The future meets the past

By starsablaze

11 1 0

A tale of a kid from the future who's desperate to find his siblings. Note: I may or may not take down this l... More

The Journey

11 1 0
By starsablaze

In another time and place a boy looked horrified as he stared at the machine they were told to specifically never touch. As a matter of fact they should have never been in that room to begin with after everything that had happened.
Everything was well for Ash Ketchum as he took in the warm fresh air from the Kalos region. It had been years since he traveled this region and he was now a fresh eighteen year old. His best pal sat on his shoulder as he excitedly looked around.

"Wow it's so beautiful here" a girls voice said as she now stood beside him

"Isn't it? There's so much I want to show you here. Let's go!" Ash said before grabbing her hand and pulling her in a run as he led the way.

"Ash Ketchum just hold on a bit!" The red head eighteen year old called out as her now longer orange hair bounced behind her.

"Come on Mist we have so much we need to do!" Ash called out happily with a bright smile on his face.

The now 7x Pokémon champion was currently taking his break from battling the gyms. Once he arrived back home in Kanto after winning the championship once again he wanted to take a more relaxing journey. Usually those types of journeys were with both his best friends Brock and Misty but Brock wasn't able to make it with them this time. Although he couldn't make it he urged that his two friends still travel together and enjoy the new discoveries they would make together. Ash was excited nonetheless because he was finally able to take misty to the places he wanted to show her that she missed out on as she stayed and took care of the cerulean city gym as it's leader.

Both the brunette and red haired teenager came to an agreement that Kalos would be a nice place where to start their journey especially after her sisters and his mom insisted on it as soon as they heard the places they were debating to travel. Misty's sisters expressed how jealous they were that misty would be going to Kalos. They explained how they visited once years ago and fell in love with it before starting to propose that they should do a show over there one day.

Ash was just so happy that he can finally make his words come true as he traveled with his first traveling companion again.

"There's some people I want to introduce you to first misty. They'll show us all the new things here in Kalos" ash said
Reaching a gym building after stopping by for lunch Misty looked in awe as she looked examined the new gym and Ash was calling out if anyone was in there.

It was really different from the ones back home but it was a breathtaking sight from the inside and out.

"Ash!" A girl's voice called out before a girl hugged ash with shoulder length blonde hair. Misty could tell she was a bit younger than them

"Bonnie!" You're much bigger now" ash said as he hugged her back before pulling back and seeing the now older girl

"I am aren't I? Dende has been by my side this whole time watching me" the girl said as the little Pokémon came out of its pocket on her bag and jumped on the older boy before Pikachu jumped into the younger girls arms

"Pikachu! I missed you too!" Bonnie said as she hugged the little yellow Pokemon close

"Pika!" Pikachu said happily

The younger girl let out a giggle at the cuddles before opening her eyes again but this time the red head girl besides ash caught her attention.

"You're Misty Waterflower right? The leader of the Cerulean city gym, an elite 4 member of the kanto region and one of the waterflower performers with the sensational sisters?!" Bonnie said excitedly as she focused her attention on the red head girl

"That's right" Misty said a bit flushed

"I'm Bonnie and it's nice to meet you" the girl said

"Nice to meet you as well Bonnie" Misty said before the girl bent down on one knee in front of her

"You're perfect. Will you please marry my older brother?" The girl asked taking both the eighteen year old trainers off guard

"Bonnie misty can't accept that she's too young to get married" ash explained as Bonnie looked at him confused

"She's eighteen though. She's the legal age to get married. If you marry my brother misty you'll get the best sister in law you can get. Me" the younger girl said making misty laugh as the  raven haired boy frowned seeing the girl completely ignored him.

"Bonnie what did I tell you about asking any girl you meet to marry me?" A blonde haired boy said

"I guess some old habits never die" a females voice chimed in before the pair reached the group.

"I'm so sorry about that she doesn't learn" the blonde haired boy said as misty shook her head

"Don't worry it's fine. She reminds me of someone I once met" misty said as ash turned to her

"Who?" He asked

"Mari. Don't you remember the little girl from our travels to the orange islands" misty said as ash rolled his eyes

"Right the little girl with the arrogant brother" ash said as misty cleared her voice

"That's your opinion Ketchum" misty said before turning to the two who recently joined them

"I'm misty cerulean city gym leader. Nice to meet you both" misty said outstretching a hand to each of them.

"I'm Clemont the gym leader of this gym" the blonde haired boy said before the girl introduced herself.

"I'm Serena a coordinator" she said politely

"Ash it's been a while" Clemont said turning to the boy

"That's right. We missed you so much. Why don't you come around more often?" Serena asked as both the trainers cornered their long time friend.

"You both know how it is. I've been really busy traveling around and exploring new places" Ash said with a small smile a scratch to his cheek as Bonnie beamed at the boy.

"Yeah we know Mr champion" the girl said proudly as the three trainers smiled.

"Alain and Korrina heard you were visiting and they wanted to make sure to see you" Clemont added

"That's right they should both be here any moment. Alain's been coming to Clemonts gym more often" Serena said

"That's great news! It's been so long since I've seen them both" ash said excitedly

"Korrina and Alain?" Misty asked lost at who the group was talking about

"You'll meet them soon misty they are great friends to us here and you'll love them" Bonnie said reassuringly as she grabbed the girls hand and the other three looked at them both and smiled.
It didn't take long for two new people to show up to the gym. Both were polar opposites it seemed. A ball of sunshine and one who was like the rain. Korrina was beaming when she met misty for the first time after reuniting with Ash.

"I'm so happy to meet one of Ash's friends from back home" she had said excitedly

Alain gave her a polite greeting and it didn't take long before the boy faced ash in a match as Clemont was the referee. The four girls sat in the stands as misty watched their match in awe admiring both competitors skills. She couldn't keep her eyes off Ash as he was himself in the place that suited him the most. He grew so much since they first met and her heart swelled with pride as she saw her best friend in action.


"Misty" a voice said as misty snapped out of her trance and turned to see Bonnie looking at her curiously.

"I was just asking when you started traveling with Ash" Bonnie said as all the girls now stared at her.

"I was his first traveling companion when he started his journey" misty said as they were left shocked and bonnie looked at her in amazement

"How about you guys how did you meet ash?" Misty asked them

"Ash challenged me" Korrina answered first

"And ash challenged my brother and they decided to travel together and I followed along" Bonnie answered

"I met Ash when we were young kids in Kanto originally at summer camp where he helped me. It wasn't until he came here again that we met again and after that we traveled together" Serena explained peeking Misty's attention. She didn't know that.

"How did you meet Ash?" Bonnie asked this time as she looked at the red head girl

"Well he was a new trainer and he ended up being chased by sparrows the day I met him. Somehow I ended up fishing him out of a river with Pikachu. Pikachu ended up destroying my bike and ever since then we traveled together with our other friend Brock" misty answered honestly as all three girls stared at her in shock

"That's one interesting way to meet" Korrina said

"It sounds like fate. Did you end up liking him instantly?" Bonnie asked now fully invested as misty laughed lightly as she shook her head.

"Me and Ash Ketchum didn't get along at first. If anything we hated each other and couldn't stand one another. We always got into arguments and if it wasn't for Brock who knows if we would have ever become friends" misty said as the girls stayed quiet listening to her story

"So why did you two end up traveling together if you didn't get along at first?" Serena asked curious

"He owed me a bike and that's why we traveled together at first" misty answered

"Why did you end up staying if you couldn't get along at first? It had to have been about more than the bike?" Bonnie expressed her thoughts and opinions

"I guess I stayed because I realized what kind of person he was. He was new and inexperienced as a Pokémon trainer but he had a heart of gold and was always caring and loyal to every Pokémon he met. His positivity and determination is what made me stay" misty answered Bonnie

"Did you stop traveling with Ash once you got your bike back?" Korrina asked as misty smiled bitterly at that

"Yes and no" misty said leaving the girls confused

"I got the bike back but I had to leave because my sisters were going to travel the world and needed someone to watch the gym back home" Misty explained

"If you didn't have to go would you have stayed with Ash?" Serena asked

"I thought about that multiple times and each time I come to the same conclusion. I would have continued traveling with ash no matter what if I had the chance to but I had responsibilities. I'm glad I took the responsibilities but I still wish I was able to have continued traveling and exploring with Ash on his journeys" misty answered honestly.

"Well you're doing that now Misty so don't have regrets" Korrina said with a smile and reassuring Pat on the girls back. Misty smiled back before the boys match ended and they joined them not too long after.

"Did you see my match? Wasn't it awesome?" Ash asked excitedly as he looked at the group of girls but focused on misty.

"You were amazing like always Ash" Serena answered first as misty noticed a small blush on the girls face. Now that she thought about it she did notice that the girl tended to do that with ash in most interactions she's seen since she met her.

"Thank you" he said

"What did you think about our match misty?" He asked

"I thought you both were terrific out on the field. Alain your techniques were very extraordinary" misty complimented the boys as the Kalos boy turned to her.

"Thank you Misty. Also since you're here can you sign this for me?" He asked almost quietly as everyone's else's jaw dropped at the boys sudden question.

"Is it just me or is Alain showing some shyness for the first time?" Bonnie asked her friends as misty agreed and started to sign what he gave her.

"Alain I didn't know you were a fan of the sensational sisters. You sly dog" Korrina said with raised eyebrows amused at the sight she never expected to witness

"What are you talking about? What are the sensational sisters? I was just asking for an autograph from misty one of the elite four from kanto" Alain said as all three of the Kalos girls almost fell back from shock and embarrassment of the boy

"Why am I not surprised Alain doesn't know about the sensational sisters?" Bonnie said with narrowed eyes at the older trainer.

"I like him. My older sister can use some humbling once in a while" misty said as the rest of the trainers laughed at her joke which she also believed true.
The next few days in Kalos were a whirlwind of fun as Ash and Misty spent their time together but we're almost always accompanied by the friend group in Kalos. Clemont and Bonnie took them to visit another city yesterday. Korrina took them restaurants two day before while Alain took the day in between to show them the lab with the professor of Kalos. Currently Serena was showing them around as she took the site seeing and shopping.

Misty watched as Serena stuck to Ash's side blushing and laughing at his jokes every once in a while as they waited for misty to finish shopping in the one store of the giant mall. Misty couldn't help but feel an ache in her heart. She loved ash she truly did. At first she was scared when she found that out but with time she learned to embrace it. She was afraid of losing ash and their friendship if she ever revealed those feelings. She could tell Serena had special feelings for Ash and yet she couldn't help but feel that pain in her chest.

The two look good together and they would make a great couple one day. If that ever happened then she would need to learn how to accept it. As long as her best friend was happy then she would be too.

Taking her cart full of clothes to the register she turned before waiting in the line. 

Misty was just about done paying when a boy reached out his hands as he grabbed some of the huge bags by the bottoms of her feet as she took the change from the cashier.

"Let me help you with this. It's a lot of bags for one girl to carry" the boy said politely as misty thanked him and they both walked out the exit.

"I've never seen you around here. Are you new to the Kalos region?" The boy asked making small talk as misty nodded her head.

"I'm just visiting" misty said as the boy looked slightly disappointed before giving her a smile.

"I would love to take you on a small date before you go. Would you like to come go out with me?" The boy asked as misty stopped in her spot and turned to him

"Thank you for the offer but I have someone else in my heart currently. It wouldn't be fair to either of us" misty said as the boy nodded in understanding

"I had to at least give it a try" he said with a small smile before not too soon after they were reached by Ash and Serena.

"Thank you for helping misty but I can take her bags for now" Ash said taking them from the boy before he said a goodbye and headed off.

"Is that everything mist?" Ash asked

"Yes let's get back" misty said before the three walked  out of the giant mall. All while happily chatting with one another.
Ash and misty were all currently together with his Kalos group of friends as they went ice skating thanks to Bonnie's suggestion. It was winter and mid December. The younger girl insisted all of them should go and have fun. Reaching the ice rink as the moon shone high in the night sky was breathtaking. Not only was there the magnificent moon and stars but lights all over decorated the winter wonderland as many people enjoyed their nights skating with friends and family.

"It's so beautiful" misty let out as the others smiled at her reaction.

"Isn't it?" Ash asked with a smile

"I knew you'd love it!" Bonnie said excitedly before pulling misty with her and quickly getting past the crowd of people.

"Hey Bonnie wait for us!" Ash said before running behind them with Pikachu to catch up with them as the rest of the group followed with smiles and laughs.

Ash froze at the sight in front of him as he finally caught up to the two girls who were now stuck in a big group of people that surrounded them.

"It's a sensational sister!" Some yelled

"They really are beautiful as people say!" Another person yelled

"Misty from the elite four of Kanto is here!" A person yelled

"What's she doing all the way in Kalos?" Someone said

"Are you going to perform here?" A voice said

"Let me take you out on a date! You won't regret it" a voice said as ash grew ticked off.

"Everyone please just give her some space" Bonnie said standing beside misty as misty had her hands up in front of her with a embarrassed smile at the sudden attention.

"Wow I didn't know we had so much fans here in Kalos. Maybe I should tell my sisters to come perform here soon" misty said as the crowd went wild with cheers.

He knew what it was like to be surrounded by fans and luckily it's calmed down for the most part but he didn't like seeing his best friend stuck like that.

"Misty please marry me!" A fan yelled before ash went past the crowd toughly as it was hard to get by before finally reaching the front.

He quickly grabbed his friends hand as the crowd gasped seeing him.

"It's master champion ash!" Someone said as the crowd muttered

"Misty and I are together. Please give us our space and let us enjoy tonight together" ash said loudly to the crowd before they went silent and all stared at him with wide eyes. Quickly he pulled his friend with him as he held her hand and carefully led the way out of the crowd before finally reaching the skates box. He ordered his skates before turning to misty.

"What's your shoe size mist?" He asked seeing the girl was zoned out with a red painting her cheeks.

Ash used two of his fingers to tap gently on the girls forehead

"Earth to misty" ash let out

"Huh?" Misty let out finally seeing the boy again.

"What's your shoe size?" Ash asked again

"I'll take a size 8" Misty told the employee finally noticing them waiting behind the counter. After Bonnie ordered hers the employee went back to grab all three pairs of skate.

"What got you so distracted? Don't tell me you're getting a big head from all the attention" ash teased as the girl quickly turned back to him.

"I'm not. For a matter of fact I'm not like you ash Ketchum where the attention feeds your ego" misty teased back as ash raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not that childish anymore mist. Ask anyone here and they'll say I'm a man" ash said  as he saw the girl falter for a moments as the redness lightly returned to her face.

