Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

255K 3.9K 4.8K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months

A New Symbol

1K 38 24
By DefinitelyNotTKJ




"......what?" Deku finally asked to break the silence.

The entire room had just been staring at him- blinking in confusion.

Deku had told Slade to warn the heroes of their declaration of war, but he did not know it would be on the entire world. He thought it would just be heroes and villains in Japan only. Thus creating the confusion within the room.

"Care to elaborate?" Slade replied with rolled eyes—his voice dripping with sarcasm and mock contempt.

"What's there to explain?" Deku responded with furrowed brows, a little annoyed. "We're declaring war on the world."

Slade once again rolled his eyes and pulled his chair closer to the table: "I don't know if you know this but, the world is really big. You can't just go out one day and say: 'Hey world! Let's go to war!'"

"And I don't know if you know this but," Deku began as he narrowed his eyes at Slade and flared his power to make sure everyone paid attention. Slade immediately dropped his smartass act and focused in. "You're speaking to me as if we're equals. Make no mistake: you are below me. You are my subordinate and it's high time you start acting like it. Not only that, but you're the lowest ranking out of this entire room, so fix your tone before I fix it for you."

Slade put his hands in his lap and looked down, trying not to incur Deku's wrath anymore.

"The nerve," Deku began once again with a scoff. "The only one out of you all that has the right to even think they're on equal speaking terms with me is Amanda."

"But," King interjected. "I'm the highest ranking in here."

"In power, maybe," Agnus started, as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "But in the war zone that is your relationship, I'd say you're losing—badly."

Amanda happily nodded as her hand was on Walter's knee in a death grip. Walter was, ironically, the most fearful in the room and quickly shut his mouth as he sheepishly chuckled with an undertone of pain.

"Anyways," Lior introduced himself to the conversation. "Slade is right, you should elaborate further on your plans, Deku. A god such as myself has no need to beat around the bush."

Deku glared at Lior for placing himself above Deku by calling himself a god. Lior got the message and put his hands up in surrender, but did not retract the statement. Deku figured it too much for Lior's character to do such a thing, so he took the hands of surrender as sufficient.

"We are going to declare war on all heroes." Deku explained finally in the now tense room.

"Why don't we call it 'War on the Heroes' then?" Amanda inquired.

"Because the League of Villains already has copyright claims to that," Deku chuckled. "Besides, our convictions will not be as childish as the League's. We aren't just declaring war on the heroes, but the villains, vigilantes—anyone who misues their quirk in the name of the society that stands today."

"We will go to war, and I will cleanse the world of all the filth that infests it."

The incredibly powerful people in the room felt like pebbles atop their leader's mountain. His convictions were aimed so much higher than any of them could imagine, and it was obvious.

"No one will stand in my way, and therefore ours." Deku concluded with a tone of 100% seriousness.

Everyone understood the message, and Deku's purpose was laid out.

Anyone who isn't with him, is against him.

"You know," Slade began with a chuckle. "For someone who gets on that arrogant lightbulb all the time for claiming to be a god, you sure are acting in a similar manner."

"I'm no god." Deku chuckled and shook his head as Lior made an arrow of light and pointed it at Slade's head, but was held back by Agnus.


"Relax dude!" Agnus tried reasoning with Lior, who was going borderline feral. "Cmon you gotta admit it was funny.."


Amanda and King sweatdropped, and Slade sighed. Deku simply got up and walked beside his throne, before turning his back to them and continuing.

"I'm no god," Deku began once again as the arguments quieted down. Deku's body began to become outlined with a combination of white and blue heat, as Deku's hair began floating and turned a bright shade of white before turning his head back to his subordinates, staring into their soul with his cold silver eyes gleaming in the light, and with a holy and divine smirk.

"I'm just the greatest to ever do it."

"If that's what is considered to be godlike," Deku began once again with a serene smile as he dissipated his power and the room members were able to breathe once more. "Well then I guess I can't stop anyone from thinking as such, can I?

"Message received, boss." Lior replied with due respect.

"So, what do we do next?" Amanda inquired of Deku.

"Now that you all understand the message," Deku started as he sat back down on his throne and put his elbows on the table while intertwining his hands.

"It's time for the world to understand."


It was late at night, outside of the recently built and remodeled UA dorms. There we find two prominent members of class 1-A engaged in a significant debate and battle of ideals.

"I keep telling you!"

"And I'm telling you—it's not even worth the effort discussing!"

"Midnight over Mt. Lady, easy." Mineta argued with great ferocity.

