The Dominant of Fire in FGO (...

By Foslagon

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Quick Summary: Y/N reincarnates into the Fate universe with powers similar into that of Clive and Joshua from... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Day One In A New World
Chapter 3: The Once And Future King
Chapter 4: The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship
Chapter 5: The Day Things Changed

Chapter 6: Life in Camelot

1.3K 77 82
By Foslagon

Things moved pretty fast once Artoria had finished pulled the sword free from the stone. 

Once the light had died down enough for people to see again, the town square erupted with cries and screams as both the famous sword and it's new master had disappeared in the flash of light.

"Come along you two" Merlin said in his usual cheery voice as he and Artoria quietly rejoined me and Kay amidst all the confusion. "Places to be and all that."

Like Merlin, Artoria was now also wearing a nondescript brown robe that somehow managed to hide her entire face without making her look a super shady person; and that wasn't the only change either, as Caliburn was now safety concealed in an old and worn-out looking sheath by her hip. 

With how big of a spectacle the sword pulling had been, news of the event was probably already making its way all across the city. So with that in mind, Merlin led us through the winding back-alleys of Camelot towards the castle's servant entrance.

"So...time to meet the old man..." I said awkwardly as I fell in step with Artoria.

Artoria nodded in response, but it was obvious that her mind was preoccupied with what was to come. Her expression was almost worryingly calm and her eyes were focused square on the path ahead of her, but from were I was standing I could see her hand gripping Caliburn's hilt so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.

"It'll be okay." I said softly, and putting my hand over Artoria's, I began using my healing powers. Since Artoria didn't have any injuries at the moment, Phoenix's power instead began relaxing her overly tense muscles and gave her a general pleasant feeling.

"Thank you Y/N." Artoria muttered quietly before gently removed my hand. Though are a few minutes her hand moved back to gripping the sword's hilt.

I understand why she was so apprehensive. Today was the day she was going to be meeting her father for the first time. For the past 15 years that hadn't been any communication between father and daughter, and from what Merlin had told us about the guy, King Uther wasn't going to be all that happy to see Artoria all grown up.

Uther wasn't an evil or cruel man by any means, but the years of lavish feasts and retelling past glories had made the man rather comfortable with his status as king; and it was unlikely that he would welcome the idea of acknowledging Artoria's existence after all this time. 

That was why we decided to sneak into the castle through the servant's entrance; we weren't going to give Uther the opportunity to turn us away! And in almost no time at all, the four of us were standing outside the large twin doors that lead to the king's audience chamber.

"So," I began, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Do we knock, or should we wait for someone to announ-."


"Guess whose back!" Merlin exclaimed dramatically as he throw the doors open so hard that they slammed against the walls and plunged the entire throne room into a shocked silence.

For a moment, no one said anything before the entire room become filled with groans and loud complaints.

"Oh god he's back."
"This mess is probably all Merlin's fault."
"Another one of his asinine pranks no doubt."

Inside the room were several old men; no doubt Uther's aides and members of his court. While none were so old that I would call them decrepit, they weren't exactly spring chickens anymore either. Some of them were dressed in rather fine silk, while others wore gleaming knight's armor that didn't have so much as a single scratch. 

All these old timers however looked like they'd be really annoying to deal with.

"Yes yes, I know how much you all missed me." Merlin continued, looking completely unbothered by the glares he was getting. "Well you'll be happy to know that I brought guests! Allow me to introduce Prince Arthur Pendragon and his retainers."

"Leave it to Merlin to make a scene." I signed tiredly before the Kay, Artoria, and I walked into the room and kneeled before King Uther.

"What nonsense is this Merlin! King Uther only has one child!"
"You've gone too far this time!"


With just a single word King Uther managed to regain control of the room. Despite being past his prime, the man clearly still had the charisma of a king.

"It has been a long time my son." King Uther continued briskly. "You've grown well since the last time I saw you."

"My liege! Then is what Merlin said is true?!" One of Uther's aides cried.

"It is." King Uther confirmed. "Prince Arthur is indeed my son. His existence was kept a secret so that no harm would come to my heir before he could protect himself."

"Well he certainly adapts quickly." I thought as Uther and Artoria exchanged pleasantries.

Even with Merlin's well-earned, (and absolutely deserved), reputation as a no good troublemaker, no one with a functional brain would ever dare ignore what he had to say. So if Uther directly denied Merlin's claim that Arthur was his son in front of all these people, it would only create the impression that the King and his Court Magician were at odds with each other, which would undermine greatly Uther's authority. 

