A problem w/ family (underwor...

By Asher_zy312

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the underworld office was the only place Eugene could be himself, where he could feel loved,where he felt lik... More

( chapter 1 )-*~Problems ~*
( chapter 2 )-wondering
( chapter 3 )-clumsy?
( chapter 4 )-ignorance
( chapter 5 )- the pizza place
( chapter 6 )-memories
( chapter 7 ) - lies
( chapter 8 ) - sleepover

( chapter 9 ) - Jealousy

81 6 28
By Asher_zy312

"EUGENE!!, MOM!!!"

ella waved hi, as Eugene smiled,waving hi back from where he sat. As excitement bubbled in him, this was her first performance! He was so excited to see his little star shine. While his mother sat beside him,waving back with a camera in hand.

"Go sweetpeps!" Their mom cheers, her grin as bright as day, Eugene smiled brightly up at her. Then Eugene looked back to the stage, as ella stopped waving, and had a fearful look.

Eugene knew she was looking around for dad, but it was no use, just looking through the crowd, unrecognizable faces was all she saw. And Eugene knew what that felt like..

But.. Eugene looked back to see his mom waved back,seemingly like she snapped her out of her trance and gave her a thumbs up. That bright smile back on,

Oh, how he missed that beautiful bright smile.

Her bright smile.

'Just like mom's'


"Bye kittens! See you at school!"

Luke waved bye,as Eugene frantically waved bye back. A bright grin on, oh how his cheeks definitely hurt at the moment, his teeth clenched so tightly, just cause he wanted to keep his bright smile at luke who gave the same smile back.

Clearly the two need a room-

Wait no,that wasn't in the script-


Gasps from the crowd, as Eugene immediately looked up at his mom who stood up, worry and fear was what Eugene saw from his mother. The look made him worried. Maybe he shouldn't have fallen asleep-

Then his mother rushed away,excusing herself when she passed by people who were at their seats. As she rushed over to the stage. There she tried to stop the fight between the two kids.

There Eugene stood there in shock,watching the scene unfold. There ella tried to push away from the girl, who looked mildly mad for a kid her age-

Snapping out of his thoughts,there he stared at the girl who takcled ella once more, and flunked a punch at her. While his mom worriedly tried to separate the two.


Eugene hums,as he walked inside the building,swinging his hips from side to side,bag hung on one shoulder, and his brightest smile. Eugene was grinning so hard that he thought his cheeks split grom pure glee.

Isn't that unfortunate.

Eugene shook his head,as he walked up the stairs,yup, stairs once more. They didnt bothered to fix the elevator yet, and it's been a pretty long- well no,its just been a week. Well that doesn't matter.

Eugene nods his head,as he hums,one step after another,one hum of a song, his finger tips onto the railing, a chill down his spine.

There.. he stopped for a moment,he knew this feeling,there it was again.. he looked around.


How did everyting sound so echoey..

Eugene huffed,as he took another step. Collecting himself up as he slipped at that one step, he let out a shaky sigh,and kept going.

Back to humming, a small smile curling to his lips,as he moved his body to the beat. He wondered on back the things they did at the sleepover.


"So,what were you two doing earlier~?"

Oliver brought up,as the four friends snuggled up by the couch,in each blanket. Eugene a bit upset cause his blanket nest- fort,whatever that was,he was grumpy thry had to spead out all the blankets now. Luke chuckles as he brushes his hand through Eugene's hair,making the boy lean over.

"Mhmm, he just came over,and we did- some homework" luke replied,as Eugene kept leaning over with each time luke brushed his hand through Eugene's hair. With a small huff from joy,she looked unfazed by the practical clearest lie in the world.

"You didnt had any other reason to be here?" Joy huffed,arms crossed,a bit suspicious. Tho with the sight of Eugene just liking the comfort of Luke's hand, what,those fingers can attack cats,smol boys too?

"Mhm" luke hums,not even paying attnetion,and just at the cutie. Eugene cannot be ignored right now, the boy was acting like a literal cat,leaning for more touch,as luke kept brushing his hand on Eugene's hair. "Aww" he cooes, making joy scoff.

"Guyyyssss,im bored"

"Hi bored"

Oliver shot an unfazed look over to luke who chuckled lightly at his small joke,Eugene now leaning on luke,as joy hums along.

"Im also bored"

"Ohh,hey bored number2"

"Not helping luke"

Joy says,as they sat there,Eugene sitting up straight,and leaning over to the coffee table.


Eugene cooes,barely reaching the bowl that sat on the coffee table of the living room,luke  chuckles at the sight of Eugene's cute determination,and took the bowl for him. Giving it to Eugene who excitedly took one smore and started munching on it.



Ella beams, as Eugene chuckles,holding his arms out for the young girl who jumped right into them, their mother near them giggling at the sight. "Well, that performance was unexpected" commented their mother,as ella hums in somewhat a cute way but sounded more angry.

