touch me, hold me, love

By Favichimiku

55 1 0

Tsukasa, Len and ichika They were best friends, Who studied at the same school But they were never lucky enou... More

love and panic (and fainting)

55 1 0
By Favichimiku

It was 7 am of a school Monday, End of school break period to the despair and unhappiness of teachers and students, Very few people like going to school, taking tests and activities. In addition to important decisions in school life, such as where to go to high school or college. Really, almost no one can be happy about going back to school- — LENN!! —... But there are exceptions

The tenma exclaimed with joy, jumping with his best friend Len Seeing that they were finally in the same class, Tsukasa tenma and kagamine Len They were best friends since kindergarten Because of their similar appearance But since then they haven't had the luck to fall into the same class again. However, this year seems to have finally favored both boys — Wait! Before celebrating, we need to see if ichika made it too...— Len stopped Jumping a little Looking at the board of students, Tsukasa did the same and the two remained quiet in a serious atmosphere.

if the trio were in the same class this year it would be the best thing that could happen — I FOUND HER! — Tsukasa exclaims pointing to her name on the board In the same class as them, Making both their eyes shine with happiness — This year will be legendary, We're going to get into this school's books! — Speaks doing one of his Typical choreographed poses while Len laughs in the background — Let's take it slow Classes have just started, tsukasa and Ichika hasn't even arrived at school yet — With this point that Len just said, it made them both realize that Ichika hadn't really arrived.

So they start looking for their friend to tell her the good news, The excited tsukasa went ahead running past Len and accidentally leaving him behind, Kagamine didn't even have time to call him back The boy looked like he had drunk about 50 cans of energy drinks at once. Leaving Len lost in that hallway, He just didn't feel angry with Tsukasa because I've lived with him for years and I knew the boy didn't do on purpose, But he was visibly shocked by the speed at which his friend left.

The bad part is that Len didn't know anything about that part of the school, because when children go from 6th to 7th grade, their classrooms are in another part, but when they were reporting that location. Tsukasa and Len were almost having a party for being in the same class together and his friend Ichika too, So Len was completely lost there — damn... — Realizing this, he tried to ask other people for information, but they either didn't know or were rude to him, It wouldn't end well that way.

The day which was supposed to be amazing, could be ruined like this!? Len sighed tired and a little sad, However, a hand touched his shoulder gently, making him turn towards the person in surprise. — Hello, Are you all right kid? — An adult in a big, shiny blue scarf asks Len, who was currently mesmerized by the beauty of the guy in front of him. The blue hair and eyes really matched the boy's appearance and charm, the boy had never seen anyone like him. After a few seconds that felt like hours inside a Paradise for Len realized he hadn't answered the question.

— oh.. Yes I am! Just a little lost, I didn't hear where class 7-A is located and The friend I was with went ahead of me so I lost sight of him —  He had to Struggles not to stutter or stare too much at the person in front of him, becoming confused as to why he was feeling this way But in response the adult just smiled at him, and the only thing Len could think when he saw his smile was "oh. my dear lord."

— What a coincidence, I was going from class to this room now it seems like I'm going to be your teacher, It will be a pleasure to teach you! — Len's mouth formed an awkward smile at this news, perhaps because he is embarrassed that his teacher caught him out of class on the first day. But his mind was freaking out and celebrating in about five hundred different ways, As if him had won a video game championship — Sorry we met outside of class, mr...? — Len asks the name of the person who attracted him so much — Kaito, My last name is a bit difficult so you can just call me Mr.kaito — Kaito spoke in a gentle voice, which made Len's ears turn red in surprise.

With this brief interaction between the two Kaito walked slowly, waiting for Len to follow him, which the student promptly did it without thinking twice and even if he thought he would still do the same thing, not being able to know if it was because he didn't know where the room was or to spend more time with Kaito. As the two walked side by side towards the living room,
Len looked sideways at Kaito, even though he had to look a little higher to see his face, he was looking for something not to like about that teacher. Not that he had anything against the blue haired one, On the contrary, Len had already liked him a lot, and that was the problem.