So instead, Uther had quickly decided to take control of the narrative instead.

"My son, for the past 15 years you have enjoyed the lap of luxury. Your every whim has been granted, and until now you have known no hardship." Uther began in a booming voice.

"Lap of luxury my ass!" I thought, trying really hard not to scoff. "Don't pretend like you actually sent Sir Ector any child support!"

"And now it is time for you to return that happiness by fulfilling a noble's obligation. In these troubled time, many of my people request aid for tasks which are unsuited for my knights. Therefore I am charging you and your retainers with the responsibility of providing them aid."

"Translation: Nice to meet you "son". Now go do some work for me and get the hell out of my castle." 

Most likely, Uther was trying to prevent Artoria from staying in the city, which would normally allow her to build connections with the more influential people who lived here. And under normal circumstances that would have been a smart idea. 

Unfortunately though, things were only going to get worse in Britain until Artoria took the throne. 

It was happening slowly so not a lot of people could see it right now, but both Merlin and Artoria were of the opinion that in just a decade or two this entire country would be in flames...

The raids from foreign powers would only grow more frequent as the corrupt nobility continued to turn a blind eye towards their people's suffering, and that the in-fighting between the various kingdoms would only grow more intense once they got tired of this cold war phase they were currently locked in.

Sending Artoria out might lose her a lot of time to build connections with the nation's elite, but in turn it would also make her more popular with the common people. And later once the country devolves into all out warfare, the commoners who will be drafted to do the bulk of the fighting will be looking to Artoria to lead them.

Not Uther.

Sure Uther might get some of the credit by virtue of being Artoria's father, but when the time comes, the people will most likely rally around the Prince that personally came to help them  in there time of need rather then some old King can't even be bother to get off his throne anymore.

"Still it's pretty scary." I thought while casting a side-eye at Merlin. The incubus knew exactly how this conversation was going to play out right from the beginning. He even predicted the exact words Uther was going to use...

"Now as for your retainers." Uther continued "If I remember correctly you are Kay, son of Sir Ector?"

"It is as you say your majesty." Kay replied politely.

"It has been far too long since I have seen my old friend. Though from how much you've grown since I last saw you, I imagine he's doing quite well for himself."

"Indeed." Kay replied politely again. 

Despite being quite the renowned conversationalist, Kay continued to only say just enough so as to not come across as rude. And frankly I don't blame the guy for his attitude. The man genuinely thought of Artoria as his little sister, so after having spent years seeing just how little regard Uther had for his daughter, it was probably seriously pissed Kay off just how friendly Uther was acting now.

And I do mean acting by the way. 

Uther couldn't just let Artoria run around unsupervised, so the whole point of even bothering to start a conversation with her retainers was to gauge if Kay was willing to spy on her for Uther. That way Uther could keep an eye on Artoria and even have someone inside her faction to cause trouble if he needed.

And since Kay clearly wasn't willing to play ball, that meant Uther was going to shift his focus to me.

"And you young man?" Uther began as if on cue. "From which noble house do you hail from?"

"I do not hail from any house my lord." I replied back with a strained smile.

"Oh? So Prince Arthur has chosen to make a commoner his retainer then?" Uther commented nonchalantly which caused most of the people in the room to scoff arrogantly. 

"Only been half an hour since he's met her, and the man's already trying to undermine his Artoria's authority."

Another annoying thing about having been reincarnated in the middle ages was having to care about the class divide between commoners and nobles. It was common knowledge that only nobles could hold official positions, so the only reason why Uther implied that Artoria made a commoner her retainer just to make her look like a child who didn't know what she was doing.

"Well I ain't going to let you win asshole!" I thought before continuing aloud.

"Apologies, your majesty. But if I said I was a commoner or a noble, it might give some the impression that I was human; which I most certainly am not."

"Not human...?" Uther replied, now looking at me with much more interest. Unlike the Uther from the BBC Merlin show, the Uther of this world was very much interested in magic; even if he had no talent for it himself. "Are you like Merlin then? An Incubus?"

"No quite!" Merlin answered. "Our Y/N here is actually the legendary fire spirit known as a Phoenix. He's just taken the form of a human so that he can move around without causing a panic."

"Show me." Uther demanded, leaning forward in his throne.

"I'm afraid that might be rather difficult." Merlin replied before I had a chance to answer. "If Y/N took his true form now, not even the castle courtyard would be enough space for him to really spread his wings."

