Chosen family bonds

By Orion_Artemia

74 1 0

Erasermic fanfic!! A dad who is on the wrong side of the and never wanted to be a parent, a dead mother, and... More

Where the sun can't shine
Death to paperwork
Escape plans in crayon
Tomorrow finally came
Clear skies
Someone take me home
Leave it to the rat
Trip to USJ, no not THAT USJ the other one :3

I promise

3 0 0
By Orion_Artemia

Security is called as a fight brews Razor stares angrily at Ren as she cowers behind Hizashi shaking from using her quirk to catch the knives her new Dads seem not to notice, but her father is sneaky so it makes sense that he would have attacks undetectable unless of course you'd gotten used to them through years of torture. Ren's leg screams at her and she glances down to see a small cut she had missed blocking an attack, just as it seems she may lose her new dads, someone comes in and starts fighting her father forcing him to retreat through the window.

Just as quickly as the room had broken into chaos peace returned, almost. Ren's leg buckles, giving out, and she is sent tumbling though Hitoshi catches her at the last minute. Ren whimpers as the leg spasms though it doesn't escape the notice of anybody in the room that she isn't crying. Someone with an amazing healing quirk has mostly healed Shota and he sits up looking at Ren. Hizashi is looking between his loved ones in worry wanting to make certain that none of them are in life-threatening danger from their new injuries. 

"Hey Toshi can you bring Ren over here please?" Hitoshi nodded carefully picking Ren up as if she were made of glass and depositing her on the bed next to Dad, he wondered why Dad wanted Ren but he got his answer as she hugged him tight, though her quirk seemed to be making the shadows in the corners of the room writhe Hitoshi doesn't think that's a good sign. 

"Hey Ren do you want help calming down?" Ren knows what Hitoshis quirk is and how it activates so it's up to her whether or not he uses his quirk to aid her in calming down.

"Y-yes please." Ren stutters out and Hitoshi activates his quirk forcing her to stop hyperventilating and going through everything so she is comfortably nestled at Dad's side, leg propped up and freshly bandaged. Ren shudders squeezing Dad's arm even tighter.

"Shh hey breathe kiddo, I'm fine and so are you, he won't touch you," Shota says softly running his hand through Ren's hair.  Ren looks up at Shota nose running and eyes red from crying.

"R-really? You mean it?" There's so much hope in Ren's voice and desperation for reassurance that he would be okay.

"I promise nothing and no one will take you away from us we're not going anywhere." Ren loosens her grip on his arm just a smidge letting her head fall on his shoulder and eyes droop closed. Though she stubbornly clings to the land of the waking terrified at the thought of falling asleep only to wake up to her new Dad missing. Shota for his part continues to stroke her hair and whisper promises of safety until the weariness fades and Rens's breath falls into the steady pattern of sleep. Only when he's certain the movement won't wake Ren he sits up eating the food that had been brought in for him while he really isn't all that hungry Hizashi would be insistent that he eat this way avoiding much nagging and frustration. 

"Hey, Dad... how bad did Ren mess up her leg again they made us leave the room for that part. Also how bad are you messed up?" Shota looks up to see Hitoshi looking like he's about to cry as he watches Ren sleep and Hizashi who isn't much better nervously glancing between his husband and child every few seconds before glancing out the window. Shota sighed this was not going to be easy to explain to Hitoshi or Hizashi.

"Firstly me since I'm the easier one, I got healed right when I got here and nothing hit me in his surprise attack I will have to do some light physical therapy but other than that I got out unscathed. Ren on the other hand... She undid all her progress and then some plus the slip in control of her quirk gave her a couple of new scars the doctors did what they could to mitigate but it's safe to say she's never going to be able to walk without an aid of some kind." Hizashi inhales sharply at this news but also seems to relax a bit.

"Additionally she's probably not doing very well in the mental health department right now, I don't like taking more time off patrol especially because we're supposed to go back to teaching soon but I think it's best if I stay with her for a while." Hizashi nods in agreement noticing that Hitoshi is crying silently.

"Hey lil listner c'mere." Hizashi hugs Hitoshi gently guiding him over to the pull-out bed in the room for visitors to sleep on it's been an exhausting few hours on top of an already emotionally draining day so soon Hitoshi is fast asleep curled up and clinging to Hizashi's arm like a Koala it's adorable.

"Remember when he could barely get within a few feet of us without flinching? It feels like ages ago the lil listener has grown a lot and now we have Ren, that years-old wound that Oboro's death left finally closed, you smile again Sho- not just smiling but laughter I guess karma finally decided to stop being a bitch to others and do somthin productive? We definitely have some good karma after all the hero work and rotten luck we've had." Hizashi looks over his kids and husband a soft expression reserved for them when his eyes meet Shota's they're met with a similar gaze pure vulnerable love for their little family Ren whines in her sleep kicking with her good leg, it must be a nightmare.

Ren had fallen asleep new Dad was right there and Papa and Hitoshi were on the couch thing, she was safe he had promised so why was everything so dark, why did she feel like the shadows were suffocating her and why did her ears keep ringing? There are whispers that circle her the disappointment of her mother Razor's face peeking through a window, new Dad laying there dead bloody, and cut up by her shadows while Razors laughs.

