A Serpent Amongst The Dragon...

By Dark1o

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((A/n): just a heads up I'm writing this on around the main manga not the anime. So if it feels off I don't b... More

The Earth's Strongest Maid
Meeting New Faces
Kanna Goes to School
Sun, Fun and The Empire of Demise
A New Dragon Arrives
Another Dragon Enters the Fray
Ending a Fight, Hot Springs and Challenges
A New Dragon in The House
Feelings Uncovered

Flower Viewing, Sickness & Patrol

373 16 3
By Dark1o

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) = authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
Bold = Dragon talking
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
Underline = talking telepathically
* = the star mark means action
Narrator's p.o.v

A few days have pasted since Ilulu has joined the Kobayashi household and Spring has come as we see said Human at her job as grabs a notice paper and reads it order

Kobayashi: hey, you going to this? I hate worrying about how to act around our superiors and which sake to order and stuff

Takiya: well, aren't you the life of the party. Why don't we we throw our own party, then?

Kobayashi: hmm... like with Tohru and the others...?

Takiya: yeah

Kobayashi then nods as she and Takiya get on with their work for the day and once her shift is over and once she gets home she tells (Y/n) and Tohru about the flower viewing

Tohru: ooh, flower viewing?

Kobayashi: yeah, we were thinking of inviting everyone. It's so hard to find a good spot for it, though...

Tohru: oho... shall we make one, then?

Kobayashi: huh?

(Y/n): that's not a bad idea, Tohru. But please do pick a subtle place

Tohru: of course, Ophis-Sama!

With everything set into motion Tohru with the help of Lucoa gets everything set up and ready. As the day arrives everyone steps through a portal that (Y/n) made and see a small forest of sakura trees

Kobayashi: ooooh! I can't believe you found such a perfect spot

Tohru: oh? You don't remember this place, Miss Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: huh?

Tohru: this is the field where Kanna and I play-fought way back when

Kobayashi: oh, right... so, where'd these Sakura trees come from, then?

Tohru: Lucoa brought them

Kobayashi: from where?

Lucoa: *hugs Shouta* oh, a friend of can turn cuts of meat into flowers...so I asked to borrow a few

Kobayashi: *looks at the trees* this is meat?! Gross...

Takiya: well, what say we break out Sakē and get started?

Kobayashi: *faces Takiya* yeah, let's

Tohru: ahem... now, as the Head Organiser, if I may be so bold...

Kobayashi: huh? Since when when are you the organiser?

(Y/n): don't think much about it, Kobayashi

Tohru: okay, then. Thank you all very much for joining us today for Miss Kobayashi's Flower Viewing. Now, I've prepared a number of recreational activities for this viewing to help Miss Kobayashi enjoy herself to the fullest, so I hope you'll all take part... *everyone but (Y/n) stares at Kobayashi*


Soon everyone does their own things as (Y/n) sits next to Lucoa, whom pours her god a glass of Sakē as the latter watches Kanna play with the insects in the area as Tohru pours Kobayashi some Sakē as a sakura petal flutters on top of the drink then Kobayashi takes a sip

Kobayashi: this is great! It sure is satisfying to enjoy nature and a drink

Tohru: "enjoy nature"...? That sounds like humans are not part of nature, no?

Kobayashi: I guess so... this is about admiring its beauty objectively, after all

Kobayashi then hears a video game from the other side of the tree, so she takes a glance and sees Takiya with his swirly glasses, Fafnir and Shouta playing on some gaming handhelds

Kobayashi: what's up with that...? Shouldn't you be, yanno, viewing the flowers?

Takiya: hm? No, we're enjoying the day our own way!

Kobayashi: riiiiiiiight...

Fafnir: do not get distracted, Takiya!! We have to work together to cut off it's tail!! I am relying on you!

Kobayashi: you're a real band of brothers. You too. Shouta?

Shouta: there's too many girls here. It freaks me out...

Kobayashi: fair enough

Elma: what is it, child? Not enjoying yourself?

Kobayashi: Elma?

Elma: then perhaps I can help you out

Kobayashi: huh? *Elma starts to remove her kimono* wait, Elma, what are you...?!

Shouta: waaah! *slightly blushes*

Elma takes off her kimono only to reveal a face drawn on her stomach, confusing Kobayashi as the Harmony Dragon starts to shimmy around

Elma: I felt I should research the arts Humans practice on these occasions...this one struck me as quite appropriate

Kobayashi: um, no... only drunk old guys do that... if a lady does it... *Shouta and Tohru bursts out laughing* welp, never mind. He loves it. And Tohru...


