Mafia's collateral (M Book2)

By Chick_ennugget

84.3K 3.9K 1.5K

Seraphina Allen has been struggling through life, trying to make ends meet. But the more she lives, the more... More

Crashing Down
Into the waves
Art work
Cold bastard
The pain in me
What to think of it all?
Trouble is never far
A Job
Unknown fear
The feeling of shame
The pain of my wolf
A softer side
Burning apartment
Trust your guts
His place
Stolen Item
The shadow at the window
Special Event
His Broad Back
The heartthrob
Kindergarten problem
Brother figure
Of all the thing that could happen
Special service
Gut feeling
First Attack
One save
Reminder of what he is
Think again
Between rogues
Between rogues-Fight
Am I a pervert?
Bringing her back
Clean up
Crushed hope
Broken Heart
Broken Mind
Nothing but despair
My wolf
Can I say it?
Only Hope
Big things
How to seduce?
I think it might work
Something sweet
Secret helpers
Be Assertive
Missing Door
The surprise
A little bit of suspicion
The picture
He's gone
Feeling lost
Bad Decisions
Let's make a deal
Looming Threats
He was using me
Rescue Mission
Into the sea
Talk it out
Find the sister
His past
Pleasant days
The death of my first love
The Ghost of Sarina
The Death of A Demon
The Handover
The peace I always wanted
The last of my problems
My Peace
Happy Birthday

The kid shouldn't be isolated

993 49 26
By Chick_ennugget


His fridge is full of meat

I stared at the different kinds of meat in the fridge placed in the corner of the kitchen. What is he? A carnivore? Why is there only meat here?

I don't see a single veggie here.

Does he eat steaks for breakfast too or something?

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Sera..." Eris was still rubbing her eyes. I guess her sleepiness hasn't finished because of the meds.

"Go sit down," I said, "I'll see if there's something I can cook for you."

She nodded her head, "Okay," And then walked to the chair. She placed her hands on the seat and tried to pull herself up. It exerted a lot of strength from her and I saw her struggle. She put her foot on the chair support and hopped up.

"Hah!" With a jump she got to the seat, turned around and slumped against the chair's back.

I have to feed her before I leave. I should also go see if any of the clothes survived in the fire. The closet was at the edge of the room, so I might be able to get some of our clothes back.

And then I'll leave Eris in the house?

'Don't you think the kid should go to school?' Azef's words came back to me, 'She's cooped up in that apartment all day, that can't be good for her.'

I looked down at my feet as I got lost in thought. Yes, it can't be good for her mental health. She should be playing with kids her age.

'If you can't take care of a kid, it's better to give her away to someone who can.' I recalled his words and shook my head. I don't want Eris to be taken away from me. The police already gave me a warning and Azef said sending her to a kindergarten will help.

But, I don't have the funds to do that.

I pursed my lips.

"Fine, go ahead with it," I heard Azef's voice from a distance and turned around to look at the closed doors. One of them opened, "Match the costumes for men and women," Azef was on a call when he stepped out of his room, "Inform the staff, let the people who are comfortable with it come. If the staff shortens, pay the ones who agreed double."

He walked to the lounge and then noticed me in the kitchen and then his eyes traveled to Eris. A smile spread across his lips and it made my heart flutter.

What? I got nervous and awkwardly looked away. Why is my heart fluttering?!!

"I'll see to the rest at night." He cut the call and then walked over to the kitchen,"You woke up early,"

"Oh, yes, I couldn't sleep much."

"Hmm," He scanned the area, his eyes especially stopping to look out the lounge window. He seems busy and I'm sure he's going to leave the house soon too.

I have to leave too, I take extra shifts to clean up the nightclub.

But then there's Eris, I know she'll be more careful now, but she is a kid. What if she makes a mistake again and something happens to this house? I glanced around. Everything hears screams rich. I can't afford to tarnish anything.

"Sir?" I spoke politely.


"I thought about what you said."

He looked at me, "What did I say?"

"About Eris," We both looked at her and saw that sleepy head fall asleep on the chair and she hit her head on the table. But she didn't wake up, she just fell asleep with a bump on her forehead.