His voice was sweet and calm but at the same time firm, his blue hair matched perfectly with his Deep ocean eyes which kind of made sense since Len was Deep in his own mind by so much beauty that teacher had. and after thinking about it he finally realized that he couldn't find anything bad about that teacher, Which made him angry with himself, especially when he felt Kaito looking at him a little confused Why the boy looked so fixed and looking a little angry at him, Which made Len's face have little flashes of heat and look to the side in embarrassment. What was happening to him?

— Oh, Now that I see that I didn't even ask your name, sorry for my lack of politeness — And with a simple question, Len almost faints in the middle of the corridor when he sees his teacher "curious" about him. He just doesn't fall there in that hallway because they were probably close to the room and Tsukasa and Ichika would laugh at him along with the whole class — It's Kagamine Len! Don't worry Mr.Kaito, There will probably be so many students that you'll even forget my name again — He responded by smiling when he saw the teacher standing in front of a door where there was a sign written "7-A", That was definitely his classroom. But before the two could enter, Kaito said something that Len didn't expect — I find it difficult to forget a student like you — Kaito spoke calmly with a smile on his face, Opening the door normally and walking in while sitting in his teacher's chair.

Meanwhile, Ichika and Tsukasa were at the back of the classroom, a little desperate, where was Len, Tsukasa blamed himself a little and Ichika was upset knowing that this was happening because Her father's car ran out of gas, and she had to get to school later. At least their despair was cut short by the teacher arriving in the classroom and soon after Len arrived too, Making them both smile and pointed to the seat next to them however, as Len got closer to where the two were Ichika and Tsukasa noticed Len's different behavior Like the fact that his face is a little pinker than before Besides looking a little confused and shocked.

— Len? Are you mad that I left you behind? I didn't mean to- — While Tsukasa tried to apologize to Len Ichika cuts him off trying to take the blame on herself — No! It was me... if I hadn't been late You two wouldn't even part on the way — In response to these two apologies, the only thing Len could do was held the arms of the two friends and say — I'm going to faint... — Len said this while almost throwing himself on the floor with so much shame, happiness and confusion he was feeling with what Kaito said to him before entering the room. Ichika and Tsukasa were clearly confused why Len was like that but the three of them just started laughing when they saw how funny that scene was.

And as soon It started Kaito's class, he introduced himself As the new professor of physics and philosophy, That was reason enough to make half the class throw paper balls in his class. Besides, Len kept his head on the table in class the entire time so as not to look at the teacher and get lost in his beauty again. Besides He didn't tell his friends why he was acting like that, And all of this actually worked for a while until Kaito noticed that Len had his head down for most of his class. — Len. — Kaito's voice in his ear and leaning on the school desk, It made Len almost jump out of his seat but he just raised his head towards Kaito. — Me Mr.kaito? — His friends are already looking worried at Len, thinking that Kaito would scold him.

— Nothing, I just thought you were sleeping or feeling unwell so I was a little worried. But since you're behaving and it's the first class, I'll let this pass — and with that Kaito returned to his seat and told the other students to stop throwing paper balls. — That was close, Len Imagine if he took points off your grades because he found you sleeping — Ichika said mocking him laughing, Thinking he was shocked because he thought he was going to lose his grade Tsukasa nodding in the background. — He said he was worried about me!? — him exclaims only to the two of them in happiness, Leaving ichika and tsukasa confused as to why he had focused on that.

To the happiness of all students except Len, Kaito's class time was over and the next class was music. Which left the trio super excited, Since the three of them liked music and planned to work and have a future with it, In unique but good ways. — You'll see! I, Tsukasa tenma will dominate the stage and plays with my incredible musicals and performances, I will put a smile on everyone's face especially my little sister! — He proclaimed, striking a pose while the trio went to the instrument and music room — That's cool! I want Be part of a band when I grow up, I will be a famous guitarist — She spoke in a proud way, not so much as Tsukasa but rather confident in herself. — hmm.. I like all styles of music, I don't know which one I'm going to follow yet but I want to make music that I can make me feel Even more alive! —

This wasn't something new for any of the three, as they talked a lot about music sometimes. And after that conversation they finally arrived at the music room but again without any sign of any teacher, Although Several musical instruments were already In the room That made most of the students were quickly touching or admiring them, Obviously our trio of curious, went together With others, however, Tsukasa and Len went directly to the piano and when Ichika was following the two her His attention was quickly taken away by a guitar, which seemed to shine in the room in Ichika's eyes.

