Satan Reincarnate (re-written)

By billswife__

250K 6.2K 21.4K

Angelina Levine was a Young Woman Just trying to pursue her dream of the writing arts. Little did she know, i... More

New life, New regrets
mistakes are made
I like blondes
Living in absolute fear
Wipe My Mind
Heart To Heart
Devil disguised as Man
In the dark
Changes Begin
Barbie Doll Racers
Posing for the Press
May, June, then July
Katie, Katty & Kandy
Just Don't Say No
"Hang Out"
Red Chair
One Less Doll
Public Humiliation
Different Mind
Tear me Apart
Change or Brain Rot?
Who's there?
Unspoken Knowledge
Just My Girl
A Liars Truth
Taking what he Wants
Biggest Mistake
Her Prettiest Problem
Someone Who Knows
Face in the Hedges
What I Love
Irony smell of the Inside
Path to more Pain
Stockholm Syndrome
Monsters Come from Monsters
Depression Cherry
Pride Sucker
All Mine, What Cost?
Liar Liar
Lie to the Liars
Fair Game
Heartbreak Hotel


2.7K 88 241
By billswife__


I layed there, remembering how Bill effortlessly shot Lukas right between his sad, blue eyes. I thought about how I screamed for him not to, the fact Lukas was the one who made Bill this way was then unknown. He got his karma, his creation came right back around and blew his demented mind onto a wall. A shiver rang down my spine, and I wrapped my hands around my face. I wished I could just suck that video out of my mind- it made me wan to scratch out my eyes. Hearing that little girl cry and watching the color drain from her body was something unmatched. I hadn't seen her face, it was covered by a werewolf mask. I was glad her face was hidden, I could only imagine her expression. That poor, sweet girl looked no more than ten years old. 

This was a moment where I needed to talk to someone the most. Now, all that pressure would just stay loaded up on my chest for me to deal with. Who was there to talk to? Nobody. If I opened up, Bill would know I went through his stuff and found something he would probably prefer hidden. I can't turn it into the police, because I would be caught and killed anyways. I was stuck, stuck and afraid. I let silent tears drip down my sorry face, I didn't know what to do with that video replaying over and over again in my mind. I hadn't any idea how long it had been since I shut the camera off, but it felt timeless. I looked up the Bill's door, my eyes gazing at the doorknob. I wasn't even going to try, it was probably locked or rigged or something. My ears rang with the cry of the shower as he turned it off, and opened the curtain. I listened to everything, trying to find something to distract from the movie in my head. 

I attempted to rest on the fact that I wouldn't ever be safe with Bill, no matter how I felt about him. But, I also decided he was no monster, well, he most definitely was. I couldn't properly explain it.. it was like he knew he was horrible, I knew he was horrible, everybody did. But, he didn't know any other way. He thought it was okay, and he was too far gone for his mind to be changed. I took a deep breath, I just had to get through it day by day. During school, I would always tell myself to just 'make it to Friday'. Now, all I need to tell myself is 'make it to tomorrow'.

My eyes snapped shut as I heard his bathroom door creak open, and smelled the steam as it escaped through the walkway. His steps were quiet, and the time stamp between each one he took was heavily exaggerated. The dents his feet made on the floor got closer, and closer until I felt small droplets dripping off of him onto me. He was standing right over me with no idea that I knew what he did. He didn't advertise it, which meant he wanted it hidden from everyone. I felt more frozen than usual, like he knew what I was thinking. I was uncomfortably afraid and almost felt like he knew what I had done, and was waiting for me to move. 

I felt the pressure lighten up as he stood up straight, and walked around to the side of the bed I was on. I felt his hand on my shoulder, grasping it as he rubbed up and down. It was eerie how kind he could make you believe he was. How perfect he deceived you into thinking he could be.

"Angelina, I know you're awake." He whispered, his face inches from mine.

My heart grew faster with each of his words, he always knew. I slowly opened by eyes, looking at him look at me. His face was bare, he looked so kind. 

"Come on, get up." He ordered quietly, pulling me up by my arm.

He pulled me to his bathroom, and opened up a drawer. He tore open a pack of toothbrushes, and snatched toothpaste from a top shelf. He opened the mirror on the wall, and set some kind of 'gentle skin cleanser' on the counter. 

"Freshen up." He said, watching me as he leaned on the doorway. 

I looked at him through the mirror, and wordlessly nodded. I was flattered, it was a very generous gesture he proposed. This was a true act of kindness, but nothing would ever be enough to make me forget who he was. He wouldn't change, people don't change.  Not for anybody. My shaking hand turned on the faucet, and ran the bristles underneath before putting a line of toothpaste on. I quietly scrubbed my mouth a few times, then my tongue, and spit everything into the sink. I washed out my mouth, and wet my face with the warm water. I put my hair behind my ears, and rubbed the wash on my face. My face grew warm as I felt him take my hair in his large, jeweled hands and hold it back out of water's way.

His thumbs twirled some of my curls, one of his fingers running through the slight tangles. I splashed the water on my face, and was alarmed at how red I was when I looked in the mirror. I felt guilty that he could make me feel this way, even after knowing all he's done. Maybe I was the one with issues. I patted y blushed face in the towel, and turned around as he let my hair down. 

"Thanks." I whispered. Always say thank you, even to people who don't deserve it. You have no idea what they'll do if you don't.

He switched of the main light, leaving only a small flicker of brightness on in the corner; the rest of the room pitch black. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear him moving around. At some point of standing there mindlessly, if felt him looming behind me has he put a hand on my hip. I jumped bit, making him hold back a mocking laugh. He pushed me down hard onto the bed, and rolled me over. He got on next to me, it happened so fast I couldn't even recall anything. His hands were all over me, pulling me under the covers and close to him. He wasn't wearing a shirt, only pants as he pressed me against him- he was so warm, and smelled so good. I closed my eyes, but immediately opened them as that video started flashing in my head. The person who recorded and produced all events of that clip was currently cradling me in his bare arms.

"What's the matter?" He asked, his voice interrupting the tranquility of his quiet room. I hated how he could always tell what I was feeling, and what I was thinking. Nothing was secret.

"Nothing." I whispered, unmoving.  

His hand traveled from the back of my neck, and down my shirt. I melted into his warm hand as he rested it on my cool skin, pressing down.

"Your heart is suddenly so fast, you're cold.." He started, naming all signs of panic. "Your breathing is incredibly fast and you're shiftier than usual."

I opened my eyes, unbelievably annoyed at how good he was at watching everything I did. He really wasn't kidding when he told me he knows everything about me.

"Answer me." He said, his voice harder. "I hate those one word answers. I talk to you, and you speak back to me." He snapped, his mouth on my forehead.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm okay." I murmured.

"Liar." He bit, his hands tightening around my neck and torso at rapid pace. 


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