
By KatGee

31.1K 2.3K 494

Book 3 of the DeLuca Mafia Series Alessia DeLuca has known since she was a child that once she was an adult... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

1.8K 134 30
By KatGee


I blink down at the dark head of hair resting on my bicep as I wake, a smile curling at the corner of my lips. She must have turned over in her sleep, her back to me now, but her body is still molded against my side, my arm acting as her pillow. Fuck. The things I would do to wake up exactly like this every day for the rest of my life.

She comforted me last night and held my hand most of the day yesterday. I could tell she wanted to show me that she was there for me if I needed her without having to say the words. It was a nice change from the cold shoulder she'd been giving me. My sweet, stubborn wife. I wouldn't have her any other way though.

She wiggles a little and then turns over. Her eyes still closed as she moved her head from my arm to my chest, dark hair fanning out behind her. She stretches her arm and leg across my body until her hand rests on the other side of my chest and her thigh is thrown across my hips. I bite back a groan as she shifts her leg, rubbing it against my hard dick. My balls ache painfully but I ignore them, knowing she isn't doing it on purpose.

Her eyes slowly flutter open, blinking a few times while she adjusts to the sun shining through the curtains. She reaches up and rubs her face and when she sits her hand back down on my chest her brow furrows. Her amber gaze flicks to the spot it rests and she finally realizes that she's using me as a pillow but she doesn't move. Instead she inspects the tattoos there, her manicured fingernail tracing the knife inked on my pec. Goosebumps spread across my flesh, my nipple hardening, begging for her touch to move lower. Before I can blink she gives it a pinch. I release a surprised grunt in response to the minor sting and then her eyes meet mine, humor dancing in their amber depths.

She knew I was watching her, knew I was awake. Sneaky woman. 

She smirks. "As if I couldn't feel your eyes on me even while asleep, why do you think I woke up in the first place?"

I brush her hair away from her face, tucking the strands behind her ear. My beautiful, clever wife. I've never felt more possessive over anything or anyone as I do with her. It almost drives me mad. I have to constantly reel myself in so I'm not too overbearing.

"You can feel my eyes on you even in your sleep?" I question, wondering if she knew about the last two nights where I watched her sleep before I fell asleep myself.

"I could then." She arches an eyebrow at me. "Why? Do you watch me sleep often?" I give her a wink and she laughs lightly and mutters, "Stalker."

A grin I can't seem to fight spreads across my lips.

She has no idea.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her, moving our conversation away from my obsessive tendencies.

That's not exactly a conversation I'd like to get into right now since we're still on rocky ground.

She raises her eyebrows in surprise at my question. "You mean I get a choice other than sitting at home all day?"

Fuck. I love hearing her call our house her home. It makes me so damn happy it's ridiculous. I have no preferences when it comes to my home so I made our house everything she's ever wanted by using my knowledge of her personality in addition to what I found while scrolling through her Pinterest boards. I wanted it to be her sanctuary. I wanted her to feel at home as soon as she moved in, and so far it's seemed to have worked.

"Of course, you always have a choice with me." I assure her.

She hadn't told me of anything she wanted to do since being here so I had assumed she was trying to get settled in before she did.

"Maybe we should hang out with Lucia." She suggests.

I want to tug her up my body and kiss her senseless at her selflessness. How anyone has ever treated her as anything other than perfection is baffling.

"She won't like that but thank you for thinking of her, piccolina." I reply softly, emotion filling my voice.

My Mom has always preferred being alone over having company. I'm not sure if it's because of my father, how she was raised, her personality or a combination of the three. Staying for breakfast would probably be as much company as she'll want.

Her eyes study my face. "What do you like to do for fun when you aren't busy being the Don?"

Stalk you.

I clear my throat, pushing the thought away. "I'm pretty boring. I mainly hang out with my sisters and my nieces when I have free time. I also like mixed martial arts. I haven't needed hand to hand combat often but it's helped me the times I have and it keeps me in shape."

She blinks rapidly. "Mixed martial arts as in the sport where two men in tiny shorts wrestle around and try to overpower one another?"

Her explanation makes me laugh so hard my ribs ache and soon she's laughing with me. I wasn't expecting her to say that at all. I love that she doesn't mind saying exactly what she's thinking.

I glide my knuckles down the side of her face as our laughter fades. "You wanna watch me fight Gabriele?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, making me laugh again. "Sweaty men fighting, is that your kink, piccolina?"

"Maybe." A smile curls her pretty mouth up at the corners and I soak it up.

Silence fills the room and I expect her to get up and put her walls back up like she had been but she doesn't. She lays there on my chest, one hand under her chin, eyes taking in my tattoos again.

"Are there any meanings behind your tattoos?"

I release a light laugh. "Not unless thinking they were cool when I was a teen is a meaning."

