Children of the Ocean

By ZaffreTales

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On the shores of Badunura there is a boy who's name was Shark-Fang. He was a child of the ocean, which means... More

The Swords of Sleep
Dead Man's Fingers
The Girl in his Dreams
Sweet Sorrow

Nightmare Sky

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By ZaffreTales

Several years ago three boys sat quietly under the ocean's surface. Dread was all they could feel. afraid of what would come next. Their father waved to them and they got up and walked over to where he was. Their mother was sick, but she was an ocean spirit so she was receiving treatment under water as being in the ocean only helped. It may have seemed an odd sight, a being made of ocean water lying in a hospital bed on the ocean floor but to those three brothers it was a terrible thing.

  "My sweet and beautiful boys," said Banded-Tulip.

  "Hi mum," was all any of them could manage.

   "Oh boys you mustn't look so down, I'm a fighter I'll be at full health again before you know it."

   "You've said that a few times this last month," said Blue-Ring.

   "This is really different from any other time someone's been sick," said Shark-Fang.

   "We're really scared for you," said Manta-Tail.

   "I know," said their mother. "I wish I could take you fear away so you'd never be afraid again. But all three of you have got both my spirit and your father's spirit in you. And that means you can face any fear you ever feel." Banded-Tulip decided to change the subject and told her sons a story of a battle against a sea monster, slightly embellished for the younger audience. Night drew on and one by one the boys fell asleep.

   "I better get them home," said Barracuda-Fins. "I hope their dreams are taking them somewhere nice."

   "I can't stop wondering what they'll be like when they're older."

   "Well if you're right about spirit then they'll be first to head into danger when trouble arises. And they'll happily go into said danger to impress someone they have a thing for."

   "That sounds about right. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up doing what the four of us did."

   "I don't think I'd ever be able to come around to that idea."

  "Me neither but who are we to stand in the way of them doing what they feel is right?"

   "Their parents."

   "Good point." She looked at each of them in turn and sighed. "I want to leave them something behind. A message that'll come to them when they most need it."

   "That shouldn't be too hard to do. I'll look into it in the morning." Unfortunately Banded-Tulips health never did improve and less than a month later she was gone.

More than five years later those same three boys were indeed doing just what their parents used to do, fight bad guys. It had been some since their last adventure and they were worried about would come next. Shark-Fang lay on the sand staring at the sky.

   "If we don't hurry up it'll be too late," he thought. "She's had a while to figure out that map. And we can't find any clue to where the Pantheon of Dream is."

It was already too late. The Nightmare Witch had already figured it out and was soon to be on her way. She stood by herself staring at a large rock formation on the horizon.

   "I guess it's just me now," she thought aloud. "Codium's dead. Blackbraid was carried out to sea. Even the ocean spirit's will have trouble finding her. Still I've been on my own more often than not with only my nightmares to comfort me. And soon enough there'll be nothing but nightmares." She headed off.

Shark-Fang continued to stare at the clear blue sky as if it would suddenly give him the answer. But all that happened was that his two brothers appeared standing over him.

   "Thought you'd be out on the waves?" mused Manta-Tail. "This map business has got you really worried huh?"

  "Who isn't worried about it?"

   "The Nightmare Witch," said Blue-Ring. "She's probably pretty excited right now."

   "Don't joke about it. Just the thought of her smiling gives me the creeps." He sat up. "It never used to." It was then that they noticed their father waving to them, something was up. Heading into the ocean they met up with their father.

   "The Nightmare Witch had been spotted," said Baracudda-Fins. "In Dorothy Springs."

   "Wait someone spotted a master illusionist?" wonder Manta-Tail. "No one's ever be able to spot her before."

   "She must have wanted to be seen," said Blue-Ring. "And is daring us to follow her."

   "She knows where the Pantheon of Dreams is!" realized Shark-Fang. "We have got to move now!"

   "As much as I wish otherwise we're sending the three of you on ahead," explained Barracuda-Fins. "Turlte-Green and Ellin are working on a dream magic spell in case things go wrong while myself Kraken and Barrel work on some ocean spirit tricks."

   "Then off to Dorothy Springs."

   "Hold on I said that's where she was seen not where you were going. Based on the direction she was heading there's only one place she could be going. Adnoartina."

Adnoartina is a large sandstone rock formation and one of the most famous land marks in Badunura. It is considered sacred by some of the indigenous people of Badunura and had an abundance of springs, waterholes, rock caves and ancient paintings. The large rock formation towered over the Nightmare Witch. It seemed to shine in the brilliant sun.

   "Just goes to show you," she thought to herself. "Those tribes hid the temple really well. Hidden right next to one of the most well known natural landmarks on all of Zaffre and no one's ever found it. Of course according to the map the Swords of Sleep are the keys. All I need is the lock."

The three brothers emerged from a pool of water. They looked around for any sign of the Nightmare Witch.

She found something, something that could not be seen, something that you would only know was there if you had a Sword of Sleep. The lock, no physical form it was purely magical. She drove the Nightmare Sword into it.

While the brothers looked around a huge column of light shot into the air not far from where they were. Something seemed to be appearing within the column of light so they headed straight for it. As the thing became more solid it became clear that it was a building, built from the same rock as the surrounding area it was large but was tiny in comparison to Adnoartina. At first glance it looked almost simplistic but as they got closer they began to take in more details, what first appeared to be pillars were actually statues made to look as though they were holding up the building it was covered in all sorts of carvings depicting dreamscapes. The column of light vanished and the Nightmare Witch grinned beneath her mask. The Pantheon of Dreams stood over her as she wasted no time and headed right inside. As soon as she crossed the threshold the Nightmare Sword burned with even more magic than usual. Inside was full of statues and runes for enhancing magic it felt like standing in a dream the whole place surged with magic. The three brothers had arrived at the building that had just appeared. 

   "I'm guessing this is the Pantheon of Dreams," said Shark-Fang.

   "I've never felt this much magic before," said Blue-Ring.

   "What a place for a showdown," mused Manta-Tail. They moved in close but black mist they recognized as dream magic began to flow out of the pantheon.

   "Hey boys you're just in time," greeted the Witch as she exited. "I've got the old place up and running it won't be long before it spews nightmare all over Zaffre."

   "You can't be ready to do that already," said Shark-Fang.

   "That's where you're wrong Sharkie. This place boosts dream magic unbelievably. You have no idea what the Swords of Sleep can do here. My blade is powered up enough to reform the world saturating it in the black mists of nightmares."