"No way man," Kaminari, the other classmate present, stubbornly argued with crossed arms and closed eyes. "Mt. Lady clears Midnight, no debate!"

"Could you even handle all that, Kaminari?" Mineta accused with conviction. "I'm confident I could take Midnight on, I really could."

"Why are you talking as if we're fighting them, you weirdo. We both know there's no way in any universe you could ever win in a battle against Midnight." Kaminari laughed at his classmate. "Lucky for you we're talking about a different kind of fight."

"I take offense to that," Mineta said accusingly. "Anyways, Mt. Lady is just too big- you can't even grab all the cheekage!"

"A jumbo sized sippy cup is too big for you, Mineta you're like 3'8." Kaminari said while holding his stomach in laughter.

"No I'm not I'm-" Mineta began before stopping himself and grimacing in realization. "You know what yeah you're right, I am 3'8 let's just go with that."

"My point still stands though!" Mineta changed back the subject. "Midnight is older and has more experience- she would give me the best night of my life." Mineta lustfully concluded with drool sliding down his chin.

"Yeah if she doesn't throw her back out in the process," Kaminari said as he rolled his eyes. "Mt. Lady is younger, hotter, and has more stamina. She could easily give the best performance of all."

"Quite a hot take, Kaminari." Mineta glared as tensions grew.

"Same could be said for you, Mineta." Kaminari glared right back, as they clashed foreheads in a perverted stalemate.

"I love hot takes."

Both of the two perverted teens stopped their clash as they heard a familiar, yet unfamiliar voice behind them.

"The heat they bring, it resonates with me well."

Kaminari and Mineta weren't stupid; well, they were, but not in this situation at least. They knew what time everyone went to bed, so they could have their debates in peace without fear of being interrupted or caught.

So, there was no possible way it could be a classmate, much less a teacher.

"In fact, I love hot takes so much,"

Mineta slowly turned his head back to the right, shaking and sweating in fear.

"I think I've got a hot take right now."

Kaminari slowly turned his head back to the left, shivering and dripping sweat as well.

They both turned around fully and they saw nothing but a pair of cold, silver eyes staring into the very depths of their souls. In his hand, he held a small ball of heat energy that shined in the night sky.

Before either of them could even utter a word, he was behind them with the ball held at their backs. This distance alone was enough to completely disintegrate their shirts into nothingness.

"Pretty hot isn't it."

Without a second thought, the ball exploded and completely wiped out the entire courtyard and turned it into nothing but dirt and gravel. There was a huge crater left, and Mineta was smack dab in the middle, unconscious. Kaminari was nowhere to be found.

This explosion woke everyone up instantly, and all the students rushed outside to see what had happened. Teachers had joined the scene as well, and alarms all across UA were going off due to the sudden explosion.

The members of UA arrived at the scene and immediately started coughing and sweating because of how hot it was. It felt like they couldn't even breathe.

One of those who were coughing was Aizawa, as he looked on at the clear sight of an attack and he wondered aloud:

"Nezu, All Might—" Aizawa began as people rushed down the crater, coughing and dripping in sweat all along the way, to retrieve Mineta. It wasn't normal smoke that was rising, it was trails of blue and white heat energy.

"What monster have you created?"

That night, it was official. If anyone had been in doubt, or unbelieving of his convictions before, they were certainly believers now.

Deku was here.

And he's set his sights on his former school.

This was a warning shot in the grand scheme of things, but considering the effects of just that, it's safe to say there was more to come.

That fact alone terrified every single student and teacher there.

A man in a suit walked to the scene. He was obviously sweating, but trying to remain professional. He walked up to Nezu and got his attention.

"Nezu, sir," The man called out. Nezu was shaken by all this and wasn't like his normal self, so the call had startled him a bit. "We have a request for video chat."

"From who." Nezu immediately demanded.

"'Caller Unknown'." The man repeated the words on the screen. It was a hologram device that apparently played and received video calls and the like. This was a device similar to the one used during the trial.

"Accept the video request then." Nezu relented, as others gathered around to see what was going on.

The man nodded and accepted the request. Afterwards, he placed the device on the ground and let the video appear in the sky as everyone looked on.

As soon as the video came on, everyone's anger and guard did as well.


The greeting was so agonizingly casual, that it angered Nezu even further as he glared at the screen.

"Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya." Nezu spat out with hatred and disgust.

"In the flesh!" Deku said in mock joy and excitement a he threw up the peace sign and winked.

This manner of joke did not sit well with Nezu or the crowd watching in any way.

"Why," Nezu whispered aloud. "Why did you do all this! Why hurt two of your classmates? Huh??"