"Yeah we know you're a man now. I didn't know you had it in you Ash" Bonnie teased with a smirk and elbow to his side leaving ash slightly confused at what she was teasing at while misty only grew redder at the younger girls words.

Before anyone could say anything the others finally caught up. They're faces and expressions said many things while they stared at ash in amusement and shock.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Ash asked but misty grabbed her skates

"I'll see all of you out on the skate floor" misty said before heading off into the crowd.

"Hey wait for us!" Ash called out as he grabbed his skates and followed after the red head girl.

Skating was fun. It was fun for most people but not ash as he struggled to stay up right.

"Don't let go of my hand!" Korrina yelled from further in the rink as Bonnie and Serena laughed lightly but promised not to let go as they led the trio around the ice skating rink. Surprisingly Korrina while good on roller skates was terrible at ice skating. Ash was horrible at skating too and Serena and Bonnie offered to help him but he reassured them it was fine.

Clemont and Alain skated past giving a small reassuring look at ash

"Pika pi" Pikachu let out as he saw his trainer struggle against the wall to stay up

"I'm fine Pikachu this is just another challenge" ash said

"We can do this" ash said before pushing off the wall and gently gliding on the ice before he began to lose his balance again.

He was about to fall but instead he felt two hands grab his own keeping him upright as they led the way.

"You know you could ask for help sometimes right?" Misty asked the boy as she now faced him and skated backwards as she led the way still holding his hands.

"Pikachu pi!" Pikachu said excitedly as ash let out a small laugh there she was saving him again.

"I thought I could learn on my own" Ash said as misty rolled her eyes lightly

"That's the same Ash Ketchum I know. Remember ash we all learn from someone first" misty said as they skated around the rink.

"Misty you're so good at ice skating!" Korrina called out from where they skated as all three girls looked on.

"Did you learn how to ice skate while being on a date with a special boy back in Kanto?" Bonnie teased as they skated by.

The words made Ash stand still for a moment as he registered the younger girls words. Misty on a date with a special boy back home doing the same thing they currently were doing. Something about it made him feel sick. He didn't like the thought of some one else holding  her hands and having so much trust in one another while skating together. He noticed her slight red cheeks before he gripped her hand more tighter.

"Misty can we skate like them?" Ash asked her as she grew confused.

"Like who?" She asked before he nodded his head in the direction of another boy and girl who held hands and skated next to each other close with huge smile on their face.

"Uh sure" she said before adjusting beside him and letting go of his hands for a moment. Once she was beside him he grabbed her and intertwined their fingers together. Her hand felt warm in his but it felt naturally right. She led the way as he tried skating in her pace as they made circles around the skating rink. They were much closer now as they skated and ash enjoyed her presence he always did even if he never admitted it aloud. That's why it hurt him when she left and he realized that out of all his companions she was the only one who didn't leave him by choice. He didn't mind that all his companions left because they went to pursue their dreams but he couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if she didn't have to leave to take care of the cerulean gym.

Bonnie's words came back to his mind. He couldn't help but think about misty being back home and going on special dates with random boys from Kanto. Them doing what they were currently doing. He gripped her hand a bit tighter before turning to her with a smile.

"This is actually fun when you do it with the right person" ash admitted before looking ahead again not realizing her stunned face as she looked at him before smiling lightly.

"You're right" she said as she held his hand tighter.

They both skated for a while before they let ash try on his own on the skate floor.

"All you have to do is skate to where I am" misty said from across from him. Carefully he started to skate towards her. He was halfway there when he grinned.

"I'm doing it. I'm actually doing it" ash said getting closer and confident before losing his balance right before the finish line.

Flailing his arms trying to keep balance as he moved forward he was about to fall face first before misty moved forward and caught him. Ash had thrown his arms around her pulling her close to stay up while she had wrapped her arms around his waist to keep him up. They both stood there like that for a while as they felt each others warmth in the cold night under all the sparkling stars and lights. Ash felt his heart start to race suddenly as he noticed how close they were. They were usually close but this felt different. Slowly he pulled back just enough to look a down at her and she looked up stunned. She looked so beautiful. Ash always knew she was but he would never admit it to her aloud. He felt himself leaning in closer but suddenly he was bumped into by someone as he heard a female voice call out.

"Son be careful where you're going!"

Before ash knew it his lips connected to another pair that were warm. His eyes widened as he noticed whose lips he was connected to. Quickly he pulled back with shock as he felt himself burning up. He felt like everything stopped. He noticed everyone had stopped in the rink. He saw the eyes of the strangers in the crowd before looking around and noticing the rest of his friends. All who stood in their spots shocked with wide eyes and red cheeks at the scene. He turned back to the girl in front of him who stared at him in shock with parted lips and red cheeks burning like his as one hand touched her lips gently. They still held onto each other as ash's heart raced and he finally realized what had just happened. He had just kissed his best friend.

"I" ash started to say stunned

"I-I" he stuttered before feeling his body lose balance on the skates. Before he knew it he had brought them both down with them still holding each other as they fell to the ground. He held the girl protectively trying to shield her from the fall as they both laid there.

"I-I didn't mean to" Ash said finally

"I'm sorry" Ash apologized to the girl before she shook in his arms

"Misty?" Ash asked not being able to see her face under her hair

"It's okay" she let out quietly still shaking lightly before ash sat up and brought her up too with his hand on her shoulders as her hair fell away from her face. She was laughing with tears as she had a red face.

"Don't worry ash. It was an accident. There's no worries" misty said before standing up before ash and extending her arm and hand to him

"Thanks" he said with a small smile before accepting her hand and letting her lead him off the rink. He felt relieved as he stared at her back but something ached.

Misty had left ash as he walked around area on his own looking for a drink. Although it was freezing cold outside he felt like a furnace inside. Maybe it had to do with all the skating he did. But as he waited in line at the concession stands he felt his fingers touch his lips as he was brought back to what had just happened not to long ago. He shook his head as he felt his heart race again at the memory. It was nothing but an accident and misty said it was fine so he shouldn't worry about it.

"Next!" The employee called out after a five minute wait in line

"What would you like to order champion?" The person asked as he recognized ash.

"I'll take two hot chocolates" ash said as the remembered that misty was probably cold too.

"Coming right up" he said before heading off to the back as ash waited. Ash waited patiently as it began to snow lightly. He looked up to the night sky in awe. A memory of the red head appeared in his mind as he remembered how excited she was years ago when the snow fell. Surely she was happy wherever she was here as she looked up at the snow.

"Champion your drinks are ready" the employee said catching the boys attention.

"Thank you How much is it?" Ash asked taking out his wallet before the employee shook his head

"It's on the house. Take the drinks and enjoy it with your girlfriend" the employee said with a wink as ash was left confused slightly as he raised an eyebrow.

"Girlfriend?" Ash asked

"The girl you've been skating all night. You two are cute together" the employee said

"Ah misty you mean" ash said at the realization

"Thank you" ash said before taking the drinks and walking off with Pikachu.

The boy and his Pikachu walked for a while through the crowd as he tried to search for the red head but didn't see her.

"Ash!" He heard someone call before he turned to see Clemont and Alain walking towards him through the crowd.

"Clemont! Alain!" Ash said in response before they reached him.

"How have you two been all night?" Ash asked them with a smile as the three of them walked through the crowd.

"We've been fine" Alain replied

"What have you been up to?" A Clemont asked with a raised eyebrow at the boy.

"I've just been skating with misty" Ash answered

"Just skating?" Clemont asked as ash raised an eyebrow in confusion this time.

"Yeah why?" Ash asked

"Oh I don't know maybe because you kissed her" a Clemont stated making ash stop in his spot.

"What were you thinking?!" Clemont asked as he grew agitated at the raven haired boy.

"Why are you getting so upset Clemont?" Ash asked now growing angry at his friend before he froze as something hit him

"Do you like misty?" Ash asked horrified

"What? Of course not" Clemont answered as ash felt relief at the answer

"Then why are you upset?" Ash asked still agitated with his friend

"How can you be so reckless?" Clemont asked angry

"Reckless?" Ash asked

"Clemont it was a mistake" ash said

"That kiss was an accident" ash clarified as Clemont and Alain looked wary at the raven haired boy.

"Are you sure about that?" Clemont asked as he remembered it was an accident that he was pushed into her but he knew he saw him start leaning in before it even happened.

"Yes it was an accident" Ash said

"So you don't like misty?" Clemont asked

"Of course I like her she's my best friend" Ash said as both boys almost face palmed at their raven haired friend.

"That's not what I mean Ash. Are you sure you don't like her as more than a friend?" Clemont asked as he was reminded of Brock who asked him the same thing before

"More than a friend?" Ash repeated

"Yes. What Clemont means is do you like her romantically? Do you want her to be your girlfriend? Like to go on official dates?" Alain explained as ash stood in his spot

Misty was his best friend. It would be wrong to try and see her in a different light. Even worse he didn't want to ever lose her as his best friend. Even if he did try those things with her what if he lost her for good if things didn't work out in between them? He shuddered lightly at the thought of losing her.

"How could I ever see her in that way?" Ash asked them

"She's my best friend. I've never seen her that way and it would be wrong if I did" Ash said as he looked down not noticing Alain's eyes widen slightly and Clemont looking at him directly

"Plus I'm sure she has never seen me that way either" ash added after a while at the silence before looking up as he felt an ache in his chest.

"So if she ended up dating someone you wouldn't be upset?" Clemont asked as ash felt another ache

"Why would I be? If she finds someone who makes her happy then I should support her as her best friend" ash said as he started to feel the coldness as he breathed. Everything started to feel distant and numb as the two boys stared at him before Alain shook his head lightly and changed the subject.

"We should go and walk a bit" Alain said

"I should find misty and give her one of the hot chocolates first" Ash said getting ready to turn but Alain stopped him

"Let's walk first. I'm sure she wants sometime to her own after babysitting you all night ash" Alain said as he walked ahead in the opposite direction and Clemont accidentally let out a laugh ash glared at him before walking after the other boy.

"That's not true Alain!" Ash yelled as Clemont followed them.

The three boys walked around for a while before a group of voices caught ash's attention.

"I can't believe the champion ended up with the runt of the sensational sisters" a voice said as ash had stopped where he walked and saw a group of boys with their back turned to them.

"A runt? But she's pretty" Another asked confused

"That right a runt. She's the least beautiful one out of all the sister's" the boy said as ash felt agitation building in him as he heard the way the boy talked about misty.

"But she's super talented. She's an elite four member of her region" another boy said

"Well she might be a strong Pokemon trainer but what's the point of being one when you're personality is crap?" The boy asked

"Maybe that's why Ketchum sticks with her. She might have a bad attitude but she must be good with her mouth to keep her around" the boy said as some laughs came from the others.

Ash had enough as he walked over to the laughing group.

"Maybe I should kiss her next to see how good she really is" the boy joked

They barely registered his appearance until ash grabbed the boy who talked bad about the girl and threw punches at him taking the group and boy off guard.

The group of boys quickly tried to pull off ash of their friend but ash had a tighter grip.

"Don't ever talk about misty again!" He yelled at the boy through punches. The boy threw some back hitting ash in the but that didn't stop ash from hitting him as he felt fury running through his blood. A nobody who didn't even know her spoke horribly about her. He wouldn't let him get away with it.

"Are you crazy?!" The boy underneath Him yelled

"Take it back" Ash said

"Take all the horrible things you said back!" Ash yelled at the boy as they were now surrounded by a crowd.

"Ash!" Clemont yelled finally getting through the group of boys.

"Get off of him that's enough!" Clemont continued as ash felt himself pulled back by two people. Ash looked down at the boy who was hurt and bruised with a bloody nose who glared at him as he ignored Clemont and Alain by his side.

"You're a nutcase" the boy said standing up with the help of his friends

"Let's go" one of the boys friends said grabbing his arm

"All of that over a runt with a bad attitude" the boy muttered on their way past the trio as ash grew angry again.

"What was that?!" Ash said angrily as he went after the boy and his friends but Clemont and Alain quickly grabbed the boy and held him back

"Take your friend and go" Alain warned the boys who scurried off quickly.

They were long gone before they finally let go of ash and the crowd dispersed but the only ones still there were the trio and their other friends who stood stunned from a far before joining them.

"What was that about?" Korrina asked surprised as she never saw Ash act that way. The polite and kind ash they knew would never fight the way he did.

"They said something about misty and before we knew it Ash had thrown his hands at the boy who did" Clemont said as ash looked down still furious

Ash felt hands on his face raising it to get a better look at his face.

"You're going to have a bruised eye with that busted lip" Serena said worriedly as he met her eyes before pulling back quickly

"You don't have to worry about me. You're not my mother Serena. I can take care of myself" Ash snapped from agitation as he saw hurt come across her face.

"I was just worried about you. You didn't have to be such a jerk about it!" Serena snapped back as he saw the hurt expression before she turned around and left upset

"Serena wait!" Korrina called out after the girl

Ash felt guilty instantly for snapping at his friend but it was too late as she walked off. He looked around the group left before noticing misty wasn't with them.

"Where's misty?" Ash asked

"She left earlier. Saying something about being tired and wanting to rest" Bonnie said

"Alone?" Ash asked worriedly as Bonnie nodded her head. He would have walked her back at least if he had known she wanted to rest.

"What happened here today don't let misty know about it" Ash told the three.

"She would be disappointed to find out I got into a fight" Ash said as the three stared in disbelief at him before Bonnie spoke first.

"Idiot" Bonnie said

"Idiot" she repeated

"Just how could you be so idiotic and insensitive Ash?" Bonnie asked before walking off in another direction

"Bonnie!" Clemont called out as he chased after his sister

"Insensitive?" Ash asked a loud stunned by the younger girls outrage.

"Let's get back home Ash" Alain said as Ash nodded before they were off in silence. Ash was left deep in thought while Alain spared a few glances at the boy every now and then. It was clear to him the boy didn't know what he was feeling although Alain had an idea from the events tonight.

"So how long have you known misty?" Alain asked trying to get the raven haired boy to speak instead of being closed off.

"I've known her since I was ten. She saved me and Pikachu's life and was my first traveling companion" Ash said softly as he remembered the fond memories.

"How long did you two travel together?" Alain asked this time

"For a very long time. Brock was my first companion to leave but misty stayed. We traveled through the Orange islands together with out friend Tracey before we traveled johto together with Brock again." Ash said as Alain noticed ash relax as he remembered everything.

"But then she had to leave because of her duty at the cerulean city gym" Ash said frowning at the memory

"She was the only traveling companion who has never left willingly. I'm almost completely sure that if Misty had the chance she would have chosen to travel with me all the time. Although she probably would never admit to me that she likes my company like I like hers" Ash said honestly as he looked up at the snowy night sky.