   "Not if I cut through it with good dreams."

   "Sharkie don't you ever wonder? Fantasies, hopes, dreams, where do they come from? What happens to them when they're done? It all seems so meaningless. But now I can destroy them all."

   "You're talking nonsense again witch," remarked Blue-Ring.

   "Don't you realize? Every dream will fade, every heart will fill with terror. Nightmares can conquer all worlds!"

   "Ok let's just get past her and put a stop to this," said Manta-Tail getting tired of her rambling.

   "Let's get right to it then." She snapped her fingers and black mist surrounded her. It covered her in dark blue armour, made her arms monstrous before forming into a great sword she picked up.

   "I think I preferred the illusions," groaned Shark-Fang. The brothers summoned their weapons just as the witch lunged. Shark-Fang block the witch's on coming swing with the Dream Sword. But he was still knocked down to the ground pinned down beneath the witch's sword with just his sword between them. Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail attacked but their weapons just bounced off her armour. Shark-Fang made a burst of dream magic erupt from the Dream Sword the push the witch off and allow him to escape. Blue-Ring threw poison at the witch's arms making her drop her sword. Manta-Tail then smacked the sword away from her with aura fins. The witch swung her now huge arms and knocked over each of the brothers in turn.

   "Ouch," was the best they could manage as they were all winded. The witch strode over to her great sword and picked it up and immediately lunged at the brothers. They barely got out of the way in time as a cloud of dirt erupted from where the sword landed. Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail threw aura tentacles and stingers respectively while Shark-Fang used dream magic to make a surf board which he threw. The attacks pushed the witch back a little but she still approached. It was clear that their attacks couldn't get past that armour and that her monstrous arms could take the hits. They needed a more powerful blow. 

   "Cover me," instructed Shark-Fang. His brothers rushed forward and unleashed a flurry of blows while he began charging energy within the Dream Sword. The witch lashed out again swinging her sword with one arm and punching with the other. It was all Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail could do to avoid attacks and still keep her back. In the end they were both knocked back. Shark-Fang swung the Dream Sword and sent all the charged up dream magic at the witch. She was struck by a huge blast of magic and the armour turned back into black mist and vanished leaving the witch back to normal. Well for her. However the Pantheon of Dreams was now covered in black mist. Energy barriers appeared to keep the brothers from moving forward.

   "You're relying a bit too heavily on dream magic there Sharkie," said the Nightmare Witch as she got back up.

  "That's rich coming from you," said Shark-Fang.

   "I use my own magic all the time, but you not a trace of your own aura in that whole fight. Very different from when we first fought. The Dream Sword won't help in a world of nightmares.

   "Enough with your pointless time wasting witch!" demanded Blue-Ring.

   "Pointless? Now who's talking rich? You lot are experts at that. Look at you Blue-Ring a lifeguard for a town full of people who can't drown and who are kept an eye on by the living embodiments of the sea. And as for you Manta-Tail a proficient snorkeler which is all very well and good but you're always wearing that snorkelling mask which you don't need. And Sharkie, the self proclaimed Surfboard King you're just the stupidest. Fighting to protect dreams when yours barely have any substance to them."

   "Your just stalling witch," snapped Manta-Tail.

   "I don't need to stall. You lot don't have the power to stop me now. I've seen the dreams of every single child of the ocean and your dreams told me that the three of you are empty headed. You're dreams are empty and you needed something a bit more substantial than that to stop this level of power. No goals, no plans, no dreams for the future." The brothers stopped they hadn't realized it before but they had never thought about their future. "For goodness sake you're nearly adults. Not that it matters every dream is going to die."

   "Enough witch this ends here!" yelled Shark-Fang. The dream magic surrounding the pantheon erupted skywards.

   "We just need to get inside the temple," said Blue-Ring.

   "The Dream Sword will have plenty of power to stop this," added Manta-Tail. The black mist began to spread across the sky.

   "Clock's ticking boys," said the witch. In the distance beams of magic shot up into the sky. They were quite far apart but they formed a circle around the pantheon.

   "Looks like Turtle-Green and her mother have bought us more time," said Manta-Tail.

   "A perimeter made by experts in dream magic," mused Blue-Ring. 

   "Pfft it won't be strong enough to hold it for long," retorted the witch. "Even if it wasn't clearly a rushed job. Still I suppose that has given you some wiggle room. Just as well I made a guard to keep people away while the magic does its work."

   "We can get past any nightmare," said Shark-Fang.

  "Not this one. Not with your empty heads." She snapped her fingers and a loud growl came from the temple. A huge monster appeared from it, a long serpentine dragon with a face like a bovine skull. Its long body had plenty of legs with clawed paws and bat like wings while its tail had a double axe head on the end. "I call her Margery."

   "Great sea basses," said the brothers. The monster rushed them and before they knew each brother was grabbed in a different arm and being carried upwards.

   "Separate the three of them, scatter them to the ends of Zaffre! Or you know the ends of Badunura whatever's easier." The brothers struggled but couldn't seem to do anything.

Turtle-Green stood at the edges of the perimeter to contain the spreading magic. It was a rushed job but at least they manage to surround the pantheon, though they had kept a miles or so away. The black mist of the witch's nightmares were spreading across the sky and heading towards her. Something else rose up from near the temple, something long and winding. The witch must have made a dragon. When it was high enough it moved around in a circle charging energy and then it stopped and threw three things covered in dream magic. Whatever the three things were they shot across the in different directions in an instant.

   "That was probably not good," Turtle-Green said to herself.

   "Of course it wasn't," replied a voice. Turtle-Green looked around but there was no one there. The ground just behind the barrier split open and thousands of worms poured out. They piled on top of each other getting taller and taller and began to make a humanoid shape. And then the worms formed into the Nightmare Witch.

   "Hiding behind your illusions again Coral?"

   "What can I say? I like to make an entrance. Thought I'd take a look at the barrier you're trying to contain my nightmares with. Not bad."

   "I thought you'd have bigger priorities?"

   "What Sharkie and his idiot brothers? I've already scattered them to the sky."

   "Wait? That was them your beast threw away?"



   "She's called Margery."

   "You can call it Stephano or Curtis for it matters. It's still just a nasty thing you pulled out of someone's subconscious."

   "Aw it irritates you that you can't go check on Shark boy cause you have to stay here and maintain your barrier. Well don't worry I didn't kill 'em just separated them and left them to their worst nightmares."

   "You're twisted."