While that wasn't exactly a lie just now, if Uther really wanted to see me turn into a Phoenix then Merlin could easily just expand the size of this room with his magic. I actually had no problem with showing Uther that form either, but Merlin was the one who told me yesterday not to show him.

"Always leave them wanting more Y/N, that's the first rule of showmanship! And besides, Artoria is supposed to be the star of the show! How is anyone supposed to follow up you turning into a big chicken?"

"How disappointing" Uther commented now looking both annoyed and unconvinced. I really didn't like how he was looking at me, but if I didn't put on a show they might think we were lying to make ourselves seem more important.

"As a thank you for granted us an audience today, please allow me to at least show you something for your time." I said, bowing slightly.

Instead of just summoning my wings in one shot like I normally do, this time I allowed them slowly materialize out of my back. I let the wings grow bigger and bigger before stretching them out to their fullest so that they were just shy of touching the high ceiling. Then flapping them a few times just for dramatic effect, I stood up so that everyone could get a good look.

"My word!"
"Look at how they glow!"
"How marvelous!"

"Perfect!" I thought smiling. "And now for the finishing touch."

While everyone was distracted by the obvious spectacle, I began subtly using my healing powers so that it gave everyone in the room a nice pleasant feeling; just like I had done with Artoria earlier on our way here. 

Then just when everyone was starting to relax, I shut my powers off and made my wings disappear! And let me tell you, the look on their faces was priceless!

Everyone in the room looked like I had just slapped them hard in the face, and without the additional heat generated by my wings, the room suddenly felt much colder.

"Y/N was it?" Uther began. "Come work for me as one of my aides. Just like I have with Merlin, I can grant you a spot by my side that will truly make use of your wonderful talents. In return can I grant any desires you might have. Opportunities like this don't come around too often you know"

"I'm afraid I must decline your majesty." I answered with zero hesitation, which caused Uther's magnanimous smile to turn into barely concealed scowl. "I have already sworn my life and my loyalty to Price Arthur alone. Just like Merlin, I also believe that when Prince Arthur takes the throne all of Britain will enter into a true golden age of prosperity." 

"Then I have very high hopes for what you will accomplish, my son." Uther replied, as the other people in the room began cheering and crowding around Artoria. Thankfully for Uther's sake, his aides made more then enough noise to coverup the creaking of his leather gloves as he dug into the armrests of his throne. 

The man may have been smiling, but the look in his eyes was murderous.

Now all of Uther's top aides knew that not only did Merlin the Magician support Price Arthur's claim to the throne, but the Prince also had the power of another magical being at his beck and call. And with how excited the maids around the room were looking, I imagine that in less than a hour everyone in the castle would know exactly what had happened today.


Since that day, two months have passed since Artoria, Kay and I had had our audience with King Uther. And rather surprisingly, there hasn't been any trouble so far. While I wasn't exactly expecting Uther to send assassins after us immediately, I had thought that he would have at least tried something by now.

Though it was probably just like Merlin had said. Any attack against Artoria now would only damage Uther's reputation more than it would hers. So rather then be on guard 24/7, I decided to instead just relax and spending my day off in the castle's library, with a nice book and a few cups of tea. 

Kay and Artoria were most likely spending the day at the training grounds with the other knights; as everyone was getting ready for the tourney that Uther was organizing to debut Artoria to the public. 

And while I had joined them for a quick sparring session or two when I had the time, my time these past two months has largely been spent learning from Gaius, the current Court Physician  who taught me a few things and gave me some hands on experience on how to heal without using my powers.

But like I mentioned, today was my day off. There was no one in the infirmary who needed healing, and no snobby aristocrat who was trying to sweet talk me into gaining favor with Artoria. 

Today I could just relax all by myself.

"Well now, isn't this interesting..." said a rather sweet but dangerous sounding voice interrupted all of a sudden.

Looking up from my book. I found myself being observed by woman who could only be described as breathtakingly beautiful.

She looked remarkably like Artoria, and despite being similar in age, her face somehow had a more mature and regal looking quality to it. And when paired with her silvery white blonde hair and kind looking demeanor, it somehow made her seem like someone who was just a bit too beautiful to be human.

"Morgan le Fay." I thought with both awe and wariness as Morgan in the Fate universe was a giant complicated mess of a character since the poor girl was basically three different people smooshed in one body. 

