Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Dev...

Von Amropali

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This is the third series on the wives of Karna. The first one was "Uruvi". While the second one was "Vrushali... Mehr

Chapter 1: Simple Supriya
Chapter 2: Supriya's Deity
Chapter 3: Flashback: Apsara Rambha's Curse
Chapter 4: Flashback: Rambha & King Chitrangad
Chapter 5: Flashback: Birth of Supriya
Chapter 6: Chitrangad reluctant to accept Supriya!!
Chapter 7: Princess became a Maid!!!
Chapter 8: Supriya met her Mother Rambha!!
Chapter 9: Bhanu knows Supriya's Identity!!
Chapter 10: Bhanumati's Obsession on Arjuna
Chapter 11: Supriya's Devotion on Karna
Chapter 12: Introducing Karna: Supriya's God!!!
Chapter 13: Introducing Padmavati: Supriya's Goddess!!!
Chapter 14: Introducing Arjuna: Bhanu's Obsession!!!
Chapter 15: Introducing Duryodhan: Bhanu's nightmare!!
Chapter 16: Bhanumati's Impeding Swayambar & Supriya
Chapter 17: Call for Arjuna, not Duryodhan
Chapter 18: Duryodhan's Evil Plan
Chapter 19: Abduction of Bhanumati & Karna's conditions
Chapter 20: Supriya-Karna face off
Chapter 21: Bhanumati's Condition to unite Karna-Supriya
Chapter 22: Karna opposed the idea
Chapter 23: Padma convinced Karna to marry Supriya!!
Chapter 24: Karna-Supriya Marriage
Chapter 25: Twin marriages passify Kalinga
Chapter 26: Karna's absence on Wedding Night!!
Chapter 27: Supriya-Karna soul connection!!!
Chapter 28: Supriya maid in Marital Abode!!
Chapter 29: Conspiracy against Supriya!!!
Chapter 30: Supriya blamed for Padma's illness!!
Chapter 31: Supriya: Silent Spectator of downfall!!!
Chapter 32: Supriya's Solace: Vrishasen
Chapter 33: Conspiracy against Supriya revealed!!
Chapter 34: Karna-Supriya: So near yet so far!!
Chapter 35: Supriya's Agony moved Padma
Chapter 36: Padma accepts Supriya!!!
Chapter 37: Padma's Plan to unite Karna-Supriya!!!
Chapter 38: Karna accepts Supriya!!
Chapter 39: Supriya's Supreme Sacrifice!!!
Chapter 40: Supriya decides to leave Karna!!!!
Chapter 41: Heart-Beoken Karna decides to forget her!!
Chapter 42: Supriya's Seclusion & mysterious Twins!!
Chapter 43: Introducing Chitrasen: Young Warrior!!
Chapter 44: Introducing Satyasen: Shy Observer!!
Chapter 45: Supriya stops Jayadratha!!!
Chapter 46: Karna-Supriya chance encounter & A Letter!!!
Chapter 47: Introducing Banasen: Brave toddler!!
Chapter 49: Chitrasen & Satyasen stops Karna!!
Chapter 48: Introducing Shatrunjay & Dpitatva: Little Pillars!!
Chapter 50: Supriya stops Karna & sons!!!
Chapter 51: Karna-sons happy union!!!
Chapter 52: Supriya bade goodbye to Sons!!
Chapter 53: Supriya refused to go with Karna!!
Chapter 54: Padma accepts Supriya sons as her!!
Chapter 55: Karna & Supriya missing each other!!
Chapter 56: Introducing Sushen & Prasen: naughty devils!!
Chapter 57: Padmavati's Last Miscarriage brings Supriya back!!
Chapter 58: Padma demands a son from Supriya!!
Chapter 59: Karna-Supriya Last Union!!!