   "You have to be twisted to use the true power of the Nightmare Sword. Only those who love their own nightmares can truly wield it and you have to be twisted to love your own nightmares. He he he he he he he he."

   "You're not crazy though. You're just bitter. lashing out at the world cause a freak accident."

   "You know Adnoartina is so beautiful. Bit weird that it's names after a legendary gecko, but still. Sacred to the native Badunurans right? No wonder the temple is here. That should have made it easier to find it."

   "The Pantheon of Dreams wouldn't be easy to find no matter where it was."

   "True true. But I guess it was lucky they got it built at all. If I recall correctly your ancestors and the nightmare lot weren't too popular amongst the other natives. They believed dreams were not for humans to use for themselves."

  "What is the point of this witch? Distraction? Intimidation? Cause either way it's not working."

   "Relax I just felt like a chat to a fellow child of the ocean."

   "Yeah right."

   "Oh I have no intention to bring down your little barrier. You see I've already won and it's going to be so much fun watching your wittle attempts to undo this. But there's too much dream magic under my control no one's getting into the pantheon. Even if they manage to come out from those wittle monsters I've left with them under. See you around Turtle-Green I won't bother killing you unless you cause enough trouble. Cheerio." The Witch vanished.

   "Hag!" Turtle-Green pulled out her phone so she could tell her parents.

Everything was a daze, unclear and unfocused. But then a sharp but quick pain and Blue-Ring sat bolt upright. Everything was clear now as he looked around for what zapped him. He saw something small and blue fly past him.

   "Huh a butterfly?" he said. "Oh one those butterflies." He could see now that blue wings of the butter fly in question were emitting a bright light and a slight electric charge. And the wings in question were covered in a black mesh of some description making it look like a bug zapper.

    "What rotten luck to land in a pile of zapperflies." Zapperflies are one of the most curious creatures to have ever lived on Zaffre. Part insect, part bug zapper, many have theorized that they evolved from regular butterflies into an attempt to adapt to bug zappers. However this happened far too quickly as they seemingly popped into existence one day. It's commonly held that they somehow used magic to evolve quicker but no one has been able to prove this one way or the other. Zapperflies are not the only creatures to have seemingly appeared out of nowhere on Zaffre and certainly were not the last. Many assumed that those who collect butterflies for fun rather than for science would be put off by the fact that in great numbers they can generate a lot electricity, however it turned out that they all loved a challenge.

   "Something troubling you?" came the voice of the Nightmare Witch. Blue-Ring looked around but there was no sign of her only more zapperflies. "Don't worry I'm not actually here this is just a little message I sent with you."

  "Great another of her mind games."

   "Remember I've seen your dreams and it would seem that what you fear is failure. That is to fail in your roles as a protector. Probably why you took the easiest lifeguard job in the world. It's certainly why the worst nightmare you've ever had was about someone dying on your watch." It was then Blue-Ring noticed that the witch's voice was coming from the same direction as what appeared to be a person lying on the ground.

   "Oh no." He'd seen that body in his nightmares and now here it was right in front of him. Worst part was it started to get up as the witch's laughed rang all around.

   "You let them die Blue-Ring," she mocked. "Well it's only fair that they get some payback." Dream magic surrounded the body and it began to grow. It transformed into a hulking figure with pale grey skin and dead eyes. It swung its fist down and he jumped out the way. He struck back with his aura tentacles but they didn't even phase it.

  "Great now what am I supposed to do? I can't hurt I won't get a chance to call for help. I don't even know where I am." Blue-Ring used his magic to camouflage himself and move away from the monster, but it was able to follow. It was then Blue-Ring finally got a sense of where he was. He was near a large lake surrounded by water with a forest on the other side of the bank. But there was no sign of any town or any indication of any life bar himself and the butterflies. He didn't have time to ponder this as the monster came ever nearer. This time he tried attacking with poison but still nothing. The monster swung again and knocked him into the water.

   "That hurt," was all he could think. A loud splash and it was clear the monster had followed him. Blue-Ring moved deeper into the lake and the monster pursued looking for something he could use. He spotted the very thing, a large rock. He swam to the top of it and when the monster got close he used his aura tentacles to propel himself off it and knock the rock over onto the monster. He made a brake for the surface as the nightmare struggled to get back up. He climbed back onto to shore trying to think of what to do next. Then something came into his head, something his father told him a long time ago.

   "Be careful around large groups of zapperflies," he had said. "They feed on electrical currents so they're drawn to batteries. Not all kinds so your phone should be ok but make sure you check these things."

   "There must be something here they're feeding on," Blue-Ring thought to himself. "Maybe I can use it." The monster burst from beneath the water. "Oh blob fish." The monster swung its fists down at him. Blue-Ring just got out the way and ran for it. The monster lumbered after him as he looked for what he needed. A rock the monster had thrown flew over head Blue-Ring leapt to the side and bumped into something. It was an abandoned car and it was covered in zapperflies. But the nightmare was ready for another strike and he had to duck out the way as it punched the car scattering the butterflies. The monster caught him in its other arm and lifted him up. Blue-Ring struggled but to no avail and was then slammed into the car's roof. He summoned his aura tentacles and had them rip open the bonnet and pull parts of the engine. He slammed them into the monster one after the other and as luck would have it one was the car battery. It sparked and a second later zapperflies were fluttering around it. Before the monster could drive them away it was covered in them and was electrocuted. Blue-Ring summoned his harpoon and drove it in to the weakened monster causing it to burst into magic and vanish.

   "Huh I beat my own worst nightmare," he said as the zapperflies scattered. "But why do I feel so bad?" He didn't mean physically, though he was in a fair amount of pain, he felt terrible. Was it what the witch said to him about having no dreams? Or was it something else? "I need to get back dad'll be worried sick. What do we do now though?"

   "Blue-Ring," came a whisper out of nowhere. 

   "Huh?" Light emanated from him, it felt familiar. It reminded him of when he was younger and his dad would read stories to him and his brothers and when their mother would sing for them. A ball of light appeared and began to form into a figure.


   "Mum?" The image of Banded-Tulip was floating in front of him. "I made a message for each of you that would appear when your heart needs it the most. But I made it so some time will have passed since I left this world so you must been nearly all grown by now." Blue-Ring was full of so many different feelings. "It's hard to know what to say. It makes me so happy the way you look after both your brothers, though by now they probably don't need looking after. You always did like helping people."

   "I do?"

