Always A fool..

By Sta1k3d

29.4K 431 2.5K

THANKS FOR ALMOST 20K READS Sanemi is a player. He dates people for up to a month and then dumps them for ano... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

1.2K 15 76
By Sta1k3d

Tomioka pov:

They came in after talking, seemingly a bit odd, yet not much different.

'What'd they want to talk about?' Nezuko asked.

'Nothing important, just begging once again,' kanae sighed.

'I'm kind of starting to feel bad, I think I was kind of harsh..' I admitted out loud.

'To harsh?' Daki asked me, shocked.

'Well yeah- like.. it wasn't all that deep, and now I lost a friendship over it as well?' I asked, extremely confused by my situation.

'Well, why don't you and your friends go out for a few hours tomorrow? Hm?' Kie asked me.

'Could I, Kanae?' I asked her, and she nodded.

'Of course! Maybe they could convince you to be a bit harsher! Just make sure to be home by 6 pm whenever you come back from a hangout,' she said, and I nodded.

'Of course,' I stated.

(The next day)

My friends and I were all hanging out together, enjoying our time together.

'It's almost six. Are you ready to start heading back?' Daki asked, looking all around.

'Of course!' Nezuko said, wrapping her hand around my arm. 'Did you know, giyuu, that I have a girlfreind' nezuko asked me and I looked at her in surprise.

'You do?' I asked.

'Yep!' She said with a big shit eating grin.

'Who would want  date you?' I asked her, and she huffed, bringing her arms to cross over her chest in a pout.

'You would actually be so surprised how many people I have to scare off, nezuko really has grown up,' tanjiro said, also walking beside me.

'Oh! Giyuu and gyutaro used to protect me when we were younger!' Daki said, and tanjiro looked confused.

'What about makomo?' Tanjiro asked.

'Sabito would be the one to protect makomo. The dude would take any chance he got. Whenever she did get hurt, he would kiss her little boo boo better,' I said, looking over to makomo, who was blushing.

'You didn't have to add that last part,' makomo stated, and I just sighed.

'But now they are broken up, and I have to protect her, isn't that right, baked bean?' I said, pinching her cheeks.

'Wha- baked- baked bean?!' She asked me.

She hit me over the head, standing on her tippy toes.

'BAKED BEAN THAT' she yelled at me, and I just smiled.

'Sure, buddy,' I said, removing her hand off me and standing up straight.

She was only 4'11 so she couldn't reach me even if she tried.

She probably couldn't even reach the top of the table.

How exactly did sabito fall in love with her if she couldn't even bring food to the table?

Haha, funny joke.

'Why don't you still protect daki then?' Nezuko asked, noticing the phrases daki used while explaining about our younger selves.

'Oh! I can defend myself now!' She stated, grabbing her kanzashi out of her ponytail.

'Those are practically her only weapons for self-defense' gyutaro sighed.

'It's worked though,' daki said, coming up onto the driveway.

'We are here!' She said, grabbing me and letting me go in first.

'I thought they were supposed to be home? Why are all the lights off?' I asked, feeling around for the light switch.

Suddenly, all the lights turned on, and I looked like a party.

There was a banner saying "welcome home tsutako!" Hanging up in the hallway.

'Is this a joke? If so, it isn't very funny,' I said, noticing sabito stood in front of me with a big smile.

'No! Sanemi, come on! He is here!' Sabito yelled, and sanemi came in with a woman. She looked to be around 25.

She had dark black hair that reached below her waist. She wore the dress my mom got tsutako.

The dress my mother got tsutako?

'Who is she?' I asked, pointing to the girl?

'This is tsutako! You do not know how long it took for us to find her!' Sanemi said.

'Funny joke and all except tsutako died,' I stated, looking at the woman.

She smiled at me, and only then I realized that she did look like tsutako.

'Wait, tsutako?!' I said, rushing over to her.

'Giyuu! You are so tall now! I've been looking for you everywhere!' She said, smiling.

'Wait, really? You are tsutako? I thought she died,' I said, holding back tears.

'You forgot that they didn't find my body, just an empty room, right? I managed to escape, except you were already taken away in the ambulance before I could get to you.' tsutako explained.

'Fuck- it is really you?' I asked, now crying, hugging her.

'Well - yeah! How many times do I have to say it?' She asked me.

'Giyuu, we brought somebody back from the dead.. will you forgive us now?' Sabito asked, tapping my shoulder.

I turned around and smiled.

'I'm really sorry! I was being petty!' I said, hugging him as well, knocking him over.

'I'm sorry too, I really didn't want to hurt you,' sabito stated, hugging me tightly.

'Woah giyuu- this is your sister?' Makomo asked me, coming closer to tsutako and inspecting her carefully.

'You two look so much alike!' Daki said, also inspecting tsutako.

'Oh giyuu! Are these your friends? They seem so sweet!' Tsutako asked me, looking at both the girls.

'Mhm, sabito and gyutaro are here too. Along with nezuko and tanjiro,' I stated, and she looked at me with a big smile.

'I'm so glad you were finally able to make friends!' She smiled, and I got up, nodding.

I wiped my tears and smiled.

'I'm glad you're back..' I said, and she hugged me again.

'You should also probably thank that white-haired boy as well. He was the one who found me. That one with the scar just set this up,' "tsutako whispered in my ear.

'Really?' I whispered back.

I looked over to sanemi, who was looking at the ground, not really looking at anybody.

I went over to him, pulling him into my room that was down the hallway.

'That is one way to greet somebody,' sanemi said, and I smiled.

'I'm really sorry for getting mad. Thank you so much for this,' I said, hugging him.

'I'm really sorry..' He said, hugging me back, I could hear him start crying.

We fell to the floor while he hugged me, not really letting go.

'Sanemi.. I really hope we can try again, I really did love you..' I said, and he looked up at me.

'Please, giyuu, please do me the honor of being your boyfriend? I won't ever hurt you again,' "sanemi said, looking at me.

I smiled, nodding.

'Of course I will. Please don't ever try to use me again, though..' I said, and he kissed me.


It didn't last too long, but it was long enough to have my lips tingling.

'I'm so glad.. I'm so glad that you forgave me,' "sanemi said, hugging me again.

'I'm so glad I did forgive you..'

A/N I know, it's a pretty short chapter, except I will be writing an epilogue, then I'll start a new book.

I will put an announcement here when I have the first chapter out.

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