Straight 'A' Student

Da srosee2000

40K 319 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

493 5 0
Da srosee2000

"What about these for party favors?" Avery asked turning her iPad to Summer as they sat on the couch in Summers apartment "coasters and magnets are simple, I cannot care less".

"That's simple and cute, some nice engravings and you should be all good. What about this for a guestbook, it's a lock box. They write on a note and put it in for you and Darren to look at later" Summer suggested.

"That's cute, I really like that. Send me that link".


"Great, we can be done for tonight" Avery giggled and sat her iPad off to the side.

"What time does Darren get off of work?"

"6 today, I'm gonna go get my nails done. Excited for Texas?"

"Yes actually".

"What time is Connor coming?"

"4 so like an hour, our flight is at 6. He wanted to get some work done today".

"Makes sense. You're renting a car right?"

"He said he did. My job is to just get on the plane" Summer laughed "you work tomorrow?"

"Yes ma'am. And Darren's parents are coming this weekend".

"Oh yea, how nice?"

"Eh, it'll be the first time Jill sees the veil since I altered it".

"That should be fun".

"Fun is certainly a word".

"She's gonna like it, plus she loves you".

"Luckily. You guys seeing his parents tonight?"

"I don't think so, unless we stop over there quickly. But we're gonna grab dinner with his friend Joshua since he'll already be at work".

"And he's the doctor who's getting married?"


"Is he cute?"

"He's very cute, his wife is a lucky woman. He and Connor have a similar vibe, I guess since they're best friends. He has tattoos as well, looks fit".

"I see. Well good for him and his wife" Avery said and Summer nodded to agree "did you get them a gift?"

"Yup, we ordered online and sent it to his parent's house".

"Okay good. So Connor's in the wedding, you're just gonna sit there?"

"Pretty much, yea" Summer laughed "he says he will make sure it's not awkward".

"Even with the ex there, I still can't believe she would go".

"Well the bride is her cousin. I get it and as long as Connor doesn't make it a thing on his end, it's not my thing".

"Good, I love how secure you feel with him".

"Me too, he makes it so easy".

"Are you going to the bachelorette activities?"

"I was invited so yes, I just hope it's not awkward. Connor said that the bride said it's a pool party".

"In November?"

"Mhm. He says it's should be fall weather and that their pool is covered and heated".

"Wow, impressive. So it should be fun".

"Yup" Summer nodded. She figured a positive attitude would yield a positive response. Fingers crossed that it works.

"Excited for Thanksgiving?" Avery asked.

"Yes actually. My dad's parents are gonna be there, so that's better than my mom's being there. I think they'll like him, everyone likes him. He's just so nice and generous and caring and helpful".

"They'll like him, don't worry" Avery assured her. They continued talking until there was a knock on the door and Summer got up to get it.

"Hi" she said as Connor stepped inside and bent down to kiss her.

"Hey beautiful, ready to go?"

"Yes I am".

"Hey" Avery waved "trip sounds like it should be fun".

"It should be, yes. Should be very eventful too".

"I hear. A wedding's very exciting and of course Summer meeting your parents".

"Yup, I assume you're trying to tell me to make sure she's comfortable".

"And that's how you got your doctorate, very intelligent" Avery smiled as she stood.

"I will make sure".

"Good, thank you. Have a safe trip" she said hugging Summer.

"Thank you, I'll update you. Love you".

"Love you too. Bye, Connor" she waved then left the apartment.

"Bags in the room?" Connor asked.

"Mhm. I can get them".

"I got it. Just lock up behind me" he said then handed her the keys and went down the hall to grab her bags then they headed to the airport.


"You okay, angel?" Connor asked as she stretched while they waited for their bags.

"Yup. Can't wait to check into that hotel though".

"Still wanna do dinner? I can tell Joshua that we're gonna pass".

"No, dinner sounds great".

"Alright, baby" he said kissing the side of her head and hugging her tightly. They grabbed their bags and Summer went to sit down while he got the rental car sorted out.

"Hi honey, are you there?" Susanna asked when she answered the phone.

"We just got our bags, Connor is getting the rental car".

"Very good, how was the flight?"

"Good. I've never flown with Connor, he made it really easy".

"Your father would love to hear that" Susanna laughed "going to the hotel?"

"No, going to dinner with his friend first. I think if we go to the hotel first, I won't want to leave".

"Makes sense".

"Mhm. Are you guys home?"