"It sounds like she's a very special person to you" Alain said

"She is" ash confirmed as they both walked through the city.
It was early in the morning when Ash had woken up and walked to the kitchen to see Serena already up as she and Clemont prepared breakfast for everyone.

"Serena" Ash let out as the girl stared at him

"I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday. I was upset but shouldn't have ever taken it out on you. You were just being a good friend" Ash said as something flickered past her eyes before she nodded at his words.

"Thanks for the apology Ash and it's okay. Breakfast should be ready soon if you want to go wake the others up for us" she said with a small smile before ash nodded before heading off to the other rooms to wake everyone else up.

"Everyone breakfast is ready!" Ash called out as he gently knocked on the doors of everyone's rooms.

Slowly everyone came out and joined the table except the red head as they began to eat.

Everyone was talking about their plans before misty finally joined them looking slightly hesitant.

"What happened to you?" Ash asked as he saw her bags under her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Misty asked as she joined the open seat next to him

"What happened to your face? You look like a mess" Ash said as the room went silent and ash could feel he messed up with what he said. Clemont dropped jaw and Alain's shake of his head just confirmed it before he felt the girl grab his cheeks pulling them in different directions.

"Listen here Ketchum. Not every girl is going to look at her 100% best all the time. Pointing it out is rude" Misty said glaring at the boy

"Okay I'm sorry I'll never do it again" ash mumbled as misty let go.

"I can't believe it. One of my best friends is overly obsessed with girls and the other is dense when it comes to them" misty mumbled before taking a bite of her pancakes annoyed. Pikachu gave the girl a Pat on the shoulder before eating his own food.

Ash felt a bit of relief as he saw his friend acting normal but he couldn't help but turn red as he focused on her lips remembering what last occurred in between the two.

Misty threw a confused look at the boy as he turned away and ate his own food as Korrina told the table of friends a story. Quickly she grabbed his shirt and pulled him close taking him off guard as she stared closely at his face.

"Misty?" Ash asked confused before she gently reached out and touched his eye as he flinched at the ache

"What happened to your face?" She asked worried before gently touching his busted lip as ash flinched as his heart raced at the touch. He pulled back quickly going against the urge he had to lean into her touch.

"I just bumped into someone's elbow accidentally when skating last night" Ash lied as misty shook her head lightly

"I leave you alone the rest of the night and you manage to get hurt. What would you do without me Ketchum?" Misty said before standing up and pulling the boy with her out of the dining room.

Ash sat on the tub edge as the girl went through the small cabinet before finding what she needed.

Turning around she quietly placed the ointment on his bruised purple eye careful not to hurt him. Ash could only stare at the girls worried look before she placed the ointment on his busted lip and he hissed in pain.

"That hurts" ash let out as misty rolled her eyes.

"You should have taken care of this last night to stop it from hurting as bad but here we are" misty said as she gently placed the ointment on his lip and ash stared at her in awe. He caught his gaze go from her eyes to her nose to her lips before he turned away.

It was just misty
Everything about misty was the same ash noted as he spent the next few days with her. But something was different about Ash. All he thought about head about her and the accidental kiss. When they accidentally brushed hands ash felt like a jolt ran through him. Meanwhile misty went on as if nothing affected her or ever happened. It annoyed him slightly seeing how worked up he was while she wasn't.

Ash walked with all his friends through the amusement park they were currently at. Misty had been off for a while as she said she would go to the stand of drinks. The raven haired boy looked around the park before spotting the red head girl by one stand.

"Mis" Ash started to say as he stopped his hand halfway in the air when he noticed the smiling brown haired boy with red cheeks in front of her. Ash didn't know why he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and he didn't care to find out as he walked over to the pair.

"It was really nice seeing you again. If you don't mind I'd really like to take you to dinner one of these nights" the boy said with red cheeks.

"I think I'd like that Georgio" misty said as ash grew more irritated before grabbing her hand.

"Misty we've all been waiting for you. Let's go" Ash said before pulling her in the other direction as she started to argue as she looked back to the other male with an apologetic look.

"Hey Ash you can't just take me with you wherever you want!" Misty said

"I just left without saying goodbye to Georgio that's totally rude" misty said as ash ignored her

Georgio was the boys name. He already didn't like him.

"I can take you to dinner" ash muttered as they joined their friends

"You're both back" Korrina said before they were interrupted

"Misty you left your bag back there" another voice said as they turned to it as he handed it to her.

"Thank you Georgio" she said before he gently pushed her hair back and placed a flower on her ear as he got extremely close to her face.

"There that makes you look even more beautiful than you already are" Georgio said as Bonnie and Korrina squealed at the gesture while ash stood in disbelief with his mouth open

"Who is this guy?" Ash asked before the boy turned to him

"I'm Georgio. I'm interested in misty and have asked her out before. Last time I didn't have much luck but hopefully things will be different this time. Misty if you decided you're interested let me know" he said with a small wink as he placed a white paper in her hand.

"Why didn't she accept you last time?" Ash asked

"Because she clearly had someone else special in her heart at the time. Maybe now things are different" Georgio said as everyone turned to the girl who was red.

"See you later" he said with a warm smile before walking off. Ash felt agitated as he watched the boy leave

"Woah" Clemont let out

"Oh my" Korrina said

"He's quite outgoing" Bonnie said with a smile as misty looked at his retreating figure

"He wasn't like that before" misty admitted as she remembered the shy boy from years before.

"Ow" misty let out before looking down at her intertwined hand with the raven haired boy who never let go and accidentally held to tight.

"Are you planning to ever let go Ash?" Misty asked with narrowed eyes at her friend

"I'm sorry" he said before letting go

"How'd you meet him?" Ash asked curious

"I met him while you were traveling thanks to Casey back home years ago" misty answered as ash flinched at her words

"Are you going to accept his offer?" Bonnie asked as misty held ash's gaze a moment longer before turning to the girl.

"I'm not sure" misty answered taking ash off guard

"Let's forget about that for now and go on more rides" misty said before rushing off with the girls first.

Ash stayed in his spot. The words I'm not sure still stayed in his mind as well as what Georgio had admitted before. Misty had someone special in her heart. Did she still like that person and who was it?

"Let's go before they forget about us guys" Clemont said before leading the way as all three boys walked after them.
More days had passed and ash stayed the same with the red head girl constantly staying on his mind. Every little touch or closeness had the boy flustered easily.

Except every time Misty was headed to the phone Ash always intercepted her first. He would either take her away from the phone with a different excuse or he would explain he needed to make a call first in which he would take so long she would eventually give up. He didn't know why but he remembered the white paper with the phone number the other boy had given her days ago.

Ash currently saw how misty and Alain smiled as they chatted together in the gym.

He noticed they got along very well but ever since the ice skating day they seemed to have gotten along even better. He gave them a small smile before finally heading out of the gym. He made his way to the Pokemon center handing off his Pokémon to nurse joy before reaching the phone with Pikachu on his shoulder.

Ash waited a few moments as the timing went on before a familiar but unexpected face appeared on the screen.

"Ash!" The girl said happily as ash was left shocked

"Dawn?" Ash asked

"What are you doing in Kanto?" Ash asked as the girl smiled

"I was in the region and decided to stop by and visit you and Brock" dawn explained

"Can you imagine how surprised I was to hear that you weren't in Kanto currently because you ran off with your lover to Kalos?" Dawn asked teasingly as ash blushed at her choice of words.

"Misty and I didn't run off we just decided to travel together again" ash clarified as dawns grin grew

"Ash are you trying to keep misty all to yourself? First you didn't let me use her lure years ago and now you took her away from Kanto stopping me from meeting her" dawn teased as the boy turned even more red.

"What was that?" Ash asked not believing his friends accusation.

"Is that Ash?" A voice said before they joined the call and ash finally saw his friend he called.

"Ash how is Kalos?" Brock asked as he smiled through the screen

"It's been going good. But I called You because I needed to tell you something" Ash said before Brock understood and gently asked dawn to finish what he was doing in the house.

"What's up Ash?" Brock asked now that it was only the two of them.

"I think something's wrong with me" Ash let out

"What's wrong?" Brock asked as Ash felt his heart race at the thought.

"I can't think clearly" Ash said

"You can't think clearly? Has something been taking up your mind?" Brock asked his friend

"Misty" Ash let out

"What?" Brock asked not thinking he heard correctly as he took a sip of his drink.

"Misty has been taking up my mind" ash repeated

"I don't know why but ever since I accidentally kissed her she's been on my mind no matter what I do" Ash admitted before Brock choked on his drink as he spit it out coughing loudly.

"Accidentally kissed?!" Brock repeated as ash nodded his head

"We were ice skating and someone bumped into me leading to me accidentally kissing her" Ash said as Brock blushed now at the moment he just described.

"And what happened? Are you two together as a couple?" Brock asked

"No. I told her I didn't mean to and it was an accident. We're just friends" Ash answered as now Dawn popped up on screen looking furious

"Ash! How could you say that to a girl you kissed?! Accidental or not you never tell a girl a kiss was an accident" Dawn said angrily as Brock nodded his head

"What else was I supposed to say? She's my best friend" ash said conflicted as Dawn rolled her eyes with a face palm as Brock came to closer view of the camera.

"Ash you said you can't stop thinking about misty right? Why is that?" Brock asked the boy

"I can't stop thinking about her because she's my best friend" ash said

"Brock's your best friend too does that mean he takes up your mind too?" Dawn asked as ash shook his head in denial quickly.

"It's different" Ash answered

"Let's make this a bit easier" Brock said

"How do you feel when it's just you and misty together?" Brock asked as ash took a moment to think about it.

"I feel happy and like it's where I should be. I don't know how to explain it but it feels like home" ash said honestly as Brock and Dawn looked stunned at the boy

"That's so sweet" Dawn said as Brock nodded

"Is there anything that annoys you about misty?" Brock asked

"Her teasing but I kind of like that about her" Ash answered as Brock and Dawn laughed

"Well I knew that already. Anyone with eyes could see you both like teasing one another" Brock said

"But what I mean is there something that bothers you when you think about her?" Brock asked as Ash instantly remembered something.

"I don't like other guys being around her" Ash answered honestly as Brock's jaw dropped and dawn had a look of surprise on her face.

"Explain. What do you mean exactly by that?You don't like any guy being around her or certain ones?" Brock asked

"Well I'm okay with her being around our guy friends and I understand she has a bunch of guy fans. But there's this guy" Ash started

"He offered to take her to dinner and even admitted to asking her out before. I didn't even like him when I first saw him and I didn't know him at all" Ash said

"It's like the orange islands all over again" Ash added as Brock interrupted

"What do you mean the orange islands all over again? Isn't that the place where you and misty traveled with Tracey?" Brock asked

"Well when we traveled there I didn't like some of the gym leaders there" ash answered

"Did those gym leaders also show some interest in misty?" Brock asked

"Yes. I ended up disliking them even more because of that. Oh my god what's wrong with me?" Ash asked to himself

"I knew it!" Brock and Dawn said at the same time before they looked at one another as ash stared at them confused

"Knew what?" Ash asked

"Ash have you ever felt that way towards any other girls?" Brock asked as ash immediately shook his head

"Why not?" Brock asked

"Because misty is different. I feel differently about her compared to other girls" Ash admitted

"And why do you feel differently?" Brock asked

"Because I love her. My heart races when I'm with her" Ash answered as Dawn smiled with Brock

"Finally!" Brock and Dawn let out as Ash sat frozen in realization

"Oh my god. I'm in love with misty" Ash said shocked

"I knew it! I knew you liked her since back then!" Brock said happily

"I knew it ever since you were so protective over her lure!" Dawn said as they both held hands excitedly and cheered

"About time! It took you long enough to figure it out Ash!" Brock said as ash looked worried on the camera

"What's wrong ash?" Brock asked as Ash shook his head.

"I can't be in love with misty. What if this ruins our friendship?! I can't lose her Brock" ash said aloud with worry

"And what if this leads to the best thing ever for you both?" Brock asked

"He's right ash. You're already jealous of other guys being interested in misty so why don't you just take the chance? I'm sure you and misty will always be there for each other no matter what" Dawn said as Brock nodded in agreement.

"Just follow your heart ash. It's a huge step but there's nothing wrong with falling in love with your best friend. Knowing you and misty you'll both be there for each other in the end" Brock said reassuringly

"Fine. I'll take this leap and follow my heart. It's not like it's something new for me" Ash said as Brock and dawn cheered together. Meanwhile Ash trying to be brave was still scared. Giving your heart to someone wasn't easy especially when it was your best friend.
Ash had been scared the past few days even flustered each time he was around misty. She would ask him what's wrong and he would immediately deny it.

It was now the week of Christmas. Ash had to make his move soon before it was too late. He watched as Alain and Misty talked about their Pokemon in the gym before he looked around the room to meet Serena's gaze who looked upset before Ash froze as the girl looked away. A memory came back to him and everything seemed to finally click with the strange looks she gave him recently.

He walked over to the girl

"Serena can we talk?" Ash asked as he reached her and noticed her red cheeks

"Sure ash" Serena replied before following the boy out of the gym.

They both made it out into the garden in their jackets for the cold weather. The flowers had all withered.

They both stood in front of one another.

"I'm sorry I forgot about what you last told me" Ash started as Serena stood stunned

"Don't be sorry Ash. I'm the one who promised to come back to you one day and I didn't" Serena said sadly as ash held his forehead and the girl remembered all those years ago when she kissed him on the forehead after her promise during their farewell all those years ago.

"Thank you for liking me all this time" Ash said as Serena braced for the worst as she saw his sad smile

"And I'm sorry that I can't reciprocate those feelings" ash finished saying as the cold air blew and Serena's heart broke at his words.

"It's because you have someone else in your heart right?" Serena asked

"It's misty right?" Serena asked as ash nodded in response

"I just have a question. If I had gone back for you then would things have been different?" Serena asked

"Who knows but if I've felt this way about misty since we were ten then I don't think my feelings would have changed no matter what" Ash said honestly

Serena nodded in understanding

"We'll always be good friends right Serena?" Ash asked as the girl looked at the boy

"Of course Ash. You're my friend first before anything" Serena said with a small reassuring smile.

"I'm glad" Ash said before they were interrupted.

"Ash!" A female voice said as they turned to see a blue haired girl reaching them.

"It's been a long time!" Miette said as ash smiled at the girl

"Miette! It's nice to see you again what are you doing here?" Ash asked

"I heard you were currently in Kalos and needed to see you myself" Miette said

"Well we can all catch up inside. It's cold" ash said before leading the way inside as Miette and Serena followed from a distance behind.