Kobayashi: loves it for a completely different reason

(Y/n): *slithers next to Kobayashi* indeed, would you like another drink, Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: nah, I'm good for now. But thanks for asking

Tohru: *controls her laughter and stands up* well, since it seems everyone's in good spirits...

Kobayashi: is this the "recreation" you mentioned earlier?

Tohru: that's right~! *picks up a box*

Kobayashi: a lottery?

(Y/n): are we playing bingo?

Tohru: all right, everyone! Next up is the tournament, so please draw lots to determine your team!

Kobayashi: a tournament?


Kobayashi: uh, I don't have to play, right?

Tohru: nope! You're the referee!

Everyone then picks a ticket as they pick their ticket, Kobayashi announces the participants that are first up

Kobayashi: okay, round one iiiiis... Takiya vs. Ilulu. *looks at Takiya* Why're you even doing this Takiya?

Takiya: hmm? Well, why not?

Kobayashi: all right. Ready... set...

Takiya: I mean, she's a little girl, so I figure...

Kobayashi: GO!!

Ilulu then effortlessly slams Takiya's arm into the table as a sicking crack rings out making (Y/n) face palm at Takiya's stupidity as Ilulu asks if he's ok

Takiya: I think my wrist is broken...

(Y/n): Dumkopf! *slithers over to Takiya and starts to heal him.*

Tohru: what kind of idiot are you?

Kobayashi: yeah, he really didn't think that through. Okay, round two is Kanna vs. Lucoa *Lucoa easily wins against Kanna* aaand Lucoa wins. You can't use both hands, Kanna

And so as (Y/n) fixes Takiya's wrist, the tournament went on as Fafnir takes on Lucoa and Tohru takes on Elma and it all came down to the finalists, Tohru and Lucoa

Kobayashi: well, Tohru makes sense, but I wasn't expecting Lucoa expecting Lucoa to get this far... I figured it'd be you Faffi-San

Fafnir: never call me that again

(Y/n): new nickname acquired...perfect...

Tohru: have you grown soft from doing nothing but play video games?

Fafnir: oh, shut up

Lucoa: you know, Tohru... we've never gone one-on-one like before, have we?

Tohru: we certainly haven't

Lucoa: let's not hold back, then

Lucoa then immediately starts catching the maid off guard as she struggles against the Fallen Goddess' strength, and as Tohru thinks she's going to lose they hear a voice


As Shouta cheers on Tohru, Lucoa loses concentration as Tohru takes advantage of this and goes for the win, but then (Y/n)'s voice then cheers out


Then the roles switch as Tohru looks on in shock as Lucoa uses this advantage and claims victory over Tohru, as the maid looks at (Y/n) with pleading eyes but hands over the magic crystal to Shouta as thanks for distracting Lucoa because she bribed him. And so, the flower viewing was a triumph...but Kobayashi and Takiya got a little tipsy but everyone had a great time. Later that we see Tohru making dinner as she talks to Kobayashi

Tohru: I know you wanted this flower viewing... but I don't think flowers and Dragons suit each other very well

Kobayashi: oh, I don't know about that...there's even a flower with "Dragon" in it. They're called "Snapdragons"

Tohru: really? Maybe those would suit me then...?

Kobayashi: yeah... maybe they would

(Y/n): who knows Tohru, who knows

After a few days goes by as the Spring weather has taken effect on some people as we see Kobayashi fast asleep as Tohru watches her as she works around the Human

Tohru: "in Spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no Dawn." Spring nights are so comfortable that Humans don't notice when morning comes... a very appropriate proverb for Miss Kobayashi right now. Between the incident eith Ilulu and all of the Death Marches she's had at work lately, I suppose this is only natural. *giggles lightly* Miss Kobayashi looks so peaceful right now... she's like a Cyclops Dragon before some jerk shows up and stabs it's eye...

Kobayashi: nngh... *looks at her clock then jolts up* WORK—!! I'M LATE FOR WORK!!

Tohru: it's your day off. She's like a soldier returned from battle...

(Y/n): *walks close to the door* was that Kobayashi, Tohru?

Tohru: *faces the door* yes, Ophis-sama!

(Y/n): I'll go make breakfast then, it should be done when Kobayashi has finished her morning routine

Tohru: okay! *faces Kobayashi* are you okay, Miss Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: yeah...I guess it's just that time of the year. Doesn't this weather make you sleepy, Tohru?