"Watch your tone before you speak to me, you rat." Deku replied with cold and narrowed eyes. His eyes flashed silver and his hair raised slightly in order to emphasize his point.

"It's funny how it's now you decide to call them my 'classmates' as if that holds any meaning to me now." Deku continued, staring deep into Nezu's soul even through the hologram. "You were ready and willing to drop me and erase me from existence in your record books not even 3 minutes ago, and now suddenly I'm a 'classmate'?"

Deku laughed. When Deku laughed, it was then that people truly began to pay attention. Deku had laughed plenty of times before, often at them, but nevertheless, and when he had laughed there was an apparent joy within the laugh. He sounded like he was having fun. This laugh, however, was different. He was having fun. But, there was something so sinister and terrifying about his laugh that didn't sit well with anyone present.

"Consider this my Declaration of Independence," Deku began once again. "I don't need to write a long-winded breakup letter, I prefer to do things my way quickly and efficiently."

"But- I don't understand—why?" Nezu asked once again. "Why do all this and even take Kaminari? Why do you need him?"

"Make no mistake," Deku corrected with narrowed eyes. "Even with half a leg, one arm tied behind my back, one eye cut out, blind, deaf, and mute—call me Helen Keller—I'd be 4 times greater than he could ever be."

"I don't need him—but I need you." Deku concluded with a smirk. "This way, you can't ignore me any longer."

"Why go through all of this trouble, Young Midoriya??" All Might, who was there and had been looking at the screen in shock and disbelief the entire time, inquired of Deku.

"Oh All Might, is that you?" Deku said in a mocking tone as he continued to laugh. "Sorry, let me call you Toshinori. Calling you 'All Might' suggests you have power able to rival the likes of mine. And you and I both know that even in your prime you wouldn't even hold a candle to my left pinky toe."

"Such unbridled arrogance." Vlad King, another teacher on the scene, commented in disgust.

"Oh spare me your sense of morality," Deku rolled his eyes. "We've been over this before, and I've said this before. You call it arrogance, I call it confidence. Let's think about it: what exactly is arrogance? Overconfidence, correct? Overconfidence is having confidence compensating for what you do not have. But, as you've clearly seen time and time again, I have everything I say I do, and more. A man like me could never be arrogant. I am the greatest thing that ever happened to that school, and I am the strongest out of all of you there, combined. If any of you think that statement was false in any way, if you truly think otherwise, step forward and say it."

Utter silence.

"Exactly what I thought."

"Dek-" Nezu tried to speak, but was cut off immediately by Deku.

"I'm done hearing your voice you dirty, mutated rodent." Deku spat out in disgust as he glared down through the screen. "The next time you speak, I will make sure Kaminari blames you for whatever happens to him next."

At that, Nezu no longer spoke a word.

"Listen up, Toshinori." Deku called out once again, smirking when he glared at him for the disrespect.

"I've realized something," Deku continued with that same smirk only growing wider.

"You're useless."

Toshinori was taken aback by this, and he took a step back in disbelief, wondering what Deku was talking about.

"You've been sitting on your ass for the last 3 months doing nothing." Deku continued with a glare. "The USJ, the Hero Killer, the Final Exams, the Training Camp—even what happened after the Training Camp went to hell. You've been sitting there, doing nothing."

"I'm the one who's been solving all these problems. I'm the one who's been taking care of all these villains. I'm the one who's saved everyone."

"And now *I'm* the bad guy? *I'm* the villain?" Deku questioned as he glared harder at the screen. "No. *You* are the villain. The so-called 'Symbol of Peace' being nothing but a figurehead. Much like an actual symbol, you represent something you're not and in this case that's a hero."

Toshinori tried to fight back against this. He tried to somehow argue with Deku's claims–but he found himself stuck in an unbreakable silence.

"If you want to prove me wrong, then face me."

Toshinori's eyes shot up and looked at the screen in utter disbelief and horror.

"As long as you stand, my utopia cannot come to fruition." Deku explained further. "I have no need for the past era, I'm focused on the future. The past era of heroes and villains will fall. I will make sure of that."

"Face me at Kamino Ward: the hideout of the League of Villains."

Toshinori looked even more shocked as he begged the question: "How do you know where the League of Villains is located??"

"Do you really think that anything could escape the eyes of greatness?" Deku laughed aloud. "I have eyes and ears everywhere."

"Also, I can just sense them." Deku added casually.

"You see," Deku continued on. "You all can't sense power like I can. The reason you've been able to with me thus far is because my power is so astronomical that not even an infant could ignore it. But when it comes to the average person, you're all as blind as- well Nezu."