"So you got rejected?" Miette asked a lowly as Serena glared at her rival

"Maybe I have a chance now" Miette said as Serena rolled her eyes

"You don't. He already has someone else in his heart" Serena said lowly as she felt her broken heart but suprisingly it wasn't as bad as she expected. Perhaps because she knew Misty was a great girl.

The three reached the inside of the gym when they saw the battle unfolding in front of them.
Alain was yelling orders while his Pokémon went against the water Pokemon of the red head of Kanto.

"Why didn't you guys tell me you would be battling?! Alain! Misty!" Ash yelled in excitement as he rushed in being followed by the two girls

"Alain don't let your guard down Misty's a really good trainer!" Ash called out as the boy nodded

"Wow that's the elite four trainer from Kanto?" Miette asked as she stood close to ash

"That's right isn't she amazing?" Ash asked as Serena agreed

"Right! No one comes close to misty!" Serena said as she looked at Miette

A big blast went off shaking the gym as Miette held onto ash's arm to keep balance.

Misty's eyes flickered to the new girls arm around ash's before another blast from the Pokémon came towards her own as it jumped out of the way. Instead the blast kept going in different areas around the gym uncontrollably.

Screams were heard from the other trainers in the seated area the blast bounced off the walls leaving dents.

"What's going on?!" Korrina called out as she held Bonnie as they both crouched down.

"I'm not sure!" Alain let out as he and his Pokémon stood confused

"Everyone get down!" Clemont yelled as ash and the others did the same.

Misty quickly called back her Pokemon before the blast came straight towards her.

"Misty!" Ash yelled starting to run after her but before he could reach her Alain had already done it as he jumped out of the way with her. The blast hit the wall where she just stood while Alain looked over the girl who was in his arms after they hit the ground.

"Are you alright?" Alain asked as they sat up and misty nodded

"What happened?" She asked confused as he shook his head

"I'm not sure. It wasn't normal. I should get my Pokémon to the poke center" Alain said as misty nodded in agreement

"Me too" misty said before the two were off.

"We'll be back before dinner" misty said giving ash a quick glance before the two were off without another word.

"Strange" Korrina let out

"Yeah something didn't feel right" Bonnie said as ash just stared at the door.
After that strange day nothing else happened. It was christmas night as the entire group spent their day together. It was all going well. Ash currently outside with misty alone as the snow fell and the stars shined above them.

"This is for you misty" Ash said handing her the bag

"And this is your gift Ash" she said handing him a small gift box

"You open yours first" misty said as ash unraveled his gift

He opened his gift to see a two pairs of gloves and a scarf and winter hat.

"These are so cool!" Ash said in awe as he examined them. The first set of gloves, scarf, and hat were all the same shade of red. The final pair of gloves were similar to the ones he always wore when he was on a journey.

"Do you like them?" Misty asked as ash smiled

"I love them!" He reassured her leading to her smiling.

"Good. It took me months to knit that red set" misty said as ash's eyes widened

"You knit them?" He asked shocked

"I did. I also knitted Pikachu a scarf that I have to give him later tonight" misty said as he felt his heart race.

Misty opened her gift next as she pulled out a beautiful blue dress that glimmered gently

"Wow" misty gasped as she looked at the dress

"This is absolutely beautiful Ash!" Misty exclaimed as she admired the dress

"I love it!" She let out happily

"I'm glad you love it. I was worried you wouldn't like what I got you" Ash said as misty shook her head

"I can never dislike what you get me" misty said before quickly putting the dress back into its bag securely

"Which is why I need to keep it safe and make sure it doesn't get ruined" misty said before placing the bag over her shoulder and turning to ash who put on his red knitted gloves and misty helped him put on his scarf.

"There You look all cozy" misty said fixing the scarf gently.

Ash's heart raced at the sudden closeness. He could see her clearly. The cerulean eyes he loved. The red cheeks she got at times. The lips he kissed. The snow and smile she had on her face made her like ethereal. Ash wasn't thinking when he leaned in a connected their lips together. Her lips were warm as he sighed gently and closed his eyes. Her hands were still on his scarf as she stood still before gently kissing him back. Ash felt butterflies but before he could reflect on the feeling he was pushed back. He lost his balance as he fell to the snowy ground.

He looked up to see misty standing in front of him in shock with tear rolling down her face. For a split second she looked regretful but then sadness took over her crying face as ash's eyes widened a the sight.

"Misty" ash let out shocked as he looked at the girl

"Why?" Misty asked

"Why are you playing with my feelings?" Misty asked as the snow fell

"First you kissed me and then you called it a mistake and said you could never see me as more than a friend. Then you kiss me again" misty said angrily as ash realized she overheard his conversation with Clemont and Alain.

"After that I decided to finally move on but then you started acting weird with Georgio but I continued remembering your words" misty added as she shook her head

"I have liked you since we were ten. I was waiting this entire time hoping that one day you would wake up and see me there. It was hard seeing all these girls with you that obviously liked you while I had been waiting back home. Then you say you're true feelings that we'll never be more than friends." Misty let out as her tears fell and ash's eyes widened at the confession

"I decided to stop waiting and yet here you are playing with my feelings. It's not fair Ash Ketchum" misty said before ash got up and reached for her face and gently wiped the tears away.

"I'm sorry for making you cry Misty. I'm not playing with your feelings" Ash said as he held her face in his hands

"I really like you. I like you more than a friend and I've been an idiot for taking so long to realize it" Ash said

"I love you Mist" Ash confessed as her breath hitched and her eyes widened as more tears fell.

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long" he apologized as misty stepped back slightly out of his grasp

"I think I need some time" misty said as ash nodded in understanding.

"Okay" ash said

"You waited for me for eight years and no matter how long you'll take I'll always wait for your love" Ash added determined as he stared at her cerulean eyes.

With one last look misty walked off as she retreated back inside. Ash could only watch as he saw her enter moments later. He stayed outside a while longer before finally entering the home.

Ash saw Clemont and Alain waiting in the living room.

"I messed up showing the girl I love how I feel" ash said as he joined them on the couch.

"You think?" They both asked
Ash and misty tiptoed around each other gently the next few days. They both tried to act normal but ash still gave her all the time she needed. They were distant.

Misty on the brighter side enjoyed meeting ash's friends from Kalos and he was happy to see that all his friends got along well. All the group decided to spend one of their free days together when they reached the gym again.

"Misty!" A voice called taking everyone off guard before group noticed a beautiful girl waiting there alone.

"Oh my goodness. You're one of the sensational sisters right?" Bonnie asked as she ran up to the girl in amazement

"That's right. I'm Violet Misty's older sister" the girl introduced herself to the group as they all reached them

"Violet what a surprise to see you here" Ash said with a small smile

"What are you doing here Violet?" Misty asked curious to her sisters sudden appearance in the foreign region.

"If you weren't to busy with your boyfriend while traveling here then you would have answered the calls I have been sending you the last few days at the Pokemon center. But then again I can't blame you this is the city of love" Violet said before whispering the last part to her sister as misty grew red. Only this time Ash grew red too now understanding the situation more clearly.

"How many times do I need to tell you he isn't my boyfriend!" Misty said everyone else caught on.

"Not yet" Both Ash and Violet said making them both look at each other

"Oh my" Violet whispered with a wink as misty held in her embarrassment and red face.

"You stay quiet!" Misty said as she turned to the raven haired boy

"Violet why'd you come to Kalos so suddenly?" Ash asked this time as he stopped closer to the sisters and misty grew even redder

"I came wedding shopping Ash" Violet answered

"What? No way I wanted to ask you to marry my brother" Bonnie said as Clemont gave his sister a warning but Violet laughed lightly

"It's not for me. It's for my older sister" Violet said before turning to misty

"Tracey had an engagement ring he wanted to get from here that daisy's been eyeing for the longest time. And as the amazing sister I am I offered to come pick it up for him not to raise suspicions" Violet said as Misty's jaw dropped

"No way. It's actually happening. About time" misty said as Violet and her happily celebrated

"I know right" Violet said

"Tracey and Daisy are getting married?!" Ash asked as the girls nodded happily before pulling him into their celebration and Pikachu happily joined.

"When's the marriage?" Ash asked after the girls finally pulled back.

"We don't know yet but they'll be choosing it out soon." Violet said

"Well I think this calls for a celebration" Korrina said catching their attention as Violet was left confused

"Oh right Violet these are my friends from Kalos. Bonnie, Serena, Clemont, Korrina, and Alain" Ash introduced them as the group gave each other polite greetings and Violets eyes lingered a bit longer on the raven haired boy who was more quiet.

"Well I'll be glad to celebrate with all of you and get to learn more about Kalos. Please take care of me" Violet said with a smile to the group before Bonnie, Serena, and Korrina led the girl further into the gym excitedly questioning her as misty and the other boys followed. Misty smiled at her sister and new friends happy with everything going on at the moment.

"So you're the one who beat Ash in the Kalos league" Violet said amused as she stared Alain

"Since when do you care so much about Pokémon matches Violet?" Ash asked feeling slight embarrassment at the memory

"I can't help being curious. Misty always watched your matches back home and we know how much of a battle freak you are so it's intriguing to meet someone who beat you" Violet answered the trainer

"That battle was a spectacular one" Clemont added as Serena and Korrina agreed and Bonnie smiled at the memory.

"It was a close match. Ash is a really great competitor" Alain said to Violet

"Yeah I know he is. But it's also really amazing to see someone humble him everyonce in a while and give him a challenge" Violet said giving him a compliment while dissing the kanto boy.

"Hey!" Ash said standing up for himself but Violet shrugged

"What I'm just telling the truth. You're a better trainer than any of us back home" Violet said as now misty frowned at her sister.

"Hey that's not true Violet he isn't better than me" misty said as ash grinned proudly

"Even your sister admits I'm the better trainer why can't you accept that misty? Is your ego blinding you?" Ash asked mischievously as misty turned to him pulling his cheeks apart

"What was that?" She asked as the boy finally gave up

"Ok fine you have the skills to be my rival as a trainer" ash admitted as misty finally let go. Ash felt relieved that slowly their relationship was becoming normal again.

"That's what I thought" she said before the boy laughed and so did the others as they watched their antics.
More days passed as the group became closed and spent more time together. Violet continued staying with the kanto trainers as they agreed to all go back home together soon.

Ash had been walking with his friends when he noticed a boy ahead had stopped misty as his face was red.

"Is misty being asked out right now?" Bonnie asked curious catching the boys attention.

"Asked out?" Ash asked now

"Yeah you know. When a boy and girl like each other they decided to go out alone to spend more time each other. Then they decide if they want to become a couple or not" Bonnie explained as Ash frowned at her explanation but before he could ponder more on it the girl rejoined them all. It didn't occur to him that misty could reject him and date someone else. Panic began to rise in Ash.

"So did you find a date misty?" Korrina teased her

"What? No way! How could I find a date here when I'm spending my time with all of you" misty said as the boy couldn't help but let out a breath he hadn't noticed he'd been holding in for a while.

What the ash and misty both didn't notice was how the former Kalos champion and older cerulean sister kept their eyes on the two realizing something. Violet met Alain's gaze both noticing they came to the same conclusion before she let out a small giggle and made a motion to keep it a secret.
"Ash isn't there someone who catches your interest?" Bonnie asked as the two were on duty to clean the dishes after dinner while the other did their own task

"Catches my attention?" Ash asked confused as Bonnie sighed lightly before turning to him

"What I mean is if there's anyone you like or love" bonnie said as ash's brow furrowed together

"There's a lot of people I like and love like you guys here in Kalos" Ash said as bonnie held back from sighing in disbelief at the oblivious boy.

"Not just who you like and love but a special person is what I'm talking about. One person who you love to be around and love in a different way from everyone else" Bonnie said trying to find how to explain it more simply

"Like your friends Tracey and Daisy! They both have people they love and like in their lives but they both love each other differently to decide to marry one another and spend the rest of their lives together" Bonnie said

"It's someone who you choose to stick with forever through thick and thin" Bonnie said as the boy thought for a moment. He hadn't thought about living with someone specifically but he knew he loved misty.

"Not anyone specific to live with but I do know I love Misty" Ash said as Bonnie did a double take

"What?! You know you love misty?! Why haven't you told her?!" Bonnie asked

"I did tell her. It's complicated right now but I told her I would wait for her love until she's ready. She's waited eight years for me I can wait for her" Ash said

"Love is complicated" she said with a sigh as they both went back to working and she changed the subject.

It was late when Ash stood up to clear his mind since he couldn't sleep while the group camped outdoors. He walked so far before voices caught his attention. Stopping he heard the girls laughing and talking in the night.

"Daisy never thought she would have been marrying Tracey. At first she didn't like him she thought he was just another wild trainer like ash" Violet said through laughter

"Have you two thought about marrying someone?" Bonnie asked

"Of course. I'll know the one when I meet them" Violet said

"I haven't thought about it much but I do think it would be nice to find someone you're in love with and to spend the rest of your lives together" Misty said catching ash's attention as he was about to turn away deciding not to hear more of the girls talk but Serena caught his attention.

"And if the person you loved was from a different region would you leave your friends and family to be with him?" Serena asked misty as misty stayed silent

The entire woods stayed silent as ash felt his heart race as he waited for her to respond. It felt like eternity waiting but she finally spoke.

"If I truly loved them then yes I think I would" misty answered before ash pushed himself to walk back to his tent with the boys. He walked but he couldn't stop thinking about misty leaving them, him for someone else one day. It made him feel sick thinking she could one day leave his side.
It had been a rather windy day and the gray clouds hid the sun as Ash had stayed currently trained with Alain and Clemont while the girls went shopping together. Looking up at the large tv screen inside Clemont staring at it had made the other two boys stop and join him to watch the news.

"As many of you have heard there has been some reports of strange things going on through the Kalos region" the news reporter said

"We just recieved breaking news that a young female was taken by some Pokemon not too long ago" the reporter announced

"We're still waiting for more details and will keep you informed when we recieve more updates on the situation. Until then stay safe everyone" the reported said before the broadcast changed.

"Another weird event Huh?" Clemont said with a sigh

"That's the third one in the past two weeks" Alain added as Ash felt a weird feeling in his stomach he couldn't understand as both boys chatted.

It wasn't long before a young boy entered the giant gym against the shadows but before he could enter further he stopped and was about to turn and leave until ash noticed him.

"Hey buddy. What are you doing here? Are you here for a gym match?" Ash asked as the boy froze and turned to him as Clemont and Alain caught on now focusing away from the screen.

"Um" the boy let out stunned to have been called out suddenly

"Don't worry if it's a match you want you got it! Isn't that right Clemont?" Ash asked as the blonde gym leader nodded

"Of course" Clemont said

"Don't be afraid we don't bite" Alain said as the boy finally stepped in away from the shadows with wide eyes as he took in the three older boys.

