
By Riverslegacy

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Arsetti LeRoux is living a carefree lifestyle down in Florida. When she receives a call that changes everythi... More

Between a Rock & The Sazon Scented Sea
Bayou Birthright
Tears & Souvenirs
Down an Out on Bourbon Street
A Back Alley Exchange
King's Gambit
So Sayeth the Queen
The Queen Still Sayeth
Le Code Noir de la Terreur
Reapa Man
Le conte d'Aristides
Dark Was the Knight

The Rainbow Serpent

4 1 0
By Riverslegacy

"When death finds you—may it find you.....alive"

—African Proverb—

Last time: "Oh, God," he whispered as his hand flew to cover his mouth in disbelief or revulsion, he was unsure.

His mind whirled around the words spoken and ever so slowly, his eyes drifted to the window. Flashes of sigils perfectly seared and blackened beyond mortal imagination into the ground as white candles floated directly above each symbol, invaded his thoughts before he could stop them. Crystals, of the clearest clear quartz, enveloped the sigils and the candles that floated lazily above them, in a perfect circle. Black salt rimmed slightly under the quartz to form a circle within a circle—one of light and one of darkness. Now triggered, those memories were drudged up from the abyss he had buried them in.

The heavy scent of herbs, black arts oil, and the paltry skinned remains of a black cat filled his nose as fresh as the day they were made—screams, the pitter-pat of wet splashes against hollow rocks, sediment soaked with so much blood it tinted the riverbank red and an old door with rusted hinges that flowed plentifully with fresh blood, ran rampant and unchecked throughout his consciousness. Slowly, he took a deep calming breath and before his mind could supply any more unwanted visions of a time long past, locked the images from that night back into the vault of things he tried desperately to forget with a sharp mental snap.

Silently, Fe ended the call and cradled his phone close to his chest. A single tear slid quietly down the side of his face slightly darkening the magenta of Setti's comforter in a tiny yet perfect circle.

"Let burning coals fall upon the heads of those responsible: let them be cast into the fiery depths of despair; into pits so deep that they can never rise up again. Let those who have aided in this atrocity have their hearts removed from their chest. The evilest of evils shall hunt these violent men for hunting and spilling the blood of the innocent. I demand that the cause of the afflicted, and the rights of the poor and defenseless be maintained; may those who committed such crimes have no rest until justice is exacted," he mumbled eyes glowing a deep cinnamon. "So, shall it be."

Taking in the seriousness of Fe's prayer with looks of confusion, both Bianca and Arsetti nodded solemnly, adding, "And so, it is."

Though neither had any idea what had been stated over the phone that caused their cousin's sudden discontent. However, they knew one thing, Fe' only ever called on the universe for justice when blood had been spilled and life was lost. The last time that either of them remember him doing so, had been years ago when his then-boyfriend had been tragically gunned down in the 9th ward.

With a shaky sigh, Fe' quickly wiped at his eyes and cleared his throat, preparing himself to deliver the devastating news.

"They found them babies," he began softly,"—or what's left of them. Them monsters made it so we can't even identify who's done passed and who's still missin'. Vincent said his detective friend told him they found child-like remains stuffed in that old tree near the Couturie bog. He sealing off the area with a containment spell till we can figure this out."

"Setti—if the factions find this out from anyone other than you—" began a concerned and saddened Bianca.

"I know—" she swallowed hard, steeling herself for the task ahead.

Arsetti's heart sank as the weight of the news settled heavily upon her. The loss of innocent lives, and the gruesome discovery of their remains, was all too much to bear. She could feel the anger boiling within her, a seething rage threatening to consume her. But she had to remain strong.

She glanced at Bianca, their eyes meeting in shared grief and determination. Sensing that this discussion was far from over Bianca excused herself to make them some tea.

With a deep breath, Arsetti rose from the bed, her body trembling with a mix of emotions—grief, anger, and an unwavering resolve. She knew she had to act swiftly, to seek justice for the lost souls and prevent anymore—she just didn't know how.

A growing storm brewed in the skies above New Orleans, mirroring the turmoil in Setti's heart. She stood at the balcony of the LeRoux Manor, a striking figure with her chestnut curls blowing in the wind, and her cloudy hazel eyes fixed on the roiling clouds. The families of the children would be out for blood soon, and she had to not only find a way to break the news to the factions but also figure out a way to protect the remaining children.