Nezu remained silent, in fear of Kaminari's safety. But, it was for sure a blow to his pride.

"I'll give you one more chance, Toshinori." Deku exclaimed. "One more chance to truly show that you're as good as you say you are. I know you must be tired after all of that sitting around for 3 months, but, please try your hardest to complete the difficult task of actually doing your job, and being the number one hero."

"Come to Kamino Ward and try to take out the world's greatest threat." Deku called out with his arms spread wide, basking in the power he possessed. "Although, it pains me to call myself a threat to the world. I'm not a threat, I'm an ally. I'm saving all of you from the shell of a man and disgrace of a hero that is–sorry, was 'All Might'. I'm not the bad guy here, I'm the good guy."

"You all need me."

"The choice is yours Mr. 'Symbol of Peace'. Tomorrow night, you will come to Kamino, and only you. Then, and only then will the world be put on notice."

"I hope you understand what I'm saying, Yagi." Deku disrespected even further. "You'd better come prepared, because Lord knows you'll need it."

"There," Deku concluded with a serene smile. "Greatness has spoken."

With that, the line cut off and the hologram shut down. There was a raucous silence that filled the air. And, ironically, every single person there was shivering in the blistering heat.


The next day passed by agonizingly slow. Each second that passed felt like it was dragging anchors in its wake—all counting down towards the showdown with Deku.

All Might was a fantastic hero, who is unanimously considered the #1 hero in Japan. But, even he knows the grave danger of this situation.

"Don't worry All Might, Midoriya was just bluffing. You know how he gets."

We currently find Class 1-A and All Might standing outside of UA. The class was there for All Might before his departure to Kamino Ward, where Deku awaited. Many of them had tried reciting choruses and phrases meant to cheer up or help the man, but it did next to nothing. The challenge had been laid out and the time had been set, there was no turning back.

Today, he would lose his greatest pupil.

For better, or for worse.


All Might spoke loudly and boldly to his students. He feigned the ultimate level of confidence, and hid it all with his smile. Much like he was used to doing at that point. However,

There was no one on this planet more terrified than him.

He turned his back to the class, and he raised his fist one last time—symbolizing his drive to protect the future, and keep the status of heroes intact.

At that, he took off: leaving everything behind.

It didn't take very long for All Might to arrive. When he did, he was no longer smiling. There was no need to anymore. His pupil had crossed the line for the last time, and regardless of his power or quirk, he had to be taught a lesson.

And All Might intended to do just that.

He landed in the middle of Kamino, and he wasted no time in getting down to business.

"GET OUT HERE AND FACE ME!" All Might shouted with great fierceness and anger. "IT'S TIME TO FACE YOUR SINS, ONCE AND FOR ALL."

There was silence, for a while. Until All Might heard something in the distance and focused in on it. There was a dark shadow casted, and it seemed like something was in the middle of it.

"So," the figure in the shadow called out. "You've come."

As the figure said this, they walked slowly out into the light and All Might laid eyes on him for the first time in a seemingly long time."




"All For One..?"

"It's good to see you, All Might." The newly revealed All For One answered with a smirk. Assumingly, however, since there wasn't much face left to decipher. "I didn't know you would be here, but I guess I should have expected as much."

"YOU HAVE A LOT OF NERVE SHOWING UP HERE CONSIDERING THIS IS YOUR FAULT." All Might accused hatefully as he raised his guard.

"Oh spare me, All Might." All For One dismissed with a wave of his hand. "First of all, this is my headquarters, so if anything it's you that has some nerve. And second, I have no idea what you're talking about. What exactly is *my* fault, All Might?"


"Ah, Izuku Midoriya," All For One ignored him, which only made All Might angrier. "Where is he, anyways? He called me out here and well he doesn't seem like the type to hide-"


"Oh relax," All For One once again dismissed. "You must be tired from all that energy wasting you're doing yelling at nothing. Don't bother trying to blame me, this is your fault, not mine."


"Don't act all surprised," All For One continued. "You failed to control your greatest weapon in Izuku Midoriya, and now he's lashed out. Shigaraki may not have as much potential as Izuku, but I for sure know how to control him. You don't. Which is why we're here."


"Isolation and abandonment is the new therapy I suppose," All For One laughed aloud. "My, I must be getting old. Oh how the times have changed."

Before their argument could continue any further, the gravity had suddenly become heavier, the atomosphere felt like it was deprived of oxygen, and their senses flared. They both immediately stopped and turned their heads to the side.

Walking towards them was a hulking figure that was somehow shorter than them. With each step he took, it felt like their lives were more and more in danger as he closed the distance.