Ash stopped and stared at the boy who had pale skin and spiky black hair like him but he had eyes that shone like the sea

Something about him felt familiar as if he knew him.

"How old are you little buddy?" Clemont asked this time

"I'm ten years old" the boy answered quietly

"And what's your name? I want to know who my challenger is" Clemont continued as the boy stayed quiet for a moment looking at all three older boys for a moment before finally speaking up

"Kazuki" he let out

"My parents named me Kazuki but I go by Kazu" he said quietly as the three older boys gave him a smile reassuring him that everything was fine

"What a nice name" Clemont said

"Kazu where are you parents? Did they let you start your journey young? I remember I started my journey at your age too" Ash said with a friendly smile as he stood in front of the boy who stared at him for a second

"They aren't here with me. I came here by myself" Kazu said he crossed his arms in front of him

"You're quite a brave boy" Ash said as Pikachu agreed as the young boy finally noticed the yellow Pokemon.

"Is that Pikachu?" The boy asked in some form of amazement as he stared at the Pokémon

"That's right it's my Pikachu. Do you want to hold him?" Ash asked as the boy nodded before Ash gently passed Pikachu to him.

The yellow mouse Pokémon ran around the young boys shoulders as he greeted the young boy. The boy in return hugged the Pikachu close to his chest as Pikachu snuggled into him.

The three older Pokémon trainers watched in amusement and awe as they saw how quickly the two grew accustomed to one another.

"It seems like Pikachu really likes you Kazu. I'm sure with more time you two could become best buddies too" Ash said shocking Kazu as he stilled holding the Pokémon close

"He feels like home" Kazu admitted before the doors to the gym slammed open and four girls came rushing in.

"Ash!" Violet called out worriedly

"We got big trouble!" Bonnie said right after as the older boys quickly made their way over to the girls.

"Where's misty?" Ash asked confused as he looked at the girls and saw her missing.

"That's the problem" Serena said with a pale face

"What happened?" Clemont asked seeing the worried group of friends that just came back

"We were out together and we left her alone for one moment while we ordered the food and she watched the bags and table but we suddenly heard commotion and by the time we saw what was happening we saw a huge Pokémon took misty away as she was unconscious" Korrina said as ash's heart dropped at her words

"Ash you have to save her!" Violet said pleadingly as she reached out for the boys hand  and had tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry Violet. We'll get her back soon!" Ash reassured her before there was a thud that came from behind the group.

"Pika!" Pikachu let out

"Pika pi!" The mouse Pokémon let out as ash turned to see the boy who had just passed out on the ground. Quickly rushing over to him he picked him up and looked at Clemont.

"Where can we help him Clemont?" Ash asked worried

"Follow me this way! Alain please get us a bucket of warm water and a towel" Clemont said before leading the way as all three boy did what they were supposed to.
The room was blurry as the boy slowly opened his eyes. He heard mumbled noises but couldn't make them out as the light blinded his eyes

He let out a small groan before he noticed a girl with Violet hair look over him worried followed by a boy with blue eyes and black hair but before he could say anything there was shuffling as they moved back and the face in front of him was the raven haired man with the brown eyes.

He had a smile of relief and warm eyes as he gazed down at him


"Kazu can you hear me?" His voice came through as the boys sea eyes widened before he quickly sat up and reached for the boy as he hugged him tightly suddenly

"Where am I?" Kazuki asked as he felt the older boy give him a reassuring hug before pulling back.

"You're in Clemonts house. You gave us a scare when you fainted" Ash said as Kazu now pulled back to see the room full of the huge group of friends. His eyes widened once again as he examined everyone's faces. The Violet haired girl caught his attention a little longer before he stared at the raven haired boy again examining his face

"I'm sorry for scaring all of you" kazu apologized as ash shook his head

"There's no need to apologize Kazu. We're just glad you're okay" ash said as his friends agreed

"That's right Kazu. You can also take all the time you need here until you feel better" Clemont said reassuringly.

"B-but what about your friend? Isn't she missing and you guys need to find her first" Kazu said as he saw the sad looks on their faces.

"We'll take care of you too" Ash said

"We'll Make sure you both are fine" he reassured as Kazu stared at him wide eyed

"Okay" Kazu said
It didn't take long for Kazu to fully recover as he was on bed rest for the rest of the day and dinner was served to him by the raven haired boy. He was sure the older trainers were figuring out what to do while he was in bed but they didn't make him worry.

The next day Kazu was up as he saw the trainers all dressed in their gears.

"Kazu are you better now?" Ash asked as the boy reached the group

"Yes I'm feeling better" Kazu said

"That's good to hear. Now you'll be well enough to be on your own again and continue your journey"Alain said as Kazu's eyes widened

"I actually wanted to go with you guys to save your friend" Kazu said as the trainers were left stunned at the boys words

"Absolutely not. You're way too young and you just started feeling better you can't be put in more danger" Violet said as the boy frowned at her words

"But" he started to say

"No buts young man" Violet said as the boy stared at the older girl

"Kazu I think Violet has a point. We don't want to risk you getting hurt on this journey" Ash said as Kazu shook his head ignoring him and turning his head back to the girl.

"I'm coming along!" The boy stated as if he wasn't taking anything else for an answer

"No you aren't young man! It's too dangerous for you" Violet argued with a glare that the boy returned

"My siblings are missing too! I believe these incidents are all related to each other and maybe just maybe I'll find them by going with all of you" the boy said with a fragile look on his face as he stunned everyone with silence with his revelations

"Just like how you want to find your sister please let me come so I can see if I find my siblings too" the boy pleaded as the girls eyes softened

"Okay. We'll go together" the girl said softly before extending a hand that the young boy accepted before all the trainers were off.

Violet had held Kazu's hand most of the way on their long journey before she took her time drinking water after searching for clues so long.

"Look these are giant Pokémon steps!" Bonnie said as she looked at a spot before all the others joined her

"That's right! Maybe this is the Pokémon that took misty" Korrina said as they were far into the giant forest.

Kazu noticed the trail marks left behind as the trainers examined the steps closely

"I wonder what Pokémon it was" Serena said before they went into discussion as Kazu followed the footprints further and further away. He ran after them before coming to a halt as he noticed the lavendar headband on the ground then the footsteps stopped completely as if the Pokémon just vanished. Kazu picked up the headband before walking around further into the woods as his hands started to shake lightly at recognition of the headband he'd seen so much times before.

"This isn't funny!" He called out as he kept walking and looking around

"Kairi!" He yelled out

"If this is a game of hide and seek it's not fun" he said

"Kairi please come out already!" He yelled before he heard a shuffle from a giant bush.

"Kairi" kazu let out as he walked toward the bush and looked over before his eyes widened in horror at the giant animal he saw. He quickly stumbled back before breaking out into a run as the animal chased after him.

Kazu had no idea how it happened but one second he was running and the next he crashed against the ground hard before crawling quickly as his ankle stung from the sudden fall. He looked in horror as the animal was so close before suddenly it wasn't anymore was a blast of water pushed the animal back.

Quickly Ash came and picked up the boy as the boy noticed the water type Pokémon standing in front of them protectively

"Greninja" Kazu let out stunned as he saw the Pokémon defend them against the animal. It all happened quickly as Pikachu now joined the water type Pokemon as they both finished off the scary animal. Both Pokémon turned towards them after finishing.they now had the rest of the trainers join them in a crowd as they watched the scene unfold.

"Why'd you run off like that?! Do you know what could have happened to you?!" Ash scolded the boy as the boy looked down as his eyes watered

"I'm sorry" he let out

"It's just that I found my sisters headband and thought that maybe she was close" Kazu let out

"I'm so sorry for worrying you" he apologized as now ash felt bad seeing how fragile the young boy looked

"Don't worry too much luckily greninja got here right before we did. Just don't do it anymore" Ash said as the boy nodded before ash turned to the water Pokemon and gave him a hug.

"Thank you greninja. It's nice to see you're doing well. We'll meet again" Ash reassured the Pokemon as the Pokemon nodded before heading off silently

Violet quickly made her way over to the young boy with Alain as they bandaged his foot together.

"Don't be so hasty next time Kazu. We'll solve this together" Violet said tightening the bandage as Alain pressed an ice bag against his ankle.

"It will be bruised for a while but at least with the ice the swelling will go down rather quick" Alain said as Kazu nodded and sniffled gently

"Don't cry. We'll find them soon" Violet said as she wiped his tears with one hand as kazu noticed Alain nod softly and the rest of the trainers agreed as well. He noticed the teary looks some of the girls gave him and the reassuring smiles from the older boys.

"I'll carry you there Kazu" Ash said before squatting in front of the boy before Alain helped him onto the older boys back. The walk was rather quiet for the most part as more hours had passed.

"Kazu how many siblings do you have?" Ash asked aloud catching the boys attention

"Two. I have a younger twin brother and a younger sister who just turned seven" Kazu answered starting to feel tired from the long day as the sun started to set. Kazu felt comfortable on ash's back as he hugged him closer.

"What's their names?" Violet caught his attention

"Ryu and Kairi" Kazu answered

"So the three of you are Kazuki, Ryu, and Kairi" Korrina clarified

"Those are beautiful names" Serena said as Bonnie agreed happily.

"Thank you" Kazu said

"What are you parents like?" Ash asked as Kazu stiffened

"They're amazing people! They taught me and my siblings everything we know" Kazu said

"Thanks to them we were able to have so much" kazu said

"And the rest of my family's support to has been nothing but amazing. To have so much people care and love for us feels like a fortunate dream" Kazu said before drifting off to sleep as he clung to the older boys body.
The next time Kazu awoke it was already dark and the trainers set camp already

He laid in a sleeping bag in between multiple ones set up. The boys quarter it looked like from the tents surroundings. He felt a panic in him as he felt enclosed and alone and quickly looked for his younger sisters headband before spotting it on the ground right next to his sleeping bag. With relief he closed his eyes for a moment.

"Finally awake" Ash said as he entered the tent with a tray of food and water.

He sat down next to the boy who just sat up from his spot before handing him the tray.

"Thank you" Kazu said before ash smiled at the younger boy

"No need to thank me" ash reassured him before the boy ate quietly as they sat in silence and peace for a while.

"You know it was hard to keep you with us tonight. The girls especially Violet insisted that they would do better taking care of you in their tent" Ash said as the boy turned to him

"You quickly became a favorite here Kazu" ash said

"I don't think you would all be feeling that if you knew more about me and how I failed my younger siblings" Kazu said truthfully as ash shook his head at the young boy.

"Nonsense. You didn't fail anyone Kazu. If anything you're a brave older brother. You're currently on your own away from the rest of your family and are searching for your siblings. You didn't fail them in the slightest and I'm sure they understand that" Ash said as the young boys eyes widened at him.

"If you don't mind I actually think it would be a cool edition if you stayed with us and traveled with us." Ash said as he scratched his cheek lightly and smiled and Kazu continued to stay stunned as a small smile came on to his face before it went away completely.

"I can't. I don't belong here but thank you for the offer I really appreciate it" Kazu said as he finished his dinner and ash took it from his hands

"No worries just always remember you have that option with us Kazu if you ever change your mind" ash said before walking out with the tray.

Later that night in the tent full of boys that were sleeping Kazu couldn't help but stare at the older boy with raven hair. Kazu was sleeping just fine until he woke from a sudden nightmare screaming and trashing around as he had sweat running down his face but the older boy woke up reached out for him and pulled him into a warm hug as the young boy slowly calmed down. Ash said words of reassurement as Kazu hugged the older boy back and started to relax. The older boy had fallen asleep first but he couldn't help but stay awake to study the older trainer. Kazu didn't know how long it had been before he fell asleep again.

It had been 4 days since their search began and there haven't been anymore clues to lead them anywhere specific.

"Are we going to ever find misty at this rate?" Violet asked worriedly

"Of course we will!" Korrina reassured the girl as the group walked ahead

"There haven't been any other clues" Violet let out disappointed

"Surely we'll find one soon" Ash said trying to stay optimistic before Kazu sighed and stopped.

"I think I might be able to help with that actually" Kazu said before everyone stopped to look at him

"How is that Kazu?" Alain asked this time as the boy looked conflicted before letting out a sigh.

"My Pokémon might be able to help" Kazu admitted before releasing his Pokémon ball from his backpack

"If my theory is correct then maybe he'll be able to not only find my siblings but your friend too" Kazu explained as the flash came out

The group of trainers stared dumbfounded as they saw the Pokemon that came out

"Is that what I think it is?" Korrina asked shocked as the blue beautiful Pokemon stared at It's owner.

"This is Suicune my pokemon" Kazu said nonchalant as the trainers were left stunned at the sight of the legendary pokemon.

"How cool!" Bonnie and Ash said at the same time in fascination as they studied the legendary Pokémon

"How did you catch it?" Clemont asked as now the other trainers looked at the young boy.

"I caught him when I went on a journey with my dad a while back" Kazu explained

"That's insane for a ten year old boy" Alain said as Kazu rubbed his cheek starting to feel embarrassed about the attention on him

There was suddenly a few more flashes coming from the bag of the boy as more friends joined.

A Jolteon, luxray, and kubfu appeared as they quickly embraced their trainer with love as Kazu laughed at the attention from all three Pokemon who nuzzled him.

The older trainers were left in disbelief as they looked at the Pokemon of the young 10 year old boy. Not only were they an amazing jolteon and luxray but another legendary Pokémon named Kubfu who was the smallest of all four.

"What in the world" Serena let out stunned as Korrina agreed in disbelief

"Not only one legendary Pokémon but two" Alain said in disbelief as Violet stepped back not realizing she held onto his jacket close as she stared at the young boy in fear.

"H-how is this possible" Violet let out

"Maybe we should start fearing this kid" she added as Clemont spoke first

"That's cool! I also have a luxray back home too Kazu" Clemont added putting the boy at ease after all the horrified looks the older trainers gave him.

"I'll show you him when we get back" Clemont added as kazu smiled at him lightly

"I'd like that" the boy replied before Ash went up to him and rubbed the young boys raven hair.

"Look at all those strong Pokemon you got and not only that but you have two legendary Pokémon. I'm proud" Ash said stunning the boy as he smiled brightly at him

"You would have gave Clemont a run for his money if you both had a gym match" Bonnie added as Korrina laughed at the younger girls comment.

"Why didn't you bring them out earlier?" Korrina asked as the young boy shrugged

"I just thought it would be better if they stayed in their Pokemon balls for the moment but I guess it wasn't seeing how they all came out on their own the moment I released suicune" Kazu said as he pet his Pokémon apologizing to them before pulling out the lavender headband.