Chapter 60: Supriya waited for Karna!!
Chapter 61: Supriya sensed entry of Uruvi in Karna's life!!!
Chapter 62: Supriya's Pregnancy brings Karna back!!!
Chapter 63: Supriya learnt of Karna-Uruvi accidental marriage!!!
Chapter 64: Supriya indifferent of Karna-Uruvi union
Chapter 65: Supriya left Karna again
Chapter 66: Supiya met Uruvi!!!
Chapter 67: Uruvi & sons stays with Supriya!!!
Chapter 68: Karna angry on Supriya!!!
Chapter 69: Supriya's ill Heath worried Karna!!
Chapter 70: Karna Met Supriya again
Chapter 71: Supiya's aloofness broke Karna!!
Chapter 72: Birth of Supriyo Vrishaketu
Chapter 73: Supriya gave away Vrish to Padma!!
Chapter 74: Karna hurt by Supriya's decision!!
Chapter 75: Karna-Supriya Final Separation!!
Chapter 76: Mother & Son: Supriya-Vrishasen
Chapter 77: Supriya's welcome at Anga
Chapter 78: Supriya met Vrishaketu & sons
Chapter 79: Supriya convinced Karna to bring back Uruvi!!!
Chapter 80: Padma & Supriya welcomed Uruvi
Chapter 81: Supriya prepared Uruvi for Karna
Chapter 82: Supriya united Karna-Uruvi!!!
Chapter 83: Karna confessed love for Uruvi before Supriya!!
Chapter 84: Supriya entitled "Mahasati" by Vasusdev!!
Chapter 85: Karna's confusion & Supriya happiness for Uruvi!!!
Chapter 86: Supriya's war strategy impressed Karna!!
Chapter 87: Supriya saved Anga from Binay Datt!!!
Chapter 88: Supriya slained powerful demon Bijaydutt!!
Chapter 89: Uruvi's rumoured miscarriage broke Supriya!!
Chapter 91: Arjuna's vow & Supriya-Karna reconciliation!!!!
Chapter 92: Supriya & Ganga: Road to Parashuram!!!
Chapter 93: Supriya & Parashuram: Road to Kailash?!!
Chapter 94: Parashuram's guidance & Supriya's test!!!
Chapter 95: Supriya's Penace & boon by Shiva-Parvati!!!
Chapter 96: 13 yrs gap: Supriya met with Padmaja, Uru-Padma!!!
Chapter 97: Supriya met with 7 sons!!
Chapter 98: Uru-Padma & Sons pleaded to Supriya!!
Chapter 99: Vrishasen brings Supriya back to Anga!!
Chapter 100: Vrishi's rejection & Supriya's agony!!
Chapter 101: Supriya warned Karna not to fight against Pandava!!
Chapter 102: Karna ignored Supriya's pleads!!
Chapter 103: Sons asked permission of Supriya!!!
Chapter 104: Conspiracy to slain Supriya by killing her sons!!!
Chapter 105: Supriya waiting for Sons Arrival!!
Chapter 106: Supriya's all sons are dead!!
Chapter 107: Vrishasen's marriage enlighten Supriya
Chapter 108: Supriya met Vrishasen for last time!!!
Chapter 109: Vrishasen's death broke Supriya!!
Chapter 110: Supriya at Deathbed!!
Chapter 111: Supriya's plead to Padma to die with Karna!!!
Chapter 112: Karna bade goodbye to Supriya!!
Chapter 113: Supriya sensed Disaster!!
Chapter 114: Supriya saw Karna's corpse!!
Chapter 115: Supriya died at Karna's feet!!!
Chapter 116: Supriya-Karna burnt together
Chapter 117: Tribute to Supriya as Brahmaputri Sutanuka!!
Chapter 118: Supriya's happy union with sons!!!
Chapter 119: Supriya-Karna reconciliation at Heaven!!
Chapter 120: End Credit, achievements & Epilogue