So while Tsukasa was impressing his colleagues with his agility on the piano, Ichika was in a corner of the room admiring that guitar as if it were a delicious piece of cake in a window. But there was nothing stopping She picked up the guitar and as it seemed the ideal size and width for her, she did so, She was already studying guitar, but only on paper never in practice. So you can understand her excitement when holding one for the first time, at the same time she was nervous even though she knew how to hold it properly, it felt like her fingers had soap on them.

Until a voice came from behind Ichika — You look like you're having a problem holding this, let me show you darling — Soon a hand delicately placed itself on top of Ichika's hand, and her other hand is also kind of guiding the right place to hold the guitar so it was firm and could be touched. Ichika She was a little shocked by this and felt a small shiver in her body, but she didn't deny the person's help. Suddenly she felt the person leaning over a little and placing his head on her shoulder. Before she could say anything or at least thank the person, Her hands were moved towards the guitar strings Making a little sweet melody.

At that moment, Ichika looked to the side, and saw the person who was guiding her. A beautiful adult who seemed to have the face of a perfect doll, Besides having two big ponytails that looked like the cloudless sky. A feeling of Comfort and warmth possessed ichika completely, For that small moment she could have sworn that in that room there was only her, This beautiful girl and this melody they shared Now. It was like she had known her for a long time, While the cyan haired girl's hands gently played on the guitar using ichika's, She could feel her heart beating fast as the melody continued As if her heartbeat were part of the music.

It was like that until the melody ended, making the girl behind her take Ichika's guitar and put it in its place, smiling. Ichika stayed in the same place as before, paralyzed by all the emotions she just felt and a little bit of Longing for when she was playing the guitar with the girl, Even just seconds of it being over. Soon ichika was taken out of her thoughts When she saw that the teacher had already finished putting away the guitar and was looking at her with a beautiful smile on her face, Making ichika panic about what to do —  Don't worry, There's nothing wrong with feeling nervous or anxious — A gentle voice came from her lips along with her bending down, a little delicately taking ichika's hand as if it were a super fragile thing and observing it more closely.

Miku's fingers passed through Ichika's, each time she looked closer a smile and a surprised face appeared even more. The student was as if she was in space at that moment, that girl's touch was as if she were made of cotton And all this whirlwind of emotions felt good! Her breathing became heavier even though she tried to control it. — Your fingers are perfect for playing the guitar, you will definitely rock my classes — This comment made Ichika surprised to learn that she would be her new teacher — I see you're not much of a talker, right? — The question finally made Ichika realize that she hadn't even said anything yet, she was so amazed at her new teacher — It's not that! I just.. got confused because you weren't mad at me for picking up the guitar before you arrived —  The girl quickly invented a lie so the teacher wouldn't find it strange

— Oh? And why would I be mad about that? I'm happy to see that I already have a student who likes guitar and seems to have a talent for it. I'm Hatsune Miku, your new music teacher — Miku introduced herself to Ichika as her new teacher this made her now totally excited — It will be amazing to have you as a teacher, Ms. Miku! I am Ichika Hoshino — Both of their faces were smiling from ear to ear, but before they could say anything else, A bunch of applause is heard from the other side where the majority of the room was gathered around.

— Thanks! Thank you for the applause, honorable audience! — Tsukasa thanked people with a pose after finishing playing the piano, Clearly treating it as if it were some kind of attraction he did at home alone. Miku soon gave a wave of her hand to Ichika and went to the center of the room to ask them to sit down Because the class was about to start, What the students did promptly

And as always Len and Tsukasa sat in the back next to where Ichika had sat — You lost ichika I rocked it as always on the piano! — He said proudly until he noticed that Ichika had a idiot smile on her face and get confused. But Len understood the situation quickly having gone through the same thing a few minutes ago  — Teacher? — He asked out of politeness, he was almost sure of Ichika's answer — teacher. — she didn't even try to lie or hide this fact, her knew it would be useless — What's going on with you two today? — The innocent tsukasa asked without understanding anything about the situation of the two friends who were having a telepathic connection