"I'm home, your father is at work still. Grandma and grandpa come in next week and they'll just be staying until after Thanksgiving".

"Okay, Connor and I are just gonna get a hotel in the city then".

"No worries, your father will handle it. Two nights yes?"

"Mhm. We're gonna come in Wednesday and leave Friday morning".

"Sounds good, I'll let your father know".

"Thank you. Oh, Connor's coming back over".

"Okay honey, enjoy yourself and be safe. Check in with your father sometime. And take pictures for me".

"I will. Love you".

"Love you too, good night" Susanna said since they likely wouldn't talk again for the night.

"What car did you get?" Summer asked as Connor grabbed their duffels bags and his own suitcase so Summer would only have to roll a bag.

"You said you wanted an Alfa Romeo".

"You got it? I said that only half seriously, I didn't think you would get it" she laughed.

"Have more faith in me angel. Come on" he smiled at her then they went to the garage to get the car.

They pulled up to a ramen place near the Medical Center where Joshua worked and went inside to grab a table.

"Hey, you made it" Joshua smiled as Summer and Connor stood up to greet him "how are you?" He asked Summer as they hugged.

"Well, hungry and tired".

"I figured. That's your Alfa Romeo out there?"

"Yea" Connor answered.

"Damn. How've you been man? Thanks for making it".

"Of course. I've been alright. Busy the last few days with work, but worth it".

"Glad to hear it. Did you order?"

"Not yet, was waiting for you. Els not coming?" Connor asked.

"Nope. She's been on this thing for the last two weeks where she needs at least 9 hours of sleep to make sure she doesn't have bags on our wedding".

"She's smart" Summer said with a small laugh.

"That's why I love her. Oh also, she wanted to me ask before she overstepped and asked Connor herself, she wanted your number. She said it seemed impersonal communicating through him like you were a kid".

"That's sweet of her. Yea I don't mind at all if she has my number. Just send it to her babe".

"Okay" Connor said before a server came over to take their orders. They thanked the server and continued talking when she left.

"So is this your last day to work before your wedding?" Summer asked.

"No actually. I work the day before my bachelor party. But it's just two surgeries, simple ones so shouldn't be too bad".

"That's good. And so I know you said you have a big family, does Eleanor come from a big family too?"

"She has three sisters and a brother".

"Oh wow. Do you all get along?"

"For the most part. I will say her sisters have sort of flipped a switch since we started wedding planning, so I'm waiting for them to flip it back" Joshua laughed.

"Megan especially, huh?" Connor asked.

"Oh yea".

"That's her older sister" Connor clarified.

"I see. That's nice".

"Mhm. Your parents know you got in?" Joshua asked Connor.

"I texted them, they asked if we were coming by. It's too late for all of that and we're tired so we're gonna see them for breakfast".

"Taylor works overnight, doesn't she?"

"I think she actually works the morning, so she won't be there".

"I'll just meet her tomorrow night, Eleanor too" Summer said.



"God damn, baby" Connor said standing behind her as Summer leaned forward to put on mascara.

"Jeans are new" she smiled at him.

"Oh I can tell. I'm very attentive when it comes to your jeans".

"I love that. What time is it?"


"Okay let's go. You called ahead for the table right?"

"Yes ma'am" Connor said as Summer followed him out of the bathroom. She looked over her outfit, a pair of light blue flare jeans and a white cropped knitted sweater. She grabbed a pair of Birkenstocks and a claw clip then they headed out.
Connor grabbed her hand as they walked inside the restaurant. It was a nice breakfast place with beautiful decor.

"Good morning" Summer smiled as they reached the table.

"Oh hi, good morning" Cora said standing to hug her "Summer, correct?"

"Yes. It's so nice to finally meet you both".

"Likewise. We haven't heard much, but our son seems to like you" she said.

"Alright, mom. Did you order anything?" Connor asked.

"Just some coffee for the table. She's coming back".

"So Summer, how are you liking Texas so far? I know you went out last night" Cora recalled.

"Well we just went out to dinner with Joshua, but from what I saw on the drive, it's so nice here. Connor was not kidding about the traffic, that's for sure" she giggled.

"That's right, it's horrible. This is your first time here, then?" Lee asked.

"Yes it is".

"Very well, I hope you enjoy it".

"Thank you".

"Are y'all coming to the house for dinner tonight?"

"If you're up for it angel?"

"Yea of course, we have to pick up Taylor and Mason anyways right. Might as well meet them there".

