Let Me In ✔️ | ENG

By Sarae-Seong

676 50 370

In a need of a break from her demanding job, Carmina seeks refuge in a hidden gem of Italy - Amalfi Coast. Bu... More

Author's Note
〉 Let Me Read You 〈
〉 Let Me Fix It 〈
〉 Let Them Talk 〈
〉 Let Me Know 〈
〉 Let Me Try 〈
〉 Let Me Confess 〈
〉 Let Us Dream 〈
〉 Let It Last 〈
〉 Let It Go 〈
〉 Let Me Mourn 〈
〉 Let Me Be 〈

〉 Let Me In 〈

142 7 29
By Sarae-Seong

The first rays of dawn painted the room in bands of golden hues, while the world outside lazily began to come to life. And although the city was starting to wake up, the streets were still enveloped in fog, as if the damp air didn't want to disperse after the long night. The song of the early birds was more of a lullaby than a sign of the new day beginning. No wonder Carmina slept deeply, wrapped in a delicate quilt. Her lips formed a soft smile as if she had met her kindred soul in her dream. Her peaceful breath mingled with the melody outside, harmonizing for a moment with the rustle of leaves.

Nothing, however, lasts forever. Sudden screeches, roars straight from hell, ripped Carmina from Morpheus's embrace. Like a startled meerkat, she leaped out of bed, her legs getting tangled in the folds of the blanket, causing her to land with a loud thud on the floor.

"Fuck," she muttered, clumsily picking herself up. Blanket 1, Carmina 0. And this was just the beginning. Her hand landed with a clatter on the alarm clock. 7:45. Wait a minute... She had just struggled to calm her breath, and now her heart was racing dangerously again. "I overslept," she whispered in disbelief, opening her eyes wide. "I overslept for the first time in seven years!" A desperate moan escaped her lips. In an instant, she was on her feet, fully ready to take action. "Time to conquer the world! One chaotic moment at a time!"

Sometimes we want to conquer the world, but it is us who end up defeated. And everything seemed to be made up of unexplained comic situations that day. Spilled breakfast cereal and the last drop of milk, like in her favourite comedy, only this time there was no laughter; a suitcase that refused to close, even though she always packed quickly and efficiently. Years of practice in being meticulous and agile seemed to count for nothing today. The passport had disappeared somewhere between the book she finished reading last Thursday and the pot with the fern, which, by the way, will die before Carmina can return from her long-awaited vacation. She closed the door with a gentle click. "Inhale, exhale. It's all because of excitement!" she whispered to herself as she descended in the elevator from her last floor in the Manhattan skyscraper. "A lifetime on the go," she muttered, tying her hair into a tousled, loose bun somewhere between the thirteenth and tenth floors. Between the ninth and seventh, she questioned herself eight times if she had indeed taken the documents, and from the sixth floor down to the ground floor, she contemplated whether reading "Interview with Psychopaths" on the plane would raise any suspicions. "Nah," she scolded herself silently, but a mischievous smile crept onto her lips. What are audiobooks for? - she already had the whole series planned. Nothing improved her mood like listening to stories of digging up carefully hidden bones of the deceased, while people around were sending smiles, having no idea what tales the headphones were leading into her mind.

But Carmina wasn't the psycho. She was just an ordinary, 33-year-old, hardworking woman. Dishevelled, angry, and with a broken heel in her left hand she reached the check-in counter at JFK Airport. The airline cashier looked at her with a hint of doubt but scanned the passport she placed in hurry in front of him.

"Thank you. Just a moment, please allow me to check your information." Carmina O'Mara. Flight to Italy. "Italy. A beautiful destination. Are you staying in Rome or will you be exploring the country?" Before she could even respond, his eyes flicked back to the screen. INTERPOL Special Agent.

"Everything seems to be in order. Have a safe journey," he murmured, regretting asking for any details. Carmina retrieved her passport and boarding pass slowly, focusing her gaze on the embarrassed employee. "I'm heading to the coast, a well-deserved break after fourteen months of non-stop work," she said, smiling warmly, but the cashier's unease didn't disappear. Working for international law enforcement had its perks and privileges, but it also created a distance between people, leaving them unsure of how to act. Carmina had already gotten used to this, so she simply sent one last reassuring smile his way and disappeared into the crowd.

Sometimes finding comfort and a moment of peace becomes precious when we've been without it for a while. Having a tiny space where we can just close our eyes for a moment feels like a little blessing.
Carmina sank into the soft seat on the airplane. The realization that she had nine hours of flight ahead suddenly seemed like exceptionally good news. Nothing was going to happen in the air today, and she could finally relax completely after landing. She really needed it. It wasn't easy to get time off in her line of work. Well... technically it was, but the truth was, they always pulled you back in because suddenly something very important came up and of course only you could handle it. Plus, going out with friends was nearly impossible because most of them didn't even know where you worked, and the ones who did want nothing to do with you because they'd watched too many movies and were afraid that your connections would put them in danger. Carmina didn't feel like fighting that battle. She had enough on her plate and was trying to navigate her adult, imperfect, but pretty good existence.
In her everyday life, she faced challenges aplenty. While working in the office, she was responsible for liaising with the head secretary, and when she ventured into the field, she entered a world that others couldn't even imagine, chasing after things one would rather flee from. These vacations were her salvation. Of all the places in the world, she chose the Amalfi Coast in Italy. Two weeks away from the crowds should be like balm for her soul.
Somewhat, that's exactly how it looked. The luxurious hotel greeted her with a smile and warmth, and Carmina couldn't wait to see what her suite looked like.