Chapter 90: Draupadi's insult & Uruvi's disappearance shocked Supriya!!!

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Von Amropali

Political scenario of India at that time:

The political scenario of India and the Indian subcontinents were changing fast. The making of new state named Indrapratha was making Suyodhan very angry. He was not ready to give a small amount of land to his cousins. And when he visited it, the lavishness and grand artitecture of the palace had took his breath away. More than that the insult of him as a "Son of a blind father" was adding fuel in his rage. He was fuming in anger. He was plotting against Pandava and their beloved wife Krishna. He was dying to take avenge of his insult. In the mean process as usual he got the help of his ruthless and cunning uncle Shakuni and his 99 siblings. His best friend cum advisor karna had nothing to say about it. Whenever he had tried to resonate with Duryi, Mama Shakuni cleverly asked questions about his loyalty and he had to be quite. He had tried hard in vain. Mama Shakuni had taken the chance to avenge the brutal murder. Of his own clan. Foolish Duryodhan was his prey in it.

Two things were happening side by side. First one was the most infamous incident of Mahabharata. The Cheer Haran of Draupadi. The second one was not so known to all. Disaeppering of Uruvi. To save her sons and her husband Karna. She ran away to beg for the lives of her near and dear ones as she too understood that war was looming in the horizon. And that war was more devastating than the war of Anga and Pukeya. I am leaving this second side as it is not relevant here. It is discussed elaborately in my story on "Uruvi".

Draupadi Cheer Haran:

As planned by Mamashree Shakuni and Crown Prince Duryodhan, the Pandava brothers were called for a dice game. At Hasrinapur. They had already called Kaurava in their own capital beforehand. So they were at that time clueless of the crooked plan. They were invited by Mahatma Vidur whom they respected very much. So in the auspicious day they came to their own home at Hastinpaur. Along with Druapadi. Subhadra was at that time at her maternal abode.

On that day Yudhhisthir was lured to play the game. He was a good dice player himself. So he took the bet. He did not know that it was a plan to take his belongings. From him. On the day Karna was sent away. In some secret mission. By Mama Shakuni. He knew that Anga Raj would stop them. In the plan. He was never in the favor of it. At that time he was worried for his youngest wife Uruvi. She was grieving for Padmaja. So he gladly took that chance and went away. He did not a bit interested in the evil palnnaing of Mama Shakuni. But alas!!! His destiny was against him!!! So he came back at the nick of the moment when Krishna was stripped off!!!

Karna sensed a disaster and he came back. To stop Duryi. But at that time Yudhhi already lost himself and his 4 brothers. In the bet. Even he lost his wife. Draupadi too.

Draupadi was ordered to drag at the court. By Duryodhan. The guards did not obey his order. Only Dusashan, his loyal sibling, obeyed it. He dragged Druapadi to the open court by her long hair.

She cried. In pain. She took the sword and stabbed at Dusashan's hands. She fought bravely. She struggled hard. Yet that man did not let her go. She had to crawl down the stairs. By the force. All gathered on the Royal Court shivered down by seeing the horror. A girl was been molested openly at the public!!! Even being the Kul badhu or the dear daughter-in-law of the clan!!!

Karna entered into the premise when he heard of the news. At that time Krishna had been thrown to the feet of Duryodhan. He ran to the room in hurry. He had to stop this nonsense!!! Alas!!! He could not!!!

When he entered the room Draupadi was in one cloth and shaking hard. She was Raj swala or in her period at that time. She did not know that she had to be molested like this way.

Karna ran to Duryodhan when he had ordered to Dusashan to strip off the girl. "Mitra, Aisa mat Karo. (Don't do that, my friend.)" He tried to stop him. In vain. Duryi was not listening to his wise advice.

"Ek Stri joh panch Pati ki sath rahe wose tumhare dharm sahastra kya kehta hain?!! (What your religious books call a girl who live with five men?!!)" Duryi churned his mustache in happiness. He wanted to see the girl to feel the same humiliation that he felt in Indrapratha.

