Mafia Series: Second Chance

By HaileyWritezzz

97 8 3

Leon De Luca is the Don of the Italian mafia, he's cold to everyone around him other than his family. He's fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

8 1 0
By HaileyWritezzz

"I want every corner of this fucking warehouse covered, nobody gets out alive." I say to all of my men as we set up outside of the warehouse that belongs to the gang who has been stealing my shipments.

I was going to leave them alone because I thought they were a waste of time, considering that they were just a street gang. I guess I should have taken care of them sooner, because they clearly aren't going to stop themselves. That's why we're here in the first fucking place.

"Brody, lead your group to the back entrance. Quinn are you guys ready up there?" Quinn and three of my best snipers were up on a hill looking over us down here.

"All ready up here."

"Okay, let's move then." I led my group to the front entrance of the warehouse, with guns raised and the first person I saw was one of the guards outside. He didn't have a chance to warn the others before my bullet went through his skull. After I watched the guards lifeless body fall to the ground, I then continued to lead my men into the warehouse. As we enter the warehouse I hear the gunshots coming from Brody's group.

They already had most of the gang members on the first floor taken care of. While the rest of my men joined Brody's team, I decided to head upstairs in search of the gang leader. Josh Henderson is a cocky motherfucker, who thinks he can get away with anything and everything. He is a sad excuse of a gang leader, and I am so ready to get this all over with so that he is dead and out of my way.

I have bigger problems to deal with, other than this moron and his gang stealing from me.

Once I make it to the top floor I look around the empty hallway for any hint as to where this motherfucker is hiding. I walk further into the hall and as soon as I do, one of Josh's men pop out from a corner on my right. As the man goes to hit me I move out the way quickly causing the man to fall to the floor, I turn to look at him for a second before pulling my gun out. I shoot him in the head before I continue walking down the hall.

For a low-life gang they are sure doing well for themselves. This warehouse is held nicely together, I mean I'm sure they have been selling the things they have stolen from me and in return are using the money for new things and other things to feed their drug addictions. Which only pisses me off more, those were my supplies so all of the profit from it belongs to me including any property they bought.

As I was walking down the hall checking each room on this floor, I hear something come from the room at the very end of the hall. It sounded like something or maybe someone fell. I slowly make my way to the door of the room, with my gun in my hands and as I reach the door I put my ear up against it and a smirk made it's way to my face as I heard Josh on the phone with someone in a panic.

So I decided to listen for a minute before barging in.

"He's here, what the hell am I suppose to do." He says to whoever was on the other side of the phone in a hush tone.

"He's killed half of my fucking men, this wasn't part of the fucking plan Jordan." As I heard Jordan's name leave Josh's mouth I couldn't hold in my reaction as I felt my blood begin to boil. I kick the door open and saw Josh standing at a desk with his phone against his ear, but once I kicked opened the door he dropped his phone and looked at me with nothing but fear in his eyes.

"Don't stop on my account Joshy." I say as a wicked grin makes way to my face.

"L-Leon, what are you doing here?" He tries to sound unbothered and clueless, he and I both know that he knows why I'm here and whats to come for him.

"Who was on the phone Josh?"

"No one I-"

"Don't play fucking dumb with me, who the fuck was on the phone!" I point my gun towards him which makes him shake with fear as he lowered his head to look down at the ground.

"J-Jordan Bennett."

"What was that? Speak louder Josh." He looks up at me before speaking again.

"Jordan Bennett, okay it was him b-but I can explain Leon." He begs as he looks at me as I stand still as a statue.

"Go ahead, explain." My voice sounded deadly as I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed as I waited for him to give me his sad excuse. Whatever he had to say wasn't going to change the outcome of the whole situation, Josh Henderson was going to die here today. I just want to know why Jordan hired him and his gang instead of someone with more experience in this type of thing.

"He just wanted us to take you off his trail, apparently you were getting to close. He wanted us to distract you away from looking for him, he has been paying me and my gang to do whatever as long as it kept you away." I knew we were getting close to Jordan, I just wasn't sure how close we were until now, I am going to have to go back and double check every place we have already been to, maybe we didn't look in the right places.

Maybe he's hiding in plain sight.

"Was it worth it?" I asked in a casual tone as I leaned off the wall and looked down at my gun in my hand.


"Was helping Jordan worth it?" I look up at him with a grin on my face as I see how scared this prick is. He was shaking while gripping his desk behind him. He looked like he was about to pass out.


"Leon, please we can work something out man."

"Come on Josh, you know I don't do that. You fuck up once that's on you my friend, I'll see you in hell." I raise my gun and aim it towards his head before pulling the trigger. I watch his body fall to the ground before I made my way to his desk grabbing his phone. I was lucky that he didn't have a password on his phone.

I go to his recent calls and click on Jordan's number and I waited for him to answer while looking down at Josh's body.

"Are you an idiot, don't call me if he's there." Jordan's voice comes through the phone which makes me clench it in my fist so hard that I could have sworn that I heard it crack.

"Well, that's no way to greet an old acquaintance now is it Bennett."

"Leon." I heard the shock in his voice alongside the panic which brought slight joy to me, not enough to cover the rage and irritation that was coursing through my blood though.

"Now Jordan help me figure something out. Why the hell did you hire some low-life gang to do your dirty work, you getting too old to do it yourself?" I heard him groan before saying something under his breath, he was pissed and so was I.

"I don't know why it matters, you clearly handled yourself Leon."

"Yes I did, but I am still coming for you Jordan and once I find you. You're going to regret everything you have ever done to my family." As the words left my mouth I heard Jordan let out a laugh which only pissed me off more.

"You're just like your father, all bark no bite. You can come after me Leon, but I can't say that it will be easy or that it will go your way. Tell your beautiful mother I said hi, will ya?" He hangs up the phone before I even get a chance to respond.

"Fuck!" I throw the phone at the wall hard causing it to shatter into pieces. That son of a bitch doesn't know what's coming to him. I am dragged out of my pit of anger as I heard my phone ring, looking down at the screen I see that it was one of my men at the club calling.

"What is it?" I asked as I made my way out of Josh's office and back downstairs.

"Boss it looks like Lucy was followed to work tonight, two men in a black SUV pulled up at the same time that she arrived. They're parked outside right now.

"Shit." This is the last thing I wanted to deal with tonight.

"Do you want me to do something boss?"

"No, just leave them. I'm on my way." I hang up the call before rushing out the warehouse passing both Brody and Quinn who had confused expressions on their faces. I go to my car and once I am inside I speed off towards the club. I at least now know that Jordan isn't aware of the fact that I have been watching over Lydia because if he was he would have said something. But I guess he figured out where she was.

Great, just fucking great.


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