"That's a sturdy kid, right there." Azef nodded in approval and it sort of made me smile. He then turned to me, "Continue,"

"You said to me that I shouldn't keep Eris holed up in the house before." I looked down in shame, "My neglect was what caused the incident." I feel really guilty about it, "I don't want something like that to ever happen again."


I glanced at him and he was staring at me, "When I get my paycheck, I'll send her to a kindergarten," I was nervous, "Just until then, can she stay in the house?" I was making a request.

"Huh?" He seemed a little surprised.

Oh, maybe he didn't think that I'd leave Eris alone here too. But I don't have the luxury to take her with me! And I don't have enough money to send her to school!

"I-I" I raised my hands in defense, waving them to tell him I don't mean any harm, "I promise she won't cause any problem!" I looked at her, "I'll be sure to feed her properly! And she'll stay in her room the whole day-"

Azef raised his hand to stop me, "Wait," and I immediately zipped my mouth. He brought the same hand he raised in the air to stop me at his temple and rubbed them as he closed his eyes for a moment, "You want to still keep the kid confined?"

He seemed ticked off

"I...don't mean to confine her..."

He glared at me


"If you're keeping her in her room, that means you're confining her there." My heartbeat got a little louder.

Just why is he angry now?

He paused when he saw my expressions, then let out a sigh.

"Pick her up," He ordered.


"Pick her up and come with me." He began to move, "NOW,"


"Yes!!" I hurried to Eris and picked her up in my arms. She half woke up while I carried her and the rest of her awareness came when she saw me taking her out.


"A kindergarten?" I stared at the building in front of me as I stood beside the car, on the pavement. Eris was standing beside me with her hand in mine. We both looked at each other, then looked at Azef, "Why are we here?"

Azef was looking at the building too, and once I asked the question he turned to look at me, "Why do you think?"

I have a bad feeling about this. He didn't bring us here to get Eris into school, did he?

I shook my head, "Sir-" Before I could even say anything, he started moving.

"Follow me," He strode ahead.

"Sir!!" We both ran behind him, "Azef, sir, I said I'll take care of it, you didn't have to do this."

"Too much wasted time." He seemed to know where he was going, "Keeping the kid in the house is not a good idea." He walked through the classes that had big windows anyone could peer in from.

He must be worried something else might happen! There are more appliances in his house and way more expensive things as well.

"I understand, but Eris won't make the same mistake twice!"

He paused, a little further away from the office, and looked at me, "You think I'm here because I think Eris might burn down my house as well?"


It's not because of that? Then, why? Why is he against leaving Eris at home then? I couldn't think of another reason.

"Well, that is a plausible reason." I glanced at Eris and she spared me a glance, then she looked at Azef who looked back at her with his arms folded.

Eris shook her head at Azef as she tightened her hand's grip around mine, "I won't do it, I'll be careful," She got nervous, I could see the anxiety on her face, "I'll be a good girl!"

The look in Azef's eyes softened and he crouched down to meet her level.

"That's not why I brought you here." He patted her head, "I just don't like kids being confined and isolated in a room."

I glanced at him

Really? That's all? That's his reason?

"But," Eris had no idea how to respond to him.

"Look around," Azef pointed, "I think this place would suit a kid like you," I still kept Eris's hand in mine as we both turned around to look through the windows.

The rooms were alive with vibrant colors and the cheerful chatter of children. Tiny chairs and tables are scattered around, each corner brimming with excitement.

In one corner, I saw little kids, all around Eris's age, engrossed in imaginative play, transforming into superheroes and fairytale characters. Their laughter filtered the air as they created magical worlds of their own making.

Over at the reading nook, I watched as a teacher read aloud from a colorful picture book. The children gathered around her, their eyes wide with wonder as they hung onto every word.

I noticed an art corner as well. With crayons, markers, and glue sticks in hand, the kids seemed to be having fun.

And then I glanced at Eris, her eyes were sparkling. Then I looked down in shame.