Other than that, there wasn't much else in Miku's class, the class went normally and Ichika and Len talked every now and then about the problem they were having, while Tsukasa went crazy trying to understand both of them. Finally, after what seemed like decades, it was time for today's last school subject — Please don't be math, Please don't be math, Please don't be math, Please don't be math- — Tsukasa's "prayer" was cut off by len — We already understand that you don't like math — He spoke in an uncomfortable tone, the way the blonde was repeating that words all the time. — Let's be honest who in the world likes math? — Ichika completed the group of complaints

After that the whole room was silent, another teacher was late again — My God, why is no teacher who arrives on time!?- — Before he finishes speaking a mini Robot opens the room door, Making all the students including Tsukasa confused. In his hand was a purple box with a ribbon on top, He walked to the middle of the classroom and stopped there, all the students looking at that robot and purple box But no one had the courage (or stupidity) To go there and open. Well no one except Tsukasa, He quickly went to the robot and opened it eith no fear or second thought, Seeing this, Ichika and Len sigh But what happened no one could expect, a big "BOOM!" It came out of the box with confetti together, some of which even ended up in Tsukasa's hair.

The classroom door quickly opened accompanied by a man's loud laugh — Good morning students! I hope your first day of school is as excited as this little surprise I made. — He said looking at the class, While Tsukasa was still shocked by it all and some students in the class were also laughing, but it was because Tsukasa had caught the teacher's surprise. This made Ichika and Len worry for their friend, They knew how Tsukasa exaggerated when everyone laughed at him and they were worried about how he would react, However, to their surprise — WOW — The blonde's eyes shone with admiration. How that box managed to hold such a widespread exploitation and that robot that had never seen one like it in his life made him not even realize that they were laughing at him

The teacher soon made the students stop laughing at tsukasa situation, he offered his hand to the student — Sorry if I scared you — The blonde accepted Rui's hand and smiled — its all right! — He already answered with several questions in mind to ask the teacher but before he could, The class had already started and he was already on his school desk from before. — damn... — He murmured disappointedly as he began to pay attention in class but the questions still wouldn't leave his head.

— Returning to our normal schedule, I'm Rui Kamishiro, yours new math teacher — He introduced himself with a smile, Len held back his laughter and looked at Tsukasa's face, expecting a funny angry face. To his surprise the face he made face seemed more curious Than frustrated, During half of Rui's class he tried to ask him — Mr.Kamishiro, when will the part come where you teach us how to do things like that explosion or robot? — However, Rui always responded with a laugh and went back to talking about the subject. This made Tsukasa frustrated, until...


The bell for luch time finally rang, sending the entire class rushing out the door. Rui didn't even have time to say a single word, which made him sigh and sit at his desk looking at some papers from that class to write down a few things. But in the middle of nowhere, a head appears, peering at the paper a little and looking at him — HUH!? — He almost fell out of his chair because of the shock he got from it. After quickly recovering, he recognized the student who was that was in front of him — Sorry If I Scared You — Tsukasa spoke imitating his voice with a laugh at the end — okay, Maybe I deserved it but you should be in the cafeteria eating — He advised him

Tsukasa, upon hearing this, frowned at him — But so far you haven't even answered my question! — Rui's look was confused for a while, Finally then he realized what the boy was talking about — Wait, are you talking about that questioMr.kamishiron about the robot and confetti? — The boy shake his head frantically in agreement — Yes! You see mr.kamishiro...— He takes a mini break to strike a pose — I'm a future star! In the future all the most incredible musicals and plays will definitely feature Me! As the main role, this is how I will make my sister smile all the time — As Tsukasa explained, Rui couldn't help but smile softly, The way the boy spoke so proudly and even struck a pose was so cute in his eyes! but he decided to keep that thought to himself.

— I see... I wish you the best luck with this dream of yours, But I still can't understand what this has to do with me and my inventions — He said, still smiling looking at him. — Wait, so you actually made that up!? Your inventions are incredible, They look so full of life! You can see how much you put into them, even the box had handmade details — He exclaimed even more amazed and excited to have seen that Rui had really done all that. While he was in pure shock that someone had actually noticed this, Especially someone so young was still happy that someone had finally seen this other side of their inventions. — And that's why I would ask you to teach me how to do this, if I knew at least a little about how to make inventions like this I could definitely put a smile on everyone's face! Especially my little sister — Although Rui's heart was almost melting at the sweet person Tsukasa was, he wasn't so sure. The boy seemed to be very spectacular and would probably scare him with his strangeness. — That's very incredible of you, but- — When Tsukasa just heard the "but" he already went into Despair.