         Kumar Duryodhan (Duryi)

          Mamashree Shakuni

Karna stood motionless. He did not want to utter the word. Several times the he saw the blood soaked body of his son Sudama before his eyes. His cheering. His blind faith in him. His last cry. His last try to lift his hand to touch his father. His innocence. His last smile. His last breath. His calling of Karna


He recalled the pride of Bheem. The indifferent attitude of Arjuna. Smirk of  Nakul-Sahadev. Stunning face of Draupadi. Fake politeness of Yuddhi. Everything. He wanted to avenge the death of his son. Truly. Yet he wanted it in the battlefield. Not like that way. He was angry when he had cursed Krishna. He did not meant that!!! Not a bit!!! "God!!! What to do now?!!" He asked in mind. He missed his chief advisor cum brother-in-law Banasen very much. He was like his shadow. Like his sister Padma.

'Kyun Anga Raj bolo kya kehlate hain aise stri?!!! (Come. Come. Tell us what that kind of women are known as!!)" Mama Shakuni provoked him. He was plotting to demolish Karna in the able hands of Arnajua too. God knew what was in the crooked mind of this man?

"Mitra!!!!" Duryodhan asked him with anger.

Karna made a blunder here. He had to keep quite. He should maintain his silence. But no. He was under the debt of Duryodhan. So he preferred to be with him. He preferred to sink with him. To die with his best friend. Even it was not his fault a bit nor his own plan to insult Draupadi (that man had not think to disrespect any woman in his life) he took the blame on his own shoulders. Ved Vyas blamed him as a sinner and plotter of this nasty plan when he was just a prey in the cruel play of destiny and Mama Shakuni.

He had looked calmly and declared the answer aloud with a small sigh (he did not want to badmouth Draupadi)

"Besya (Filthy woman)!!!!"

Karna can't you keep quiet here!!! Why you take the blame over your own head when you are a victim here too!!!

         Anga Raj Radheya Karna

Another husky baritone voice rang in his eardrum repeatedly

"Apne thik nahin kiya, Bade bhaiya. Kyun apne pran ki ahuti akaran de diya?!! Bhabi Supriya ki bare main tanik bhi nahin socha!!! (You don't do it right, elder brother. Why you have to donate Your Own life in this war of brothers?!! At least think of sister-in-law Supriya and her devotion!!!)"

Karna closed his eyelids slowly. Tears were threatening to fall down. He had nothing to do now. He knew what he had done and why. He had to call for the war and he did that. His lifelong hardship to prove himself as the best Archer of India would be fruitful in this upcoming war. He knew it!! None could stop him now. Neither Uruvi nor even Supriya!!! Neither his love nor his Goddess!!! This Dan Beer had donated his life that day!!!

"Main tere jibhva phar lunga yeah toh teri Shish kat dunga, dust!!! (I will tear down your tongue or cut off your head, you evil man!!!)" Arjuna cried aloud. In despair. He loved Draupadi most.

Karna smiled a little. Lifelssly. It was his plan to provoke Arjuna. For the battle. He succeeded in it. He knew it least Arjuna could not control his temper.

He lifted his clam eyes to Arjuna and replied firmly "Us din ki pratiksha toh is Sut Putra ko janam se hain. Par ek baat Smaran rakhna Priyo Arjuna ki karna ka shish koi ped pe jhulti huyi am nahin ki tum jab chaho kat lo. Yeh sish nahin kabhi jhunki hain. Na tum usse jhunka paoge. (This lowly Son of a charioteer is waiting eagerly for that day, my dear Arjuna. But remember one this that this is the head of mine. Head of Karna. It never lowers to anyone. You can't lower it too.)" A grin appeared in his face. But it was not a bit a satisfying One, rather a sad one. He was feeling sorry for everything!!!

His eyes met with Yudhhi who was sweating hard yet the man looked at his face intently. He could not believe his ears. He never thought that Karna could say this nasty word for Krishna. Was he the same man who gave him fruit at childhood?!! Was he the same man about who helped their mother countless times?!!! Was he the same man who saved them from fire at the time of Barnabat?!! He could not be able to think so!!!