Tohru: Dragons generally don't like to sleep. Take Fafnir. He used to stay awake twenty-four hours a day to guard his treasure

Kobayashi: analogue security, huh?

Tohru: once, his colleague Medea used to put him to sleep and stole a bunch of his stuff. But, cold weather does make me sleepy though

Kobayashi: do you hibernate or something?

Tohru: I suppose so, I go into a deep sleep... at times like that, I can't wake up without a trigger

Kobayashi: what do you mean?

Tohru: like if the malice of the world overflows... or the blood that soaks the earth turns to a foul-smelling magma

Kobayashi: that's one seriously metal alarm clock!

Tohru: but I certainly sleep more often in this world

Kobayashi: adapting to human life, hm?

Tohru: that's part of it, but I also just happen to get the urge to sleep more here. Though, I think I may understand why

Kobayashi: hm? Well, Kanna sure seems to sleep a lot

Tohru: yes, she's doing it right now. *lifts up Kobayashi's quilt* Under here

Kobayashi: ah...

Tohru: *lifts up the quilt more* so is Ilulu

Kobayashi: ahh... SHEESH! *Kanna and Ilulu scramble out of Kobayashi's bed* I bought you guys a futon, so why do you take over my bed every night?

Tohru: they're very attracted to you. *the two Dragon girls leave the room* Probably because they never got to do this sort of thing with their parents

Kobayashi: oh, I see... what about you Tohru?

Tohru: I was actually quite close to my parents

Kobayashi: hunh. All right. *lays back down* I guess I'll just sleep a little more, then

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi, whhhyyy...?

Kobayashi: what's the big deal? I like sleeping

(Y/n): Tohru! Kobayashi! Breakfast is ready! Also Kobayashi, if you're not out of bed, I will drag you out here by your ankle...

Kobayashi: she's bluffing, right?

Tohru: most likely not

Kobayashi groans and gets out of bed and walks out to the main room to see Ilulu and Kanna eating crapes with a crème brûlée on the side, the two then see notice (Y/n) walks towards them as she wears a form-fitting halter top and form-fitting yoga pants, showing off her figure quite well making Kobayashi blush at the sight, while Tohru wipes saliva off the corner of her mouth as her cheeks flush pink

(Y/n): finally you two are here. You both need to be quicker, Kanna and Ilulu almost ate both of your meals

Kobayashi: s-sorry (Y/n)

Tohru: y-yes, a-apologies Ophis-Sama

(Y/n): just make sure you arrive on time next time, please?

Both Kobayashi and Tohru nod their heads and go to sit at the table to eat as (Y/n) shakes her head with a smile as she goes to Join them. After Kobayashi falls asleep again but this time on (Y/n) after a while Tohru tries to wake her again only to fail, so she heads out and does some shopping at the market

Tohru: goodness, it's impossible to wake her when she gets like this... might as well go shopping for dinner now

Then Tohru and her Harmony counterpart notice each other as they silently growl at each other as they approach another

Tohru: it must be my unlucky day, running into you so early

Elma; that's my line

Tohru: what's with all the sweets? Decided to become a pig instead of a Dragon?

Elma: oh, shut up. I slept too much, so I needed some sugar to get my brain moving again

Tohru: so, you've started sleeping now, too

Elma: of course, since I'm researching human life... hmm? Wait, you do it, too? Well, well... very mysterious, is it not? Where does this sensation of "sleepiness" come from?

Tohru: isn't it just from...boredom?

Elma: "boredom"? Does this world bore you? Then why not go back?

Tohru: boredom...isn't a bad thing. We spent so many years fighting and fighting without a moment's rest... we had no time to be bore. I think "boredom" is what we like so much about this place, Elma

Elma: Tohru... you...

Tohru: hmph! *turns away from Elma and walks away* A pig who does nothing but eat and sleep couldn't possibly understand!

Elma: wha?!

Tohru: if you were for sale in the supermarket, you'd be ¥88 per 100 grams!


With that Tohru continues her shopping and once she's got everything she makes her way back, once through the front door she sees that Kobayashi's still asleep on (Y/n)'s lap as the Dragon God watches Kanna and Ilulu play Dragon Ball; Budokai Tenkaichi 4: Sparking! Zero. Soon hours go by as Tohru sits across from (Y/n) whom is doing origami, as she stares out the glass door and looking over city

Tohru: the times when Humans sleep... I can feel the exhaustion of everyone nearby. Sleeping Humans in their homes as far as the eye can see. I don't mind the silence. I can watch in peace as the Humans sleep. It's so quiet

Kobayashi: isn't it? *Tohru looks over her shoulder* I'm having a nightcap... I messed up my sleep schedule by sleeping too much this afternoon

Kobayashi then walks over to Tohru and (Y/n) and sits next to the God, then takes a swig of her drink

Tohru: say, Miss Kobayashi... why do Humans sleep at night?