"Suicune this is Kairi's headband. Can you find her by the smell?" Kazu asked nicely as he held it out and the Pokemon sniffed it gently before turning its head towards another direction.

Kazu pulled it back putting the headband back in his bag as he smiled at his Pokémon.

"Thank you" he said before climbing onto the Pokemon as the small Kubfu looked sulking from the side.

"Come on Kubfu you can come on too" Kazu said as the small Pokémon's face brightened as he quickly climbed onto the shoulder of his trainer

"Jolteon. Luxray please carry the girls with you." Kazu said as they nodded before each moving to the four girls.

"You guys got your own Pokémon right to carry you?" Kazu asked as Clemont and Alain nodded taking out their bigger Pokémon as ash stood there

"You don't" Kazu let out in realization as ash scratched his cheek embarrassed

"I didn't expect to come on a big journey when I came to Kalos originally" ash explained before Kazu reached his hand out as ash took it grateful

Ash sat behind Kazu with Pikachu on his shoulder. Clemont and Alain had their own Pokemon to ride. While Bonnie and Violet sat on Jolteon and Serena and Korrina sat on luxray.

"Suicune lead the way" Kazu said as the legendary Pokémon did as followed. The Pokemon continued walking for hours quickly as they sped through the giant forest. It was two hours later as Suicune finally stopped in front of a regular looking spot in the forest.

"This is it?" Violet asked as all the trainers stared from where they sat confused.

Kazu got off with Ash and looked around the area. The boy had his hand out in front of him as he walked around forward until he was physically stopped. He pressed his hands against the invisible barrier as ash joined him before both boys turned to each other and smiled

"There's a barrier right here" Ash said as the trainers were shocked to hear something was there.

"Suicune, Jolteon, Luxray attack the barrier" Kazu said before pulling himself out of the way along with ash as he held his hand.

The Pokemon did as ordered but the wall wouldn't budge

"Pikachu help them" ash said before the mouse Pokemon followed. Kazu heard the shouts from Clemont and Alain as they asked their Pokemon the same. The attacks from the group of Pokemon was wild as Ash pulled Kazu back and closer to him to keep him away from the attacks.

The barrier finally seemed a bit visible as the attacks seemed to work.

"Kubfu punch that barrier" Kazu said as the other Pokemon stopped and the small Pokemon jumped off his shoulder before running to the invisible barrier and punching hard as the invisible barrier cracked slowly before shattering before everyone to reveal a giant castle surrounded by beautiful forest and gardens

Kazu and Ash got back onto Suicune before the Pokemon led the way in.

"How were we ever supposed to find this place with that invisible barrier?" Violet let out with a shudder as Kazu looked ahead

"We wouldn't have if it wasn't thanks to Kazu" Bonnie said

The way to the castle was a long one as they looked around some in awe and some with wary at the weird castle.

Finally finding a small hole to the large building and it's giant gate Kazu put away his Pokémon after thanking them except Kubfu who was on his shoulder as all the trainers started on foot.

They walked through a dark tunnel with only their footsteps and the water they splashed against as they walked making soft noises.

Kazu turned to see everyone as they followed. Ash was beside him with a look of determination but Clemont walked with Bonnie and Serena close by his side. Korrina walked alone a freely as she looked curiously at everything around her while Violet held onto Alain's jacket sleeve as she stayed close by his side from fear at the unknown Kazu noted. Alain didn't show any discomfort as he just accepted the girls closeness before Kazu turned back

"How did you meet your friend?" Kazu asked the older boy who turned to him

"Misty?" Ash asked as the young boy nodded.

"She saved me and Pikachu's lives when we were ten" ash said

"I'll never forget her worried face when she pulled us out and slapped me for being so reckless" ash said

"At first I hated her. I thought she was an annoying brat but as time went on I found out that wasn't the case. She was really strong for her age and what she had to go through" Ash said with fondness

"I don't know how exactly we went from hating each other to becoming the closest people to each other but it just happened and I'm grateful for it. I wouldn't have became the person I am today if it wasn't for her" Ash said as Kazu smiled at the older boys words and the fondness he spoke with.

"It sounds like you really love her" Kazu said as ash stumbled for a second at the word but regained his balance as they continued walking

"My parents both once told me the more you fight the more you care about each other" Kazu said with a smile at the memory as ash remembered a long hidden memory from when nurse joy told him and misty the same thing when they were ten.

"You're parents must be pretty amazing if they raised such a strong boy and one who has such strong Pokemon as well" ash said as Kazu now turned red at his words.

"They're the best in the world" Kazu said before they reached a door.

Ash opened it first only to lead to a bunch of stairs all the way up to where they couldn't see the ending.

"Well we have a long way to get up let's go!" He said as he started up and everyone followed along. It took them long time as they finally reached the top to see the rows go up and up of different levels and bridges in the dark endless room

"How dare you enter a sacred place you aren't invited in to" a voice said before there was a light beam coming from one of the endless dark sides.

Kazu looked at it before being pushed away

"Look out!" Ash yelled as everyone moved out of the way before the beam blasted into the wall behind the. So much happened as they felt the huge rumble and smoke was everywhere.

"Is everyone alright?" Clemont asked worried through the dark and smoke as coughing came from everywhere but they couldn't see one another. Another beam went off Kazu reached for his bag as he threw out his Pokémon balls quickly. But before Kazu could even say anything a third blast flew by making the building rumble even harder as his ears rang and the blast pushed him away hard. Kazu had no idea what was happening as he was pushed in a different direction before he felt himself panicking as he felt his body falling. Kazu couldn't see through all the smoke but he was certain he was falling off the ledge towards the dark pit underneath them.

He tried grasping up to reach anything but before he knew it he was stopped as an arm was around his waist. Another female scream was rang out as Kazu opened his eyes to see Ash holding him close with worry as he had one hand up to the ledge. Kazu looked around to see Violet who also was holding onto another hand as she was swaying in the air as the smoke was still hazy not too far from them.

"Don't let me fall!" Violet pleaded with fear from not to far before Kazu noticed Ash's grip starting to slip

"Help us!" Kazu yelled The battling of the Pokemon raged on in the back while ash's hand began to slip as his last of his grip fell through. The boys both began to drop for a quick second before a hand reached out grabbing ash's hand tightly. Serena and Bonnie quickly reached over the ledge to pull him up.

Ash shook his head before pulling up Kazu with his other arm.

"Help up Kazu first" ash said as they did what was instructed and kazu climbed back over the edge with the help of Bonnie before the three focused on helping up ash quickly

The two girls and two boys were panting heavily after finally lifting the oldest boy up.kazu noticed that not too far from them as the smoke started to clear up Clemont, Korrina, Violet, and Alain were also panting hard as the Violet haired girl leaned against the black haired boy with relief. From the look of it the ledge they were on that one was uneven as more of it leaned down toward the bottomless pit. Kazu shuddered with fear imaging how hard it must have been to keep not only one person up from that ledge but multiple the way it was uneven and without railing. They all finally noticed the fighting stopped as all their Pokémon's quickly rushed over to their owners worried.

"Is everyone alright?" Ash asked this time as he helped up Kazu, Serena, and Bonnie.

"If you mean barely breathing then yes we're fine" Violet let out before their group reached theirs. Everyone called back their Pokemon but kept their poke balls close as they saw how much of a dangerous mess this place was.

Kazu walked with Ash as they led the group hand in hand after making sure everyone was fine.

It was a long more quieter walk before they reached a very beautiful lake in a room.

"I see you have all made it and haven't left on your own yet" the voice from before said

"I gave you a chance to leave and a warning yet here you all are. Let's see if you can get out of this one as well" The voice said before the room went silent and completely dark as the beautiful lake turned into a pitch black storm with heavy winds. The group stayed in their spots before they felt the water quickly rushing up their legs

Kazu could feel the panic growing in him but ash gripped his hand tighter.

"Everyone don't panic" ash said but the water grew larger quickly as it submerged the group of trainers quickly. It wouldn't be long before the water touched the ceiling from the bottom. As Kazu kept kicking his feet

"Stay up no matter what!" Violet called out from somewhere in the dark room.

It didn't take long as the others swam quickly touching the walls trying to find an exit as Kazu did the same with Ash but the water was quickly rising and Kazu had to keep coming back up for air.

"I can't find an exit" Bonnie let out panicked

"Just stay calm Bonnie we'll find one!" Clemont reassured the girl from somewhere in the dark room.

"Pika!" Pikachu now let out in distress

"It'll be fine Pikachu. We'll be fine"Ash reassured the Pokemon

Kazu could feel the room closing in and the panic start to rise from everyone as the pounds against the wall could be heard gently. Through the water. He had to do something quick. Reaching for his pocket he threw the ball as the water now touched the ceiling.

Quickly the flash went out before Kazu opened his eyes under the water to see Suicune glowing in his beautiful blue. He reached out for it before riding it with his Kubfu on his shoulder. He quickly searched the dark room with his Suicune as he found ash first with Pikachu and they got on. Next they found Korrina who held onto ash's hand gratefully. Serena, Bonnie, and Clemont were next. And finally Kazu saw as Violet held onto starmie with one hand and Alain in the other as the reached them before Alain held onto clemonts hand and the starmie and violets hand on the other. Kazu quickly gestured for Kubfu to attack the closer they quickly got to the ceiling as suicune picked up speed in the water.

They were about to crash against the ceiling before Kubfu's hard fist connected with the ceiling first. The ceiling automatically split as the group of trainers came flying out of the room as they all held onto each others hands creating a rope.

They hit the ground hard as Suicune came to a stop. All of them panted hard before Ash let out a laugh as he laid on the ground.

"What's funny ash Ketchum? That was the scariest moment in my life" Korrina said

"We made it" he let out relieved as the room went silent and everyone quietly were relieved to hear those words.

"This is how you like your adventures Ketchum?" Violet asked still in disbelief

"Remind me to never go on one with you or my crazy sister again" Violet let out as the others laughed loudly at her comment. All just relieved to be alive after everything.

After a few minutes to regain themselves they finally were on foot again after drying off.

The voice was rather quiet for a while before they reached another room one full of plants which made it look like an Amazon lily.

"I see you have all survived the previous room. Let's see if you can do the same here" the voice finally said again as the vines from the trees started coming alive as they grabbed each of the trainers and started to wrap around them. Kubfu tried to break the vines off him but he couldn't even with his strength as the vines held him tighter the more he fought.

"These won't let go!" Serena called out as the room began to fill with the large vines and enclose everyone.

"Let me go!" Violet yelled out as she was almost completely engulfed by the vines now. Pikachu tried to cut the vines on everyone with his iron tail carefully but the vines only grabbed him as everyone struggled against the forest. The panic was in Kazu as he shut his eyes but as he fought something crossed his mind. He wasn't going to die here. He wasn't going to be stopped from seeing his family again. He would leave here with his family and friends.

Before the boy knew it he was completely let go as the vines moved back to ground freeing him instantly as the others struggled.

"Kazu?" Ash questioned from where he was trapped underneath the vines.

"Don't be scared! That's what's making it grow!" Kazu called out before he reached out for the older boy a reached for his hand in the vines and held tightly looking into his eyes as he saw the fear in them. Finally and slowly the fear left ash's eyes before he was freed and Kazu gave him a smile before letting go and reaching for Violet next who struggled a lot. He did the same thing reaching for her hand under the vines.

"Violet you need to let go of the fear you're feeling"Kazu said as he heard ash telling others the same thing not to far from them.

"If you let go of it all then you'll be free and we'll be able to find your sister and leave this place" Kazu continued before he felt the hand grip his in return before finally and slowly all the vines disappeared. Violet looked relieved as fresh tears were in her eyes and Kazu gave her hand a squeeze and small smile before they both went to help everyone else. One by one everyone was freed as Kazu realized those vines all had the power to make them come face to face with their biggest fears and that's why it took so long to get everyone freed.

Letting out a breath of relief Kazu looked up towards the ceiling and glared.

"You're not keeping me away from my family!" Kazu yelled before they moved to the glass stairs that now were in the giant corner of this Amazon lily. Kazu ran up first followed by ash and the others. It was a long way up but they finally saw a huge sparkling door. Rushing up and opening it. It led to a huge room made of ice that made everything sparkle even all the furniture was made of glass.

Kazu felt relief as he noticed his sister with long black hair and the same colored eyes as his sitting on a bed against an red headed lady he recognized as his breath caught in his throat at the sight of the two close as they hugged one another with smiles on their face. The little girl had the brightest smile on her face that he hasn't seen in a long time with her bright eyes Kazu ran up to them before taking his little sister into his arms with a giant hug and relief.

"Kairi!" Kazu let out as he pulled back to examine her face before the girl hugged him back tightly as she finally saw him.

"Kazu!" Kairi said happily giving him the biggest hug as she almost tackled him to the ground as the other group of trainers entered the giant room.

"What have you been doing here Kairi? Where's Ryu?" Kazu asked as he pulled back and looked around the room

"He went out with jun. They should be back and guess what we have a surprise!" Kairi said excitedly as Kazu looked at her before noticing her Glaceon in the room and Ryu's glastrier. Both the ice Pokémon must have been responsible for this room.

"Isn't it amazing? I finally found mom!" Kairi said catching Kazu's attention as he gazed back at the long red head lady.

"Kairi" Kazu started as he stared at his sister seriously and took her hands in his.

"That's not our mom" Kazu said finally as Kairi shook her head denying his words.

"What are you talking about Kazu? That's mom right there!" Kairi said as she denied it

"No that's not" Kazu said again

"No that's mom! I know it's my mom!" Kairi said before Ash came up to the two this time

"Your older brothers right. She's not your mom. She's my best friend" ash said as now Violet joined them

"That right. My younger sister isn't anyone's mother. She's too young to be one" Violet said placing a hand hand on the girls shoulder as she shook her head now crying

"You're all wrong" the girl said as she sobbed

"Mommy!" Kairi cried before reaching out for the red head girl who quickly hugged her close and soothed her and everyone stared in disbelief at the scene.

"My mommy is married to my daddy and they'll continue being with us forever! Why don't you guys just go! Instead of disturbing our happy family!" Kairi yelled through her tears shocking the others as she hugged misty tighter.

Ash was left stunned before growing angry at the little girls words as he gently grabbed the girls shoulders and turned her to him.

"Misty isn't your mother. She's my best friend and Violet's sister. She's cerulean city's gym leader and her friends, family, and me need her to come back home. Not to live in this delusional world that's not real" Ash snapped unintentionally as the girls bottom lip shook and she cried even harder at the older boys harsh words as Kazu was left stunned at the whole moment looking back and forth between his little sister and the older trainer.