   "It's not just my drive to save people from danger you like to help out in so many ways. I'm sure it'll remain the core of your heart for your whole life. Just don't push yourself too hard, I've done that a few times and the end you'll be no help to anyone. Whatever you chose to do with your life know that I love you and I am so proud of you. And whatever has brought me here to you now, you can overcome it. I hope your life is full of far more joy than sorrow."


   "I'll be in your heart always." The image vanished and everything went back to the way it was. Blue-Ring only then realized that his face was covered in tears. But it didn't matter he felt something new. A drive to make sure that all three of him and his brothers would live their lives to the fullest.

   "Dreams or no dreams, we're going to do everything we can to stop the Nightmare Witch. Dad, Shark, Manta, I'm not gonna to let us give up." He charged back towards the lake so his father could transport him home. Around the same time his brothers had to deal with their own nightmares. 

Manta-Tail regained focus and looked around for a sign of where he was. He had landed in a pool of water by a large field. Luckily enough his dad could transport him home from any water so no time to take in the scenery. 

   "Hey Manta-Tail," called a voice he recognized as the Nightmare Witch's. But there was no sign of her anywhere in this farmland, just a few trees on the edge of a more arid area. 

   "Where are you?" he yelled. 

   "I'm not actually here this is just a message I sent with you. I thought it might be fun to go over what I've seen in your dreams. Fun for me anyway."

   "Oh blobfish."

   "I gotta give it to ya, you and your older brothers ain't afraid of too much but I found something." A strange grey fog appeared around them and in it he could see figures moving.

  "What? No!"

   "Seems losing your mother at ten years old did some real damage. This is so ordinary but it's your worst nightmare. You're so afraid of being alone, abandoned by choice or by accident and never seeing the people you love again. I don't even think those figures are anyone you know. Not your father, not your brothers, but you chase them through the fog as they walk away from you until you wake up in a cold sweat. But now they're gonna turn around."

   "Stop it!" The fog turned into dream magic and the figure absorbed it and began to grow. Soon it was much larger, it still looked like a silhouette in the fog but now with glowing red eyes and floating off the ground right in front of him. The shadowy creature reached with its arms to strike him. Manta-Tail jumped out the way and summoned his axe and swung at the monster. But his attack passed right through.

   "Oh come on!" he cried. The monster lashed out with its other arm and Manta-Tail ducked under it. He threw an aura manta ray at it but it just passed through as well. With panic rising in him Manta-Tail turned and ran. The monster pursued him as he headed for the nearby trees. Manta-Tail clambered up a tree but the monster could still reach. He jumped over to the next tree as the monster struck the branch he was on. Manta-Tail threw an aura stinger at the tree he was on before making it collapse on top of the monster. Making a pair of aura ray fins he glided away as the monster dealt with the falling tree. He landed a bit away and got a start.

   "What the?" Manta-Tail finally saw what was living on this farm, sheep. Sheep whose wool was a light purple colour and that floated off the ground. These are what were referred to as psychic sheep, they had latent telekinetic powers that allowed them float and bring their food to them. While their behaviour is not any different from any other kind of sheep most predators tend to avoid them. Many believe the sight of floating sheep freak them out as it does to most people. There was much debate as to whether psychic sheep were the most unusual magical farm animal or if it was something else, like the cows that make pink lemonade, the living rubber chickens or the winged pigs. (Hence why on Zaffre the expression is "when cows fly.")

   "I think I'm gonna need to lie down for a bit after all this." The monster was closing in again it clearly had no qualms about who or what got attacked in its pursuit of Manta-Tail. It unleashed another attack at him, a sheep turned and the attacked was stopped. Manta-Tail realized that the sheep's psychic energy had made it solid, he had a way to beat it. He moved back among the sheep and the monster followed. Every time it tried to attack it was blocked by psychic energy and then it was Manta-Tail struck with his axe. The monster started lashing out more violently and Manta-Tail was hit by a flurry of blows. Suddenly there was a surge of psychic energy and the monster stopped dead. Manta-Tail covered his axe in poison and leapt bringing it down on the monster which exploded into magic and vanished.

   "Saved by sheep," he said to himself collapsing to the ground. "Don't think I'll share this one, I'll never hear the end of it." The sheep carried on as though nothing had happened and Manta-Tail sat among them feeling disheartened and anxious. Light began to surround him.

   "Manta-Tail," whispered a voice.

   "Mum?" And through the light came the image of Banded-Tulip just like with Blue-Ring.

   "Hello, Manta. I made each of you a message for when your hearts need it most." Manta-Tail was full of all sorts of emotions he could process them all. "Since you are the youngest that means we spent the least amount of time with each other. I hope you don't hold that against your brothers or your father and know that every second was so precious to me."

   "I can't hold anything against them."

   "I'm so proud of all of you. Manta you keep trying to include everyone I think you liked bringing people together. Someone like that need never worry about being alone in my experience. I hope you never lose that part of yourself, I hope you never lose any part of yourself. I wonder how much you've grown well no matter how old any of you are. You'll always be my baby boys."

   "We can sure act like it."

   "Remember the people you love will always be in your heart no matter what. I'll be with you and I'll always be keeping watch." Banded-Tulip's image faded and Manta-Tail was left by himself again. His face was covered in tears but he felt better.

   "Alright then we've still got a witch to stop. Mum don't worry we'll keep each other safe." Manta-Tail headed off to the nearest patch of water so he could head home and regroup.

After he'd been thrown Shark-Fang had blacked out. And then he suddenly came too when a loud noise blared nearby. He got up and looked around the noise sounded like a loud rumbling. It took him a moment to realize he was on a roof top. Looking over the edge he saw that he was in Anthozoa and with a closer look he saw that he was on top of the train station. The sound must have been a train leaving the station underneath him.

   "I don't think that nightmare has good aim," Shark-Fang mused to himself. "I need to get back." He turned to see if there a door leading into the building. And sure enough there was and someone was coming through it. It was Turtle-Green.


  "Green how'd you get here?"

  "Dad worked out where you'd land and sent me straight way. I'm so glad you're ok." They approached each other. "And I'm really glad to see you." The two of them hugged. Shark-Fang suddenly felt a pain in his stomach and he realized that Turtle-Green had punched him. And then she struck him in the face knocking him to the ground. "Oh Sharkie Sharkie Sharkie, you're making it too easy."


   "You're so easy to sucker in. All it takes is a pretty face." As she spoke her voice changed into someone else's, the Nightmare Witch.

   "Another trick?" 

  "I figured I'd send you off with a little gift. It's seems this is your worst nightmare someone else you care about turning out to be just like me. So now you're gonna have to fight Turtle-Green, or at least a nightmare in her image."