"Okay" Connor nodded as their server came back to take their orders.

"So I heard you're stealing my son for Thanksgiving" Cora said when they finished and Summer stopped herself from making a face.

"My parents invited him, they love hosting people".

"I see. You have a big family?"

"No, just me and my parents".

"Oh okay".

"Do you mind if I ask what you do?" Lee asked.

"Oh um, not at all. I'm currently in a masters program, the plan is to be a software analyst".

"That's what you do honey?"

"Not exactly mom, I'm a software engineer. Um, so I'd make the software and she'd tell me why it's ass and I'd have to go fix it" he said then laughed with Lee and Summer.

"I see. What program?"


"Did you meet there?"

"We did" Connor answered.

"Well you didn't mention that part, Connor".

"No, I didn't. You were gonna make it a thing and it's not a thing".

"She's your student".

"Was. And I do a very good job at keeping my professional and personal lives separate".

"How old are you, Summer?" Cora asked, ignoring Connor's answer.


"Uh huh, so you saw an attractive man with a successful career and found out how to get ahead" she said and Summer's eyes went wide before a small smile creeped on her lips and she continued to listen.

"Cora" Lee said.

"What the hell, mom".

"I think you're a sweet girl, but I know what my son has to offer. It's more than a 23 year old graduate student can offer him".

"Pedestal" Summer said lowly to Connor.

"This is the pedestal?"

"This is one of the worst pedestals".

"Excuse me, I'm talking".

"No we know mom, but it's fine. We're gonna take our breakfast to go. It's on me and I'll pay at the front" Connor said before standing up and grabbing Summers hand. He spoke to the hostess about changing their order to a to-go order then paid for the food.

"I'm sorry" he said as they drove off.

"Don't be. My dad punched you in the face remember. I can handle being called a gold digger" she laughed.

"Yea, but you shouldn't have to, angel. I'll talk to her".

"Mhm. Wanna go back to the hotel, we can eat later".

"I think I like what you're proposing".

"Thought you would" she said picking up her phone as he wrapped his hand around the inside of her thigh.

'My streak stands, parents hate me and always will' she texted Avery.

'Shut the fuck up, what happened?'

'Well obviously they asked about how we even met. His mom basically called me a gold digger with nothing to offer her attractive and successful son'.

'Jesus, ew. What did Connor say?'

'I told him this was the pedestal and then he grabbed my hand and we left. We're currently on our way to the hotel so have sex'.

'That's amazing'.

'Oh I know. Before the whole thing we decided on going to his parents with everyone for dinner. Don't know what the plan is now'.

'Ah, I see. I guess you have until dinner to figure it out'.

'Mhm, there's more important things obviously. How's it going there?'

'Not bad. Darren and I are gonna go out to dinner tonight'.

'Occasion?' Summer asked.

'More like two birds with one stone. Menu tasting and a date night'.

'Very cute. What kind of food is it?'

'Gourmet American cuisine'.

'Sounds good. Let me know how it goes'.

'For sure. Good luck with your in laws'.

'Ha ha. But I'll try. Talk to you later'.

'Of course, love you'.

'Love you too' Summer sent before checking her other notifications.

"Sure you don't want to eat, angel. It might get cold" he said as they got in the room.

"I'm sure, baby. We'll be quick".

"Yea fucking right. Come here" he said with a small smirk then grabbed her hips as she walked towards him. He pulled her sweater over her head and bent down to kiss her neck.
She let her head fall as she felt his hands move along her waist and unzip her jeans.

"Take the rest off and lay down for me" he said into her ear. She did as he said and waited while he grabbed a condom.

He leaned over her and their eyes held each other's gazes while Connor licked his fingers and moved them between her legs. Summer moaned shakily as he went, slowly rubbing circles around her clit.

"You're so wet already, angel".

"Mhm. It feels so good".

"You want more?"

"Yes, daddy" she nodded slowly then two of his fingers penetrated her. She let her head fall back into the bed then he closed the distance between them and kissed her neck.

"Tell me what you want, angel".

"I want you to make me cum".

"Good girl" he smirked then moved down the bed. He put her thighs over his shoulders and sucked on her clit while he continued to finger her. Summers moans filled the hotel room as she got closer to her climax. His steady movements would send her over the edge in seconds, they both knew it.

"Oh my god, daddy" she screamed out as she came for the first time. Her legs pushed against his shoulders, but he just grabbed her hips and held her in place until she shook. She smiled softly as he sat up again.
"Fuck me".