Kobayashi: it's a biological need. If we don't, we'll die. Our bodies and brains repair themselves while we sleep, and we're diurnal creatures, so we do it at night. *Tohru stays quiet* Not what you wanted to hear, huh...? Okay, well... maybe it's from a pressure to conform...

Tohru: you mean, following the will of the masses?

Kobayashi: yep. Like, someone decided it's too dark to do stuff at night, so we should just sleep. Then someone else agreed, and another, and another... until the holdouts who stayed up at night got lonely. So they all decided to go along with it and sleep...and that's why we all sleep at night. Is that more like it?

Tohru: yes... in that case... maybe I'm just giving in that pressure, too. That's not such a bad thing

With that Tohru rest her head on her arms as they look out the glass door slowly falling asleep and once the maid's eyes fully close, (Y/n) looks up at Tohru and with a snap of her fingers as a blanket gently draped over the maid's shoulders

Kobayashi: so...

(Y/n): you should go to bed, Kobayashi. You've got work tomorrow

Kobayashi: I'll go to bed, when I feel like it

(Y/n): Kobayashi, bed...

Kobayashi: and if I don't?~

(Y/n) just looks at Kobayashi dead in the eye only to stand up and picks up Kobayashi, bridal style making the the Human blush. (Y/n) then carries Kobayashi to her bed. The next morning arrives as Tohru slowly wakes up

Tohru: ah... I fell asleep. *sits up* Heh... I feel so refreshed now. Also where did this blanket come from? Oh well, I'll find out later

Tohru then makes her way to Kobayashi's room and once she peeks inside, Tohru sees (Y/n) snuggled up against Kobayashi, which said human is staring at her clock, so the maid maid puts on a fake smile and greets Kobayashi

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi, good morning! Wait, what's wrong?

Kobayashi: I reeeeeally overslept...

(Y/n): *sits up* I told you to sleep Kobayashi, yet you refused

Kobayashi: oh don't you start! I didn't see you fall asleep at all!!

(Y/n): that's because I do not need sleep, nor do I desire it. Now up, you're late for work

Kobayashi: fine...

Kobayashi then grumbles as she gets out of bed and grabs her clothes and leaves the room and heads towards the bathroom, leaving the Dragons in the room as the maid stares a hole into her God

(Y/n): yes, Tohru?

Tohru: what did you and Miss Kobayashi do last night, after I fell asleep...?

(Y/n): we talked for a bit, I told her to go to sleep because she has work today, and she didn't listen. So I brought her to bed and stayed by her side

Tohru: you didn't try anything with her

(Y/n): *gets out of the bed* and if I did?

Tohru: I do not care if you are my God, Kobayashi is mine! And nothing will get in my way!!

(Y/n): *chuckles lightly and walks close to the maid* oh Tohru, while your love for Kobayashi are nothing to scoff at, I must say, you should open up a bit more, Dragons can love more than one person

(Y/n) then walks past the maid as the latter looks puzzled at her Goddess' words and once (Y/n) is out of sight Tohru blows smoke out of her nose and the corners of her mouth due to her anger and jealousy. A few days pass as we see Tohru leaves Kobayashi's room after tidying up the bed as she hears said Human cough quite loudly

Tohru: what's wrong, Miss Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: I think I caught a bit of a cold

Tohru: a cold...? I don't really know what that is

Kobayashi: don't Dragons ever catch colds?

(Y/n): *answers a crossword in the newspaper* Dragon's bodies repeal harmful microorganisms, so no they don't

Kobayashi: *puts on her coat* must be nice... *walks towards the door* all right, I'm off to work

Tohru: huh? But you're ill, aren't you? Will you be all right?

Kobayashi: *faces Tohru and wobbles slightly* I'm fine, I'm fine. Can't let a little cold bring me down... *wobbles a lot* oh... whoopsie daisy... *collapses to floor*


(Y/n): oh, autoimmunity! *writes down her answer* Now I need to remember this question. What console does the commercial "Sega does what Nintendon't" come from... hmm?