"Yeah! Keily was being a meany and stepped on my toe,but when i whispered ow, she pushed me and said some bad stuff..."

"Oh,well.. they might've had a problem at home sweets, maybe that's why they acted up" cooes their mother,crouching down to Ella's height as ella nods.

"But.." ella mutters sadly, her lips pursed to a frown, and thought about it for a moment. "I guess.." she whispers.

"Thats my girl" their mother says,smiling warmly at Ella's acceptance of the situation, ruffling her daughter's hair and earning a giggle from the girl. "She just had a bad day,that's all"

"Mhm,your right! I would actually act like all grumpy if my day didnt went well" Eugene added,as he nods at the thought of it, which ella huffs.

"You act like a grumpy old man!" Ella huffed, which Eugene gasped and looked down at ella, as the three were walking back home.

"I. Do not." Eugene fought back, all in sassy as their mother chuckles,placing both her hands on her two kids. "Arguing like babies,you both. Have the same attitude" their mother sorted out,as Eugene snorts and ella gasped dramatically.

"I am no'wt!"

And with that Eugene wheezed, their mother chuckling as ella looked confused. "What?"



Eugene shook his head immediately,looking over to oliver who had a confused look. "What?" Eugene mutters,as he looks down at his hands, confused, did he finished the smore already?.

"Uh,nothing" oliver says,as he nods, and aling with that fell awkward silence. Which joy groans.

"MOVIE!" She beams,holding up one of those old movie DVDs, as luke does have one of those little slides to put those DVDs that sat under the tv.

"A mix of romance and vampires~" joy sang,as oliver groans. "NOT AGAIN! LUKE DONT LET HER- and she did" oliver exclaimed,as joy grins and held the CD and card-threw it straight into the slot, which Eugene gasped,and luke burst out laughing.

"Well, we're watching twilight tonight" luke says,as Eugene was even more on confused, "twilight?"

The three friends look over to Eugene as if the teen hadn't just watched the 'most-super-spectacular -eyecatching-extravaganza' kind of movie the world's ever seen, causing Eugene to just flinched when they turned their attention to him.



"Momma! H-help..!"

"Dont worry! Momma's comming, momma's comming.."


There Eugene sat in between luke and joy,while oliver sat next to joy. It was like the events minutes ago didnt happened,and that joy just hadnt scared the life out of Eugene. The four were now watching twilight,and it was all going well,tho it felt too well. Eugene gulped at the thought,as he looked around,aware of this now,feeling the rush of adrenaline slowly flow in,looking around frantically. Ohh sh1t- Eugene then flinched when luke placed a hand on his shoulder, looking concerned.



joy HUSHED, as luke snapped a glance at joy who also gave a glare. The two turning back to their attantion to the more important thing to them, Obviously Luke's was Eugene and joy's was the movie.

Luke sighs,as he rubs Eugene's head,making the latter lean over and close his eyes. The two now cuddling close,despite the temperature, they held onto each other like the room was freezing, which Eugene thought it was. Was it? Or was it just the chilling feeling that spun down his spine at the moment, shaking his head and leaning it on Luke's shoulder.

The two continued to watch the movie,as oliver looked unfazed, joy looked utterly excited for the comming up scene, and luke who was half asleep. Well, to Eugene's guesses joy must be very excited,as they have watched this before and he hasn't,wondering how he hasn't seen a movie like this, the thought stayed there like a floating ship with calm waters and lovely skies.






The two fight,father and son,fighting like children? Definitely, and the two girls just watched deadpan at the scene, it wasnt a great idea to have them incharge of breakfast as it always ends up in fights.

"You two are acring like children" their mother comments, shaking her head with a small soft smile that tugged on her lips at the sight, she knew it was just a playful fight,but the two would try to stop one another when they tried to make their preferred breakfast and that doesnt always end well.

"Mhm,but you know what this cereal is missing?" Ella says, staring back down at her bowl of untouched cereal. And her face grimace when she remembered how Eugene made it, milk first then cereal? He has to be joking but he wasnt, but that bright smile that Eugene gave after handing it over just made ella accept it anyways.

Who couldn't say no to that face? Its the most adorable thing in the world!.

"What?" Their mother asked,as Eugene looked over, curious of what he was missing of putting in Ella's cereal.

"Coffee." Ella says, in the most sarcastic way ever, that the pan was slammed onto the stove and their father snorted when he heard that.

Silence soon swept in like a broom,and Eugene wheezed when he came into the realization, their father joining in the fit of laughter while their mother was in a state of confusion once more.

"What..?" She says, most likely amused but also confused.


As Eugene continued back up the stairs, he stared out the window from the other side of the room. It hadn't been too long since it had started raining,and Eugene was worried luke didnt had an umbrella, til he remembered he was carrying around an umbrella and had said in the weather forecast that It'd be raining around noon, which it was. Eugene didnt carried around a watch,but by the looks of the lovely painted orange and blue sky told him it was, and the dark clouds that flew by while he and luke walked back to his apartment building also had a chance of raining.