You are right Yudhhi!!! He was not the soft Hearted young boy who helped you. He was not a gentleman who had helped your mother Kunti. He was not a husband of Padmavati who was in your debt to save her. He was just a best friend of Duryodhan!!!! He was just a grieving father of the six years old dead Sudama!!!

  Dharm Raj Yudhhisthir (Yudhhi)

Karna looked at Yudhhi and calmly moved his lips in silence to say this "Hame khed hain!!! (I am truly very sorry!!)"

With a jolt Yudhhisthir understood everything. He had told that line to Karna when he lost Sudama!!! He too uttered the same thing to him at his day. When Draupadi lost her honor!!! Tit for tat!!!! He bit his lips and then nodded his head dismissively. He had the tremendous intelligence power. He knew that Arjuna and Bheem would not forgive him for this!!! He, even now, felt sorry for the so-called villain according to Ved Vyas!!! Even after everything!!! He knew that this man had nothing to do!!! Exocet to take the responsibility and perish!!!

What happened next is futile to our story. It will be controversial and will be discussed elaborately in the story of "Vrushali" or Padmavati.

At the Royal chamber of Supriya: the same time:

At her temple side, one beautiful girl was sitting lifelessly. Days passed out. Neither she came out of the pain nor her baby sister Uruvi.  They both were mourning hard. For loosing the baby. She did not believe in the theory of Padma that a miracle happened and the baby was saved. It was impossible to believe!!!

All of a sudden a strong gust of chilly wind rushed into the room from nowhere. The lamp or Akhand Jyot flickered hard. It was fisghting hard with the wind. To keep itself burinng.

For a second her brain stopped to work. Then she instantly lifted her both palms. To guard the lamp and it's flame to keep on burning.

She looked at the direction of sky and murmured softly "Kanha, sahayata karo. (Lord Krishna, help me.)" She did not know that Draupadi at the same time was asking the same. When her clothes were stripped off.

She heard a loud sigh in her eardrum and then the answer of Lord Krishna
"Uski kya sahayata karun Bhabishree Supriya jisne apne Pran ka ahuti dene ka nischay kar liya hain!!! (How to help him who is determined to end his own life in his own hands?!!)" He meant of her husband Karna!!!!

She opened her eyes wide in horror. What he meant by that?!!! She sensed a disaster herself. She even tried to stop her husband but he did not listen to her pleading. He never listen to her anymore!!!! After she refuted him!!!

"Pad apne hame vachan diya tha!!! (But you promised me!!)" She told him in choked voice. Her heart was now thumping aloud.

"Karna ki kavach Karna ke sath hi jayega!!! Nischint ho jaiye!!! (Don't you worry too much. The armor of Karna will go along with him.)" He meant herself!!! Lord Krishna had been comparing Supriya as the armor of Karna!!!

God knew what she understood but a bright smile appeared on her lips. She was now certain!!! Of something!!!!

         Devi Sutanuka Supriya

Several moths later: at the chamber of Uruvi:

Supriya stood motionless. Holding a letter. Of her baby sister Uruvi. She wrote the letter to Supriya that made her extremely worried now.

"Priyo Jiji,

Jab tak apko yeah patra milega tab tak Ham ja chuke honge. Hame ek antim prayas karna hoga. Apne santanoko aur apni swami ko banchane ki.

Is Bharat Varsha main hamari atirikt aur koi nahin jo Bhrata Duryi aur Bhrata Yudhhi ko samjha sake. Ham jante hain ki Dyut Krira ki sart ke anusar pandava ko 12 barsh ke liye Ban Bas pe jana hoga. Is liye Ham itni sighrata kar rahe hain.