  "Stop it," Shark-Fang yelled as he got up and summoned the Dream Sword.

  "Try not to rely on dream magic too much." Black mist surrounded the fake Turtle-Green and began to cling to her turning into a strange sort of armour. Soon only her face wasn't covered instead it began to melt off revealing another face that still looked like Turtle-Green but with dark grey skin and an indifferent look on it. The last of the mist form into a pair of batons.

  "It's just a nightmare," Shark-Fang told himself. It doesn't matter what happens to it." He fired a beam of dream magic at the monster but it just knocked it away. "Ok then." The monster brought its batons down on him and Shark-Fang blocked with his sword. They struggled with each other but Shark-Fang was beginning to be overpowered so he had dream magic surge from the Dream Sword pushing him away. The monster shot a beam of energy from its mouth at him, he jumped out the way and threw an aura shark at it. The monster was still unphased.

   "Stop holding back!" The monster spoke in Turtle-Green's voice.

   "It's just a trick, an illusion." He charged at the monster with his sword. "I won't fall for your tricks witch!" With a mighty swing he slashed the monster finally doing some damage. The monster swung round and knocked Shark-Fang down with a blow from both batons. He was then hit by another beam of energy. Shark-Fang was very scared, it was too dangerous to get in close and attack with his sword and neither his aura nor dream magic seemed to effect it. He needed something stronger.

   "Get ready Shark-Fang!" The monster summoned a massive sphere of energy and threw it at him. Shark-Fang barely got out of the way and considered himself lucky that the ground didn't collapse. 

   "If my dreams aren't strong enough then I'll find someone's whose are," he said to himself. The only problem being he wouldn't get peace to do so. The monster rushed at him swinging its batons wildly. He jumped out the way again and this time the monster nearly went over the roof. While it flailed trying to regain balance Shark-Fang took the chance. He concentrated on the Dream Sword trying to get it to reach out and find the dreams of nearby people. And it found all the people in the train station and Shark-Fang tried to gather them together. He had all that power begin to form into one dream at random.

   "Here it comes Shark!" The monster was back up and threw another energy ball at him. Shark-Fang unleashed the charged dream magic and from the white mist shot a train. It tore through the energy ball and struck the monster, it may not have been fully solid but it did enough damage. Shark-Fang then charged his aura and formed a massive pair of shark jaws and brought them down on the monster finishing it off. It burst into black mist and vanished.

   "Were those dreams hollow witch?" he asked fully aware that she could not hear him. Shark-Fang collapsed on the ground again lying back in pain. The sight of the monster with Turtle-Green's indifferent face was haunting him. He closed his eyes trying not to let the awful emotions he was feeling over take him. He soon became unaware of what was around him lying on top of a train station roof.

   "Shark-Fang." He assumed he imagined it. "Shark-Fang." He opened his eyes a saw one of the last things he expected.

   "Mum?" he sat bolt upright. 

  "Hello Shark-Fang this is a message I made for you when your heart needs it most." Shark-Fang's emotions were racing he couldn't think straight. "My sweet boy I worry about you so much cause I keep hearing about problems being a middle child can bring. But then I've heard that about any sibling position. I know you love your brothers and your father and me."

  "Of course mum, how could I not?"

  "And everyone loves you. Probably cause you want to help make people's dreams come true. I guess that's your dream."

   "It is?"

   "All three of you have hearts full of love and compassion I couldn't be prouder of you. Everyone loses their way in life at some point but try not to lose yourself. Trust your heart, trust your friends and family no matter what happens. Follow your heart and your dreams. I love you all." Banded-Tulip vanished.

   "No." Shark-Fang's emotions were all over the place but his mother's words went straight to his heart and determination began to shine through. "If it's my dream to bring dreams to life then I better make sure the witch doesn't kill any." He got up and headed for the door into the building to get home regroup and stop the Nightmare Witch. 

Barracuda-Fins concentrated hard and located his sons in the places they told him they were in. He used his magic and three pillars of water erupted in front of him and when they were gone there were his sons back in Anemone's Crown.

   "All three of you look like you've been in a rough battle," observed Barracuda-Fins. The brothers told their father and each other about what happened after the witch separated them. How they faced their worst nightmares and how they saw their mother.

   "So we all got to see her again," mused Shark-Fang. "What a day it's been for us."

  "And we still need to go after the Nightmare Witch," said Blue-Ring. "I doubt the force field can hold back the nightmares much longer."

  "First thing's first," said Barracuda-Fins. "You need time to rest, there's no sense barrelling in there like this."

  "Come on dad we're not that bad," objected Manta-Tail. "We don't have time to sit around."

  "I know we're short on time but the three of you could still be more hurt than you think let's get you checked out." He led his sons into the ocean to see how bad they really were. While they rested Barracuda-Fins met up with the others.

   "Ellin tells me there's nothing else she and Turtle-Green can do," explained Barreleye-Scales. "The barrier is coming down soon."

   "Even if it remained intact that dragon nightmare patrolling the perimeter is a problem," Kraken-Heart said with a sigh. "We'll need help getting past it. Even then we still have Coral-Red guarding the temple itself."

   "Getting the Dream Sword to the pantheon is the best way to stop this," said Barracua-Fins. "The boys will be raring to go as soon as they can."

  "Just like their mother."

  "They'll be alright Barracuda," assured Barreleye-Scales.

   "We have ways to pull out if they're in trouble," Kraken-Heart reminded him. "Even if they're nowhere near a body of water." Barracuda-Fins had an idea at the back of his mind, he didn't like it but it would keep his son out of immediate danger. 

Meanwhile Turtle-Green had gone to check on Shark-Fang.

  "Green? What happened to the barrier?" said Shark-Fang when he saw her.

  "There's nothing more we can do," she replied. "The barrier is coming down with or without us." When Shark-Fang looked at her he couldn't help but see that impassive grey faced monster that mimicked her. "Something wrong Shark?"

  "No it's nothing, just a rough battle."

  "Hmm." Turtle-Green noticed he couldn't seem to look at her but decided it was probably best not to push the matter. "Alright if you don't want to talk you don't have to. Just remember I can help you the way you helped me." She indicted her shaking hands from the nerve damage she had received. 

As night fell every one slept for a bit, but they couldn't rest for long as time was far too short. The barrier around the Pantheon of Dreams was severally cracked. And then the black mist began to seep through. The Nightmare Witch smiled to herself as the nightmares began to spread across the sky again. Then she realized that there was someone in a pool of water by the perimeter Margery was patrolling.