"Need a minute?"

"No. Fuck me" she repeated before he got off the bed. He pulled her to the edge of the bed after rolling the condom on. Summer spread her legs and squeezed her boobs while he moved his dick along her pussy.
He put his tip to her entrance then looked up at her to catch her expression as he slid deep inside of me. Her eyes rolled back and her mouth fell open then she bit her lip. She moaned loudly as he moved inside of her.

"Fuck, your pussy is so fucking good for me" he moaned as he bent down to kiss her neck.

"Don't stop, baby. Make me cum, daddy".

Connor sat up again, hooking his arms under her knees. Her legs pressed against his chest while he thrusted into her. He could see her getting closer to her orgasm, so he sped up.

"Fuck, please don't stop" Summer moaned as she squeezed his arms.

"Cum for me, angel" he told sternly and it sent her right over the edge. She screwed her eyes shut as her orgasm ran through her body. Her chest moved up and down as she breathed quickly.
"Good girl" he praised as he kissed her and slowly pulled out "turn around for me".

She slowly turned with her chest against the bed. She moaned softly as Connor gently slid into her. He knew she was still sensitive but he was close himself.

He started moving slowly at first then continued to pick up his pace. He grabbed her hair and pulled her as he sat on his knees. His hand wrapped around her neck and her mouth fell open.

"God damn, angel, you're gonna make me cum".

"I love how you fuck me, daddy. It's so good".

"Is that right, baby?"

"Mhm, I fucking love it".

"I know baby" he said moving his hand from her hair and rubbing her clit. She pushed against his thighs, overwhelmed by the feeling and extremely close to another orgasm.

"Shit, I'm cumming baby" Connor groaned, he rubbed her clit faster, making sure she broke first then he filled up the condom deep inside of her.

"I- I can't" Summer moaned as she shook in his arms. He pulled out slowly and kissed her neck, shoulder, and back for a minute or two while she caught her breath.

"I love you" he said, wrapping his arms around her.

"I love you too" she smiled, turned to kiss him then got up. He followed her into the bathroom for a quick shower.
Summer got out after him and took his tshirt to put on after she dried off.

"I don't get a shirt?" He asked with a smirk.

"No, I like you better that way".

"Alright then. So we have a microwave, want to warm these up some".

"Sure, I'm hungry".

"Okay, go ahead and lay down angel, I got it".

"Thank you" Summer smiled. He sat back down a few minutes later and they started eating. They talked with the tv on in the background.
"Hey, so question".

"Yea?" Connor looked over at her.

"Are we still going for dinner? I know everyone was supposed to be over there and then we were gonna just go out from there".

"We don't have to go to dinner. I'm totally okay with it".

"Yea, you say that, but I met your parents a few hours ago and they already hate me. I don't want to be the reason you fight with them".

"First, I don't think they hate you. Second, whether I choose to hold my mother accountable or not for talking to you that way is not something for you to worry about. If you're not comfortable, we won't go to dinner, I'll just have Joshua bring Taylor and Mason and we'll meet everyone afterwards".

"I'll think about it".

"Okay, angel".

"Thank you".

"You're welcome. I think I'm gonna do some work after we eat if that's okay?"

"That's perfect. You wore me out, I was gonna lay down for a little bit" she giggled.
"Sounds good".


About an hour into working, Connor's phone rang. He turned to the bed to see Summer sleeping then he answered.

"Hey, mom".

"Hi, are you busy?"

"Just doing some work".

"And Summer?"

"Taking a nap. Did you call for something specific?"

"I called to apologize. I was too harsh".

"Harsh, mom? You were rude, and disrespectful, and completely out of line. I've made up my mind here, I know what I want with this woman. You don't have to like her, but you will respect her or you won't have to worry about seeing either of us".

"Connor, what do you mean you've made up your mind?" Cora asked, nervously and also excitedly.

"This is it for me if I can help it, and my point still stands".

"I'm sorry. I- I was shocked and worried, I mean you love your life. Getting to teach and work in the same field, I didn't want to see you throw it away for a girl. You almost gave up your happiness for Kira and-".

"I do love my life and even more so, I love that Summer is apart of it. This isn't anything like Kira. I understand that you were worried, I really do because the situation was an issue, but you don't get to talk to Summer like she's the one that forced me into this position".

"I know, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I'll speak with her at dinner, explain myself to her and try to start over".

"I already told her that it was her decision if we still go to dinner tonight. I accept your apology for now, but it's still her decision".