But Eugene did felt eyes on him,and he was even denying the fact that it could be luke, the taller wasnt even looking at him but he did felt eyes on him when he looked away, or up at the sky. Sometimes the ky always mesmerized Eugene, maybe it was the fact that his mother used to take him into the feilds outside of the city and have a small picnic, just them, mother and son, in the nice field near the only tree there that separated by the others that were miles away that looked like a forest.

Eugene could still remember how it all felt,the warm cold like breeze against his skin as he ate his mother's homemade cookies. Her painting on a small book that their father had gifted her on their anniversary, of course Eugene was aware of those moments, for a 4 year old at least, well if it were the truth he did asked his mother a lot of questions about those events and she'd explain it so simply that he could understand it, slightly that is.

The last time Eugene had ever been to the feild was before ella came,it all felt too perfect and true to Eugene, that when somethig as small as getting a little baby into the house stopped a moment he loved. He thought it would all last longer, that it felt like forever he was growing up, but just as it all changed, so suddenly then there he was, sitting near his mother as she cradle his younger sibling.

He didnt like the idea much back then, as certainly his lil sis came in the wrong time, the only time he'd ever went to that very field with his mother after she and his father got busy. It was the weekend,and to him, it wasnt wonderful as it should be. And for some reason,it felt terrifying to see his mother in pain when everthing was just supposed to be peace and calming, lucky for them Eugene was taught how to used the phone and his mother still instructed him how to cause of his panic state.

Alas, Eugene did inherented his mother's filled in sensitivity, which she agreed with her husband no yelling unless its in a certain happy tone. And Eugene was very lucky to havr a mother like her,her calm gentle voice. But in those moments, her voice wasnt so calm and soothing, it was shaky,and in a way he thought he'd never hear his mom, scared. The small fear in her eyes showed it,and he didn't felt anymore.. well,this heavy feeling in his chest, to which in now Eugene knows as guilt.

Those events felt odd,and scary,but his father just shrugged and ruffled his hair,telling him to just walk it off. And for a kid his age he took that way to seriously and was definitely ANGRY, or furious in other words, or more like offended.

Just looking back now seemed to just made Eugene question everything when he was little. He shook his head and continued up,and stopped when he looked back to which floor was he on. And he went too far,as itwas a few ore steps and he was heading to the roof, maybe being alone with his thoughts was a bad idea, especially in certain occasions.

Eugene sighs,as he looked back down, and walked back down, he was certain his mind always gave him this hazy feeling that it was like everything just went on too fast to even comprehend the situation right. He then stops by the window,gazing down as he had a view from the very bottom of the building, he could only see their figures from above and saw ella sitting there by the sidewalk in the rain. Whatever intentions the kid had were confusing to Eugene but he would care less about it, but the familiar umbrella that soon walked over to ella,covering the two from the rain.

For a glance, he saw the familiar, that iconic yellow jacket,luke. He didnt know what was going on, but he felt something bubble in him as he watched them interact. His fists tight as he grins his teeth shut.

She had to be kidding, right?









"Yeah ella,stars"

Eugene giggles,as the two gaze out of Eugene's bedroom window, their apartment was a little high enough to see the star-y night sky without the city lights to bother them, lucky for them,tho it was a bit hard getting up those stairs but still worth it.

The two stare at the sky in amaze, while Eugene left eyes on him, he looked around for anyone to possibly looking at the two,but saw none. Huh, odd. Maybe it was just the cold wind. Then his attention averted over to ella who hums.

"Do you know any- uhm.. cons- con.."

Ella states,struggling to say that certain word,which confused Eugene. "The what?"

"Uhmm.. conste.. co- constealtons?" Ella spats out, irritated and already lost her patience in trying to say the word right,which Eugene laughs and nods. "Consteal- what??" He chuckles,as he shook his head.

"Is it constellations?"



A/N: alright.. fun, ive only wrote 2794 words for this chap.. bruhh,im so mean. But like writersblock.. its sh1t.

While also getting burnouts?

And its been like, TOO LONG since i updated this book. Like bruhh-

Ohh yeah, sorry,but updates are gonna be more slower than usual(it already is,but this one is way longer-)

Cause i need to get back on my feet to keep on writing, while also joined the journalist and run in for a competition for story-writing.
Great,im d34d-
Might as well wish me luck in school exams, second quarter- i cant even survive!?-

Like the first day of school back i was doing fine- no, we're(me) not ventie here.

Alrght, so bye! Hope you enjoy this chapter, there's some new stuff and secrets in this,like hints and missing parts.

Also Eugene getting flashbacks and dejavu feelings is for woaahhh flashback~

I might not be inline very much, too much drama at school. But i am working on it and upload all the chapters....


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