"There's no need to fight anymore."

His arms swayed with confidence and assurance; his voice was dripping with power and perfection.

"There's no longer any need to worry."

He stopped a short distance away from both the top hero and the top villain, and he looked at them dead in the eyes.

"Because," He started as his eyes shifted to silver, and once again All Might was terrified by that cold, silver glare. All For One was in the same boat, having never been face to face with such inconceivable amounts of power before. He now realized how grave a mistake he made by failing to get rid of him. The incredible figure looked on as his smirk grew, and his eyes widened, before closing with a tilt of his head.

"I am here."

Deku had arrived.

Here they were face to face. The 3 strongest people in Japan, all in the same place. This was the stand-off of a lifetime, and everyone knew it.

Helicopters and news crews from all around were witness, and they began to pull up to the scene—not wanting to miss even a moment.

"The crowd awaits, number one." Deku called out with that victorious smirk still plastered on his face.

"Hey," All For One called out to All Might. All For One sounded a little different, however. His voice seemed shaken. It was startling to All Might as well, because he had never seen the evil and all powerful All For One seem genuinely threatened, even in his prime. "I hate you. I want you to truly know and understand that. But, even I know there's no way out of this unless we work toget-"


Before All For One even finished his sentence, All Might charged at Deku with incredible conviction. All Might would clearly rather die than work together with his arch-nemesis, and it seems like that's exactly what he was going to do. All Might sped towards Deku and cocked his fist back.

He clenched his butt cheeks and yelled from the depths of his heart:



Before All Might could even conceive the thought of Deku moving. Deku was face to face with All Might mid flight, and placed his hand on All Might's forehead. As soon as he did so, he stopped all of All Might's momentum in an instant and smashed him into the ground, creating a huge crater that sent shockwaves felt throughout the entire place.

All For One was completely flabbergasted at the display. Even with all of his stored up quirks, he had never been able to incapacitate All Might so effortlessly.

And with his left hand of all things.

He knew for sure that Deku was a righty, so it became abundantly clear. Deku was toying with them.

All For one wasted no time in trying to catch Deku off guard. He rushed at him and utilized a paralyzation quirk on Deku to hold him still. Then he used 3 strength quirks to enhance himself and launched an attack at Deku. Deku simply looked at the attack and it stopped in its tracks. All For One was blasted away, and bounced on the ground a little before hitting a building. Below him, All Might regrouped and tried to spin kick Deku with a leg infused with One For All. However, Deku stopped the leg with his left pinky tip and didn't even flinch. All Might regrouped by back flipping away, and he rushed back towards Deku with more attacks on the way.






Hit after hit, attack after attack. It all did nothing. Deku sidestepped, ducked, and dodged every single attack as if they were nothing. He looked so elegant, as if he were performing a dance recital.

All Might jumped back in frustration before launching himself back at Deku with one more attempt.


All Might's attack finally connected!


"So," Deku began in a deep and intimidating voice. He had caught the attack with only one hand once again. "This is what the 'Symbol of Peace' has for me, huh?"


Deku pulled All Might towards him and hit All Might with a devastating punch to the gut, which dissipated his pupils and caused blood to come flying out of his mouth, before he himself went flying. All For One used this as a chance to try and catch Deku off guard from behind . He used an ice quirk to freeze Deku's arms and legs, before using a speed quirk to rush at Deku with an attack.

Deku moved his eyes to look behind him, not even bothering to move his head. He dodged All For One's attack effortlessly, and then he headbutted All For One into oblivion. Blood shot out of his head and he was sent in the same direction as All Might, in a similar state as well.

All Might was struggling to get up, to stand—hell, even to breathe. His eyes were wide open and the veins and arteries present were clearly visible. He was taking deep and shallow breaths as he looked up and saw Deku walking towards him.

"I told you, you idiot." All For One called out from beside him in a similar state. "We need to work together!"


"You're about to get your wish you moron!"

"Spare me the arguments," Deku interrupted as he reached them. He glared at them with his silver eyes, once more. "There will be no one saving you."

Deku laughed joyously as the two standards for power in this era, currently laid beneath his feet.

"Of course no one is gonna save you guys, only heroes save people. And you're looking at one." Deku continued with a smile as he closed his eyes. "Never fear, never worry, and know that you're safe. Not because you're here, but because *I* am."

"I am the true hero. It's both of you that are villains," Deku concluded with his tone returning to serious. "In my new society, I will cleanse the world from all evil filth. And I'll start with you."