The one in front of me now was most likely Morgana Pendragon, Artoria's caring older sister who genuinely loved Artoria and wanted to see her happy. 

But later once Artoria takes the throne, the Morgan le Fay personality will emerge and will do everything in her power to destroy both Artoria and Camelot. 

But also also, she also has the personality of Lady Viviane, the Lady of the Lake who raises Sir Lancelot, and is the one who gives Artoria Excalibur so she can defeat her Uncle Vortigern. 

No wonder the girl goes crazy...

"Still...what is she doing here?" I couldn't help but wonder. I heard that Morgana had just  returned from visiting the Kingdom of Lothian yesterday, so I wasn't expecting her to come to the library of all  places.

"Did you perhaps get lost on you're way to the training hall ser knight?" Morgana asked with a confident smirk as she leisurely made way over. "Knights usually don't spend time in the library you know."  

From her tone, it didn't sound like she was trying to pick a fight. Rather if I had to guess, I think she was just bored and looking for something interesting to do.

"Well that ain't surprising." I replied back, managed to sound decently confident despite being slightly terrified. "From what I've seen, I doubt most of the knights in this place can even read without having to get someone else doing it for them."

Seriously! So many of the people in this place only got their positions thanks to a handout from dear old daddy. You could see it all across the city just how corrupt this place was just beneath the surface. With how the guards by the city gates secretly charged entrance fees to people entering the city, and how it was apparently pretty normal for nobles to go into town and harass commoners. 

They would drone on and on about how amazing they are, but the second they get so much as a paper cut they would come running to the infirmary. And a few of them even had a gall to tell me to do a better job! Haven't these people ever heard that you shouldn't piss off the healer?!

It's honestly no surprise to me now that Vortigern will take complete control over this land for more than a decade in the future.

"Still, why does she think I'm a knight though?" I wondered, getting back on track. "Maybe she saw the sword match I had with Artoria yesterday?" Most people couldn't physically keep up with Artoria like I could, so from time to time we had sparring matches with each other so neither of us would get rusty.

"As a princess I probably should have you sent to the stocks for saying that. But you aren't exactly wrong either so I'll let it slide this time." Morgana said dismissively, as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and took a seat across from me. "So what are we reading today?"

Holding up the book up so she could see the cover,  Morgana's eyes surprisingly lit up with recognition, before she quickly put up a mask to hid how eager she had looked.

"Oh I quite enjoyed that one myself. Tell me Sire Knight, what do you think of the story so far?"


"Meh?! I'll have you know that that is one of the best books in this entire library. Surely you could give a better review then just "meh"!" Morgana said, crossing her arms. 

I honestly wasn't expecting her to be so passionate about this, and despite my wariness of her she was capable of, I couldn't help but relax a little.

"The heroine is just so wishy-washy it's gotten annoying." I explained. "At this point I want her to just hurry up and pick either the Crown Prince or the Foreign Prince so that I can go find something better to read."

"Then how would you write the novel then?" Morgan challenged, looking at me direct in the eyes.

"Honestly?" I replied. "She should pit the Crown Prince and the Foreign Prince against each other. They're both so dumb that it'd only take a few sweet words for them to start killing each other. Then once their both their forces are weak, she should wipe them both out and install a fake leader to serve as her puppet while she rules both their kingdoms the shadows."

Personally I thought it was a much better plot, but Morgana didn't say anything. For a long moment she just stared at me like I had two heads or something she started laughing.

"Oh I think you and I are going to get along quite swimmingly ser knight." Morgan said, finally relaxing a little as she leaned back in her chair and giving me a big smile. "Tell me, what is your name? I can give you a few recommendations on some other stories you might suit your tastes better."

"Apologies, but if you think this mess of a plot is one of the best books in entire library, then for the sake of my sanity I think I'm might to have to decline." I said jokingly before getting up to put the book back on the shelf.

"Good luck trying to find something on your own." Morgan replied with a foreboding smile. "Now answer my question! When a lady asks, a Knight's is duty bound to fulfill her every request."

"Well it's good thing I am not actually a Knight then." I replied cheekily, leaving the library quickly before Morgana had a chance to say anything else. Making my through the halls, I ducked into a nearby broom closet and shut the door.

"CRAAAAAAAAAAP! I just mouthed off to Morgan le Fay! Why did I do that?! I mean she's technically Morgana Pendragon right now but still! Hopefully when she goes crazy in the future she doesn't remember this and turns me into a frog or anything!"