"Setti," Fe' called from inside, his warm cinnamon eyes filled with concern. He leaned against the doorframe, his magenta and purple ombre hair contrasting starkly with his smooth sepia skin. "Baby, get your emotions in check before you fuck around and flood the city. What the hell are we going to do about this shit storm?"

She sighed and turned to face him, her gaze still distant as if searching for answers in the shadows of the room. "I know, Fe'. I just... How am I supposed to tell them something like that?"

"Sometimes there ain't no pretty words and I hate to tell you this but," Fe' said, his New Orleans accent coloring his speech. "you're the Queen Setti, so you just gonna have to find the words. MeMaw ain't raise no punk bitches, remember?"

Setti nodded, knowing Fe' was right, but fearing the consequences. As she stepped back into the dimly lit room, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye.

"Fe', you think Bianca's right?" Setti asked hesitantly. "Could Aristides be possessing Uncle Merrick?"

Fe' pursed his lips, considering the possibility. "I wouldn't put it past that old bastard. If it is Aristides', then we're in for a whole new level of trouble."

"Trouble?" Setti echoed, her heart sinking.

"His acolytes," Fe' explained, his voice darkening, "will target the most powerful children in our community. They'll break their souls and drain them of their power, mutilate their little bodies beyond recognition, and then present their heads as an offering to Aristides—because they think his punk ass is some sort a God."

"A God?" Setti whispered, a shudder running down her spine. "MeMaw's warning makes so much sense now. Fe' we can't let that happen. We have to protect them, no matter the cost."

"Agreed," Fe' said firmly. "And I think I got an idea...but it ain't gonna be pretty or easy."

"I'll try anything if it'll help keep the children safe from these psychos," Setti took a deep breath, bracing herself for the difficult task ahead. "What's your idea?"

"A four LeRoux protection stew," Fe' stated with a shrug. Seeing Setti's confused expression he quickly explained. "We'll need four LeRouxs, some iron items to enchant, and—a way to mass distribute them to all the children."

"Alright," she said, determination written across her face. "but there's only three of us and a possibly possessed Uncle Merrick. Where's our fourth LeRoux for this—stew?"

"Actually—" interrupted Bianca with a tray carrying an antique tea set trimmed in gold and made of delicate china. She set the tray and its contents on a nearby table before coming to join them. "I think I might have an idea about that but it means doing something I haven't since we were kids."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense," huffed Fe' with a playful roll of his eyes despite the situation.

"Technically, we have a fourth—she's just—a little ways away—," began Bianca slowly, "and by little ways, I mean Mystic Falls."

"Are you talking about the Bennett witch?" asked Arsetti intrigued by Bianca's revelation. "What's her name anyway?"

"Bonnie—her name is Bonnie," answered Bianca quickly.

"And what would you have to do that you haven't done since we were kids to get her here from Mystic Falls?" added Fe' with a raised eyebrow.

"Remember when we'd play hide and seek and you'd swear me and Setti were in one place but then we'd be in a totally different area?" She asked and at Fe's nod, continued, "It's cuz I accidentally learned how to sort of bring things from one place to the another and, even though I'm rusty, I'm pretty sure I can do it to get Bonnie here."

"So," began Fe' with a shake of his hair, "I'm not even going to touch on the fact that you and Setti were cheating back then because as far as I'm concerned we square for all the times I cheated at Monopoly. But Bia, that one little bitty drop of blood might make her a titan among regular witches, and I say that loosely, but it won't be enough for this spell to work—which means—"

"We'll have to invoke her latent one little drop of blood before we can perform the four LeRoux protection stew spell," finished Arsetti understanding both Fe''s and Bianca's logic. Their plan was flawless and for the first time, Arsetti allowed herself to breathe a small sigh of relief. They'd perform the spell first and then hold a meeting to explain what was happening and why they had to take such drastic measures. "Well, we better stop wasting time then and get started."

Together the trio made their way downstairs into a place none of them had entered since Setti came back—the receiving room. There it sat, the same marbled table, made from meticulously polished moonstone and still lined with the same white candles from the transference of power ceremony. In its center sat the golden chalice and ceremonial knife with a hilt made of bone, trimmed in gold, and steeped in memory. Slowly, they gathered around the table and Fe' picked up the knife gently, eyes glowing a preternatural cinnamon.

"Inaktif Leroux san nou rele sou ou pou reveye," began Fe' as he placed his hand palm side up over the chalice. Following his example, both Bianca and Arsetti placed their hands over the golden cup palms up. Eyes glowing they repeated Fe's words. Carefully, he ran the knife over his palm watching as his blood, black as tar and just as toxic, ran in rivulets into the chalice before passing it on to Bianca—who repeated the same action and then passed it to Arsetti.