For a while I was obsessed with getting them but I haven't gotten another since I turned twenty, although I have a few I'd like to get soon.

"Well I like them." She admits.

I can't tell if she's playing games again or being serious and before I can try to figure it out a knock sounds from the door, breaking the little happy spell we'd found ourselves cast under, and she stiffens in my hold.

"Breakfast is almost ready." Mom says from the other side of the door.

She sounds happier than she did yesterday but I knew the funeral would be the hardest part for her. A moment later her footsteps fade back down the hallway.

"I um... do you think I have time to take a quick shower?" Alessia asks, eyes no longer meeting mine.

"Of course." I reply and reluctantly release my hold on her.

She eases off of me, the duvet slipping off her body and falling on my lower thighs, her knee grazing my still hard dick. Her eyes widen, gaze falling to my crotch only to widen even further and I can't help but smirk. I don't move to cover myself up, I lie there and let her look her fill. She quickly scrambles off the bed, muttering what sounds like 'Jesus, help me' as she disappears into the ensuite, making me chuckle quietly. 

I rise from the bed and tug on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt from my closet, taking a minute to let my dick soften before exiting my room.

I go straight to the kitchen, finding Mom standing at the stove. "Good morning." She greets me.

She's dressed for the day, her hair pulled back from her face and makeup on, as if yesterday never happened.

I give her a hug and she presses a kiss to each of my cheeks, wiping her lipstick off my skin with a small smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did." I nod, leaning back against the counter, studying her. "Did you?"

"I did." She grabs a spatula and goes back to cooking. "How are you and Alessia doing?"

I run my hand down my beard. "Things have been hectic and I haven't been able to spend much time with her but we're good."

"Good. I like her. She makes you happy and from what I could tell you make her happy as well. That's important."

"It is." I agree.

"Make sure to make time for her, part of being the boss is delegating tasks to the others. Make her a priority." Her voice morphs into a scolding tone.

"She is, Mamma." I assure her. "Believe me I don't want to do anything that will mess this up."

She smiles and gives my cheek an affectionate pat. "I know. You've only been obsessed with her for almost fourteen years." She winks and I huff a light laugh.

I push off the counter. "I should probably go check on her but are you really okay?"

Her smile wobbles slightly but she manages to reign it in. "Of course." She brushes me off with a flick of her wrist in a shooing motion. "Go tend to your wife, Dante, you don't need to worry about me. I'll be fine."

And I relax a little knowing a switch wasn't flipped magically overnight, she's just faking it. I'm sure she's worried I'm not going to give her the choice to be here alone so she's resorted to acting.

I press a kiss against the side of her head and go back to my bedroom to see if Alessia's done with her shower. I give the door a knock before entering and she tells me to come in. When I open the door she's adjusting the sleeves of the dress she wore yesterday. Her hair is damp and when she approaches I immediately notice she smells like my body wash, like me.

She glances up at me with a nervous look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, immediately noting something is wrong.

"Won't it be weird going in there to have breakfast with your mom like this?" She questions in a low voice, motioning toward her body.

I frown, eyes scanning over her dress but I don't see anything amiss. She looks just as good in it as she did yesterday "Why would it be weird? You look beautiful."

She chews on her lower lip and then releases it with a sigh. "I didn't want to put the panties I wore yesterday back on so I'm not wearing any."

I bite the inside of my cheek and rub a hand down my beard, nearly swallowing my tongue, before clearing my throat.

"It won't be weird, she won't know." My voice comes out gruffer than I mean for it to.

"No, but you will." She flashes me a smirk, the nervousness she'd displayed completely gone, amber eyes sparkling with mischief. "Picturing your wife commando while you have breakfast with your mom is pretty weird, Dante. Good luck." And then she steps around me and I turn to watch her make her way down the hall, stunned.

I release a quiet laugh, shaking my head. Fuck. This woman is going to be my undoing.

I quickly slip inside the ensuite, snatching a tiny pair of black panties from the floor and shoving them into my pocket before following after her.

When I make it to the kitchen Alessia's smiling and talking with Mom as if she hadn't teased me moments ago. Her gaze meets mine and since my moms back is to me I pull my wife's panties from my pocket and hold them up. Her eyes widen, gaze snapping to my mom as she goes to see what caught Alessia's attention and I quickly shove the garment back in my pocket.

"There you are, Dante. Breakfast is ready." Mom says as she finds me standing in the entryway.

My gaze goes back to my wife. "Good. I could eat."

We sit and eat our breakfast in the dining room, Mom and Alessia chatting as if they're long lost best friends. I swear it's the most I've ever heard my mom speak, I'm so baffled I spend most of the time just staring at them while also trying my best not to think about the fact that my wife is commando, her panties practically burning a hole in my pocket. Alessia was right, it is weird so I tried my best to think of anything but that.