"Sir," I called him, "I can't afford it at the moment-"

"I'll pay for it now," He said


I looked at him in shock, "But," I wanted to protest,

"I'll just deduct it from your pay," He gestured with his face for us to move forward, "But tell me something, do you feel she should be isolated in a room, or should she be in a place like this, making friends and learning like other kids?"

My eyes met his for a split second, but then I looked away.

I couldn't meet his eyes but obviously I knew the answer, "Of course," My voice was low, "She should be here." I looked at Eris again, her eyes were still darting around, I had her hand firmly in mine so she wouldn't run away but clearly her desire to explore more was brimming out of her, so she started bobbing in her place, trying to peer into the classes.

Is she looking at other kids? Does she want to go and hang out with them?

What am I even thinking? She must want it...

"Exactly," Azef nodded, "I'll take care of the fee for now," He began to walk again, "Come along,"

"I'll definitely pay you back!" I started walking behind him and he passed me a smile.



This definitely feels odd

I glanced at Azef who sat on the twin seat next to me. Eris was taken by a teacher so she could look around.

"We just need a few things and she's ready to start right away!" The owner of the kindergarten, Samantha, said

"It's fine if we drop her here today, right?" Azef asked while I sat there barely speaking.

Shouldn't I be doing all this talking? Why is Azef doing this? He looks like he's the one related to Eris, not me.

"Sure," Samantha nodded and took out a paper from her desk drawer. She slid it towards Azef, "Please fill in the details for the kid."

Azef slid the paper and pen towards me, "Here,"

"Ah!" I nervously pulled it towards me, "Yes," I clicked the pen and started filling Eris's details. But I couldn't help but glance at Azef.

My heart fluttered

We look like a couple here for our kid.



My own thoughts made my heart skip a beat

HOLY HELL!! Seraphina Allen! Come to your senses!!!

I filled the paper and just as I finished the door opened, "Sera!!" Eris came running in, the excitement on her face was something no one could miss. She jumped into my arms, "I liked it!!" She exclaimed.

I grabbed her and put her on my lap

"Really?" I asked her and she nodded enthusiastically.I noticed Azef pulled the paper towards himself and went through with what I wrote, "Then would you like to stay here when I'm working?" I asked, "I'll come pick you up in the evening."

The smile on her face wouldn't fade and that made me feel extremely guilty. She never complained about it, but being in a single room all day must have been exhausting.

"Yes!!" She answered, "I even made a friend!" Her eyes sparkled, making me feel like someone stabbed my chest.

OH... So, she's already made a friend... That was fast,

But I still managed to plaster a smile on my face, "That's good."

"Well, it's decided then," Azef wrote something down on the paper and passed it to Samantha, "She'll start from today."

Samatha took the paper and went through it, then nodded and looked at the teacher, "Miss Rosy, take Eris to her class, please."

"Right away Ma'am," Miss Rosy extended her hand to Eris, "Come, let's get you started!"

Eris took her hand immediately and hopped off of my lap. They both left the office and Eris didn't even look back at me in her excitement.

It left me with a sense of loneliness.

A tingle of hurt loomed over me, but this was for her.

She should get a proper childhood. She should have friends. And she shouldn't have to shoulder the burdens that I do...

I've been failing as an adult so far.

"Come," Azef stood up from his seat, "We should leave too."

"It was wonderful having you here Azef," Samantha stood up and shook hands with Azef.

"We'll be leaving Eris in your care," Azef passed her his professional smile.

"You have absolutely no need to worry!" She let his hand go and moved to me.


I shook her hand as well while Azef already started leaving.

"Don't worry," She said to me

"Yes?" I looked at her in confusion.

"I can tell you're worried about Eris, but she's in good hands." She passed me a reassuring smile, "So, don't worry,"

"Yes," I nodded but that didn't make my loneliness and worry magically go away. But, I hope it'll get better with time.

"You both a wonderful couple,"



She retreated her hand, "Your husband's waiting for you," She pointed at the door, "Good day, dear,"

I turned to look at Azef who stood by the door as my heart pounded


My husband!??!

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