"N-no!!!!! P-please..." Shouta's full attention is immediately drawn completely to Ren when she starts hyperventilating and screams in her sleep he sits up gently propping her head up as well before tapping her shoulder.

"Hey, kiddo it's just a dream wake up." The only response Shota gets is more whimpers and kicks. Well that clearly isn't working, he shares the shoulder but she still won't wake up so finally he shakes her shoulder a bit harder Ren's eyes fly open though they dart around unseeing.

"Hey, kid it's me, you're safe with me at the hospital Hitoshi and Hizashi are right over on the couch we're all here and safe." Ren hears a couple of words but that isn't what calms her, the touch and the voice that accompanies it, he's not dead, he's right there and still wants her she starts breathing like Papa had taught her to calm down. Once her vision clears she can see Papa and Dad at some point Papa comes over leaving Hitoshi asleep. She's sandwiched between her parents and after that nightmare, she can't think of a better place in the world. 

"I love you, Papa... Dad, Ren mumbles half asleep though this causes Shota to freeze Ren had yet to use those titles out loud for them but... He feels warmth bloom in his chest, she trusts them, when he glances at his daughter she's already fallen back asleep the warmth of the hug is too inviting for the exhausted child to stay awake.

"Did the little listener just...?" Shota nods looking down at the sleeping child. He takes a deep breath and then hands Hizashi a paper. It's a list of medical needs Ren has, he hadn't wanted to share it while the kids were awake but now they're asleep Hizashi needs to know.

"Wow her leg is really fucked up huh? Should we be trying to take her into UA with us that may not be the best idea..." Shota pauses for a moment, he trusts his remaining students this year.

"No my three remaining students have potential, injuries and trauma victims come with the career they should all know how to be civil my main concern frankly is other classes, my class comes back from break earlier than everyone else though so I can do a test and see how Ren reacts... Zashi I know we got attached easily but if we can't take care of her the logical thing would be finding a family that can." Hizashi shakes his head looking hurt.

"No we can and will make this work for the little listener's sake she needs to be somewhere safe and what safer place is there than UA especially since Nezu is oddly possessive of his staff and our families nobody is going to raise a hand or other appendage against her and get away intact. Also, she trusts us, and I refuse to break that. Shota rolls his eyes this is incredibly irrational but...

"Fine, Ren is so tiny I think there's space for you to lay down, and I'm almost positive she'll have another nightmare if you leave." Hizashi nods finding space eventually they drift off to sleep. Hitoshi wakes up at some point and ends up at the foot of the bed much to the nurse's shock when she comes in to find the entire family has found a way to all share the hospital bed, she decides to come back later. The little family has a couple more nights like this until they go home. In the morning Ren is a ball of nerves worrying over whether or not Shota's students will like her.

"Don't worry kiddo, they love kids and if you get overwhelmed just tell me and you can go to Mic, alright?" Ren nods and Hitoshi smiles ruffling her hair.

"You've got this sis!" He says as he walks out the door heading to his own school for the day. Ren can't help but stare when they get to UA everything is massive! When they get to the giant doors that mark the entrance to 1-A Aizawa kneels hugging Ren.

"Now wait right out here I'm going to tell them we have a guest then you can come in okay kiddo?" Ren takes a deep breath and nods, she can do this she can wait in the hallway alone for a moment. Aizawa pats her head standing up and walking into the classroom. Immediately his students fall silent facing him.

"Hello hellspawn, for the rest of the year as long as all goes well we will have a guest, now she's young but Nezu and I agree it will be beneficial for you to be exposed to an actual example of a survivor rather than just actors. She was rescued during the snowstorm and has severe mobility issues please be gentle with her." That should be good his class this year is rather promising, well the three students he'd kept instead of expelling, they're good at following instructions and they have been top-ranked in every simulation so maybe that's why he adds on one more cavitate.

"She will be telling me anything negative, if you do something wrong it will be a large deduction from your grades however if I hear something good that will also be noted. Because of the unique circumstances, I'm temporarily in charge of all your classes, except for English which will still be taught by present Mic." Aizawa stops allowing for any questions his students may have of course three different hands raised.

"Alright just go in order of seating that means Togata you're up first."  Mirio nods clearing his throat

"Mr Aizawa, are there any specific triggers the guest has we should be aware of so we can avoid them?" Smart kid asking about that Aizawa smiles.

"Blades being near her, sudden loud noises, and talking excessively about food or injury." They nod before Neijire asks her question.

"Is she sensitive to bright lights? Or epileptic? I need to know for my quirk, also is she okay with music or should we find some headphones for study hour?"

"She likes music, just keep it child-friendly and light-hearted, as far as we know she is not sensitive to light and doesn't have epilepsy." They're not asking dumb questions and all three seem incredibly focused on helping It is almost enough to make Aizawa smile, almost. 