(Y/n): huh? *looks over at Tohru* Oh, sure

(Y/n) then slithers over to Kobayashi as Tohru grabs underneath Kobayashi's arms as (Y/n) grabs the Human's legs as they carry her to her into bed, Tohru then grabs the thermometer and takes Kobayashi's temperature, once the thermometer beeps Kobayashi opens her eyes and looks at her temperature to see it at 38.9°C ((A/n): that's 102.02°F for the Americans))

Kobayashi: umm...

Tohru: th-this is really bad, isn't it?

Kobayashi: nah, it's no big deal. I guess I can't go to work like this, though. I'll have to call them...

Tohru: I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT!! *dashes out of the room*

(Y/n): welp, this is going to be a mess...

Kobayashi: yep... hey, you think you could help with this cold?

(Y/n): I can give you a blessing that can help your immune system fight against your cold

Kobayashi: that would be great

As (Y/n) places a hand on Kobayashi's head as it glows as the human takes some medicine, we see Tohru on the phone with Takiya about Kobayashi's absence at work today

Takiya (phone): a cold? All right, no problem. Tell her we've got things under control here

Tohru: right... erm... Mr. Takiya? Miss Kobayashi took some medicine and probably has fallen asleep... what else can I do for her? I don't know how to take care of Human colds...

Takiya (phone): can you pull an Ant-Man and beat up the virus?

Tohru: I could, but that might destroy Miss Kobayashi's body, too...

Takiya (phone): well, then... nurse her

Tohru: nurse her...?

Takiya (phone): yes, what you need to do is— *slams down the phone hanging up the call*

Tohru: of course. WHAT THIS MEANS IS MISS KOBAYASHI NEEDS ME...! MY INCREDIBLE MAID POWERS ARE ALL THAT CAN SAVE HER!! I HAVE TO USE ALL MY STRENGTH!! But... that being said... what is "nursing"...? How do you do it?

Ilulu: *walks over to the maid* why not just feed her something tasty and nutritious? Like charcoal or wood?

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi isn't a Flame Dragon or a stove

Tohru then calls Fafnir and asks how to cure Human illness

Fafnir (phone): I only know how to cause illness in Humans not cure it

Tohru: you should really work on that

Tohru then ends the call with Fafnir then calls Lucoa instead and asks the same question

Lucoa (phone): just give her food that's good for digestion... keep her from over heating... and clean the sweat off her

Tohru: why do I never get anything useful out of you guys until the third person I ask...?

Lucoa (phone): because you have a certain pattern that you follow, I'm more surprised you didn't ask (Y/n)

Tohru: tch, why should I ask her? It's not like she'll have a good answer...

Lucoa (phone): oh don't be like that, I'm sure (Y/n) could help you

Tohru: maybe...I don't know though...

Lucoa (phone): well you should try talking to her, at least

Tohru: I'll think about. But thanks again for the help

Lucoa (phone): anytime, see ya later then Tohru!

Tohru: goodbye Lucoa

With that Tohru hangs up the phone then makes her way over to the kitchen and starts to looking for Kobayashi to eat

Tohru: so, food that's good for digestion, huh...? Now, what would that be? I can digest just about anything even concrete, so... *closes the fridge and looks in a cupboard* aha! This is just what I need... *grabs a cookbook* Plenty of Recipes! It's got got some food for digestion... *opens the book* "Ojiya"... looks easy enough. So it's rice gruel with veggies? I'll just add Kanna's yogurt... udon noodles... bananas... gelatine...

Tohru then starts to make the Ojiya as (Y/n) slithers into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and some chocolate for Ilulu, but notices that some of Kanna's yogurt has gone missing

(Y/n): Tohru... *looks at the maid* are you using Kanna's yogurt?

Tohru: don't worry, Ophis-sama. I'll go out tomorrow and get some more

(Y/n) just hums in response and slithers back over to Ilulu and let's Tohru with her cooking and after some time Tohru enters Kobayashi's room and presents the food to the Human


Kobayashi: *looks at the food* ah crap, she made this especially for me... it'd be rude not to eat it. This must be a dish from her world... I'm sure it's hard to learn a new world's cuisine. Ngh... *regrettably starts to wolf down the Ojiya*

Tohru: ooh, what a hearty eater!

Kobayashi: *groans and hands back the plate* next time, just use the recipes from the book as is... please...

