Before This All Happened

By Baby_Gerken247

61K 1.7K 106

When everything turns upside down for Stiles, someone surprises him by being there for him. who is that someo... More

My unexpected
The Fear of everything
Whats happening to Stiles
Black hole sun
Love at home

Before This All Happened (TEEN WOLF MPREG)

13.6K 206 39
By Baby_Gerken247

Stiles P.O.V

Before this all happened we were close friends we used to tell each other everything, but then one night our relationship changed. Yeah we still talk but he acts like we never did anything like he simply forgot, and now he is suddenly straight not gay how could that happen. I thought he loved me but after our relationship changed from friends to lovers it is no longer the same. I sometimes feel sick to my stomach, almost every time I see Scott I feel like I want to throw up, sometimes I do. He didn’t even know what was going on with the whole werewolf thing, he didn’t want to listen to me. That night he scared me he almost hurt me, I have never seen him that mad especially being mad at me.

When you left that night to go hang out with that girl, I felt my heart shatter and eventually cried myself to sleep thinking of how we used to be. How could you, Scott, hold such a power over me; we only slept 3 times and that was after we both realized we liked each other more than just plain old friends. I still remember the first time it brings back some of the best memories in my life. I’ve cried so hard thinking about you, thinking about what you are doing, I’ve cried to the point of throwing up because all the pain of you rejecting me causes my stomach to hurt.

It was 2 am when suddenly I started to have really bad cramps and had the sudden urge to pee. I went into the bathroom and felt like if I was peeing myself, as I pull my pants odd I notice my legs are covered in blood. “Where did that blood come from,” I say to myself I soon realize that it is coming out of my ass. I started to freak out “Why is blood coming out of my ass,” I say frantically getting undressed and hopping into the shower. As I am showering I start to think who can I tell about my little problem, I then realize I can’t tell anyone not my dad that would be too weird and especially not Scott since I doubt he cares.

I still have craps so it takes me a while to wash away all the blood I have to lean on the shower wall with my head in my arms taking deep breaths until they pass. I look down and see blood mixed with water twirl down the drain, with blood still running down my legs. I start to think “Where did all this blood come from” and “Since when do I bleed from my butthole.” I finally wash away all the blood and it appears that the bleeding has stopped I still have cramps but not as bad as when I woke up. I walk into my room wearing nothing but boxers and I lay down getting ready to sleep. Before sleep takes me away I start thinking of everything that has happened and finally close my eyes.

I woke up with a sudden urge to vomit. As I emptied my stomach contents I hear the door open I pay no attention my dad is probably leaving.

As I am dry heaving Scott walks in “Dude you ok?” he asks after handing me a cup of water to try to settle my stomach.

“Ya I'm fine” I said as I stand up

“I wouldn’t call that fine” Scott said as I walked right pass him

“I’m fine” I said sitting on my bed getting ready for school.

“Stay home your sick, I’ll tell your dad you are sick if you say no” Scott said

“Fine you better go then the bus leaves in 10 minutes” I said looking at my watch.

“Oh shit” Scott says running off.

As I laid in bed all I could remember was all the blood, I looked at the ceiling and I couldn’t wrap my head around the blood. Again I think “Where did it come from.”

10 minutes later

I am still lying on my bed with my eyes closed when Scott bursts into my room.

“I know I said stay home because your sick but can you at least give me a ride to school then you go straight back home” Scott said

“Ya but no to the coming back, I don’t want to miss any school” I said sitting up

“Fine but if you feel worse you’re going home ok” Scott said handing me my school bag.

“Ok I can do that” I said taking the school bag.

We got to school right on time, and so far I was feeling fine that was until I got to third period and instantly started to feel sick and irritated, and to top it off Scott decided to follow me to the bathroom to “keep an eye on me.” When I was done in the bathroom I immediately left no bothering to say anything to Scott. When I got home I got the sudden urge to puke again and as I walked into the bathroom I saw dried blood on the shower floor. That got me started on thinking about last night up until now I have pushed that memory to the back of my mind until now.

“Why did I bleed,” I say aloud to myself when a thought crossed my mind. “Wait no that isn’t possible,” I say aloud to myself. I got on my computer and searched ‘What would make me bleed from their assholes’ and ‘Can men have vaginas.’ The results shocked me it was a yes to the vaginas and my world fell apart. I started to freak out again and started to call myself names like freak, girl boy, and fag. But I had to know more so then I typed ‘can men get pregnant’ and before I pressed enter I closed my eyes hoping the answer was no. I opened one eye then the other and I instantly regretted it I read and I found that on rare occasions men can in fact get pregnant not only that but men can have uteruses they can sometimes have a fully workable menstrual cycle, and they can conceive.

As I stared at the screen for what felt like hours thinking back to the times I had anal sex. Scott kept reappearing, I started to thing did we us a condom the answer was always no. Why would we use a condom we were each other’s first and guys it just didn’t make any sense. As I sat there my door swung open and I immediately close my monitor trying to hide what I was looking at. I see that Scott is standing in front of my door with a look of concern but all I can manage to do is plaster a fake smile on my face.

“How are you feeling?” Scott asked walking in and sitting on my bed

“Fine now, why?” I asked get up from my computer chair

“Nothing I was just wondering” Scott said

“Ya so how was the rest of school” I asked praying he would leave soon.

“Fine, damn I forgot I’m going out on a double date tonight and I have to go and get ready” Scott said as I thank whoever.

“Ok well it was nice talking to you” I said getting ready to learn more of what might be happening to me.

I listen for the front door to close and I get up and shut and lock my door, don’t need any more interruptions. I looked up the definitions for period and pregnancy, as I read I started to realize I was having symptoms closely related to that of being pregnant. As I continued to read I read it started saying that slight bleeding might occur during pregnancy, but as I continue I read that it could also mean I miscarried which is a more common response to bleeding.

I decided to go to Walgreens I needed to know if I was pregnant and if last night was just me having my period. I walked in and went straight to the pregnancy aisle I decided to take a couple seeing as you can never be too sure. When I go and pay for the test the cashier gives me a weird look.

“Yeah a girl thinks I knocked her up” I said

“Yeah okay whatever” the cashier responds.

I walked out of the store and got into my truck and drove home. I climbed in through my window hoping my dad didn’t notice I left, which he didn’t. I sat on my bed staring at the boxes, what if, what if I am, what am I supposed to do, tell him yeah no I don’t think so Scott would probably hate what I am. I just need to do it get it over with. I got up walked straight into the bathroom I unzipped my pants and peed on the tip of the sticks, I sat on the toilet with my hand over my face my elbows on my knees on my tipy toes with my legs boncing as I waited what seemed forever for the timer on my phone to go off. When it finally did I looked up I grabed the sticks and saw two pink lines, I’m pregnant with Scott’s baby, Scott’s. Tears ran down my face at the realization that I am pregnant with Scott’s baby.


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