"Does she have sensory issues? Also is she more shy or clingy I know trauma can make a person go either way-" Aizawa contemplates for a moment before responding

"Certain textures and smells but that isn't something that you three can help with, and it depends on the person and her mood. You may do what you want while I bring her in." He walks out of the classroom motioning for Ren to come in, she goes over happily holding Aizawas hand. There are only three people and they look nice, one of them smiles like Hizashi while the other has a like glowy thing, oooo pretty.

"You can say hi if you want kiddo." With the affirmation from Aizawa, she walks up to the group eyes wide.

"H-hi! I'm Ren, you smile nice and you are so pretty aaaaand you look like you'd be good at cuddling!" Slightly weird compliments but they could roll with it. The main question on their minds is how in the world had their teacher ended up with this kid. Their normally cold teacher with his logical ruses and scowls vanished for a moment when he was talking to her and it was messing with their heads but regardless of how or why she was sitting in on their class, they were going to make Ren feel comfortable. Neijire is the one who speaks up after that.

"Oh thank you! It's my quirk!" Ren's eyes go wide and she smiles a little wanting to bounce but remembering that it could mess up her leg.

"Whoa that's so cool, you're like a fairy! Papa read me a book about fairies!"  They melt a bit, who could ever hurt a kid this adorable? Villains that's who and they know it though the thought is absurd.

"Yeah! I guess I am kind of like a fairy, anything you want to tell us? Are you going to be my desk buddy?" Ren's eyes light up and she nods, Mirio slides an extra seat over to Neijire's desk where Ren sits grinning as she info dumps random fun facts and bits of trivia though some are very concerning they know better than to comment, the biggest shock is despite her going for a solid two hours Aizawa never stops her sitting in the corner grading papers and keeping an eye on them. Clearly, Ren put some sort of spell on him there's simply no other way to explain it. When Ren finally crashes she yawns scooting the chair closer to Neijire and falling asleep leaning on her. 

"Alright class it's time to begin school for the day, Neijire you get a free pass on any one assignment other than the final. Now does anybody know the statistics of those with quirks deemed villainous?" Three hands raised and he just picks one to answer the lesson is long, boring, and mostly uneventful Mic comes in for English to find Ren still fast asleep on Neijires shoulder though she wakes up when the phone rings loudly Aizawa looks at the number surprised to see that it's Hitoshi's school, why would they be calling him? Especially at this time of day.

"Is this Shota Aizawa?" The principal asks sternly

"This is he, what is it?" There's some yelling and crying in the background before he gets an answer though it's bullshit and makes Aizawa want to punch the man.

"Hitoshi Shinso physically assaulted another student, he is incredibly dangerous we are calling to bring you in on the conversation of possible punishments."

"Why did he hurt the other student?" Aizawa has his suspicions though he hopes they won't be proven right by the principal.

"Well you see they didn't-" The principal is cut off by Hitoshi whose voice is filled with tears."

"It was in self-defense Dad p-please come to the school I n-need a hug." Aizawa is done with this bullshit his child is crying and begging him to be there.

"I will be there in five minutes, want Ren to come with me?" Ren perks up when her name is said listening intently to whatever it is that Aizawa said her name for. There's some shuffling and an unintelligible mumble.

"Hey, I can't understand what you just said Hitoshi please repeat yourself." Aizawa keeps his voice completely calm and level so that it won't aggravate Hitoshi's emotions further hearing his son, his baby cry is making him pissed could they not have one week where nobody in the family gets hurt? Hitoshi speaks up clearly enough to understand this time.

"Yes, p-please." Aizawa starts packing his bag.

"Alright sit tight Hitoshi your sister and I are coming to sort this all out." He hangs up motioning for Ren to come over.

"We're going to visit your brother's school he's having a bad day so you need to give him a big hug when you see him." She nods scrambling over for a piggyback ride waving to his students.

"Bye, new friends!" The drive to the school is relatively short and Aizawa uses it to calm himself down enough that he won't commit a crime of course the school is quirkist. He walks in Ren in tow only to see Hitoshi with a broken arm, bloody nose, and bruises all over there are three other kids in the room who look relatively unharmed the only injury being one who has a minor black eye. 

"Alright I don't even need an explanation, I should have done this much sooner. Hitoshi will no longer be attending this school, you can expect legal documents from Nezu in under a week detailing charges against the school for quirkist behavior. Have a good day, Hitoshi how do you feel about a trip to Universal?" Everyone stares dumbfounded though Ren just hobbles over to her brother gently hugging him while giving him a big kiss on the forehead.

"I kissed your booboo better!" Ren also offers him a princess bandaid for one of his cuts making Hitoshi smile.

"Thank you I feel better already!" Hitoshi hadn't expected his Dad to react like that but now he had it feels... nice and now they have a trip to Universal to look forward to. Yeah, Ren and Hitoshi are starting to realize that their parents have zero intent of breaking the promise that Hitosh and Ren will be always loved and supported. This will never get old and if Mic now has a picture of Ren asleep in Hitoshi's lap on the way to the hospital, well it would be making its way to the pro-hero group chat.

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