They both tried to move, and or fight back. But, they just couldn't. Deku's power was just too great. There was nothing they could do to stop him.

Deku put out his hand with his palm facing upwards, and a small ball of energy formed and glowed in the night.

The cameras had been watching the entire time, and the news crews were completely silent. Their mouths agape and their eyes shot wide open, they couldn't believe what was going on at that moment. At first, when they saw that the number one hero and villain were seemingly working together to defeat a common foe, they rubbed their hands together in excitement. For, they had a juicy story to tell the world. However, seeing how easily and effortlessly they were both dispatched of ruined any of those plans. This was the Symbol of Peace, the #1 hero. Him being completely and utterly overpowered like this was not something anyone thought would ever happen. Yet, here they were witnessing it in 4K.

Everything truly comes full circle. The situation was started and pushed with a video in 4K, and now it will end just the same.

Back towards the battle, Deku looked on at the two beneath him and aimed the energy ball at them. He narrowed his eyes even further as he began to release the ball of energy. Before suddenly, he whipped his arm to the side and aimed it at something else, without moving his eyes away from All Might and All For One.

"Why are you here."

Deku's arm was now pointed at an unexpected visitor.

"I won't let you hurt Master anymore!" The man spoke on a raspy  and disgusting voice. the attack revealed him to be Shigaraki, much to All For One's surprise. "I'll kill you first!"

Deku had aimed the attack right at Shigaraki before he could touch Deku, which was his plan. Deku was not fazed by his appearance, if anything it was just a little inconvenient.

"I have no business with you," Deku spoke once more, his eyes still not leaving the two below. "You can leave now."

"Shut up you stupid brat!" Shigaraki rejected with anger. "Oh I've hated you ever since that USJ incident! I've been dreaming of killing you ever since, and now that you've attacked master I finally get the-"

In an instant, Deku dissipated the attack and grabbed Shigaraki's face, which completely shut him up. Shigaraki used this as a chance to try and touch Deku, but he was one step ahead and squeezed Shigaraki's face harder, halting all attempts.

"Quiet down, Handjob." Deku spoke down to Shigaraki as his hand glowed a bright blue before he finally turned to look at Shigaraki one last time.

Without a second beat, energy exploded from Deku's hand and he completely smothered Shigaraki in his energy. This created a huge cloud of smoke that made everything invisible to anyone in Kamino or watching from home. The smoke dissipated, and there was nothing left. Not even a single atom.

"That's enough out of you."

All Might looked at Deku unbelievably, and his mouth was held wide open. All For One was in a similar manner. He felt conflicted because that was his pupil whom he spent a lot of time working with and making into the perfect arch-nemesis for All Might and One For All. Seeing him destroyed so effortlessly like that was a truly frustrating sight.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA-" All Might tried to speak but was immediately cut off.


Deku glared harder at the two, before wrapping up.

"If there's anything that comes out of your mouth, it had better be 'Thank you'."

If it wasn't clear to All Might before, it was crystal now. Deku was on another level. He was on a rampage, and it wasn't going to be stopped by any normal means. He had to throw everything he had at this new threat, or else the world as he knows it would be done for.


All Might had made eye contact with All For One when he said this, and All For One saw and understood the sign immediately. All For One exploded in power and knocked Deku back a couple yards. Deku slid back, but regained his composure effortlessly.

All For One placed a hand on All Might and himself and a white outline appeared. It seemed to function as some sort of barrier, because what happened next was All For One stomping the ground and immediately Deku fell to one knee. It appeared that the gravity had been changed to limit and handicap Deku.

"What the-" Deku exclaimed in surprise. It should've been easy to counteract the effect of gravity, considering all the time he spent with Ochako, however, this gravity was special.

"Counterweight," All For One called out. "A quirk that takes one's power and uses it as a weight to hold them down. The ultimate handicap."

"Aren't you glad I stole so many quirks, All Might." All For One taunted, but was quickly shut down by a glare from All Might. "Buzzkill."

Without a moment to waste, All Might shot at Deku who was now handicapped and launched a knee to his face which actually connected this time. Some blood shot from his face and he went flying in the opposite direction. All For One placed his hands down on the ground and a yellow cage emerged around Kamino. The cage functioned as a quirk handicap and weakened the quirks of whoever was inside. Because All For One and All Might have barriers on due to a barrier quirk, they were unaffected, but Deku was fully affected. All Might rained down a bunch of Smashes and Kicks, trying to get in as much offense as possible possible. All For One joined in and used strength and speed quirks to get in some incredible attacks on Deku. They were finally able to knock him back once more, before standing side by side.


"Let's make it count then!"