Suffice it to say, I had trouble sleeping for the next few days...


"Y/N, are you there? I have a job I need you to do."

"I'm here Gaius." I replied tiredly. "What can I help you with?"

It had been about a week or two since I had had my chat with Lady Morgana in the library, and while I had gone back there few times since that day, she sadly has not made another appearance since then. 

That being said though, it was entirely possible that she had visited the library again, but with the grand tourney now fully underway, I really have not had a lot of time to check beyond quickly popping my head in for a moment or two.

"I know this is beneath you child." Gaius said hurriedly as he quickly mixed together some ingredients. "But I need you to take these potions to Lady Morgana."

"Sure I don't mind." I answered understandingly. 

These past few days have been nothing but fighting and feasting. And with a tournament being this big, there have already a lot of injuries and foul plays being made every single day. While my powers could heal fatal wounds in a just few minutes, they couldn't restore lost blood, so Gaius had been very busy these past few days make various types of potions and elixirs. 

The man was understandably exhausted, and since I was learning a lot from him anyways I  really didn't mind helping him out with minor stuff like this.

"What's it for anyway?" I asked.

"Her headaches. Poor girl gets them from time to time, and they can cause her mood to change rather drastically. The medicine will help her sleep at night."

"I see..." I said quietly as I left the infirmary and left for Morgana's room. More than a few times now I've wondered if I should tell anyone about the things I know will happen in the future. But every time I've tried, something always stops me. Either someone suddenly needs help with something, or I magically forget what I was going to say right as I start talking.

It almost felt as though the world itself was stopping me from making too drastic a change to the timeline. 

And honestly, maybe it was... 

After all, the Age of Man needs to happen so history can progress down the proper path. And for that to happening, the Camelot that Artoria will one day build has to come crashing down.

So instead of trying to completely stop what was going to happen, maybe I should instead focus on giving the story a slightly happier ending for it's major characters. How I was going to go about that though, I had no idea.

I still had plenty of time to figure it out though, so I figured there wasn't much point in stressing out about it now.

As I continued to ascended the many stairs and hallways that lead to Morgana's room, it wasn't long before I was meet by the two guards that had been assigned stand outside her chambers.

"Halt! State your purpose."

"Delivery for Lady Morgana from Sir Gaius." I said hold up a proof of authenticity. (Which basically just to prove that I wasn't here to deliver poison to the kingdom's Princess).

"The Princess is currently occupied, and she isn't entertaining guests at the moment." The guard replied harshly.

"Yeah...I don't actually need to see her though. If you could just give it to her the package later, that'd work too."

"Do I look like I get paid enough to leave my post? If you want me to go do something like that, maybe you should make it worth my-" The guard began before he was elbowing by his friend.

"Look at the pin he's wearing idiot!" The second guard whispered.

"Crap! A-apologies my lord, I didn't realize you were part of Prince Arthur's entourage." The first guard continued, now speaking much more respectfully. "I'll go see if Lady Morgana can spare a few minutes."

"Again, I don't need to see...and you're already knocking."

*knock knock*

"I thought I asked not to be disturbed." a female voice replied from the other side of the door.

"Apologizes your highness, But one of Prince Arthur's retainers requires a moment of your time."

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear apparently. Very well, send him in."

Taking a look around her chambers as I stepping in, the place looked almost picture perfect for a princess. The room had unnecessarily high ceilings, a beautiful balcony view, and a massive king sized bed that looking way comfier than the one in my room. 

But while Morgana's chambers looked almost exactly how I had imagined them, I certainly had never imagined that I would find both her and Artoria to be there together having tea time.

"Does Morgana know?" I wondered. "Better play it safe just in case."

"My Prince. I apologize for interrupting." I bowed deeply before Artoria interrupted.

"It's fine Y/N, Morgana already knows." she said.

"Did you really tell him so soon?" Morgana sighed with a disappointed pout. "I was looking rather forward to seeing how well your servant could act under pressure."

"You told her?" I asked Artoria, now feeling really worried. They couldn't have known each other long, so was it really safe to trust the future Morgan le Fay this quickly?

"What? With the fact that my "brother" is actually a woman!" Morgana said very loudly, which caused me to cringe and look towards the door where the guards were.

"Merlin enchanted the room." Artoria reassured me. "To everyone outside, they only heard faint murmuring."

"And why did he do that?" I asked.

