𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝|𝐁𝐗...

By money_festing

79.1K 2.8K 365

Just when Mizuki thought he had found his one true mate, his entire world turned upside down. He went from t... More



1.5K 62 1
By money_festing


I wiped the sweat off Mylo's face and went back to squeeze the water out in the small bowl.

It had now been 9 days since he's been out, and I was a bit worried. Lara said he was okay, though. He just needed to wake up on his own terms.

I don't want to sound like that person, but if Mylo had come to me and told me that his husband was abusing him, I would've done something.

As my advisor and as his friend, I would've put a stop to that, but I guess it was hard for him to speak out after months of abuse.

I overheard Zephyr ask Oz about Rhys, and still no one could find him. The entire thing about Rhys being Koa's brother made me on edge. Does it mean I would technically be his brother, too, since I looked like him.

Why did I even look like him? It was my main question, and why did I automatically believe it when they told me I looked like a guy I've never seen before and no one gave me proof.

I placed the cloth down and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

I walked back to my room and stared at nothing in particular. The room was beautiful really, since Zephyr told me to move to a different room, I've been noticing that every single person in this room screamed Koa.

I didn't know him but I was intruding, so I decided that moving to a different room was what's best.

I had nothing of my own here, so Zephyr told me to get anything I wanted and have the helpers fix the room for me.

"Sir." A small woman said as she entered the room.

I looked at her, and she cast her eyes to the floor, a behaviour I didn't like at all. We were all the same here.


"You are required to shift today, sir." She said with her eyes still focusing on the ground.

The last time I shifted was the day I went back to stay with Elara, and that's been a few weeks now.

I didn't enjoy the pain that came with shifting, but I loved the feeling of running through the woods, my fur being pushed back by the breeze. It was thrilling and exhilarating.

I wanted to shift, and I was pretty sure Cassius would enjoy that, too.

"Of course," he said happily. I had no need to ask who wanted me to shift because he's been extra nice to me, and it was too suspicious.

After he made me dry hump his leg. I did my best to avoid him, but he was always here. Did he not have some form of kingly duty to do, like fix the vegetation or try to find out the reason for the dark side in Oridian.

I was embarrassed, to say the least, who wouldn't be if you had just humped someone's leg like a dog in heat.

The woman cleared her throat, and I snapped my eyes at her, I forgot she was still standing there.

"Sure," I said, and she nodded, telling me to follow her.

She led me to the very back of the palace, which led into the woods from what I saw. It was quite spacious with large trees surrounding the area.

The lady came to stand by my side, and I looked at her. Her head was down, but she was still standing beside me. Was I supposed to shift in front of her?

"Can you leave, please?" She looked at me in surprise and bowed her head before walking away.

I watched her as she walked away, and when she was out of sight, I walked towards one of the large trees and shifted.

I shook my fur, the necklace that still stayed even after the transformation dangled slightly. Cassius sighed in content, and I ran through the woods. The air was fresh, and I felt wild and free running around like I had no care in the world.

I even ran in circles, dug holes, and peed on trees. Cassius was against that, but it had to be done.

A twig snapped and my head shot in the directron of the sound, I growled slowly at the black wolf that was in front me, he was big with his canines on full display, drool dripping down the side of his mouth.

He looked absolutely terrifying.

"We can take him!" Cassius's voice boomed in my head, and my eyes got wide.

"No, we can't." I told him, and he tried to fight me for control, but I refused . Does he not see the wolf that I saw? I was almost the size of a pup compared to him. The wolf bared his fangs at me, and I turned at the speed of light and ran further into the woods.

He chased me through the woods, and I made a wrong turn and came to a dead end in a clearing.

"Mizuki let me at him, I can take him." Cassius pressed as he kept forcing me back and tried to take control.

"Cass, we are a very small omega we can not take -"

"I can." He said and pushed me back to take control, blocking me out completely.


The alpha in front of me pounced, and I retaliated just like a great warrior does when in the face of danger. I dodged his attack, and he recovered swiftly, then came to pin me down on the ground. He snarled down at me, and I turned my head to look in the opposite direction.

If it was the submission he wanted from me, I would suggest he seeked it elsewhere.

I had my pride, and I intended to keep it.

The alpha nudged my snout with his own, and I still didn't budge. It had been years since he upped and left me in the moon kingdom to wander alone. Today was the day he chose to show up and act like all was well. All is not well. It was never well, and I would be damned if I gave in quickly.

I was not as simple as Mizuki, I still haven't forgiven Zephyr for what he did with that omega.

A warm and wet feeling caused me to zone back in, and I looked at the wolf. He started to lick me all over my face, and I pulled away.

"Cassius -" he began, and I cut him off before he finished what he was going to say.

"What are you doing here, Eros?" I asked, and he simply proceeded to lick the top of my head. When he was done, he pulled away and shifted back to human form, Zephyr's body. He was shirtless, and I got to see the tattoos I missed so much.

I shifted also and the clothes Mizuki was wearing before his transformation was still present. I eyed Eros as he looked at me, taking in every inch of my body, studying me. He was consuming me with bright red eyes.

I stared shamelessly at his naked upper half, ink scattered on his arms and across his chest. I can't wait to see Mzuki's reaction to this, Eros was back and at full strength.

I didn't care, though.

He stepped closer to me and stood very close. It didn't affect me in the slightest. I was not hyperventilating either, I was just taking deep breaths.

"Miss me?" Unlike Zephyr's deep and raspy voice, his was slightly deeper without the rasp.