Him takes his hand tightly A determined look on his face and his eyes almost looking like Shining stars — Please! I swear I won't let you down — And with that it became impossible for Rui to deny that request. Tsukasa seemed like a light in that instant, He even had to look to the side for a moment to avoid blinding himself. — okay, You won... — Tsukasa celebrated his victory of having convinced Rui, In reality, he didn't even like building things that much, he just wanted to know it did the effects. — Thank you Mr.kamishiro you won't regret it! — As he thanked his teacher, the teacher's hand ran across his face, Making the boy a little surprised — I'm sure I probably won't regret it, and please don't call me Mr.kamishiro all the time, You can call me by my first name when we're alone —

A strange feeling passed through the boy's body with that comment, he couldn't understand if it was good or bad but it certainly made his face burn. — oh.. All right mr.- I mean Rui — Rui laughed at the boy's carelessness, at almost calling him Mr again — what an interesting boy you are ~ you don't even need to try hard to put a smile on anyone's face — Okay, Tsukasa was really going into a gay panic with these compliments from him, The future star was used to being praised but this time it made him feel different from the others. Before Tsukasa could respond to that, the bell rings again and he sees it as a chance, Giving Rui a light goodbye and quickly returning to his seat.

Obviously Ichika and Len were looking for the blonde the entire recess, them made a PDF text of about 500 pages when they came back and saw that he was in the classroom. They noticed Tsukasa was a little strange however as he was happy maybe it was just in their heads, And after all that, the class went normally with Tsukasa complaining about the equations together with his best friends. Until the part where Rui put everyone's name on a roll call.

— Tenma tsukasa? — He would ask to see if the student was in class, Which made Tsukasa confused until he realized that he had said his name to the him — I am here! — He exclaimed, raising his hand as High as him could since he was at the back of the classroom. — oh — A sudden change of voice suddenly happened to Rui without him realizing it — So your name is Tsukasa — A smirk formed at the corner of his mouth, Then he continued the call normally. In the other hand, tsukasa has never felt his body temperature rise so quickly all at once like that. The most surprising thing was that the feeling seemed a little good to the boy, making him smile without realizing it.

When he realized he was smiling because of that, he quickly covered his mouth. Slightly scaring Len and ichika until the two saw Tsukasa's face all flushed and understood why he was like that, This made Ichika excited about the situation and Len worried about the three of them. And that was the first day of school for the dynamic trio — BYE GUYS SEE YOU GUYS TOMORROW!! — The blonde almost screamed saying goodbye to them — See you tomorrow for you two too! — And so they returned home. None of them commented on having returned crushes on their teachers, Len because he wasn't happy with it and Tsukasa because he didn't even know that the others had one or even that he had one. So they just went home without saying anything but Ichika had another idea about that

Len was calmly drinking water while playing on his cell phone, Trying to distract himself and not think so much about what happened today, However, he soon received a notification of a chat invitation on Snapchat. Which was kind of strange since he didn't remember anyone having agreed to do one.

Ichika created a groupchat
Ichika named the group chat "Down bad for teachers"
Ichika added you and tsukasa

Great, ichika finally made a group chat for us

The boy automatically spat out the water he was drinking, almost choking on reading that group name.

Len : WHAT.
ichika : hi Len 😄
Ichika : well.. I thought it was obvious with the name
Ichika : Do you want a pair of glasses?
Len : You're so lucky I can't pinch you now
Len : ...
Ichika : ...
Len : Ichika, it's your fault, so you explain
Ichika : So you will die without knowing tsukasa
Tsukasa : WHY???
Ichika : Because you write in caps
Ichika : anyway I want to do a challenge with your guys
Len : I'm listening
Tsukasa : 👂
Len : Let me just teach you how to do the tsukasa, remove the caps in his dm
Ichika : It's simple! Anyone who confesses their crush on the teacher or gets rid of these feelings wins
Len : ...
Len: wait, let me go get some more water to spit out or choke me

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