"Pa LeRouxs pou LeRoux yon gout pral elaji nan anpil," They finished in unison as the contents of the cup glowed softly.

"Okay, you'll need to get her to drink it," sighed Fe', "Then bring her ass back here so she can help us make some four witch stew. In the meantime, Setti and I will start setting up out back. We'll need a lot of space and even more iron—still not sure how we are gonna distribute them though but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

With a nod, Bianca grabbed the chalice and concentrated on her task at hand. Eyes glowing she focused on Bonnie's signature energy, the world around her fading away in a blur of colors. She began calling to that energy, pulling it like one would pull on a fishing line with a hooked fish at the end of it. Her body began to vibrate like a struck tuning fork. Faster and faster she convulsed until she became a blur—then she stopped.

"Uh-oh, " panicked Bianca, "that was not supposed to happen."

Before Arsetti or Fe' could ask anything, she rushed to explain, "Okay, so the good news is I was able to bring Bonnie to New Orleans—but I kinda lost focus and instead of bringing her here I might have sent her to Couturie Park instead. Don't worry I'll go get her—everything will be just fine."

Then with a wink and a smile, Bianca vanished into thin air.

Bonnie's eyes fluttered open to find herself standing in unfamiliar surroundings. The swamp gas cast an eerie green glow on the bog and gnarled trees that surrounded her. The thick dead-looking trees creaked and cracked as they swayed in time with the titubation of the murkiness. Steam rose slowly from the dank dark waters of the bog, as it bubbled. The steam mixed in swirling pools with the surroundings, making the ground hard to see. Panic surged through her veins as she tried to piece together what had just happened. One moment she was minding her own business in Mystic Falls and the next she found herself in a creepy Blair Witch forest in God only knows where.

"Hello, is someone there?" she called out tentatively, sensing a presence nearby.

She spotted him, a tall slim man leaning weakly to one side, sweat glistening on his brow as he struggled to complete a sealing spell.

Without a moment of hesitation, Bonnie raced over to help.

The air was heavy with moisture and tension as he stood alone, in front of the tree. He took a deep breath, his chest tightening as he prepared to summon every ounce of his power to shield the area from prying eyes.

"Here goes nothing," he muttered under his breath as he once again closed his eyes. Concentrating, he raised his hands and began to chant. It started as a whisper, growing louder and more forceful until it drowned out the sound of the rain.

"Voile d'ombre, cachez-nous des yeux indiscrets. Protégez-nous de ceux qui cherchent à faire du mal."

As the words left his lips, a cold shiver raced down his spine. His power surged forth, enveloping the park in an inky black cloak of darkness. The energy required to maintain the spell was immense, and Vincent felt his strength slipping away with each passing moment.

"Come on, just a little longer," he urged himself, gritting his teeth as sweat poured down his face and his nose began to bleed. He knew that Setti needed time to decide how best to handle the situation, and he refused to let her down. But as the minutes ticked by, Vincent's vision blurred, and his legs grew weak beneath him.

Just as he felt his legs buckle beneath him, a voice called out from the darkness. The sudden interruption startled him, but a glimmer of hope ignited within his chest at the possibility of assistance.

"Are you okay?" the concerned voice asked, coming closer. Vincent didn't recognize the petite green eyed girl before him. In response, he managed a weak nod, still gasping for breath.

"I don't know you but I think you better let me help," she said firmly, offering her hand to help him regain his footing. "Casting a spell like this all alone never ends well—trust me."

Together, they drew upon their strength and channeled their magic into the spell, forming a barrier that would protect the tragic scene from prying eyes. Their hands joined in unity, both witches understood the gravity of the situation; they were in a battle against the darkness that threatened to consume them all. The area shimmered briefly before settling back into an eerie stillness, now concealed from unwanted attention.

"Did you bring me here?" Bonnie asked, her curiosity piqued.

"No," Vincent admitted, "but if you're here then I'm guessing the Voodoo Queen must have sent you a summons. She must have known I would need help."

"Voodoo Queen?" questioned Bonnie with slight confusion, "as far as I know, there aren't any Voodoo Queens in Mystic Falls. So, where exactly am I?"

"Well, you're a long way away from Mystic Falls," sighed Vincent, "Welcome to New Orleans—"

"Bonnie," she finished knowingly, "Bonnie Bennett."

"Vincent Griffin," he said with a tired smirk, "and thank you—for your help."