The resort exceeded her expectations. In fact, Carmina looked around like a little girl in wonder. The luxurious interior of the main hall only heightened her curiosity. The receptionist didn't pay attention to her status; she smiled warmly as she would to any other guest. That's exactly what Carmina desired - normalcy, even for the next fourteen days she was going to spend here. All the uncertainty vanished, making way for happiness.
The suite she had reserved was much better than Carmina had expected. The spacious interior was almost like a home; she could easily live here. It was the perfect place to retreat and be alone, complete with a fully stocked minibar, but that wasn't the purpose of these vacations. Carmina wanted to feel like others, even if just for a moment. And although she wasn't actively seeking company, she also didn't intend to hide away like a hermit. Timidly, she stepped out onto the terrace. What she saw there exceeded her wildest expectations.
The spacious wooden terrace overlooked the resort's garden. She was greeted by palm trees and the chatter of colourful parrots. Could one ask for more? But she got much more. From the terrace, she could jump straight into the pool. And even though she shared it with the neighbouring suite, it seemed that for now, there was no neighbour. She smiled to herself at the thought. When was the last time she could relax in a pool? Besides exercises, of course, at the thought of which she got goose bumps.

Carmina wasted no time; she ordered room service in its most luxurious form - only fresh fruits, chocolate, and one of the finest champagnes served here.
She settled comfortably into the chair on the terrace and indulged in local delicacies.

Could one want anything more? Perhaps she would feel much better here in someone's company, but she could also relax perfectly well on her own. She closed her eyes and smiled broadly. "Carmina, you'll recharge your batteries here. Next year will be better." Did she believe it herself? Now, nothing else mattered, just her, peace, and this place.
Better than indulging in calorie-rich food and pure relaxation could only be swimming in a completely empty pool. As soon as Carmina immersed herself in the warm water, a grin crept onto her lips. This was definitely her place. With the grace of a mermaid, she swam a few meters back and forth, savouring the space and tranquillity. She swam to the edge only to reach for another serving of strawberries in chocolate and another glass of sparkling golden liquid. In her mind, she thanked herself for these vacations.

And she probably would have enjoyed this situation until the early hours of the morning if it weren't for the knocking on the door. The late hour was one thing, but the intensity with which the knocking echoed raised every possible doubt in her mind.

Carmina slowly climbed out of the water, analysing every possible scenario in her head. Hurriedly drying herself with a towel, she listened for the next series of knocks on her door. Did someone really have to show up here from all the available rooms? Would she ever be able to rest? Many possibilities ran through her mind. Were they planning to pull her away from her break again, even though she had just arrived? This time, she wasn't going to give in and fight for her right to relax. These vacations were hers, and she wasn't going back to the States even if it were the end of the world. She took a deep breath and calmed her senses. No matter who it was, she would just get rid of them. Simple as that, nothing to worry about. She threw on her velvety robe and slowly made her way to the door.

"Who's there?" she called out into the ether, even though she didn't really want to know. Whoever it was, they had just disrupted her first vacation in ages.

"Let me in... please! Let me in!" a young man's voice, full of panic, reached her ears. "Please, help me," he continued, knocking frantically and nonsensically. "Please, let me in. They shouldn't see me." His distinct foreign accent was evident in every word.

Carmina slightly parted her lips in surprise. His voice was full of pleas for help, but her mind also called for caution. She had seen a lot in her life, and the situation unfolding now put her on high alert. Maybe she was being oversensitive, maybe her profession had completely warped her, but she wasn't the type to just open the door for anyone who asked.

"Please..." his desperate voice reached her once again. "Let me in."
Her hand shot towards the doorknob faster than rational thought. Though she prioritized safety first and foremost, there was something in his voice that compelled her to open the door.

As soon as she cracked it open, someone burst inside like a rhinoceros. The young man slammed the door behind him, leaning back against it, desperately trying to calm his breath.

"Thank you," he whispered, with eyes still shut tightly. Carmina watched him with a curiosity and concern. She had been about to say something when voices broke in from outside the door. The stranger begged for silence, pressing a finger to his lips. So she nodded in agreement, and they both waited quietly for the voices to fade away.

As the silence settled, Carmina let out a quiet laugh. It seemed like today's rollercoaster of events was missing one thing - a stranger-in-distress subplot straight out of a movie. "Um... care to enlighten me on what just happened?" Carmina finally broke the silence between them. The stranger she had just helped finally looked up to meet her gaze. Despite Carmina's usual ability to navigate tricky situations, she found herself totally lost in the warmth in his deep, chocolate-brown eyes.

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