All Might charged up every single ounce of power left in his old and worn out body. Inside his head you could see a light passing through 8 different colors and glows, as he reached deep within One For All to utilize its power. His arm got bigger, and he cocked it back by his hip, grit his teeth, and steeled himself to finish off his once great pupil.

All For One combined as many quirks as necessary into his arm and it resulted in a huge and disgusting display of quirk thievery. His arm grew to disproportional sizes, but so did his power as well. All Might looked next to him, disgustedly, but understandingly as they both nodded and rushed towards Deku.

All For One cocked his arm back and sensed the presence of Deku, as he curved his path to go to Deku's right side in order to launch his attack. He closed in on Deku and launched his attack at the boy.

At the same time, All Might was charging towards Deku and following the path towards Deku's left side. As All Might charged up his attack, his arm got bigger and bigger, while the rest of his body was getting smaller. The world would soon know of All Might's true appearance. However, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that Deku was defeated at this very moment.

All Might steeled himself, clenched his butt cheeks, and yelled for the very first and last time from the depths of his heart:

"UNITED," All Might began as he reached Deku's weakened state. "STATES OFFFFFFF"


Both All For One and All Might landed their strongest attacks at the same time on Deku. The result was a monstrous display of power that shook the heavens themselves. The clouds parted, and the shockwaves from the attack sent the helicopters and news crews around them flying out of position. The attack was so great it created a huge crater bigger than any Deku had created this far in this battle.

This was an attack of two greats in All Might and All For One.

Their efforts were truly respectable.

The smoke that gathered up began to clear, and the two great men were seen holding their attack stances. The helicopter and news crews were able to recover and continue broadcasting. They were getting ready to shoot confetti and shout in celebration. They zoomed and looked closer, but what they saw terrified them.

All Might and All For One held their stances. But their stances weren't the only thing that was frozen. Their faces were frozen in shock and fear.

When the smoke dissipated, they saw Deku. His arms were crossed in an 'X' position, and his hands were out with his palms facing and absorbing both of their enlarged fists. His eyes were narrowed, and seemingly unfazed.

Generations of quirks were be trapped in All For One's arms, yet that meant absolutely nothing. All the combined powers of the holders of One For All were being utilized as a push for All Might to give his final and greatest smash. All of that–amounted to nothing. Deku had caught both of their attacks like it was less than nothing.

"Level 2: 3%"

With that, Deku's hair started waving in the air as it turned pitch black with linings of silver all throughout. Suddenly a blue energy started taking over both All Might and All For One. Slowly but surely, the barriers dissipated and All Might's arm started shrinking. All For One's arm did as well. It wasn't just because they were exhausted, no.

Deku was quite literally burning what little energy they had left from the inside out.

They both screamed in agony. The scream was heard around the world, as the fight for this era was being overtaken by Deku's conviction. The scream rung in the ears of the news crews as their eyes were wide open in fear. All of the people at home were in similar situations, their fearful eyes glued to the screen. The heroes of UA were all watching from their dorms and homes, and the vigilantes of class 1-A were also looking on.

All Might and All For One both fell to their knees in agony. Deku coldly looked on as he raised his hand at the two one last time, and another ball of energy appeared in his hand.

There was no one to save them this time.

"Good fight," Deku called out with his silver eyes staring deep into the two's souls. "You've proven yourselves to be bigger than your egos in your attempt to defeat me, however futile it was."

"You have my respect, both of you. I'll be sure to implement your ideals into my utopia."

With that, Deku launched his attacks and it completely engulfed All Might and All For One. They were sent flying back and hit a building, before bouncing off the wall and landing face first onto the ground. All For One's face and body was mutilated even further, and All Might was completely deflated. His regular, and much weaker state was public now. However, they could not react to hide their true selves because they were both unconscious, surrounded by failure.

"Are you finished?" Deku said aloud to no one in particular.

"Of course, boss."

Deku turned his head and saw his five officers walking out of the shadows with the unconscious bodies of the League of Villains. They all looked relatively unfazed, if anything they were a little annoyed they got dust on them. It was Amanda who had answered, and she, along with the rest of the officers, dropped the bodies to the ground and stood beside their leader.

"Good." Deku answered with a content smirk. He then turned his head to look up at the news crew and helicopter. They were utterly shaken, and completely terrified when Deku looked their way.

"You," Deku called out to them. "Come down here and face that camera towards me."

They obeyed without a second thought, and soon enough the helicopter was on the ground and the camera was on Deku's face.

"Perfect." Deku said with a clear smirk.

