing him looking at her she blushed.
Reema: Why are you looking at me like this...

Dharam: I can't wait for you to sit on that same bed but as my bride... I can't wait for us to get marry Reema.

Reema smile and look down.
She stand up and was about to leave but he held her hand and pull her back inside. She fall on him..

They both look at each other.
Dharam: Our wedding is in 4 days. We are going shopping tomorrow... get ready...

Reema nodded while looking down...
Dharam smile looking at her.
Dharam: You are So Perfect. I love you.

Reema smile.
Reema: I love you too..

He hug her... she smile in the hug...

Malhotra mansion.
Living room.
An elderly man and a young boy were sitting in the living room. They were looking at the wedding card of reema and Dharam...

The young boy is Arjit Malhotra. The cousin of Dharam and the elderly man is Harsh Malhotra.

Arjit: How did Bhai got so lucky dad. He is always lucky. First he will get all of property in his name and then he is marrying such a young girl. He will be the boss of all the business.

Harsh laugh.
Harsh: Don't worry son... you will be the boss of everything and the property will be in your name.

Arjit: Argh dad! You know that's not possible apart if Bhai is dead...

Harsh smirk looking at her.
Harsh: That's what we will do. Planning his death! He will have to die then only we will be rich!

Arjit: But how dad!

Harsh: I have a plan. Don't worry.

Arjit and Harsh look at each other with a smirk..

Kapoor mansion.
Abhir room.
The doctor just check Maahi..

Abhir: Whats wrong with her.

Doctor: Don't worry. It's nothing to worry. She was just stress and her bp drop. I have written some medicine make sure she take them..

Abhir nodded.

Doctor: Take care.
She left.

Abhir look at Kavya angrily...
Abhir: Didnt you see where you were driving! You could have hurt my sister.

Kavya: Abhir....

Abhir hold Kavya by her shoulder harshly.
Abhir: What Abhir huh! If something had happen to my sister I wouldn't have spare you!

Ram: Calm down Abhir. It's not her fault!

Abhir: Nothing is her fault dad! But everything happen only with her! Maahi came in front of her car.

Kavya: I am sorry Abhir! Maahi came in front of my car unexpectedly and I stop. I didn't even know it was her. Then she faint and brought her to you.

Abhir sigh.
Abhir: I was just worry!

Abhir look at maahi with tears. He walk to the bed and sit down next to her.
He was about to caressed Maahi hair but stop hearing Ansh voice.

Ansh: Where is she. Where is my wife.

Abhir immediately stand up and wipe his tears...

Ansh saw Maahi and walk to her and hug her.
Abhir: Kavya explain to Mr Goenka what happen to his wife and give him the paper of medicine too. And also tell him to take his wife away from my house.

Abhir left angrily. Ram also left.

Kavya explain everything to Ansh.
Ansh: thank for telling me. Once she wake up I will take her from her.

Kavya: it's okay.

Ansh: i have heard Mr Kapoor.

Kavya: i will give you some privacy.
She left.

Maahi open her eyes slowly.
Maahi: Ansh... Abhir Bhaii... papa.. Ansh

Ansh walk to her.
Ansh: I am here sweetheart.

Maahi look around.
Maahi: what am I doing in Bhai room.

Ansh hug maahi..
Ansh: Stop worrying about everything! We should leave. Your brother want us gone!

Maahi nodded.
Ansh carry Maahi in his arm.
Ansh: Let's go.. I will explain everything at home. I know you are confused.

Kavya, Ram and Abhir look at them leaving.
Their was tears in Abhir and Ram eyes.... Kavya sigh.
She needed to do something to reunite this family.

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