   "Beautiful night for stroll," she said as she approached. 

   "Only you would find this beautiful," retorted Barracuda-Fins.

  "Oh don't tell me you're here to do something stupid to try and keep Sharkie and co out of harm's way. But the Dream Sword is attuned to Shark-Fang so you can't use it. You have to use a lot of magic just to get this far from the ocean what can you do? I'm dying to find out."

   "Is this even the real you or another illusion?"

  "Does it really matter in the end?"

  "Well I didn't come here to talk so no it doesn't." Barracuda-Fins produced a sphere of concentrated magic made for destruction he threw it.

  "Trying to blow up the pantheon are we? Not a bad plan." Dream magic surrounded the sphere which exploded before it got to the temple. "Not terribly well thought through though. Honestly I didn't think you'd ever let fear control you." A huge shadow flew out of the sky.

  "AAAAAAAH!" Barracuda-Fins yelled in pain as Margery swung her claws right through watery body. 

  "Not thought through at all it seems."

  "Get over yourself. I'd tell you what your parents would think but I know it'd fall on deaf ears. Seeing what you've become is just sad." Barracuda-Fins sat in the water with the nightmare looming over him. So many emotions burning in his heart.

   "Aw you wound me, guess I'll have to wound you some more. Give my love to Banded-Tulip. Margery." The monster charged up energy and fired at beam at Barracuda-Fins. But a sphere of white mist appeared blocking the attack.

  "Honestly what were you thinking?" said a new voice. When the mist cleared Ellin, wheelchair and all, was next to Barracuda-Fins.

  "Huh when'd you get here?" demanded the witch.

  "Time for us to leave."

  "Alright alright."

 "I feel sorry for you Coral. All you have left is pain." A column of water erupted over them and they were gone.

  "Yeah well escape all you want I won't matter," the witch yelled to no one. "Dreams will die! Send those brothers if you want but it's all too late. Fantasies up in smoke. Hopes crumbled to dust. Everything turned to ash, I've won."

Back at Anemone's Crown everyone was awake again.

   "Dad what were you thinking?" yelled Shark-Fang. 

  "He wasn't thinking," snapped Blue-Ring.

   "You should know better," cried Manta-Tail.

   "Alright boys that's enough," interrupted Ellin. "You know full well your father was concerned about you all in danger and this was the most dangerous yet. He's been worrying himself sick over it. I think getting attacked by that nightmare was chastisement enough."

   "I can't bear the thought of losing you," said Barracuda-Fins. "It would break me."

   "But dad we lost mum. If we lose you too..." said Manta-Tail.

  "We can't go through that again," said Shark-Fang. "It still hurts."

  "Losing a parent is something most people will have to go through," said Barracuda-Fins. "But losing a child is not something anyone should have to feel." There was a pause after Barracuda had said this as the brothers thought for a moment.

   "Pain is part of life right?" said Blue-Ring. "I guess fear of pain can make anyone act irrational." The sons hugged their father as they sat in the ocean shore. And then the moment was interrupted by the arrival of Kraken-Heart and Barreleye-Scales.

   "As much as I hate to break up this lovely scene we are far too short on time," said Kraken-Heart. "Ellin those nightmares are gonna mess with anyone with dream magic in their blood you need to go prepare yourself and Turtle-Green. Barrel, take Barracuda for some severe healing. And as for you three time to face the witch. Again."

   "First we need to get past that dragon nightmare," said Shark-Fang.

  "As luck would have it we have found some help in that regard." A sudden flash of light and a crack of thunder and something flew out the air. A long yellow serpentine reptile that floated in the air. Electric blue hair and antlers sparking with electricity. "You remember Hikaru, the thunder dragon you rescued."

   "No way," said Manta-Tail. "The very same dragon?"

  "And she's going to help get past that nightmare. But after that you're on your own the witch has made it so only you three can approach."

  "Why not keep everyone out?" wonder Blue-Ring.

 "She can't keep out the Dream Sword which will be able to allow the two of you in as well but you'll need most of its power to get to the temple."

  "So she is trying to keep out everyone."

  "She must know that we're coming for her," mused Shark-Fang.

  "She won't be expecting us to come in on a thunder dragon," said Manta-Tail with a grin.

It was time, Ellin and Turtle-Green made spells to protect them from the oncoming nightmares. Kraken-Heart was making preparations to pull the boys out if things went badly. While the three brothers climbed on to Hikaru who then flew off towards the spreading dream magic. Barreleye-Scales had helped Barracuda-Fins into a place in the ocean for healing.

   "I feel I should say something about what you did," said Barreleye-Scales. "But I think you've had plenty of that for one day."

  "This feeling of worry is making feel worse than the physical pain," said Barracuda-Fins. "I feel nauseous and I don't even have a stomach."

  "I understand, any parent would. But I think you've let you worry overtake you. Only Banded could snap you out of this. Still I'm glad my best friend is still with us." Barreleye-Scales left sensing that Barracuda-Fins needed a moment.

  "I'm sorry boys I acted stupidly." Light surrounded him as if from his soul. And in front of him appeared a figure.

  "Hello Barracuda," said Banded-Tulip. Barracuda-Fins was taken by a lot of surprise. "Did you think I'd make a message for each of the boys and not one for you?"

  "I never even thought about it."

  "Now I know you're going to do your best to keep those boys of ours safe. But I know they're going to end up doing what we used to do, each of them wants to help people in their own way. They'll end up fighting just like us. And I think the fear of losing them will be hard on you."

  "You have no idea how right you were."

  "But they'll be ok and so will you. When people say they have my spirit and your spirit you say you didn't have any. But they weren't talking about fighting spirit, you have some despite your instance that you were only there to impress me. They mean your spirit of resilience your ability to endure any hardship. Look at the way you keep telling me to forgive myself. Remember my love you have the strength to recover from any heart break."

  "It still hurts."

  "I know it hurts but you'll be strong enough for them and they in turn will be strong enough for you. No matter what Barracuda I still love you and I'll be in all your hearts forever. And we'll meet again in another life I'll make sure of it."

  "No matter what Tulip I still love you. See you in the next life." The image vanished in a shimmering light. "Even after all this time she's still always right. I've been a fool. Boys I promise I'll not stop you from being the heroes you are and that I'll be there for you through everything."

The black mist had spread all across Banunura and was heading out to sea. Monster were beginning to appear all over, not attacking just letting their horror be there for all to see. The thunder dragon was getting close to Adnoartina.

