The Wolf Pact: A Wolfwalkers...

By slicerboy165

1.9K 27 14

Sean McCarthy, age 13, has been banished from Kilkenny by the Lord Protector for not practicing religion unde... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Nineteen

48 1 1
By slicerboy165

    I looked around my new home. My "bed", a stone slap, had a thin white cloth over it for a blanket. The barred window showed a view of a brick wall. Cold air gusted in from outside, dropping the temperature of the cell during the night. When I looked at the bars of my cell, I found to my dismay that there were bars both vertically and horizontally across the cell, so I couldn't slip through in my wolf form to escape. I decided to sleep on it. Well, what passed for sleep now. As I drifted off, I thought of Robyn and the pack again. Were they coming to save me? I had a horrifying thought. What if they didn't care? What if they didn't come for me at all? "Oh, Sean?" they would say. "We left him. Didn't need him anyway. Too nosey." I would spend the rest of my days rotting away in this cell, slowly deteriorating in condition before I finally died. I realized I was going down a rabbit hole. I fought with Robyn and Mebh against the Lord Protector and thought they were the best friends I could have ever had. They would come for me. They must, I thought, if I want to survive. I finally slipped away into sleep and my wolf form.

    It was weird to look at myself in the third person. I looked...bad. Pale, clammy, cold, like a homeless person. Is this how I looked like when I was living in the woods too? I hoped not. I walked around to get a feel for my wolf form and check myself out. It looked like I was gray, with a tan underbelly and legs. I loped around and barked and yipped, testing out what I could do. I closed my eyes and heard the trickle of water running down a rooftop and the guards speaking across the road. My smell, sight, and hearing were greatly improved, and I could run faster and jump higher as well. The wisdom of a human combined with the predator of the wolf. Now I could see why wolfwalkers were feared in Kilkenny. If they were after you, they would be unstoppable.

    And the people of Kilkenny were certainly coming after the wolfwalkers. They cut down their forest, burned it, and were now going out of their way to end the wolfwalkers once and for all. All in the name of prosperity. Ridiculous. They considered the wolves savages, but they were the savages. They were the ones intruding on the wolves' land, hunting them to near extinction. No wonder the wolves fought back. And when they did, the people claimed they were being killers and feared them even more. It was a mixed-up, backward situation, where the humans thought that wolves were beasts of nature, and the wolves thought that the humans were untrustworthy intruders.

    The sound of gunfire and swords snapped me back to the present. I returned to my human form and heard shouts coming from outside. I also saw guards rushing towards the town gates. What was happening? I craned to see if I could get a better view of the outside through the barred window. Then, I heard growls, like an animal. Like a wolf. Robyn and Mebh were coming to save me! But I could only watch as the fighting went on, out of my view. I hoped someone would get here soon because no doubt guards would soon be at my cell to ensure I hadn't escaped. I would have to break free before then.

    The growling and shouts slowly came closer to the cell, to the point where I could see the fighting happening in the dawn light. I then heard the tramp of footsteps and the clank of armor down the hall. The guards had come for me. One of them unlocked the door to my cell with his key and beckoned me forward. "You're coming with us. Lord Protector's orders." But before he could step into the cell, an arrow pierced his chestplate, and he fell over, dead. The other guard spun around to face his attacker. I seized the opportunity to grab the fallen guard's sword and stab him through the back. Robyn and Mebh came into view. "Oh, I'm so glad you're alive! We thought the Lord Protector had killed you!"

    "Glad to be back, Robyn. "

    Mebh walked up. "Good to have you back, townie, but we've got bigger problems to attend to." And with that, we sprinted off out of the cell and into freedom.

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