When we're done eating Mom practically shoves us out the door, just as I knew she would. Telling us she has a busy day planned but for us to come back and visit soon.

"She seemed... happy." Alessia states hesitantly when we get in the car, her confusion mirroring my own.

"I asked her how she was while you were showering and it seemed like she was acting. I'm not really sure, I've never seen her like that." I shrug. "I think maybe she's worried I'll try to control her like my father did if I know she's struggling."

"I don't know." She frowns, her tone unsure. "She knows you better than I do and even I don't think that's something you'd do."

It's a good feeling knowing that she thinks the best of me even after the Jamie problem.

I reach over and rest my hand on her thigh, giving it a squeeze.

She purses her lips. "I can't believe you flashed my panties in the kitchen, what if your Mom would have seen them?"

"She didn't though." I point out with a grin. "You're the one that started this. Did you think I wouldn't tease you back?" I question, glancing over at her.

She raises her eyebrows. "You think that was teasing?" A smirk tugs the corner of her lips up on one side. "Please, you haven't seen teasing yet."


"Yeah." She repeats, tugging my hand up her cotton cover thigh until the tips of my fingers are only inches away from her pussy.

I grit my teeth, forcing my hand to stay exactly where she stopped it.

Yeah... she's gonna kill me.

The entire drive home all I can think about is tugging that dress up her body and touching her pretty cunt for the first time. It's torture. My dick is so hard it hurts, my balls aching from lack of release. It takes everything in me to focus on driving.

We manage to make it home and I leave Alessia in the closet where she was perusing her clothing options and slip into the ensuite.

I quickly strip down and step into the shower, not bothering to wait for the water to heat up. I grab Alessia's shampoo and squirt some of it into my palm before wrapping my hand around my dick, a sharp exhale leaving my lips. I don't think I've ever needed to come so badly in my life. I press my forehead against the tile wall fucking into my hand wishing it was my wife instead, the scent of her surrounding me. I think about her smart mouth and her curvy body, the way she looked in her lingerie on our wedding night.

Fuck yes.

The way she smiles, the teasing looks she gives me, how good she felt against me this morning.

And then I hear the sound of the bathroom door opening.

My hand freezes and I glance over my shoulder but the glass is so fogged up I can't see now that the water has heated.

"Are you using my shampoo?" Alessia asks. "I can smell it."

My hand on my dick tightens, my tongue a lead weight in my mouth.

"Dante?" She questions and I can't stop my hand, the sound of my name on her lips only making me harder.

"Yeah." I grunt, trying to keep my voice steady, hoping she understands because I can't conjure up anything else.

Knowing she's on the other side of that glass while I'm fucking my fist has me so close to coming I'm feeling lightheaded.

"Gotta keep that hair of yours pretty, huh?" She jokes.

I don't reply. I fucking can't.

I pinch my eyes closed, balls tightening, spine tingling. Alessia's talking but I can't decipher what she's saying, my heartbeat pounding in my ears. She says my name again and I bite my tongue so hard I taste blood as I finally come. My entire body shudders, cum splashing against the tile in sweet relief.

I take a second to catch my breath, chest heaving as if I've run a marathon. I squeeze my eyes shut, leaning against the tile until my racing heart calms. She's still talking but she must be okay with my lack of response. I quickly wash off, feeling a little lightheaded from the high of coming while Alessia is in the same room as me, completely unaware of what I had been doing.

Once I'm done I shut the water off and take a few more breaths before opening the foggy glass door. I step out onto the plush rug and grab my towel from the rack. Alessia's leaning close to the mirror, a mascara wand in her hand, swiping the makeup onto her lashes. I drag the towel across my face and hair before moving onto my body as her head turns and she gets a good look at my naked form. Her lips part as her eyes eat me up and I smirk, wrapping the towel around my waist when her gaze comes back to mine.

My smirk morphs into a grin. "Like what you see, little wife?"

She swallows, throat bobbing with the action as she turns back toward the mirror swiping the mascara wand across her lashes. "Looking for compliments, Dante?"

I make my way across the bathroom, stepping up behind her. "And if I was?"

"I think you're well aware of how attractive you are." Her eyes meet mine in the mirror. "But you do have a nice dick, maybe I'll let you use it sometime if you're a good boy."

I release a chuckle and exit the ensuite to get dressed.

I swear I'm not going to survive this woman.

That quickly turns into the motto of the day as it continues to repeat in my head while I take her shopping in the city.

She tries on outfit after outfit, stepping out of the tiny dressing room to get my opinion on each one. Turning and posing and driving me absolutely fucking crazy. I've resorted to packing her shopping bags in front of my crotch to hide my permanently hard dick so I don't offend anyone.

"Oh my god, Nolani modeled for them. Let's go in there." Alessia demands, pointing at the lingerie store next door to the shop we just exited.