"It was my suggestion actually." Morgana answered, causally popping a grape into her mouth before gesturing to Artoria. "She's going to need some place in the godforsaken castle to put her hair down from time to time. And  if you really must know, having weekly tea time gives us a chance to catchup on some sisterly bond."

"So you're just totally cool with Artoria's...general existence?" I asked hesitantly.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Morgan replied, now looking genuinely confused.

"Well..." I began cautiously. "With Artoria here, you lose any chance to have Camelot's throne."

"Ha! She can have it for all I care!" Morgan scoffed dismissively. "Once my marriage to King Lot is finalized, I will happily be on the first carriage out of this kingdom."

"King Lot..." I murmured trying to place the name. "Right, he's Morgana's husband, and the father of Gawain, Agravain,  and Gareth.

"Morgana has been engaged to him for a few years now." Artoria explained. "He's the King of Lothian, and has been friends with King Uther since they were children."

"Now he's a real King." Morgan continued pridefully. "Strong, ambitious, and if the size of his hands are any indication..." she trailed off teasingly.

"Morgana please" Artoria sighed, which caused Morgan laugh rather gleefully. 

Looking at them now, it honestly surprised me just how in sync they had become. They really did look like a pair of sisters who had grown up together. I was absolutely going to keep my eye on her, but for now I don't think the Morgan le Fay personality has manifested yet.

"Well anyway," I interjected, placing the potions on the table. "Here's a delivery from Gaius. Mix it in with your tea before you go to bed."

"Oh, leaving so soon?" Morgana asked with an innocent tone I didn't like. "Isn't there anything else you'd like to ask?"

Turning around, I gave her a confused look before my eyes shifted to the book she was tapping idly with her finger and remembered what she had said in the library.

"Good luck trying to find something on your own."

"You could have given me the heads up that most of the books in that library were fake." I grumbled. "Why even bother having a library if half the books are just fancy looking covers!"

"Books are a sign of wealth." Morgan answered shrugging her shoulders. "But you can't win wars with them so daddy only buys them to keep up appearances. And since I've lived here all my life, only I know which books are actually looking at."

"Well I wish I knew that before I got my hopes up." I thought silently. God, I can not express to you just how boring life is in the middle ages! I miss the internet...

"Ahem. Beautiful and fair Princess Morgana, can you please give this humble man some recommendations?"

"Wow immediately went straight to the begging huh?" Morgana said looking surprised for a moment. "Well I like a good man who knows his place so here." she finished handing me a long piece of paper.

The problem though, was that there was only a single book title on it...

"I have more of course, but I quite like the idea of having you at my beck and call. If you want the rest, you're going to have to do something for me." Morgana said with a sadistic smile.

"Such as...?"

"Join me and Artoria for our weekly tea sessions. I love her, but she prefers stuffing her face to reading, so I could use someone to discuss books with."

"If that's all, then sure." I replied. This sounded like the perfect excuse to keep an eye on Morgana before she turned into Morgan. (Plus the free books and snacks didn't hurt either.)

"Anyway I really do have to get going." I said, putting the piece of paper in my pocket.

"I should be going as well Morgana." Artoria said standing up. And once she and Morgana said  their goodbye, the two us left Morgana's room and made our way outside, coming to a stop as we stood on the castle's ramparts.

"So you really trust her?" I asked Artoria as we watched the sunset off in the distance

"I do." Artoria replied. And while she looked as stoic as ever, her stance was now much more relaxed than I had seen in the past two and a half months. "She's lived her whole life in the castle and she's been giving me a lot of helpful advice. All my instincts tell me she can be trusted."

"I see." If Artoria has made already her decision, then there wasn't any point in trying to change her mind. All I could do now was watch her back.

"And also..." Artoria continued, a sounding bit hesitant. "It's been rather nice having an older sister to talk to."

And while she wasn't looking at me, but I could see the corners of her mouth move up slight. 

"Y/N, I hope we'll always be just like this." she finished  with a rare smile.

"I'm sure you will." I lied after a long silence.


Author's Note: And that's chapter 6 done!

Yeah, sorry it took so long...

I started playing a few gatcha games, and kept going back and forth on if I wanted to try my hand at a Highschool DxD x Ghost Rider!reader fanfic (<- is this something you'd guys be interested in reading?) 

Anyway, I hope Morgana wasn't too OCC for some of y'all. I tried to write her as someone who still confident, domineering and ambitious, but is also a lot more chill than the Morgan we know, so hopefully that came across well enough.

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