Only you. ben hardy/roger t...

By exsjoint

182 11 3

i was at a bar with my friend, after getting broken up with, and a band started playing, it was called smile... More



3 0 0
By exsjoint

me and roger jumped up when we heard banging on the door, it was 4am

i put on rogers shirt as i walked out the room, its not like we did anything, it was just hot last night and i just took off my shirt, room was very dark anyway

"christ." i say opening the door seeing mary, john, brian, freddie and chris

"may i ask why so early?" i say as they all walk in holding suit cases "please tell me you guys are packed and ready. our flight leaves at 7" freddie says as i remember "america!" i say rushing to my room seeing roger laying there rubbing his eyes

i jumped on the bed "get up!" i say pulling him, knowing its no use since he's bigger then me

"why?" he asks as he pulls me down to lay with him "america" i say as he gasps "thats right" he says as i giggle

"why didn't you tell me you were only in a bra and shorts last night?" he asked as i shoved him off me

"shut up and get ready" i say going to my dresser and looking at myself in the mirror

soon i was scooped and thrown over rogers shoulder

"put me down!" i say hitting his bare back, since he had no shirt on

we walked by mary and them "help!" i say as roger made his way to the kitchen "tell me to shut up again" he says turning on the cold water

"not the feet!" i yelled as my foot got close to the water

"i'm sorry it's to early for this!" i say knowing my neighbors are probably confused right now

"i'll flash you my tits put me down!" i say as roger almost drops me "jokes on you!" i say running off and jumping on the couch

"help me" i say as roger stands in front of me "its 4am, what are you guys doing?" freddie asked

"she lied to me, she told me to shut up" roger said pointing at me "tattle tits" i said standing up and smacking his ass as i walk by him

"she even smacks my ass!" roger said sounding like a child "i'm not your dad" freddie said swatting roger away


soon we were all ready, we were all packed in a van brian borrowed

"children behave!" john said since me and roger kept shoving eachother in the vehicle "roger started it"

"aubrey started it" me and roger said at the same time

then i randomly yawned "it is to early" i say laying on rogers lap "we'll be at the airport in another 45 minutes" brian said as i looked at rogers watch, it was 5am

i looked up at roger, i looked at john, since i was on the middle seat "can i rest my legs on you" i asked as he nodded his head yeah

"wake me up when we get there" i told roger as i closed my eyes

i was half asleep and could feel rogers hand slowly stop playing with my hair and his breathing went slower

"think there gonna last?" i hear john say as i feel everybody look at us, but i kept my eyes shut "i mean, they already fight like an old married couple" i hear brian say

"her and mary are doing much better then i expected." i hear freddie say

"there living for him." john says as i know he's talking about tristen

"roger helps aubrey a lot" brian says as we come to a stop, probably at a stop sign "and fred helps mary a lot too" john says

"do you think they told each other they loved each other yet?" i hear john say as he fixes my shoe "probably not, there both scared of love" brian says

thats when i fell asleep again

rogers pov

i fell asleep for ten minutes but woke up because we hit a bump "oops" brian says as aubrey slowly woke up "shh" i told her as i played with her hair, she got comfortable and her breathing went steady again

"my thighs cramping" i say as freddie laughs "but that's alright" i say as freddie looks back at me

he looked at aubrey sleeping and smiled

thats when she randomly kept twitching "nightmare" john says as i grab her hand

after awhile she shot up "fuck sakes." she muttered and rubbed her eyes, laying back down slowly

i looked down at her as she was looking at brian and freddie

"how much longer till we get there?" she asked groaning as she sat up and took her legs off john

"10 more minutes" brian says as she started cracking her back

then she yawned and hid her face in her knees "who has a cigarette?" she asked as freddie reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack

she lifted her head up and grabbed the smoke freddie handed her "light?" she asked as i gave her mine

i rolled down my window a little bit as she took a big drag

she coughed a little bit but then laid her head on my shoulder

aubreys pov

i was so tired "my ass is cramping" i said as brian and them chuckled

"mind waking up mary?" freddie says looking back at me

i took another drag and put the smoke in rogers mouth as i looked back "shit" i muttered as i had to climb on my knees to actually reach her

"roger if you look at my ass i'm kneeing you in the nose" i say as he looks out the window

"mary, darling, we're almost at the airport" i say shaking her, she slowly got up as i started shaking chris

"chrissie, chris, we're almost there" i say as she jumps up

"okay.." i say as she giggles "sorry, i just jump like that when someone wakes me up." she says as i laugh

as i was trying to sit back on my ass my pants got stuck "roger" i say as he looks at me "how the hell does that happen" he says trying to get me out

"foot getting dangerously up my thigh!" john says as i move my foot "sorry!" i say as roger got me out

we arrived at the airport as we all started getting out


"go sit with the boys" i say to rog as he keeps trying to sit beside me "come wake me up when we're landing and i'll come sit with you" i say forcing him to sit down beside the window as i sat diagonally from him

mary sat by window with chris in the middle and me at the end

roger and john sat together and brian and freddie sat behind me and the two girls

we got comfortable and went straight back to bed


i kept waking up every now and then, going to the bathroom, nightmare or i need a glass of water

i went back to bed and got awoken by roger

"look baby come" he says as i unbuckled myself groaning

"look come." he says sitting down on his seat pulling me on his lap

he slowly opened the blinds to his window as i gasped

there was a sunset, with city lights

i looked out the window amazed as i forgot roger was beside me

"your so gorgeous." he says as i look at him, i smiled and kissed him

"i'm trying to watch the sunset too." john says behind us as we broke from the kiss laughing

"aubrey." roger says beside me "yes my love?" i say looking out the window

"nevermind ill tell you when we land" he says as the flight attendant told us to buckle up "see you when we land." i say pecking rogers lips as i go sit back down on my seat


"come on come on come on!" i say pulling roger out of the airport "hold on!" he says as i drag him either way

i gasped as we ran outside "its so beautiful here!" i say as he smiles at me

i could hear mary and them behind me, i looked back as they all stared in wow

soon we heard a beep beside us as we looked "and thats our ride." freddie says as we walk towards the bus, it said queen on the side

"and off to the hotel" brian says as me and roger sit down beside each other looking at the city lights since it was now night time


"okay so." freddie says stopping in front of us "609 roger, aubrey, and john" freddie says handing us the key card

"610 brian and chrissie" he says handing them a card "and us 611" freddie says wrapping his arm around mary

we all walked into our hotel rooms at the same time, they were all beside each other "are our rooms connected?" i say opening a door beside me as i see mary and freddie

"hi guys" i say smiling as they smile back

i walked over to another door to see brian and chris

"hi chris" i say smiling as she waves at me

"please no shagging beside me." john says putting his suitcase on his bed

"no promises" roger says as i jump on the bed, him beside me as i kick him in the leg

"we wont john" i say as i smile at him


me and roger were laying there "what did you wanna tell me on the plane?" i asked looking up at rog, the moon coming from the window being our only source of light

he started shaking slightly

"aubrey i.. i-" he struggled to say "i love you." he says as i started shaking a bit too

"please don't say it back if you don't mean it" he says as i smile "i love you to rog." i say as he sighs

"and i really do mean it." i say wrapping my arm around him as i see his smile

"goodnight aubrey." he says pecking me on the lips "goodnight taylor" i say smiling

"i love you" he says "i love you too."

"love you too" john says as i laugh

"goodnight john, love you" i say as i hear him chuckle "love you too bree" he says as i fall asleep

they love each other chat..

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