We meet again?! - Bada Lee

By badaswif3

8.7K 171 19

she thought they will never see each other but life had other plans More

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Hi again...


391 16 3
By badaswif3

"Ok so the main dancer will be....

Shin Youngseo" the producer said i immediately jumped im so happy soweon hug me i just pat her back a little and then went to the hideout with a sad face

"Hi girls..." i said 'sad' "Omg what happened?" Ling asked and get to where i was "I... did get the main dancer position" i said to them ecited they all started to bully me for making them worry for nothing "What about you girls" i asked to ling and audrey "Nah Wackxxxy and Yoonji got it" i nodded at that "And you kirs??" Kirs shaked her head "We were all going with Bada's choreo but Mina make a comment and now we are re voting" she rolled her eyes tired of drama we nodded and suddenly Latrice entered looking down "How did it going?" Kirs asked walking out "Yeah i got it" Latrice said "But i was sad that i got treated in that way i mean i know they picked cause it looked simple" Latrice said tearing up i went up and hug her from behind "Regardless its your choreo" Kirs said Latrice just nodded a little "I dont think nobody can do it better than" she said i smiled a little at that "I dont think they can" Kirs said "Show them how it should be done" i said to her "ok girls im going" Kirs said they still have to choose she walked out and then emma with us too now telling us how Capri's choreo was chosen cause its simple and its uncomplete

"Hii" kirs said finally coming back "How was it?" Ling asked exited for the results "We're doing Bada's" we all nodded at that *yeah she is good* "ok you have 2 hours to teach each other in your group the choreo and after that we will be choosing the main dancer" the producer said we went out and i went to the room where we were hours ago "Hi lets start" and i start teaching the choreo soweon was being really helpful she would ask me something and also help me with some others she is so cute i love her we finished early and we got something to eat the other girls were out it was just me and soweon "so tell me about yourself" i started a conversation "so i live alone right now but soon i have to move cause the rent is going up im the maknae in bebe ..." she went on and on about her life "you know?? You could come live with me if you want im with audrey and soon she will be going with the girls and i will be alone" i said to her "yeah sure why not can i have your number so that we can text about the price andall of that" i nodded and gave her my number "soweon ah!!!" Bada said opening the door "What?"

"Lets go its time" she saw me then and she said to soweon to go first "i know what you are trying to do" she said trying to sound intimidating "Yeah? And what is it?" I answer her towering over her " Dont try to act innocent is obvious that youre getting info from soweon dont come near her i know you youngseo" she said to me mad "you sure you know me Lee? Cause i dont think you do" i said and get out of the room slamming the door behind me i went to our hideout *How tf she dares to say that to me i hate her so much*

"We're taking the main dancer tittle" we all shouted a little at that and then went out for this time i changed my outfit to this

And put on some red lipstick and went down with the girls

"We will start with the rookie class" Daniel said "LETS GO EMMA" we cheer her "Lets go Lets go you've got this" kirs said to her "Capri's choreo was chosen and i hear it wasnt finished when it was picked" Monika said "While looking at the Rookie's class choreography i was thinking 'mmm totally doable' it's simple i thought it'd have been easy to learn the moves so i think it could be a little risky now we will find the best dancer in the rookie class"

"READY? Fight" the first group was Emma, Capri, Gooseul and Yeni we chear for emma of course there i saw that yeni wasnt comfortable with the style and gooseul make it a little weird also emma didnt outshine that much but it was great on the second group it was Tatter, Rena, Redy and Buckey there all my attention went to Rena the others were good nothing more "Hey everyone, we will done one more match" Monika said "Here we go Ladybounce Capri, Bebe Tatter, Mannequeen Buckey lastly Tsubakill Rena" Monika said and then the music started Buckey and Tatter dancing it was great "its fine dint worry" Kirs said to emma "Yeah ik its not my style so yeah" emma answer her then the second grouo started Rena and Capri

"The main dancer of the rookie class is... Tsubakill's Rena" i nodded at that *yeah she was the best of all fornthis choreo*

The next one was sub-leader class "I heard the process of choosing the choreo for this group was very fierce, i heard there was a fierce fight between Latrice and Redlic" they all nodded at that *omg mnet really loves drama* "She didnt translate the lyrics and made the choreo based on the rhythm i thought she didnt try enough" all in mannequeen really love to hate people fr "Actually dance is a universal language so i didnt find any language barrier, really" yeah thats my girl "Honestly i thought 'Is she just her to chill?'" Oh this bitch fr mnet is loving this "It sounds like you dont find her professional is that right?" Monika said "She taught us the choreo half-heartedly too, she didnt organize the counts" Can she shut up for once? "Lets go lala" kirs said and the first grouo started it was Mini, Latrice, Lusher and Harimu it was good but no one can do it like latrice then the second grouo started there it was Biggy, Sayaka, Redlic and downy for me no one really stand out there "ewww that was the nastiest thing ever" Audrey said to Latrice "Those hips dont lie" Kirs said to her "That was fun" Latrice said "its 100% yours" i said to her

"We have to see it one more time" Monika said *Oh gosh* "Jam Republic's Latrice and Mannequeen's Redlic"

"Lets go Lala you can do it" i shouted at her "You got this focus more eat the audition" kirs said to her then the music started and they started ti dance definetly Latrice did a better work she used the space and eat the audience in front of her "Yes finish up!" Kirs shouted "Click like click like oh~~" Audrey and i were singing "Did i move and travel enough?" Latrice asked "You used the space very well" Kirs said

"We'll anounce the main dancer of the sub-leader class, the main dancer we chose is Jam Republic's Latrice" we got up and started to celebrate "You slayed Lala" Ling said

They gave each other a little hug and stay in the middle "Redlic tried to dance it with her emotions it was a tough decision but it was almost unfair to her because the choreo suited Latrice so well" Shownu said yeah true it suited Lala after that there was the middle clas which the main dancer position was taken by Yoonji and Wackxxxy and then it was time "Next class please come up 'Ace Class' " i get up and the girls were cheering for me "Who was the choreo chosen?" I raise my hand "Me" Daniel nodded and played the song the first group was soweon, cera, miki and locker zee it was great soweon eat that choreo tbh i love her she is so cute its like a little sister to me the next group was me, ___, baby sleek and Dohee we finished dancing and i was hugged by soweon i hugged her back "You were amazing there" i said to her she thanked me with a little blush on her cheeks meanwhile someone was staring at them from a far jelous of the little one "Ok so we want to see two people again and those are.....

Soweon from Bebe and

Youngseo from Jam Republic" Monika said i was surprised but went to the middle i have to us all the sapace and get their attention the music started playing and i was feeling it i was dancing and at the same time i was feeling a stare on me i tried to ignore it and i did it and just in time the song finished i looked around and saw bada with her face all red and looking at me i winked at her and i saw her turn as fast as she can how cute i thought "so the main dance of the 'ace class will be....


In the next chapter 😋 bye bye see you soon

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