"Speaking of which," Bianca materialized beside them, a chalice in her hand. "Bonnie it was me who brought you here. See, Arsetti my cousin and the Voodoo Queen Vincent was talking about, needs your help. But first—" she paused and handed Bonnie the golden chalice. "I need you to drink this—and trust me."

Bonnie eyed the chalice warily sloshing around the dark liquid it contained carefully examining the contents. "Bianca, this isn't going to turn me into a frog or something is it?"

"No. I promise it won't," assured Bianca with a wave of her hand, "It's just going to help increase your strength, and trust me, for this protection spell to work—you just going to have to trust me, Bonnie."

Bonnie still eyed the contents of the chalice dubiously but decided to trust Bianca. She had never given her a reason not to. So, she took a deep breath and drank the mysterious liquid in two giant gulps. It burned as it went down as if she had drank battery acid causing her to cough. Almost immediately, her vision began to blur, and the world tilted on its axis and spun around her at lightning speed. Unceremoniously, she crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"Okay, so I need to get her back to the manor so that we can cast the protection spell," Bianca explained to Vincent as she hoisted the unconscious girl onto her shoulders. "Arsetti plans to hold a meeting after creating protection charms for all the children and I need you to let everyone know to meet at Saint Louis cemetery number 1."

"Yeah, no problem. Anything else I can do?" Vincent asked, his concern visible in the lines etching his face.

"Rest," Bianca advised. "You'll need your strength for what's to come."

And with that, she disappeared, teleporting them back to the mansion.

Arsetti and Fe' gathered in the spacious backyard near the Magnolia tree grove. A cauldron sat atop unlit kindling, cleaned, polished, and ready to go. They'd cleared the area of debris and even placed logs around the cauldron, in a half circle. There was a stone mantle that had been cleaned and ready. All that was left was, to draw the sigils with grain within the circle and begin the ceremony. Fe' set down the herbs and knife on the mantle and grabbed the bag of grain. Carefully, he cut a small hole in the corner and used that to meticulously craft a pentagram with beautiful sigils in the center, while Arsetti prepared the herbs for the cauldron. As she crushed them between her fingers, she couldn't help but think about the children they were trying to protect and the enemy they were facing.

"Fe', we still don't have any iron charms for the spell," Arsetti pointed out, her expression troubled.

Before Fe' could respond, the air was pierced by a haunting screech. Their eyes flew skyward to find....nothing but a clouded grey sky. Skeptically, they eyed one another both wondering the same thing—what the fuck was that? A shadow towered above them just beyond the tree line. It lingered on a thick branch peering down cloaked in what looked like a black cape and feathered mask.

"Now I know damn well that's not—" began Fe' with a small tilt of his head as he squinted to see the masked figure a little more clearly.

Hands flying to her mouth Arsetti whispered, "Ignatius?"

Swooping down the massive Harpy Eagle landed in front of them. Within his large claws, he deposited thousands of iron safety pins near the cauldron. Arsetti and Fe' exchanged looks of surprise and gratitude.

"Thank you, Ignatius," Arsetti called softly as the eagle spread its massive wings and once more disappeared into the gloomy sky with a screech that could wake the dead.

Fe' shook his head in amazement. "I thought auntie's creepy-ass familiar died ten years ago."

"He did," Arsetti replied, her voice tinged with sadness. The visit from Ignatius served as a reminder of the legacy of strength and resilience that the LeRoux family possessed—even from beyond the grave. They were up against formidable foes but united, they would face the darkness head-on.

Arsetti steeled herself for the challenges ahead as they awaited Bonnie's arrival. She knew that no matter the odds, together they were a force to be reckoned with.

Across town, Merrick stood hunched against the cold rain, hidden in the shadows of an alley outside a bar. The neon sign flickered above him, casting eerie red and blue light onto the wet cobblestones. He glanced around, ensuring no one was watching before moving deeper into the darkness. The damp air clung to Merrick's skin as he stood in the shadows of the alley. His eyes scanned the crowd for any sign of weakness or desperation, seeking those who would be willing to support his coup against Arsetti. The flickering neon sign above cast an eerie glow on the street as if announcing the sinister nature of his intentions.

"Look at them," Merrick muttered under his breath, disdain dripping from his words. "All blind to the truth."

As he continued to survey the scene, a figure detached itself from the darkness and approached him. A vampire, face obscured by the shadows, moved closer to Merrick with a predatory grace.