Tohru: *takes the plate* yes Ma'am

After eating hours seem to go by as Kobayashi stares at the roof as (Y/n) casually folding some origami as she creates a snake, the serpent then notices how much sweat is coating Kobayashi

(Y/n): your sweating quite a bit. *Kobayashi just groans in response* Would you like me to clean you, Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: oh, uh... sure

Kobayashi sits up and takes off her top to reveal that her whole body is covered in sweat as (Y/n) creates a cold, damp wash cloth. Soon (Y/n) wipes down Kobayashi of her sweat as the Human's heart rate increases due the God's gentle touch making a blush dusts over Kobayashi's cheeks as a subtle moan escapes her lips as (Y/n) wipes over her chest

(Y/n): my, such a lewd voice~

Kobayashi: oh, be quiet

As (Y/n) continues to wipe down Kobayashi as Tohru angrily watches through a cracked open door and once (Y/n) is finished and exits the room, Tohru enters and sees that Kobayashi is asleep but is panting in her sleep

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi normally seems so tough... I've never seen her look this helpless... she'll be okay... right? I've seen entire villages wiped out by plagues... whole countries, even... she'll be okay, though...right? I don't want my most precious thing to become broken. But eventually everything breaks... I should know, since I myself can break anything. Right! *walks out of the room and towards the front door as Kanna enters*

Kanna: I'm hooome

Tohru: Kanna... looks after Miss Kobayashi, please

Kanna: hm? Okay

Tohru then leaves the apartment and rockets through the sky towards the mountain as she opens a portal to her world

Tohru: there is medicine that can make you immortal... Miss Kobayashi doesn't want that, though. But I can at least find something to cure her illness. It might be even harder... but I'll do it! My precious Miss Kobayashi is counting on me!!

Once Tohru enters her world she takes her Dragon form and starts to break the sound barrier flying over different terrain and species that walk below. Back at the apartment we see Kobayashi exit her room feeling a bit better

Kobayashi: looks like all I needed was some medicine and a good rest

Kanna: *walks over to Kobayashi with Ilulu and (Y/n)* all better, Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: I will be after one more dose and a good night's sleep

Kanna: oh, good

(Y/n): that's very good to hear

Kobayashi: maybe Tohru's "gruel" worked after all? *looks around the place* wait, where is Tohru?

Tohru: about that...

Kobayashi: Tohru? What happened...? You look really beat

Tohru: I'm fine... just tired from travelling. I found some really good medicine for you *holds out some medicine to Kobayashi*

Kobayashi: huh? Don't tell me... is this gonna be another weird thing like—?

(Y/n): *Tohru stays quiet and unmoving* Kobayashi...

Kobayashi: ...give it here

Tohru: *hands Kobayashi the medicine* here

(Y/n) hands Kobayashi a glass of water as she puts the medicine in her mouth, then gulps it down without much of an issue

Kobayashi: wow, I can feel it kicking in already. Honestly, I can't tell if it helped, but...what else was I supposed to say to that face...? Tohru, thank you

Tohru then let's out a tired giggle as the sun sets beyond the horizon as dinner was severed shortly after. The next morning arrives as Kobayashi looks at a mirror

Kobayashi: TOOOOOHRUUUUUUU!! *exits the bathroom with cat ears on her head and whiskers* WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!

Tohru: um... a side effect, maybe? That medicine was for Animal people, so...


(Y/n): I'll call them. *slithers over to the phone and calls Takiya whom picks up* Hey Takiya

Takiya (phone): what's up, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Kobayashi won't be able to make it to work today

Takiya (phone): is she still sick?

(Y/n): magic was involved and now she has cat ears...

Takiya (phone): so a Tohru accident then?

(Y/n): yep...but it was from good intent

Takiya (phone): no problem, we should be able to cover her today

(Y/n): thanks Takiya, see ya*hangs up the call* well, work knows your not going, Kobayashi. Kobayashi?

(Y/n) turns around and sees Kobayashi on the floor swiping at a reed as Tohru gushes at the sight as Ilulu tries to play Dragon Ball, and as the day goes by and the cat traits wore off after half the day

<time skip 4 days brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) petting Chibi Neko Kobayashi>

A few days goes by and we see Kobayashi open an envelope to reveals a notice of random attacks that's been happening in the area

Kobayashi: well, that's scary. They're recruiting for a patrol?

Tohru: oh right. About that... they've asked me to help them out

Kobayashi: WHY?!

Tohru: I think they remember the time I caught that purse-snatcher in the shopping district

Kobayashi: oh yeah... that did happen, didn't it...? Well, I hope it's quiet...