"You're cruel" she cried before pushing his hands off her and hugging misty tightly as she cried and the older girl soothed her while throwing a glare at the trainer who makes her cry.

Kubfu and Pikachu tried to calm down the situation before the other door in the room opened to reveal three other people. A older brunette boy about ash's age, a small blonde haired boy with green eyes who held both older boys hands and finally a boy who looked just like Kazu but instead he had orange hair and brown eyes. They both stopped in front of the door as they took in the scene with brand new people in the residence.

"Ryu" Kazu let out stunned seeing his twin brother

The little girl ran up to them before reaching for the oldest brunette boy as she hugged him crying and he picked her up and held her close.

"What's wrong my Kairi?" The male asked soothing her as she sobbed

"Daddy! They're saying a bunch of weird things that aren't true!" Kairi let out as Kazu was left bewildered at what she said

"Kairi" Kazu started

But before anyone could say anything ash caught everyone's attention as he kneeled in front of misty who sat on the bed as he held her hands in his.

"Mist wake up! This isn't you or your life. You're the cerulean city gym leader. Violets sister. And my best friend who I care about more than anyone" Ash pleaded as he looked up at the long haired girl. Something in the girls eyes flickered for a moment as ash saw it.

"Let's get out of here and go back home to everyone" Ash continued before standing up and pulling her with him before they could even take a few steps the little girl screamed

"Noooo!" She let out devastated as the room shook and trembled and ash held onto misty tightly to protect her but he could only do so much before they were separated as the ice in the room grew quickly blocking everyone in the room.

"Misty!" Ash yelled out but when he got a glimpse of her she was already being held by the older male unconscious as the little girl roared as he tried to get through the ice to misty only creating more barriers in between them.

"Don't even think about taking my mommy away from me and our family!" She let out as the ice Pokémon's ice and wind made the room a lot colder as all the trainers tried to hold their ground. She continued creating more barriers around the raven haired boy who dared to disturb her family's peace.

"Kairi that's enough!" Kazu yelled at the little girl but she ignored him as the ice Pokemon continued making the giant room into a blizzard. Pushing the boy further away with the wind. The other trainers tried to help but they were stuck behind the giant ice barriers trying to break through.

Kazu took out his poke balls and Kubfu punched the ice barriers creating an opening for him

"Pika!" Pikachu let out in pain from the cold and ice imprisoning him and his trainer as Kazu felt an ache in his stomach and heart at the scene.

"Kairi!" Kazu beg and pleaded the girl who's anger was like a wildfire unstoppable.

"Kairi Ketchum! Don't you realize you're hurting your own dad?!" Kazu finally snapped as the whole room went still and silent. What Kazu had tried so hard to hide had came out as the girl stopped for a moment as her face went pale and a flicker came back to her eyes as she looked at the older trainer she had been hurting. Tears. Tears were coming to her eyes as they started to slide down her cheeks.

"D-Daddy" Kairi let out conflicted as she looked at the raven haired boy who stared back at her with shock on his face. The ice barriers around him were let go completely as the boy feel to his knees. Kairi was about to rush over to him and Pikachu but stopped when a voice spoke up again.

"Kairi that's not your father and that boy isn't your brother! All of these people are trying to separate us! We're your family remember that!"A voice said loudly as the girls flicker and recognition in her were fighting as she held her head in pain as she cried out at the on going conflict she was going through. Ash quickly rushed over to the girl as he tried to snap her out of what she was going through.

"Kairi you have to fight through it! That's not your family!" Kazu shouted but it was too late as the girls eyes were numb and soulless as she turned back to the raven haired boy who she threw back with wind and began to send the ice attacks towards him and Kazu. Kazu threw out his poke balls quickly.

"Suicune! Protect father! Jolteon and Luxray help everyone else being trapped by those ice attacks!" Kazu yelled out the order quickly. Before the ice attack could hit Ash Suicune quickly got in front of him and the Pikachu fending off the attack.

Kubfu quickly got in front of Kazu and kicked the ice away while Kazu ran up towards his younger sister muttering something

"I'm sorry Kairi and please forgive me" Kazu said quietly before tackling her to the ground as the girl hit the ice hard and fell unconscious. Kazu felt horrible hurting the sister he promised to never hurt but it needed to be done. Quickly kazu felt himself hauled off her and pushed far to to ground as he met the burning brown eyes of his red haired twin brother. He noticed as the blonde haired boy quickly picked up the girl and brought her back to the older boy and his mother who was still unconscious but stirring lightly.

"You're not going to get away with this! You're not going to take away misty or the others!" Ash yelled to the voice

"Oh really? You seem to care so much so let's show you just how much you hurt your friend" the voice said aloud before blackness swallowed all of ash. Shutting his eyes for a moment he opened them to see his pinky was wrapped with a red thread before he followed it to see where it lead to another pinky and he looked up to see the girl he loved far away from him with a sad look on her face. They were in a beautiful city underwater where they could breathe without air.

Ash tried to call out for her but the words couldn't leave his body as he held her gaze.

Instantly memories began to replay fresh in his mind. Their first meeting. Them traveling together with Brock and the separating as team rocket teased them and then joining Tracey. Ash remembered it all but he saw new moments too. He saw how Rudy one of the gym leaders from the orange islands asked misty to stay with him on his island. Ash felt a ache at the new moment he was unaware of all this time. He realized he was seeing Misty's memories.

More passed quickly as he saw her wait and wait while on his journey.

"Will you go out with me?" A younger boy asked that ash recognized as Georgio with red cheeks

"I can't" misty responded as the boys face fell

"Is it because of someone else?" He asked as Psyduck came out and teased the girl

Another one of their reunion in Alola.

"There's more places I want to show you" a younger ash had said as he could feel the girls heart race at his words.

More appeared with more guys as they got older asking misty out. Fan girls who stood by ash's side as misty watched as they tried to get his attention. Memories of her waiting back home with his mother for his return.

A more recent one in which she was heartbroken to hear the boy say he could never see her as more than a friend. He saw her leave early that night after reassuring the girls that she was just tired but as soon as she reached her bed she cried.

He saw the struggles of heartache, longing, and desire she faced this entire time as his own heartached.

"Do you see now how much you hurt her?" The voice said leaving him in complete darkness as the undersea city and Misty disappeared as ash felt his cheeks wet with tears feeling all the recent emotions from the bond they shared.

"If you were smart you'd leave her be here and allow her to be happy with him and their family" the voice said as Ash shook his head in defiance.

"I can't do that" ash stated

"I love her!" ash yelled

"I can't leave her to be with another especially not with OUR family" ash stated before the darkness cracked away and ash was brought back to what currently happened in the ice like castle.

Ryu threw a punch at his older brother who rolled out of the way quickly.

"Don't you ever touch my younger sister" he said coldly before aiming another punch as Kazu stood up and dodged him as he stood up still avoiding his brothers punches as he moved back swiftly.

"Ryu snap out of it!" Kazu said

"I'm your older brother. You and Kairi are my younger siblings. My family! We shouldn't be fighting!" Kazu said before Ryu threw another punch.

"Oh really? Any brother of mine would never hurt our younger sister Kairi no matter what!" Ryu snapped as Kazu froze before the punch connected with Kazu's cheek

Kazu finally snapped before throwing a punchback at Ryu connecting with his jaw.

"I've had enough of this. I'm doing all of this for you and Kairi. Our family! Snap out of it already!" Kazu yelled angrily

"Or are you too much of a weakling to snap out of it Ryu? I expected more from you!" Kazu continued angrily as Ryu snarled

"Shut up!" The orange haired twin yelled before he tackled the raven haired boy to the ground. They both fought against each other rolling for who would gain the upper hand as punches were thrown before the twins. It seemed like the energy in the room spiked up as now Ash ran in towards both boys who tossed and turned on the ground fighting.

"Boys that's enough!" Ash yelled trying to stop them. What ash didn't realize is that inside the already chaotic mess the Pokemon of the twins went at it as Pikachu tried to get them to stop as each individual Pokemon fought against the other twins own Pokemon. A very dangerous battle came out as they failed to notice the other two legendary Pokémon that came from the orange haired boy.

The other trainers tried to get control on the situation in between the Pokemon but it was dangerous as none of them could get too close as they attacked one another.

"We need to leave" Clemont said horrified as the trainers stopped

"We can't leave ash and the others out there!" Korrina said as the other agreed but Violet was on Clemonts side as well as Alain.

"We won't leave them but there is nothing else we can do. We'll get more innocent people hurt if we try to jump into those battle. Those are four legendary Pokémon fighting out there. If we aren't careful then we'll end up not making it out. Let's get out of harms way!" Alain called out before grabbing violets hand and pulling her out of the way.

"Misty! Ash! Everyone! You better stay safe out there!" Violet yelled in anguish as she was pulled in the other direction.

"He's right" Korrina said before running after them as Bonnie and Serena looked in anguish at leaving their friends behind.

"Ash" they both let out before Clemont grabbed their hands.

"We got to go!" He said running to shelter with the others. As he looked back once muttering

"You better be careful out there Ash" he said before continuing running as fast as they all could.

Kazu and Ryu kept throwing punches at one another as Ash struggled to separate the twins

"Kazuki and Ryu Ketchum! That's enough!" Ash said before both the twins spat out

"Shut up!" In unison they shouted back as they both pushed him back as ash felt stunned at their sudden outburst.

Quickly he felt a tick of annoyance and anger before getting up again.

"Not going to listen to your father Huh? I guess you'll both need better punishments in the future spoiled brats" ash snapped quickly. They definitely got that temper from him he made a quick note before he got in between the twins as they continued fighting.

In between the punches Ash took some punches from both the twins as they refused to let go and back down.

The Pokemon continued fighting as misty finally awoke as she looked around.

"Where am I?" She stirred from where she laid on the ground as she saw a girl with black hair looking down at her with tears in her eyes before hugging her close. Kairi she recognized the little girl who cried. She must have been the one she felt shaking her as she kept repeating mom while she was unconscious.

"Mommy this is all wrong! Kazu and Ryu are fighting and daddy is in the middle of it!" Kairi said as she sat up and saw the mess of a scene before them. Everywhere Pokémon were fighting against each other while Ash was in the middle of two boys fighting each other trying break them apart as Pikachu tried to stop the fighting within the Pokemon. All different types of Pokémon fought some legendary keeping the red head shocked before she stood up and started to make her way towards Ash and the twins.

"Ash! Ryu! Kazu!" She yelled but she was stopped by some invisible force in front of her. She banged against the invisible force as Kairi did the same calling out for her older brothers and father. But to no avail did the force open.

Misty quickly turned to the brunette man as she glared at him

"Let me out of here!" She yelled at him as he just looked at her with sorrow in his eyes as he shook his head.

"I can't do that" he said before misty walked up to him and slapped him across the face with anger running through her. He slowly turned back as his eyes glistened as he looked at her.

"I can't let out anymore of our family they can't get hurt" the handsome man said as misty became even more angrier.

"My true family are on the other side of this barrier! They're tearing each other apart let me out." Misty demanded but the brunette looked ahead before the young boy with blonde hair spoke up.

"He really can't do that misty. This family was held up together by the desires of us children. I wanted it. Kairi wanted it and Ryu wants it. That's why this invincible barrier is around us" the blonde boy who once called her mom said with a distant gaze as he looked at the battlefield.

"Kairi wanted to find you desperately and once she did she didn't want to lose you. While Ryu may not have wanted this originally as he missed his original family. The more time he spent here with us and you made his heart open up without him realizing it. He wanted this family with you too, his one and only mom" the blonde haired boy said

"That's why we can't pass the invisible barrier. Because his feelings of love and protection are so strong over you and Kairi. He wanted both of you to be happy for as long as you could be in that process he forgot about his true family and twin brother" the blonde haired boy finished saying as misty looked worried over all three males fighting among the Pokemon.

Just what had happened to these three children in the future that they came back to the past so broken? Misty thought as she hugged a crying Kairi close to her as she clung to her mother and misty covered the girls eyes to not see her broken family.

The battle continued. Ash not believing how stubborn the two twins were but also not surprised considering who were their parents. Roars of the Pokemon went off as Ash looked around to see the fighting as his eyes widened as he noticed the four legendary Pokémon fighting against each other. While turned away he recieved a punch to his face before turning to the boys who fought.

"Kazu! Ryu! Both of you snap out of it!" Ash yelled as he tried to separate both as he realized the danger of them all being there.

A giant roar went off catching Kazu's attention and he heard his Suicune and then another roar that came from Ryu's Raikou.

Ryu's gaze snapped in the direction that Kazu looked with a sorrow gaze before Ash finally pulled him off as Kazu pushed off his brother as well. Quickly getting back on his feet Kazu ran towards the two fighting Pokemon.

"No!" Kazu yelled out as he ran past the other Pokemon.

"No! Wait a minute!" Ryu yelled out trying to run after his brother as he finally recognized him but ash stopped him not realizing the other twin boy was already off.

"No you don't!" Ash said holding him as Ryu turned to his father.

"But Kazu!" Ryu said worried as he tried to reach out again but his father had a stronger grip

"Stop it already!" Kazu yelled making both of them turn towards where the boy ran.

"Suicune! Raikou! That's enough! Stop fighting already!" Kazu called out as Ash's eyes widened noticing where he was running towards as both the legendary pokemon were aiming huge attacks at one another. He quickly chased after him with Ryu not to far behind him.

"Stop Kazu!" Ash yelled but the boy couldn't seem to hear him

"No!" Kazu yelled out as he ran to stop both the Pokemon quickly but it was too late as the blast went off and Kazu was caught in the middle.

"Kazu!" Ash and Ryu yelled out as the smoke filled the area.

"No!" Another voice rang out but it was already late as the boy fell to the ground. Everyone went silent in the room. As the smoke began to clear

Ash felt deja vu as he stared at the boy on the ground made of stone still and lifeless.

It wasn't until footsteps ran past him that he was pulled back as he saw misty reach the boy who laid flat against the ground and Kairi right behind her joining her as the both were on their knees next to the boy.

"Oh no" misty let out in despair as she didn't know what to do. Kairi gently touched the boy made of stone

"Kazu kazu please wake up!" Kairi let out before Ryu ran towards them and did the same thing. Ash didn't remember getting up but saw how he slowly got closer to the scene.

He reached Misty's side before kneeling next to her and the boy.

"Kazu get up. This isn't funny" Ash let out finally with a hoarse voice as he got an up close look at the lifeless boy made of stone

Tears fell on the stone beneath him as he realized he'd been crying with misty, Kairi, and Ryu.



