Run (Jurassic World: Owen Gra...

By Aesthetiic_Pastel

236K 5.9K 1.1K

Sadie works at Jurassic World. As what, you may ask? As the trainer for the Tyrannosaurus Rex, of course. Not... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Part 2 is up!!!!!
One-shot things!

Chapter 1

25.8K 691 249
By Aesthetiic_Pastel

I stand on a little deck that overlooks the T-Rex enclosure. About twenty feet to my right is the tunnel that contains the crowd of people waiting to see the feeding. I adjust my microphone as I talk about the dinosaur. "Fossil evidence shows that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was about 40 feet long and 15-20 feet tall. Scientists believe that this powerful predator could eat up to 500 pounds of meat in one bite." I look out and see the trees rustling. I smile a little, knowing that she's waiting for her cue to come out. "Let's see if she's hungry." I press a button on the wall behind me, causing a platform to lift up into the enclosure. Standing on the platform is a black and white goat chained to a small metal pole. "And please, no flash photography." I say, and I light a flare and throw it next to the goat.

I hear thumping, and I smile. The T-Rex emerges from the trees and approaches the goat. She quickly leans down and in one swift movement, she picks up the goat with her teeth and she swallows it. She roars right afterwards, earning a round of excited applause from the crowd watching. Lots of people start taking pictures as she walks over to me. The deck I'm standing on is at a certain height so that when I stand up, I'm eye level with the dinosaur. She stops a couple feet away from me. "Hi Bella," I say to her quietly. I reach out and I stroke the area in between her nostrils. She blows out a breath in content. It blows my hair back, and I laugh a little. She makes a small grunting noise and walks back into the trees.

I look over at the observation area and I see that most of the crowd has moved on, and a few people stayed behind to watch our interaction, amazed that I didn't get eaten by the large carnivore. I smile at them and I turn around, facing the door. I type in a code and it opens, revealing a small storage room with a box of flares, and a bunch of screens that detect the thermal radiation of the dinosaur. Another employee sits at the screens and watches, looking bored out of his mind. "You look like you're having fun," I say, removing my microphone. He ignores my comment.

"Quite the show you and your friend put on out there." Now it's my turn to ignore his comment. I press a button next to another door and it opens, revealing the outside world. I walk down the small staircase and I walk towards the center of the park.

I stop by one of the cafés and I grab some food. I pick up the bag with my meal in it and as I turn around, I run in to someone. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry," I say, looking up.

"Nah, it's fine." The man says. I take in his features. He has golden brown hair, green eyes, and stubble on his face. He has an amused smirk on his face as he stares at me. I clear my throat. I give him a small smile as I walk past him and out the door. I mumble to myself as I head back to the T-Rex paddock. I sit on the deck and eat my food as I hear Bella walking around the enclosure. When I finish eating I take my radio out and place it on the deck, and I climb down the ladder that leads to the ground of the paddock.

Now most people would think I'm insane for doing this. I mean I probably am, but I've done it a thousand times, so I'm not worried. I head to the little forest and climb one of the really tall trees. I whistle, and the thumping comes closer until Bella is right in front of me. "Hey baby girl. How are ya?" I ask her. She may be huge, but she's actually only a few months old. I stroke her head as she gets a little closer to me. I reach out as far as I can and I scratch the area in between her eyes.

This is one of her favorite places to be pet, as she closes her eyes and makes a little sound out of happiness. I smile at her. She nudges me a little, and my heart skips a beat as I almost fall out of the tree. I grab a branch at the last second and catch myself. I send a glare at Bella and she makes a sound that sounds almost like a snicker. "Go get some sleep, you little rascal." I say to her. She turns and head off into the trees. I recline into a comfortable and sturdy position in the tree, and I relax. I look up at the sky and I notice that the stars are starting to come out. I hear Bella's footsteps thumping steadily somewhere behind me. The steady thumping mixes with the sound of crickets chirping, and it eventually lulls me into sleep.

---3rd person POV---

Claire groans in frustration as she tries, for the fifth time, to radio the Tyrannosaurus Rex trainer. She stands in the control room with none other than Owen Grady. "Why won't she answer?" Claire asks herself, not expecting anyone to answer.

"Maybe she's sleeping. People tend to sleep at this time of day." Owen says sarcastically, noting that it's only 7:30 in the morning. Claire rolls her eyes in annoyance. She decided to just look for the trainer herself. She hears footsteps behind her, and she turns around. "What, Mr. Grady?"

"You're going to find her, right?"

"Yes. And?"

"I wanna meet the person crazy enough to try and train a T-Rex," he says. Claire sighs in frustration and walks away. She and Owen get in a car, and she heads to the one place she expects the trainer to be.

Her heels make a clanking sound as she walks out onto the metal deck. Claire sighs again as she sees the radio sitting on the floor of the deck. She picks it up, and looks out into the paddock. "Did she get eaten?" Owen asks jokingly. Claire ignores him and continues searching. She eventually finds who she's looking for asleep in a tree.

---Sadie's POV---

"Miss Jackson!" I'm startled awake by someone yelling my name. I quickly open my eyes and yell out in surprise. The shock causes me to lose my balance and I fall out of the tree.

I hit the ground, and the breath is knocked out of me. I lie on the ground for a few moments, trying to catch my breath. Eventually I'm able to use the tree to push myself up. I stand up and I cough, glaring at Claire. "It's Sadie!" I yell at her. She gives me an exasperated look. I hear thumping come from the trees, and I know that Bella has waken up. I see panic cross Claire's face as I walk over to the ladder. I climb up it and swing my legs over the deck railing. She hands me my radio and gives me a glare. "Pick up your radio next time," she tells me sternly. I put the radio on my belt.

"Yes, your majesty." I say sarcastically. She glares at me again. I now take notice of the other person with her. My face heats up as I realize it's the man I ran into in the café yesterday. He smirks at me. "So you're the crazy T-Rex lady." He says.

"Uh, I guess so. I'm Sadie Jackson." I say, holding my hand out. He shakes it.

"Owen Grady." I recognize the name instantly. Now it's my turn to smirk.

"And you're the crazy Raptor Man." I say. He smiles at me. I look at Claire. "Now what do you want?" I ask her.


"The Indominus Rex. Our very first genetically modified hybrid." Claire explains to me and Owen.

"And what do you need me for?" I ask her. She takes a deep breath.

"I need you to... train... it." She says slowly. I take in what she's saying.

"You want me to put aside my current relationship with my T-Rex to train an animal made in a test tube?" I ask her skeptically.

"Yes." I look at her like she's crazy.


"Please? I'll... I'll increase your paycheck." I roll my eyes.

"The answer is still no, Claire. What is that thing even made of?" I ask.

"The base genome is a T-Rex, so that's why I came to you."

"And the rest?"

"It's classified."

"You want me to try and train a hybrid when you won't even tell me what kind of dinosaur I'm dealing with?" She looks at me pleadingly. I shake my head and walk out.

"Miss Jackson-" she calls after me.

"It's Sadie!" With that, I leave the lab.

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