Kobayashi: yeah

Kanna: *doesn't look away from the book she's reading* I don't think Kobayashi's worried about your safety...

(Y/n): indeed...

After some time Kobayashi heads off to work and Tohru changes out of her maid outfit into a black dress with black thigh highs, but keeps her keeps her gloves on. She then meets up with Sasakibe with (Y/n) in her snake form wrapped loosely around the maid's neck

Sasakibe: sorry to trouble you like this, Tohru. Thanks for helping us out. Yana was supposed to come with me, but apparently he's got a concert today...

Tohru: ahh...

Sasakibe: oh my, are you in civilian clothes? That's rare... and it's been awhile since I've seen (Y/n)

Tohru: yes, Miss Kobayashi told me I should wear them once and a while and bring Ophis-sama into the sunlight, since it's a clear day today. And you've seen Ophis-sama, just in Human form. So, what do we have to do exactly?

Sasakibe: we just walk around and keep an eye out for anything strange. It's a little scary, though, don't you think?


Sasakibe: oh, that's just adorable

Soon both Sasakibe and Tohru walk through the streets as (Y/n)'s eyes scan the area for any hostile activity

Tohru: Miss Sasakibe, what kind of martial arts do you practice?

Sasakibe: who, me? I don't know any martial arts

Tohru: really? You'll just be a hindrance in battle, then

Sasakibe: ah ha ha... nothing bad is going to happen! This town is pretty peaceful, after...

Tohru and Sasakibe then notice some thugs that are loitering in front of a vending machine

Sasakibe: well, so much for a peaceful patrol! Why would this happen today, of all days...?

Tohru: Miss Sasakibe, Miss Sasakibe... *Sasakibe looks at Tohru* those guys are blocking the the vending machine, right? We should tell them off

Sasakibe: huh? But...

Tohru: *walks towards the thugs* hey, you! Don't loiter around there, you're bothering people!

Sasakibe: GAAH?!

Thug#1: whazzat? Ya got a problem there, missy?

Tohru: yes, I do. I just explained it! You're dull even for a human

Thug#1: HUH?! WHY YOU LITTLE...!!

Thug#2:  WAH! YOU MORON!!


Sasakibe covers her eyes as the first thug throws a punch at Tohru, but she tilts her head to the side as it misses her but grazes (Y/n)'s body. Tohru just flicks the thug with her pinky making him double over in pain making the other thugs scared and confused

Tohru: I'm going to say it one more time, so if you don't understand... well just accept your fate. Scram *(Y/n)'s eyes shine blood red*

Thugs: EEEEEEK! *starts to run away*

Sasakibe: that was amazing

Tohru: it was tough! To hold back, that is

(Y/n): you did well, Tohru


Tohru: wow, you couldn't possibly have picked a more infuriating name

(Y/n): agreed

Tohru: well, that's that. Let's continue our patrol, shall we?

Sasakibe: *the two continue their walk into the shopping district* they said they'd be back... shouldn't we call the police?

Tohru: true, we will need someone to dispose of them after

Sasakibe: "dispose of"? After what...?

Tohru: well, obviously I mean... huh?

Tohru then sees Elma buying food for herself and immediately antagonises the Harmony Dragon




Elma: I finished early today... *notices Tohru's arm band* hm? What's with the arm band?

Tohru: I'm part of a patrol to maintain public order today

Elma: really? You...? You're working to keep this city safe...?

Tohru: yes, that's what I just said

Elma: *starts crying tears of joy* I SEE!! SO YOU'VE FINALLY COME AROUND!! TO THE SIDE OF JUSTICE!!

Tohru: uh, what?


Tohru: whoa, whoa, whoa! No, I think you've got the wrong idea, as usual...

Sasakibe: oh! *takes off her arm band* Want to take over for me, then?


(Y/n): this will be an interesting

Sasakibe: *puts the arm band on Elma* well, you did say I'd be a hindrance, didn't you? Good luuuck!

With that the Dragons start to work around the area as Tohru is now completely missable about how she has to work with someone from the Harmony Faction, as Elma is thrilled to be working with Tohru

Elma: when it comes to sniffing out evil, I've got the edge on you. Ask me anything you like!

Tohru: okay, how do I make you go away forever?

Elma: come, come, there's no need to be shy! Hee hee... looks like even you have a cute side!