Apko anurodh hain ki Unhe kuch mat batana. Barna woh mujhe Bhratasree Yudhirthir se bat nahin karne denge. Wonhe apne pran priyo nahin. Pad hame toh hain. Is liye is samay chup rehna. Agar woh hamse ghrinna bhi kare toh ham hanste hanste sahan kar lenge. Pade unhe kuch bhi ho gaya toh Ham apne pran tyag denge. Hamara sahayata kijiye.

Apki murkh bhagini,


(Dearly beloved Sister,

When you will receive the letter I was far from here. I have to go. It is truly mandatory. I want to try for the last time. To patch up between Kaurava and Pandava. Even if after the insult of Draupadi jiji it seems impossible but I have to try hard.

I know that in this entire India only I am the most suitable candidate to do that as both Brothers Duryodhan and Yudhhistjir listens to me. I have to talk to them both. To save my clan. To save my family. To save my sons and my husband. I know that Pandava is preparing to go away to the jungle and has to reside there for twelve years now onwards. As the condition of the five game that they lost. So I have to hurry up to meet with them.

I urge to you don't tell him about this. Unless you know perfectly that he will never let me to talk to Yudhhi bhaiya. He is adamant and never begs to any person for himself. Let me do that for hod sake. He never loves his life. But we love him. So we have to try to save him. Let him be angry on me. Let him to hate me. If I can save his life and he hates to see my face I can bear the pain with smile. But I can't let him to perish in the war. I will die before seeing his deadbody. Please help me.

Your foolish sister,


Supriya read the letter several times. She clutched it tightly to her chest and kissed it feverishly. She had smelt the sweet rose fragrance of her beloved baby sister in it. That darn fool!!! Why should she fell madly in love with him like that?!!! Why she was talking of the impossible?!!! Why she tried to do so?!!! She knew that love was blind. Her Uru proved it to herself!!!

She clutched the letter to her heart and cried aloud in great despair

"Uru, wapas a ja. Tuh kuch nahin kar payegi. Wapas a ja. (Come back to me, Uruvi. You can't make impossible a bit possible. It is pointless. None can do that. Come back.)"

Her vision blurred instantly in tears. Pearl like tear drop emerged from her eyes and ran down her pink cheeks. Heavily. Her heart was aching for her baby sister. She was naive. She was foolish. Yet she was brave. She tried to stop Mahabharata. By herself!!! She was too proud of her Uruvi!!! Just like her Padma Jiji always proud of her!!!

She heard the voice of her Uruvi in her eardrum instantly "Hame toh prayatna karne dijiye. (Let me try to do that. At least once.)"

She fell down clutching the letter. To her heart. Then closed her eyes too tightly. Tears were blurting her own vision.

"Kyun itni Prem kiya Uru?!! (Why you love him so much, Uruvi?!!)" She had asked her in trembling voice.

                  Devi Basavi Uruvi

She heard a soft chuckle in her own eardrum. "Meri Devi ne mujhe yeahi sikhaya hain. (My goddess had taught me that.)" in just one line, Uruvi had paid tribute to Supriya by calling her as her Goddess!!!

She fell down on the floor with heavy heart and vacant soul. Supriya you should be proud of yourself!!! And of your Uruvi!!!


Now what will happen? Will Supriya confront Karna and ask his reason to be present in the insult of Draupadi?  What will be his answer? Stay tuned for the final and fatal confrontation in between Karna and Supriya. Enjoy.


Dear friends,

I have written the story as a fan fiction. It is not so much related to my story on Karna as the first story on Karna Series was based on the narration of Ved Vyas while from the second book I incorporated my own thoughts. So kindly don't try to compare in between them. The first story focuses on the heroism and benevolence of Karna while the other books on several chapters of his life. His journey from Radheya, a simple boy with big dreams to Basusen, a determined teenager and covert into Karna, a good man trapped in the whirlpool of evilness and constant conspiracy. However it is a story of endless trial of him to probe hod excellence for which we all remember him always. So I request you not to be over indulge with the story. Especially the blind fans of Mata Draupadi or Pitah Arjuna. Thanks.





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