I placed a hand on his hard abdomen, and like getting shocked by electricity, I quickly removed it.

"You're going to have to talk to me, my love." I chuckled distastefully and looked up at him, "I don't have to say a word to you. You left. I owe you nothing." I said, and his eyes immediately softened.

"Cassius, you were the one that left me first."

"I left and waited for you, Eros. I waited, but you never showed. Instead, you disappeared, leaving me and Zephyr. When he needed you the most you left him, he lost his mate and his wolf." I fumed.

Emotions I haven't felt in years hit me hard, and I placed my hands over my face and exhaled. When Zephyr and Koa were mere children we were chosen to watch over them and were eventually bonded when they came of age, Koa died and that caused the mateship between him and Zephyr to break thus breaking Eros and I's bond as well.

I was sent back to the moon kingdom to await a next carrier, and then last I heard was Eros disappeared. Now imagine the man you thought was gone to show up asking if you missed him.

I did miss him more than words could ever explain. He was my protector.

"I know, and I can not tell you how sorry I am, I can't even explain things to Zephyr." he said and shook his head.

I should've known he was back, Mizuki was healing the broken bits in Zephyr which caused Eros to return hence the tattoos, the lovely black ink that decorated his skin giving it so much life, and made him look even more appealing to the eyes.

"Then you shouldn't have left." I said, and he frowned.

"It was not that simple, and you know it. When your carrier dies, you go back to where you were born in hopes of getting someone new. Koa died and you were sent back, he was my mate too just as Zephyr is yours, do not blame this all on me I would've came back to you in a heartbeat if it was my choice and the fact you chose to blame me-" I cut him off by practically throwing self in his arms. I pressed my cheek against his naked chest as he wrapped me in his arms.

"I know it's not all your fault, I just wanted someone to blame." I whispered. It came out weirdly since my cheeks were squished up against his chest.

"You can place all your blames on me, my love, whatever you need. I am here."

You weren't then.

I hugged him as tight as I possibly could as the tears I've been holding so long started to fall. Eros raised his hand to wipe each tear that fell, and I cried even more.

"Why didn't you come back sooner?" I asked him.

"Zephyr was too weak, though he acted strong.He and I lost a mate, and that was a big blow to us." He explained.

"But Mizuki?"

"He is one of the reasons I came back. You are both here for me to protect, so I had to come back." He said softly.

He didn't think of coming back when Koa and I were in the face of danger. Neither him nor Zephyr showed up.

I pulled myself together and let him go, he hesitantly removed his arms from around me.

"You didn't answer my question." He said as we stood in close proximity.

I raised an eyebrow, and he placed both his hands on my waist, staring me down with his eyes.

He leaned forward and stopped when his lips brushed the side of my ear.

"Did you miss me?" He whispered, his hot breath tickling my ears that caused me to move my head, a small smile threatening to form on my lips.

Of course, I missed him. What kind of question was that?

Instead of telling him what he wanted to hear, I mumbled a small no and walked away.

His heavy footsteps,twigs snapping, and dried leaves crunching were all that was heard for a while as I walked back with him hot on my tail.

I had nothing to say to him. The hug was just a temporary area of weakness.

He grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"Cassius, come on."

"What are we going to do about the situation now? It is going to happen again." I decided to change the subject.

"We'll figure it out, but first, I want to know how bad you've missed me." He said and pulled me to him. I didn't like the pulling thing he and Zephyr tended to do. We were just tossed around and pulled back and forth.

"I didn't miss you at all." I said and looked him dead in the eyes. His red eyes hardened, and the cocky and sickening smirk he was sporting was wiped off entirely. He frowned down at me, and I smiled sweetly at him.

"The same fate will befall us again, and there is nothing we can do to stop it, nothing you can do."He said and stepped back, putting a small distance between us. I was a bit disappointed that he gave up so quickly, but I didn't let that show.

"Mizuki is stronger though, I can feel it."

Eros shook his head and sighed, "I am afraid that will not be all, we have a fate that haunts us and there is no escape, I know you're not willing to make the sacrifice and I am not thrilled either but-"

"We would be sacrificing our child, Eros. That is what she wants, and I will not stand by and let her try to take away my firstborn. Mizuki is strong enough that he can replace her when she falls from grace, and until then, you and Zephyr need to keep your hormones in check." I stated.

"A child we don't even have yet, you know the cycle, you know how this goes. Mizuki is destined to die unless you-WE hand over a child to her." he argued, and I looked at him in disappointment.

"Zephyr is willing to fight for us. Why aren't you?" I said, and a single tear rolled down my cheek as I stared at the man that was supposed to protect me and make me happy. Eros leaned his forehead against mine, and I closed my eyes.

"I can not lose you again,Cassius. If a child is all it takes for me to not lose you, I would do anything."


Anything is a dangerous word. Would he actually sacrifice something that we created together out of love to be killed.

"You will not lose me, I will be here with our child. None of us will be a sacrifice this time." I whispered as I caressed his cheek, and he brought his hand up to stop mine and pressed the side of his face into my palm.

"I will protect you with my life, you and Mizuki. I will save you both this time." He said softly. Tears that made me unable to see clearly ran down my face. Eros kissed the side of my face, and I leaned into his embrace.

His lips met mine after a few more small kisses, and we just stayed there. It was nothing too intimate but just what we needed at that moment.

We pulled away after a few seconds, but our faces were still close to each other.

I never wanted to lose him either. At that moment I decided that I would be the one to protect us this time. I will make sure we both make it this time.


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