Tohru: she's... so annoying...even more so then usual... what exactly is your definition of "evil" anyway? Because I prefer to let minor misdeeds slide as long as they're not bothering anyone

Elma: since I started working for this company, I've become steeped in its values. I propose that anyone deliberately from the social norms be considered evil. Are you familiar with the Book of Laws? We should stop anyone who isn't obeying them

Tohru: Book of Laws? Does such a thing exist?

Elma: it's called the The Six Codes

Tohru: oh, I assumed that was a spell book... *the Dragons notice some kids cross the road*

Kid#1: hurry up! The light's gonna turn red!


Tohru: *walks over to Elma and places a hand on her shoulder* whoa, chill out! Don't yell at kids like that! Miss Kobayashi's gonna get mad!! Also Ophis-sama is seriously trying to hold back by strangling me slightly


Tohru: settle down. If you're going to freak out over every minor offence, I'm leaving. Also, I think assaulting a Minor is a worse crime than Jaywalking

Elma: hmph... you've started to take after Kobayashi quite a bit, haven't you?

Tohru: huh?! You really think so?! You're not so bad after all, Elma!!

Elma: ugh, just stop

Elma then walks ahead of Tohru as the maid just giggles in minor victory as she goes and catches up to the Harmony Dragon, after sometime has passed Tohru pulls out a leaflet and looks at it

Tohru: okay, so if we walk around randomly, we'll be more apt to notice things that are out of place. That should help us find the "suspicious individual"

Elma: what's this person supposed to look like?

Tohru: according to the leaflet, it's a tall man, dressed in black, with long hair and sharp ears

Elma: well, that should be easy to spot

Tohru: it says he's been repeatedly seen dancing on the road by the elementary school *(Y/n) looks behind Tohru to see Fafnir dancing as Elma points in that direction*

Elma: I see. So sort of like that?

Tohru: yes, exactly like that. *both Dragon girls face fafnir* What's the meaning of this?

Fafnir: I do not understand this hostility... I am merely practicing the dance choreography for an event I'm attending with Takiya

(Y/n): why are you doing it out here?

Fafnir: there is not enough room inside, Chaoskampf-sama

Elma: you're supposed to be a terrifying evil Dragon... have a little self-respect

Tohru: she's right. Take a good hard look at what you're becoming

Fafnir: hmph... and what are you three doing?

Tohru: we're out on patrol *points at her arm band*

Fafnir: my, what fine, upstanding citizens. A Chaos Dragon and Harmony Dragon, working together... it would appear that this world has made all of us a bit strange

Tohru: this from the guy who's dancing in the street. Are you going to lecture me about going soft again?

Fafnir: no...as of late...I think I have come to understand it. But my belief in its dangers has not changed. We can never truly reach an understanding with this world's society. Do not forget that

Tohru: isn't trying to understand each other what makes it fun *Elma looks at Tohru in surprise*

Thug#3 WE'RE BACK!

Suddenly a group of people surrounded the Dragons as (Y/n) coils tighter around Tohru's neck which the maid immediately tries to loosen so she get strangled

Thug#5: that's the chick you lost to? Lame, dude

Thug#1: sh-she just caught me off guard! You're gonna regret what you did back there, girl. Nobody messes with us and gets away with it!

Thug#5: ooh, hey, there's another cute chick with her! You girls wanna have some fun with us?!

Thug#5: you got lucky before, but now we've got this guy with us! THE STRONGEST, BADDEST GUY IN TOWN: DRAGON-SAN THE DESTROYER!

Dragon-san: heh... a a woman huh? Man, woman, whatever. I don't give a crap. I'll fight anyone, unless ya wanna beg for mercy now. *Tohru stays quiet as she tries to get (Y/n) to loosen her grip* So that's how it is huh? THEN I AIN'T GOIN' EASY ON YA! LET'S RUMBLE!!


As Dragon-san goes and throws a punch at Tohru only for (Y/n) to lunge forward and stab two inch long fangs into the Human and injects a neurotoxin as Tohru punches him in the face and sends him flying

Tohru: honestly...


Tohru: *uses her magic to change her clothes* there's so many of you... you'll get dirt on the clothes Miss Kobayashi gave me


Tohru: I warned you, didn't I...? Give up Abby accept your fate...


Tohru: you'll be wish you had never crossed me—


Tohru: *unleashes a tremendous gust of wind knocking the Thugs away* SHUT UUUUUP!!


In the end, she wiped out every last one of them. The patrol ended without further incident... but there was one problem...Tohru had become a legend as (Y/n)'s snake form was feared amongst the thugs, and that ends today's chapter I hoped that you enjoyed it and I hope to see you soon, bye bye

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