  "The sky's never looked so ominous," observed Manta-Tail. "Good thing we're on the case otherwise we might never see the stars again."

  "This'll be our toughest fight yet," warned Blue-Ring. "The witch will be even more dangerous to protect all this from us."

   "I'm really glad the two of you are with me," said Shark-Fang. "You're the best brothers a guy could ask for. Let's go together." Something large was moving ahead of them coming in fast. But Hikaru was faster and avoided the charging creature.

   "Margery!" the brothers said together.

  "This is it Hikaru, you ready?" asked Shark-Fang. The thunder dragon roared and the nightmare dragon roared too. The nightmare exhaled a beam of dream magic at them but Hikaru dodged and exhaled a bolt of lightning at the monster. The dragons charged at each just missing, the brothers tried to strike with their weapons as they passed by. The monster lashed out with her claws but Hikaru weaved around and rammed the nightmare. The monster exhaled another beam of energy and the thunder dragon breathed another bolt of lightning. The two attacks collided causing a large explosion. The tail of the monster came out of  blast swinging down at them. Hikaru just got out the way and the brothers threw aura sharks, octopuses and rays at the nightmare. 

  "This monster sure can take a hit," observed Manta-Tail.

  "We can hit harder," declared Blue-Ring. Hikaru struck the monster with her antlers and the monster swung back with its tail. It then unleashed another beam of energy which barely grazed the thunder dragon before she rammed it. The nightmare charged determined to sink its massive teeth into its enemy. But Hikaru dodged again her speed advantage was too much for the nightmare and she fired another bolt of lightning at it sending it to the ground. A rapid barrage of energy beam erupted from where the monster was and Shark-Fang just managed to make a barrier to protect them. The monster continued its assault as it rose back at them. But then Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail noticed a large gash on the monster. They fired another blast with their auras right into the monster's wound making her stop her attack.

  "Now!" they yelled as their brother lowered his barrier. Hikaru fired one last bolt of lightning striking the weak point and Margery exploded into magic and dissipated. Exhausted Hikaru landed and the three brothers climbed down. They could see the Pantheon of Dreams not far away.

  "Go we'll be fine," Shark-Fang told the dragon. "Find a safe place to recover. Oh and thank you." Hikaru rose off the ground a little and headed off for a safe haven. The brothers headed off towards the temple and soon became aware that there were figures watching them.

  "Looks like the nightmares are springing up everywhere," said Manta-Tail.

  "And it would seem their leaving us to the witch," said Blue-Ring. Soon they were close to the pantheon, the air was thick with dream magic but they could still see clearly. The temple itself was still firing an unending stream of magic skywards. And there ahead of them stood the Nightmare Witch. Beneath what appeared to be a large mirror ball.

  "Got over our fears of failure, abandonment and betrayal did we?" she said without turning to face them.

  "You can pluck our fears out our heads all you want," said Shark-Fang. "Nothing you do will be enough to stop us anymore."

  "I'm the one who can't be stopped anymore Sharkie. Look at the pantheon it's far too late for your Dream Sword to do anything."

  "How would you know witch?" said Blue-Ring. "You've given up on dreams all together. All you know is your twisted little nightmare view."

  "Ha ha ha ha, twisted? Sure. But dreams are dying all across Badunura and soon all across Zaffre. Knowing about them means nothing now."

  "Sheesh you sure like this crazy thing huh?" said Manta-Tail. "But at the end of the day it's nothing but pure selfishness that'll leave you on your own forever."

  "One's never lonely with a nightmare around." She looked at them at last. "What about you three, worked out your dreams yet? Are they any good? Can they pierce my horrors?"

  "Enough's enough witch," demanded Shark-Fang. "No more games or tricks. That's not even the real you."

  "You want the real me do you?" said the image as it vanished. "Are you prepared for the worst? If not, suck it up!" The air filled with the witch's laughter as the large mirror ball split open unleashing something from within. A gigantic figure wrapped in a dark cape with a larger version of the witch's mask on top. The cape opened revealing a body made nearly entirely of the black mist of dream magic, two monstrous disembodied hands and they realized the mask was acting like a face. 

  "Holy blob fish!" exclaimed Shark-Fang before snapping back. "Alright then one last obstacle before this all stops. Let's do it!" The witch's hands shot towards the brothers and they dived out the way before they struck the ground. Blue-Ring attacked one with his aura tentacles while Manta-Tail attacked the other with an aura stinger. Shark-Fang threw an aura shark tail at her head which struck her. Her hands rose up and tried to grab any of them while the mist in her body shifted before unleashing a spray of energy balls at them. The brothers scrambled for cover as the attack continued. Shark-Fang used dream magic to form a surfboard to shield them from the incoming attack, when it stopped he threw it at her. The witch raised her hands and black fire shot from the palms. As they ran to avoid the flames Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail ran at the witch and struck her with their weapons with a little poison for some extra damage. 

  "How are we hitting the mist?" wonder Manta-Tail.

  "I'm not sure we'll have time for an answer," said Blue-Ring. More energy balls shot at them making them move away, Shark-Fang covered their retreat by firing a beam from the Dream Sword at her. The witch shot her hands at them ready to crush them into the rock. They tried blocking one of them with their weapons but all three of them were knocked over before they were grabbed by the other hand. The witch held them up in front to her face and seemed to smile before she slammed them into the ground. The three of them were in a fair amount of pain as they lay on their backs with the witch looming over them.

In the ocean Barracuda-Fins sensed trouble.

  "Something bad is about to happen," he thought to himself. "Keep my boys safe." His magic began to gather. "Help them finish this."

The witch clenched both hands into fists ready the slam them into the brother repeatedly. A sphere of magic appeared around the brother blocking the attack and taking everyone by surprise. Their strength returned to them and their pain subsided.

  "Dad?" said Shark-Fang as they got back up. "Just in time. But how'd he get it all the way out here?" An aura shark, octopus and manta ray shot out of the sphere and stuck the witch in the head. The sphere vanished and the brothers charged ready to carry on the fight. They lashed out with their weapons and the witch responded by firing beams of energy from the spikes on her head. They darted around the attacks and struck again. The witch added black fire to her assault making it harder from them to escape unscathed.

  "We need to end this," said Blue-Ring.