"Have you made any progress?" the unseen vampire asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Slowly but surely," Merrick replied, trying to hide his impatience. "Those loyal to Arsetti are stubborn, but I have my ways of persuasion."

"Good," the vampire said, his tone cold and calculating. "We need all the support we can get if we're to take down the witches once and for all."

Merrick couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine at the thought of betraying his own. Yet, the desire for power and recognition consumed him, driving him to seek alliances with creatures of the night.

"Trust me," Merrick assured the vampire. "The time will come when Arsetti falls, and I will take my rightful place as the Voodoo King."

"Indeed," replied the unseen and unnamed vampire, his voice like silk sliding over ice. "The stage has been set."

"Good." Merrick's lips twisted into a sinister smile. "Soon, my family will know the true meaning of power."

"And you're certain you can control the reaper's spirit once it's released?" the vampire questioned, his tone cold and calculating.

"Of course," Merrick scoffed, arrogance dripping from his words. "I am the rightful heir to the Voodoo throne, and I will prove it by controlling the uncontrollable."

"Very well then," the vampire said, disappearing back into darkness. "Remember, our arrangement depends on your success."

As thunder cracked, Merrick felt an icy chill run down his spine. He knew that with each step he took towards seizing control of the throne, he was also stepping closer to unleashing a darkness far beyond his understanding. But his lust for power blinded him to the consequences, and he would stop at nothing to see his plans come to fruition.

A storm brewed in the distance, lightning illuminating the dark clouds as they rolled toward the huge estate that was Mikaelson Manor. Inside, Haley cradled a sleeping baby Hope in her arms, her heart heavy with concern for her daughter's safety even as her rage for vergence simmered beneath her heated skin. Elijah quickly made his way over the threshold of the entryway's double doors, his strides long and purposeful.

"Freya," Elijah called out, his voice urgent as he approached his sister in the grand hallway. "I find myself in need of your assistance."

"What's wrong?" Freya asked, noting the slight crease of his brow the only sign of worry on his otherwise calm face.

"An acolyte covered in blood and mud tried to attack Haley and Hope this morning," Elijah explained, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "He mentioned something about breaking Hope's soul in order to harness her power."

"Did you learn anything else from him?" Freya inquired, her own protective instincts kicking in.

"Unfortunately," Elijah admitted, a hint of frustration lacing his words. "I ripped out his heart before he could reveal more information. Suffice to say, I need to meet with someone who may know what we're up against. And until we know who or what that is Hope needs to be protected at all costs."

"Of course," Freya agreed. "If anyone tries to get to her they will have to go through me first. Also, I think it might be a good idea if I reach out to Vincent and see if he knows anything about this."

As they spoke, Klaus emerged from the shadows, his blue eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. "Well, I think one of you better start explaining what's going on. Exactly, what threat do I need to dismember?"

"Someone is after Hope's power—" Elijah began to inform him, his tone grim.

"Then they have just signed their death warrant—and trust me when I say this brother, Klaus declared, determination hardening his features, "When I find the person responsible I will make them beg for death—for centuries."

Back at the Magnolia de Fluer manor, Bonnie sluggishly stirred awake, her vision slowly clearing as she took in her surroundings. She saw Arsetti, Bianca, and Fe' standing near a cauldron, their expressions solemn as they prepared for the task ahead.

"Wh-what happened?" Bonnie stammered, still disoriented. "Bianca, what was that you had me drink?"

Arsetti approached her, a calming presence despite the urgency of their situation. "Hey, Bonnie. My name is Arsetti. I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. I know you have a ton of questions and I promise we'll answer them all. For right now, all you need to know is that you are a distant relative to us—as a Bennett witch you carry a single drop of our blood within you and the potion Bianca gave you expanded and awakened that connection. For the spell to work, we need four full LeRouxs. So congratulations you are now Bonnie Bennett-LeRoux."

"You did a spell to change my blood?" Bonnie asked, a mix of awe and uncertainty in her voice. Unconsciously, she flexed her fingers almost as if seeing them for the first time. Stronger—she felt stronger. Almost like she had when she used expression but also very different. It was a feeling she found not only hard to identify but equally hard to describe. It was an all-encompassing feeling of utter power.

"Exactly," Fe' confirmed. "The LeRoux blood will grant you a longer life span, make you a helluva lot harder to kill, and even render your blood toxic to most beings. But we can tell you all about that later—Now, you ready to help your big cousins cast this four LeRoux protection stew?"

Bonnie hesitated for a moment, the weight of responsibility settling on her shoulders. Then, with a determined nod, she replied, "Let's do this."

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