"Are you all seeing this?" Deku asked the camera, receiving no answer, yet knowing everyone was listening. He beckoned the camera to point at the unconscious All Might."That is your so-called symbol of peace."

"That is your number one hero." Deku said while shaking his head. The camera zoomed in and everyone was shocked to see the state All Might was in. He looked completely different than anything they had seen of him before. It was almost as if it never existed in the first place.

"A man like him is not fit to be your number one. He was never fit. All he did was lie to you all. He went out everyday and smiled as if he had everything under control, when he was the one under control. Under the control of the public opinion, and especially the glorified popularity contest that is the hero system. Those things will no longer exist in my utopia. I will create a world where evil is not allowed to exist. I will destroy all acts of injustice and cruelty that befalls the world."

"I will create perfection."

"People out there think of being a hero as a simple 9 to 5 and that is disgusting. They spit in the face of what true heroism is. But, don't be fooled. Those morality hunting do-gooders are just as bad. They let evil villains like these," Deku said, while pointing to the League of Villains and All For One. "get off Scott-free in the name of 'justice'. Wrong. I am justice. Justice cannot be evil; it can do no wrong. If you think justice is wrong, then that means you deserve it even more. All of you out there were relying on All Might so much- you all saw him as invincible. But, he was lying to you the entire time and you all had no idea. Even if you did, you ignored it because it's All Might. No. He is Toshinori Yagi. In my utopia, there won't be a single beacon of hope- there will be a country of hope. Japan will be the symbol of peace. You won't have to rely on a single person, you can rely on yourselves. Under my rule, you all will become strong enough to protect the ideals of justice. We will become the strongest, the most powerful, and the most influential. We will take over and become the utopia we were always meant to be. UA and the hero association held me back from exerting my true power, when they and everyone there knew that I could've changed the world with my power. I will change the world with my power. You may be afraid now, but in my utopia you would be inspired. Fear has no place in the world I create, if you want power: I will show you the way."

Deku and his crew of 5 warriors all came up close to the camera as all the cameramen and news crew members were mesmerized by his words. Deku powered up to Level 3 and his hair spiked up fully and became a bright white. He was outlined in blue and white heat and his shirt was burned off, exposing his chiseled body. He spread his arms wide and basked in his power once more. This change in appearance was to emphasize his point, status, and power.

"Think about it," Deku continued. "Don't you all want to be under a leader as powerful as me? You could someday gain power and never have to worry about feeding your family, protecting yourself, teaching your kids- I will solve all of those problems. I'm the very best and I just proved it."

"If you're not with me, you're against me." Deku warned with a cold and silver eyed glare. "I have no qualms with making an example out of anyone who wishes to oppose me."

"The old era is gone. And I'm ushering in the new era."

"*I'm* your new symbol of peace," Deku began once again. "And if you can only accept All Might having that title, well then so be it. If he's your symbol of peace, then,"

"I guess I'm the Symbol of War."

That statement further shook the listeners of this monologue to their core, as they really imagined the consequences of war with Deku.

"I'm declaring war on this current society," Deku continued with a glare and words full of conviction. "This society doesn't fit within my utopia. Therefore it needs to be destroyed."

"I've laid out my invitation, and I've explained my intentions. You're welcome to join me, and you're welcome to fight me. However if you choose the latter, then I want you to remember those two over there, and really think about your actions beforehand."

Deku smirked and spread his hands out once more: "Why would you ever want to fight me? I'm the good guy. I'm the real hero. The real villains are the ones who've been lying to you this entire time, just like they lied to me."

"Let this be a lesson to you all," Deku began one last time as his smirk turned into a serene smile.  "Those who oppose me, will only end up as martyrs for the greater good, which is my utopia: the ultimate society."

"Join me, and become a part of the ultimate force that I have created."

All five members of CD formed around Izuku and put their fists out in respect to their leader.

"Take a good look , you lot." Slade announced with a smirk.

"That is what a true god looks like." Lior carried on Slade's sentiment with just as big a smirk.

"He is a true and undeniable warrior, worthy of respect." Agnus continued with a tone of responsibility and authority.

"There's no one out there who can even touch him." Amanda exclaimed with a confident smile as she looked on at the cameras and then her leader.

"There never was, is, or ever will be anyone quite like him." King recited with the same tone as Amanda.

They all turned their heads towards the camera as they prepared to acknowledge their leader in front of all of Japan, speaking all at the same.

"All of Japan must acknowledge him: The Greatest Hero of All Time."

"Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya."

The leader himself finished as the silver in his eyes gleamed one last time for emphasis and the cameras cut off.

The message had been sent.

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