  "Yeah the nightmares must be pretty far," said Manta-Tail. "Don't worry I know what to do," said Shark-Fang. "I just need the chance." They each threw an aura version of their name sakes at the witch's hands and head stopping the attacks. The mist on her body surged and ghostly faces shot towards them. They knocked back as many as they could with their weapons. Her eyes glowed and a wave of black mist shot toward them. They were pushed back but Shark-Fang held the Dream Sword aloft. He charged the dream magic reaching out to as many dreams as he could. This was for them after all. His brothers put their hands on the sword as well and the magic charged even more. The witch increased the power of the wave but to no avail and with a swing of the Dream Sword they struck her with the super charged sword. There was a huge explosion of dream magic and when it cleared the Nightmare Witch was back to her usual form and her usual outfit groaning on the ground.

  "I saw your dreams," she said in a daze. "Helping people, you three are unbearably similar." They saw movement a realized the monster that were watching in the distance were heading towards them

  "Go Shark-Fang," instructed Manta-Tail. "We've got this."

  "We'll buy you all the time you need," assured Blue-Ring. Shark-Fang nodded and headed for the Pantheon of dreams. The endless dream magic pouring out of the temple made it hard to get close but using the Dream Sword he cut his way through it and inside. But he couldn't see anything there was too much black mist and then he noticed the Dream Sword was glowing very brightly. And then he noticed in the centre of the room was the Nightmare Sword its power boosted to an extreme.

  "This needs to stop," said Shark-Fang. He looked at the Dream Sword and felt a little sad but he smiled. "Thank you for all your help. And now I need it once last time. You need to stop your counterpart and reverse all the damage it is doing." The Dream Sword landed on the ground on its tip and began to radiate a lot of magic. Outside the monster were stopped in their tracks before they could reach the others. Turning around the saw white mist began to emerge from the pantheon. It twisted around the pillar of black mist and shot towards the sky and spread through it.

  "He did it!" said Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail together. They saw their brother had left the temple heading back towards them.

  "Nice job," said Manta-Tail. "Boy I hope it works."

 "It will work," said Blue-Ring. "Just watch." The brothers smiled at each other.

  "What have you done?" The Nightmare Witch had got back up and was glaring through her mask.

  "I've put a stop to your selfish madness," said Shark-Fang.

  "What gives you the right to do that?"

  "What gave you the right to try and kill everyone else's dreams?"

  "Time to surrender witch," said Blue-Ring. "You're not strong enough to fight us."

  "You've got a lot to answer for," said Manta-Tail. "No more escaping." 

  "I'm not done yet!" She held her arm up and a stream of dream magic shot out from the sky. 

  "What are you doing?" said Shark-Fang. "You can't control the magic while the two of them are battling."

  "Control is for sane people. Sweet dreams are not an option where I'm sending you!" The stream of magic made from both black and white mist spiralled out of control.

  "Witch stop it!" She laughed manically.

  "Nah It'll be more fun to kill us all." The stream struck the witch and exploded and the brothers were thrown back. 

  "Coral!" When the blast cleared there was nothing left but a broken mask. "Coral." Shark-Fang knelt down in front of the mask. "I didn't want it to end like this. I didn't think you could be saved from yourself but still there was no harm in trying."

The white mist parted the black and soon the sky began to clear of both. The stars could be seen again and start of the sun rise on the horizon. The monsters made from the nightmares began to blink out of existence as though a person dreaming them had suddenly jerked awake. It had finally stopped and everything seemed oddly still as all of Badunura seemed to let out a sigh of relief. In the Pantheon of Dreams lay two swords drained of their power. Neither of them retained their colour they were now both the same dull metallic grey. The brothers retrieved the swords and the mask and returned home.

They didn't have time to talk and pretty much went straight to sleep. A dreamless sleep for hours and hours, they didn't wake up until about two o'clock in the afternoon. The brothers met their father and they all hugged before they talked.

  "So what do we do with the Swords of Sleep now?" wondered Blue-Ring.

  "We'll find a place to keep them," said Barracuda-Fins. "And make sure nobody forgets what happened."

  "Try and keep people from letting it happen again?" said Manta-Tail.

  "Something like that."

  "I want to do my part to keep it from happening again," said Shark-Fang. "So if ever there's trouble that needs sorting out I'll fight."

  "So will I," said Blue-Ring.

  "And me," said Manta-Tail. Their father smiled at the three of them.

  "I wish you three could stay safe all the time," he said. "But you three can do so much to help people. To protect them, to bring them together and to make their dreams come true. Just try and keep each other safe. And remember there's plenty of people wanting to help you, children of the ocean, ocean spirits, even a thunder dragon. Though Hikaru has yet to decide if she's going home or sticking around for a bit." Barracuda-Fins headed back into the ocean still needing to recover.

  "I bet Turtle-Green will want to help people as well," Shark-Fang thought aloud. "I doubt anyone could stop her."

  "Look mid bro I know you were a little shaking by that imposter of her," Blue-Ring began. "But it'll pass."

  "You sure about that?"

  "I'm optimistic about it. Look you want to be with her right? Well it's possible she wants you too. So why don't you stop dancing around it and ask her?"

  "I don't know what are you talking about?"

  "She makes you feel happy doesn't she?" asked Manta-Tail.

  "Like music playing in my heart." "Then let the music play. And go do what the music says." Shark-Fang smiled and left to go find Turtle-Green.

  "I hope he doesn't blow it," said Blue-Ring.

  "Yeah that'd be bad," agreed Manta-Tail. Shark-Fang found Turtle-Green standing by the shore.

  "Hey Green," he greeted.

  "Hey Shark," she responded. "Sorry I couldn't help out with that last battle."

  "Ah don't worry about it."

  "And I'm sorry about Coral-Red as well."

  "You don't need to be." There was an awkward pause. "So I guess the Pantheon of dreams belongs to you and your mother now. You're all that's left of the people who built it."

  "Yeah it's gonna take quite a bit to figure out what to do with it. But I'd like to share dream magic with the world and maybe it can help. Sure some people might use it for bad but that's true of any magic."

  "That's true about anything." Another pause." "Green I'm sorry if I acted odd yesterday."

  "I heard about the nightmare you faced. That must have been quite unsettling."

  "It was. But it's just an unpleasant memory that won't mean anything in the long run."

  "Good cause I'd hate for you not to look at my face."

 "I will. Cause I would give anything to stay here beside you. To see you smiling at me."

  "That's good, because I'd like to do something." She kissed him.

  "Huh, I wanted to do the same thing." And they kissed again. Young love born and dreams seemed like they could come true everywhere. Heroes ready to fight against evil. Children of the ocean ready to make a difference if they can.

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