"I understand and please let her know I called".

"I will".

"Alright son, I love you".

"I love you too. Talk to you soon" Connor said before hanging up then texting Joshua to see if he was off work yet. He received an answer about twenty minutes later.

'Not off yet, but I have some time. What's up?'

'You and El still going to my parents tonight?'

'Yea, that's the plan. Eleanor says she can't wait to meet Summer'.

'She might have to. Went out to breakfast with my parents, let's just say I'm still waiting to hear if Summer wants to see them again or not'.

'So that didn't go well. Was that expected or what?'

'No. I don't know. I think they would love her if we met any other way'.

'This was the first time you told them? That was dumb'.

'Yea, in hindsight I should've prepared everyone. Remember when I told you that Summer had asked about that pedestal bullshit, or what I thought was bullshit?'

'Yea, I guess it wasn't. What did your mom say?'

'Asked Summer what she thought she could offer an attractive man with a successful career'.

'Damn. Summer okay?'

'She's perfectly fine, which of course makes me feel more guilty. My mom called just before this, said she was worried'.

'And I'm assuming she brought up Kira again. No lie, I think she brings it up to distract from the shit she says. Like she didn't play a pretty big part in making you go through with that engagement'.

'I agree with you. Trust me, I've learned all my mother's tactics. I told her it was still up to Summer'.

'Good. What did Summer say about her calling?'

'She didn't, she's sleeping right now. We'll talk when she wakes up'.

'Okay. Well Eleanor and I will be at dinner either way, so if you need a buffer, I'll be there'.

'I appreciate that. I'll let you go, we'll talk later'.

'Yup, see you tonight' Joshua texted last before getting back to his post-op charting.
Connor continued working as well for about another hour before he got back into bed with Summer. He turned on the tv and gently pulled her to lay on his chest while she slept.


Summer woke up and checked her phone. A text from Connor said he went down the road to get lunch for them and would be back in half an hour, that was fifteen minutes ago. She called her dad while she waited.

"Hey, honey. How are you?" Spencer asked.

"I'm good, just woke up".

"For the day, are you feeling alright?"

"No dad, I'm perfectly fine. Just took a nap".

"Okay. How are things there?"

"They're okay. Connor and I are having fun".

"Sounds like more to that".

"Mhm. His mother, at least, isn't very fond of me. She thinks I have nothing to offer and I'm a gold digger and I can't tell if it's just because of the way we met or because she just doesn't like me".

"Well I can say from first hand experience that finding out how you and Connor met wasn't the easiest thing. My first thought was that he was abusing his power. Am I happy with the way she treated you? Absolutely not, but she's a mother. Give her some time to get to know you for who you are, if she doesn't change her tune then we can hate her" Spencer joked, making Summer laugh.

"Deal. We were supposed to go for dinner, don't know if we're still doing that".

"Do you want to?"

"I don't know, I'll feel awkward with her glaring at me every second. I really want to get along with his family, otherwise he's gonna be forced to choose and I don't wanna be the reason for that".

"Good outlook on it, but do what you can and if they don't reciprocate, that's on them. Your mother's family hates me, but she's always done a good job of balancing our family and her family. This is just to say, if things don't go well with his family, it doesn't mean it can't work between you two".

"Thank you, dad".

"You're welcome. Do you need anything, extra cash or anything?"

"No dad, Connor's got it".

"Okay. Is he there?"

"Went to get lunch, he's on his way back".

"Alright, well enjoy yourself and let me know if you do decide on going to the dinner".

"I will. I love you, dad".

"I love you too, honey. Bye" Spencer said then hung up.
Summer got up to use the restroom and wash her face, she heard the door open while she was in there.

"Hi" she said as he bent down to kiss her.

"Hey, angel. I got burritos".

"Yum. Did you get enough work done?"

"Yes I did, thank you for letting me work".

"Thank you for letting me sleep" she said then they sat on the bed to eat.

"You're welcome. So, my mom called. Said she knew she was out of line and wanted to apologize to you at dinner. It's still totally your decision if you want to go to dinner or not. I just wanted to relay the message".

"Oh, that was nice of her. Let's go to the dinner".

"Are you sure, baby?" Connor asked.

"Yes I am. Did she sound genuine to you?"

"Yea, enough. If you talk to her and you don't get that same feeling, that's fine. We'll go".

"Sounds good, thank you" Summer smiled before turning on the tv.

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