"Daddy" Kairi said with a hoarse voice

"Kazu's not waking up and I don't think I'll be able to live without Kazu by my side" Kairi cried as Ryu finally full on sobbed at his younger sisters words.

Misty sobbed as she placed a hand over Kazu's chest.

"Please wake up Kazu" she begged and pleaded

Ash did the the same as he placed a hand over her own.

"Please wake up Kazu we need you here" ash said with a hoarse voice as Ryu did the same pleading the same followed by Kairi.

Nothing happened with the rest of the families hands over his heart. It wasn't until they heard violet's voice that they noticed all the other trainers came out and joined them.

"Oh Kazu" Violet said through tears as were all the other trainers with glistening eyes and sad looks.

Suicune walked over to his trainer as a roar of sorrow came out as the Pokemon realized what it had done. Raikou followed suit as it cried out.

All Pokémon cried as their tears filled their room but nothing happened. The boy continued to stay frozen as a rock.

No one knew how long they had stayed their in tears and sorrow but Violet reached for her sister.

"Mist I don't think there's anything else we could do for Kazu only to let him go safely" Violet said as misty flinched at her words.

"Aunt Violet" Ryu let out before she reached the two younger children and embraced them softly

"I'm sorry this happened to all of you" she said sincerely as Kairi cried and Ryu shuddered at the words. Neither sibling could accept that their older brother was dead and he wouldn't return.

"Uncle Clemont! Isn't there anything you can do?!" Ryu called out surprising the blonde haired boy as everyone turned to him

"I can't unfortunately" Clemont replied as he looked away from the children afraid to see their broken looks.

"What about you uncle Alain?! Can't you call the professor for help!" Kairi cried out desperately as the older male shook his head

"I'm sorry there's no way for us to counter this with a solution we make up" Alain said as the girl let out a broken cry.

"Kazu he can't be gone. There's no way" Kairi said but she had seen it. She saw how he was so happy to see her earlier today and then the last moments before the light went out in his eyes officially. She laid her head against her older brothers rock hard chest hoping to magically hear a heartbeat but nothing. It was empty and cold. Her cheeks stained with tears that hit his chest as they fell but she didn't care. She had continued laying there as she held onto her older brother. Ryu sat right next to them as he stared at his twin and his eyes glistening with more tears. He couldn't accept his partner in crime and best friend was gone. He wished he never forgotten him. He wished his last moments with him weren't them both fighting as he choked back a sob at the fresh memory.

Ash and misty both soothed the younger siblings with small back rubs as they gave them all the time they needed. The two of them glanced at each other with sorrow eyes as they grieved the lost of their son they just found out about. The other trainers watched the new family silently also grieving the small boy they just met and grew fond over.

Suicune sat right next to the stone boy on the other side as it weeped with Luxray, jolteon, and Kubfu who joined him. Jolteon tried to comfort the smaller legendary Pokémon who cried uncontrollably against his trainer as did Pikachu with sorrow.

No one knew how long they stayed in that spot but it had been hours as the sun set had turned to darkness.

Ryu wiped his tears before reaching for his sister and holding her shoulder to get her attention.

"Kairi it's time we go. We'll have to leave Kazu here but we'll come back for him tomorrow" Ryu said as the girl hugged her stone brother even harder. Finally after a while she pulled back before nodding with her puffy eyes and tear stained face.

"Let's go" she said as everyone got up and got ready to go. It had been tough to pull away the Pokemon from their trainer but they did it with much force. They were all about to leave the room as the moonlight shone through the glass ceiling but Kairi stopped as she looked back at her brother who laid still.

"Wait there's one more thing I need to do for Kazu" Kairi said

"He never left me alone especially not at night. I don't want to leave him alone in the night either" Kairi said as everyone was left confused but Ryu raised an eyebrow as he saw the girl run back to their brother before reaching him and kneeling against his side. Ryu followed close behind before watching from where he stood by her side. The trainers watched as the young girl placed her hand on top of where her brothers heart was.

"This is for you Kazu. I want to make sure I at least do something for you after everything you did for me older brother. Consider this my last gift" Kairi whispered but the room was so silent that everyone heard the words.

"As you walk along, tell me" the girls soft voice started to sing

"Just how far are you to go?" The girl continued singing as ash's eyes widened as recognized the song by heart. The one his mother always sang to him when he was young and the one he taught misty and Brock before. He caught Misty's gaze on him before they both turned to the girl who continued singing.

"Asked by the wind, and I stop to think" she sang before taking a pause before saying the next line

"Standing as still as stone" she finished saying as there was a pause as she clearly struggled to sing the rest of the song. The was a pause of silence before Ryu kneeled beside his sister and placed a hand over her own. He gave her a small sad smile before letting his voice out.

"Long ago, it was heard by some" he started

"Tiny beats on top of a drum. Small as they were, it was how they knew. A little life had entered the view" Ryu sang as he looked down at his brother

"Go ahead, don't hesitate to keep the search. Though they're small, just spread out your palms through the earth. Now's the time to find someone to help you grow. You could find another soul" Ryu finished singing with another pause before he saw another hand on top of his.

"Days and nights seem to pass me by. My birthday candles growing in size. Ever since the day that I bid adieu. My little home has left from the view" Ash sang softly

"Carry on, don't hesitate to lead the search. With your eyes, keep lighting up wherever you turn. Never fret, for down into your pocket below. You will find another friendly soul" Ash finished before another hand landed over his own

"So many people we have met. So many who we won't forget. But even with the memories, they sometimes are hard to receive" misty sang

"As you walk along, tell me. Just how far are you to go? Asked by the wind, and I lift my head. Up to the sky that's shown" misty finished singing as they realized the stars had began to come very close as they brightened the dark room around them and danced between the air around them.

"As we walk along, show me. Just how far we're willing to go. Here with the wind till our journey's ceased. Walking to where it blows. We will got to wherever. Leaving footprints all through the land." The entire family sang together

"We'll never stop till our dream is there. Just as we always planned. We will go to wherever" they all sang as the siblings smiled in front of them as they gazed at their parents who sat across them a smiled back warmly.

"Leaving footprints, all through the land. We'll never stop till our dream is there. Just as we always planned." The family continued

"La la la la la la la..." the family sang until the end of the song not noticing how the stars danced even warmer and sang the la Las with them. By the end the stars joined together before dispersing into the air above them like fireworks.

Stardust fell over them as they all smiled at each other.

"That was Kazu's favorite song. He loved it when daddy first introduced it to him and Ryu and it became a routine where both of you would sing it to all three of us and then Kazu began to sing it to me before going to bed" Kairi admitted to her younger parents as she felt some sadness at the memories.

"You did well Kairi" Ryu said patting her back reassuringly

"I just wish it wasn't the final gift I gave him. I wish I could have given Kazu more" the girl said sadly before looking down at the floor.

"Who said it has to be my last gift? I just heard you saying that you wanted to spoil me more" a voice joked as all four of the family members quickly turned to see the boy who laid in the middle of them staring at each of them who were shocked to see him awake.

"This isn't a dream right?" Ryu asked with glistening eyes as Kazu smiled at him

"It's not" kazu confirmed before he felt a pinch at his arms as he turned to glare at his sister as he sat up

"Ow! What was that for?!" The older boy asked before Kairi quickly tackled him back down and hugged him tightly as she cried against him.

"You're back you're really back!" She said relieved as all the others in the room smiled in awe at the family that was reunited.

"Kazu! I'm really sorry I forgot you and I'm sorry we fought the way we did" Ryu cried out in apology next as he hugged him next as the boy returned it.

"I'm sorry too Ryu but we'll be fine now!" Kazu reassured before all their Pokemon snuggled into the boys.

"How long was I gone?" Kazu asked a loud as his brother pulled back but suddenly he felt arms pull him close.

Kazu felt shock as he noticed two pairs of arms around him. He turned to see the red haired girl hugging him tightly as he felt her soft sobs and the older trainer hugging them both.

"Miss I'm okay" Kazu let out softly before the girl quickly pulled back with a glare and tears in her eyes.

"Why are you calling me miss? Is that anyway to call your mother?" She asked as Kazu's eyes widened.

He hadn't met her properly and yet here she was so accepting of the fact as if it wasn't bizarre that kids claiming to be her's arrived right in front of her out of no where.

"Are you alright? You aren't hurt anywhere?" Misty asked as she looked over the boy closely

"I'm fine" Kazu answered

"You scared all of us. You were gone for hours. Don't ever throw yourself in the middle of an attack like that" Ash said scolding the boy as Kazu scratched the back of his head lightly

"But it was to save our Pokemon" Kazu said as his parents eyes softened for a moment before the red haired girl spoke again

"No matter what the situation is please don't ever throw yourself into danger like that. Promise me Kazu" Misty said holding out her pinky

"I promise mom" Kazu said as he wrapped his pinky around hers. Although he didn't know how long that could possibly last being both of their kids. He noticed the awe pass on her face as her eyes glistened.

"Let's go home" Kazu said as he stood up a with the help of his parents and siblings.

"About time. This place has been giving me the chills" Violet said from across the room where all the other trainers waited patiently while they didn't voice it aloud their expressions gave the same feeling as Violet.

"Ok Aunt Violet" Ryu said as the girls face went red

"I'm way too young to be called an aunt" the girl said as everyone smiled and laughed at her comment.

"But you're our aunt" Kairi added as she held onto her older brothers hand as they all started to walk towards the other trainers.

"Might as well get used to the name Violet" Korrina teased the girl as Violet stood dumbfounded at the truth.

"Whatever I'm getting out of here first" Violet said reaching the door but she was stopped as she tried pulling it open

"Hey this door won't open" Violet said as she pulled the door again but it stayed shut. Alain tried pulling it as well but both were suddenly pushed back with force falling backwards as the boy caught the girl and took the blow of the fall.

Serena and Bonnie quickly went to help the pair up as Violet glared at the door.

"Hey what gives?! Let us go home!" Violet let out

"None of you are leaving this place" a voice said

"Jun" Ryu let out as he turned to see the owner of the voice farther in the room as the man stood next to him.

It looked like darkness was circling the two.

"You promised we would be a family forever" Jun said as he looked down at the floor.

"We are family forever but we can't be locked up in here forever. Outside there are friends and family. People who love us who want to see us all. Come with us Jun" misty explained as she tried to reach the boy as she slowly walked closer.

"Liar!" The young boy yelled meeting her gaze with a cold gaze as a invisible barrier went in between them both with a huge gust of wind. Misty fell back before ash caught her.

"Misty!" He let out worriedly

"I'm okay" she reassured him before standing up again and trying to reach out for the boy again.

"Liar!" The boy shouted again as wind blew wildly across the room but misty held her ground.

"Jun I'm not lying please come with us" misty said extending her hand as the boy stared at her for a moment before shaking his head as more darkness surrounded him

"You humans are nothing but liars. You promised we were a family yet you're leaving!" The boy yelled furiously

"You're leaving. Leaving again. If you really loved me you wouldn't be leaving our family here! We'd be happy!" The boy yelled before turning a cold glare to Kazu.

"This all your fault" Jun said coldly before a blast went towards him and Kairi. Kazu tried to get out of the way with Kairi but it was moving to fast. Two things happened quickly simultaneously as Kazu watched. Kairi and Ryu getting in front of him and ash jumping in the way before the blast hit him and he fell to the ground.

"Ash!" Misty and the others called out simultaneously before misty and Pikachu ran over to his side looking over him worriedly.

"I'm okay" he said sitting up with a small reassuring smile as relief went out throughout the room.

"Ryu get Kairi out of the way" Kazu said as the wind continued roaring wildly in the room.

"But you" Ryu let out before Kazu shook his head

"He won't harm you and Kairi not when he considers you both his family" kazu said as Ryu looked at him conflicted and hesitant

"Take Kairi and get out of harms way!" Kazu yelled this time

Ryu nodded before pulling the little girl far in the other direction.

"You better be careful Kazu!" The siblings both yelled as they ran into a corner far on the other side of the room where the others stood huddled together. Violet quickly grabbed onto both of them before putting them behind her and the others to shield them.

"This is all your fault! If you didn't come and take what's mine none of this would have happened!" Jun said angrily

"None of them are yours Jun!" Kazu yelled before running further away from the group of friends and family in the corner as he now fully captured the boys attention.

"None of us own anyone! And forcing them to love you by keeping them here isn't geniune!" Kazu yelled at the boy as a flicker of pain seemed to cross the boys face before it turned to cold anger again. Multiple blast went off throughout the room crazily as the trainers screamed over the wind. Kazu heard a blast not to far from him but he couldn't see anything as debris and brown smoky air filled his vision as he coughed. All he heard was a large crackling sound before being pushed far as someone said "watch out!"

Kazu hit the ground hard and turned to see where he stood a good few feet away seconds ago as his mom looked relieved at him before the spot came crumbling down.

"Mom!" Kazu yelled out horrified as he tried to reach her but instead he saw how his father without hesitation jumped after her with extended arms trying to desperately reach her from where they fell a long way down. Kazu heard the shouts from the others as he quickly scrambled to see where they fell. He couldn't hear anything as he saw his parents falling together as his father held his mother tightly against him. Quickly something flew by Kazu's ear as he saw the flying Pokémon quickly plummet to the ground before catching both his parents. Kazu felt relieved as he saw the Pokémon fly to they sky with his parents on it. Quickly they made it back inside the building.

"Are you both alright?" Kazu asked urgently as he saw his father still hold his mother close as they caught their steps

"We're fine" they both reassured as Kazu felt his eyes water as he looked at both of them and saw How they both put themselves on the line for him.

"Why? Why did you do that when you barely know me?" He asked choked up as they both looked at him

"Isn't it obvious?" Ash asked as he scratched the back of his head

"It's because your our son and are family" Misty added as the boy quickly wiped his tears as both the trainers pulled him in for a hug that he returned as he cried in their arms.

Pulling back he smiled up at them with tears in his eyes

"Thank you mom and dad" he let out before the door to the room opened instantly.

"Leave" the voice said this time but both Jun and the man had their heads down as if they were unconscious.

"I'll let you all go. I made many mistakes and will let all of you free" the voice said before it disappeared completely.

"Let's get out of here while we can!" Violet said before pulling both younger siblings with her as they pulled Alain along behind them. Bonnie, Serena, Clemont, and Korrina quickly followed them out before Ash, misty, and Kazu did as he held both his parents hands.

"Thank you!" Kazu let out before leaving the room with his parents.

On the walk back home Kazu felt relieved as he saw the smiling group of his friends and family as they talked happily and relieved to finally be free from that castle. He couldn't help but look back wondering who was the one that was truly lonely behind the facade of the young and older boy.

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