I fight the tortured groan dying to escape and follow her into the shop.

The interior is decorated in black and gold, the lighting low with what sounds like a sex playlist playing through the speaker system. Large black and white portraits hang on the wall of women and men of all shapes, sizes and colors dressed in silk, lace and mesh lingerie. Tables fill the space, brimming with the sexy garments and I already know I'm not going to make it out of this store alive.

"There she is!" Alessia squeals, pointing at one of the portraits on the wall of Nolani laid over a chaise lounge in a tiny negligee.

She quickly takes a picture of the portrait on her phone and types out a text to Nolani with a bunch of fire emoji's.

A woman with dark hair and dark red lipstick approaches us, her name tag reading Naomi. "Hello, is there anything specific you're looking for today?"

Alessia drapes herself against my side with a sultry smile on her face. "We're newlyweds so I'd love some sexy sets he can rip off me."

I slip my hand around her side and give her waist a squeeze in warning. I'm not sure how much more I can take of her teasing before I combust.

Naomi smiles. "Of course. Follow me."

She takes us around the store holding up various different sets, my wife snatching each one up in her size. At this point I'm pretty sure there's a permanent print of my zipper on my dick that will never go away.

"Should I try these on before buying them? I'd hate it if they didn't fit when we got home." She blinks up at me with wide innocent eyes, her arms filled with lingerie.

And I decide I've officially hit my limit with her teasing today.

I cup her face, bringing my mouth to her ear. "Unless you want the first time I make you come to be heard by the workers in this store, I wouldn't."

She tries to play it off but I hear the little catch in her breath as I pull back to look her in the eyes. "You're right, I wouldn't want to spoil how good they look on me. I can just try it all on for you when we get home" She smiles.

I drop my hand from her face and follow her ass straight to the cash register.

We stop at a few more shops and then go to lunch where she spends the entire time suggestively eating her food and moaning about how good it is. I'm tempted to drag her ass to the bathroom but I don't.

My phone vibrates with the tenth text from Gabriele asking where I'm at and I ignore it. I know I need to take her home and get back to being the boss so as much as I hate to, I turn to head out of the city. Before we make it out I make one last stop at Isa's Cafe. Alessia's been so smiley and happy, I'm not ready to be away from her yet.

The bell on the door jingles as we enter hand in hand. Most of the tables are filled and there's a short line at the register. Isa looks slightly frantic behind the counter, a sleeping Rosa strapped to her chest in a baby carrier.

We get in line and Alessia peruses the case of pastries while we wait. When it's our turn Isa leans her hip against the counter and gives us a tired smile.

"You look like you need some help." Alessia states.

Isa brushes a wayward hair off her forehead. "One of my employees quit so I'm short staffed and Rosa refuses to take a bottle. I've tried almost every kind on the market. She's strictly boob only so I can't leave her with anyone. So where I go she goes."

"I could help." Alessia offers. "I've never had a job before but I'm a quick learner and I'm good at baking."

Relief slumps my sister's shoulders. "You're hired."

Alessia smiles up at me, so happy I can't help but smile back.

"Do you want to change shoes?" I ask, looking down at the heels on her feet and remembering she bought a pair of sneakers while we were shopping

"Good idea." She agrees.

I follow her back to the car where she digs through her many shopping bags and pulls a box of shoes and a pack of socks out. She takes a seat in the passenger seat, leaving the door open so she can swap the shoes. While she's getting the sneakers from their box I crouch down and remove her heels, keeping her bare feet on my thighs so they don't touch the dirty parking lot.

I take a pair of the socks and slip them on her feet.

She gives her sock covered toes a wiggle and she smirks at me. "So this is your kink?"

I roll my eyes and take the sneakers from her, easing them onto her feet. Once both feet are covered and the shoe strings are tied I rise, holding my hand out to her. She takes it and I tug her into my chest deciding I deserve a reward for enduring all of her teasing today.

I swoop in and kiss her before she even realizes what's happening. I can tell she's a little shocked at first, like she hadn't expected me to do it. We haven't kissed since the night in front of Jamie. But then she responds and just in case she gets any ideas to pickpocket me again I take her arms and wrap them around my neck. She laughs against my mouth, making me smile. Fuck she's perfect.

I pull back just enough to meet her gaze and press another kiss against her lips. "Text me if you want to go home before Isa does or if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay." She agrees, her voice breathless from our kiss.

I take her hand and walk her back into the cafe, pressing one last kiss against her lips.

"Take care of my wife, Isa." I call out to my sister but my eyes stay on Alessia.

She rolls her eyes at me but gives me a smile.

I exit the building, running a hand down my beard with a sigh. Damn, I've got it bad for that woman.


Hey babes!
Omg I love this chapter. Their banter and teasing is so fun. I just love them so much.🥹

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Love youu🖤🖤

— Katy

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