[Complete] Restless mind, Emp...

By Rose_Romantica

511 1 0

Luna Reina is a twenty-three year old woman, who has had to deal with raising and taking care of her sister L... More



9 0 0
By Rose_Romantica

When Wuu came back, he had Kayla by the ear as she was in tears. Reina was stunned as she saw the elder male holding his daughter by the ear. Wuu threw his daughter towards Reina as he glared at her. "Go on and apologize to her now Kayla! I have told you already that Reina is not your damn maid! You are twenty damn years old and you don't even know how to do simple shit without help!"

Kayla teared up hearing her father speak before she looked at Reina. "Go fuck yourself you bitch! I want my maid back so I don't have to do so much on my own!" She said as she stomped her feet having a tantrum

Reina just pushed the female to the side as she looked at Wuu. "What am I supposed to say?"

Wuu gave her a piece of paper. "This is the right one. I apologize for that. Kayla had been in the studio previously to you three getting here. I had told her that you may end up coming here and if you did she was to stay out of sight. Obviously she thought it'd be a good idea to make a mockery out of you."

"Well that didn't work, I've gained self confidence thanks to the seniors of that company." Reina said as she took the paper with both of her hands

"I'm glad to hear that you've been doing well Reina, if there is ever anything I can do for you just let me know. I owe you that much."

She nodded her head. "I'll keep that in mind." She said before she went back into the booth

While she did Kayla went to talk to Syo and Natsuki who weren't keen on her being there. 

"Get out of here Luna." Syo said seriously

"We both know that your beauty isn't natural. Not to mention you've never once ever cared for your elder sister. Had you been nicer we could have tried to get it so you can be on board with her. But that's never going to happen since you've been so cold hearted towards her." Natsuki stated with a frown

Kayla looked at the two males stunned. "B-But my mother said that my beauty alone would get me in! T-That my voice didn't matter."

"It does, more than you think. Do you know what it takes to be an idol Luna?" Syo asked

Kayla frowned "A beautiful face and a good acting personality."

Syo scoffed "Maybe for a poser actress or actor, but to be an idol. You need to have a good singing voice. You need to have love and compassion in your heart."

"You need to be able to be beautiful inside and out...and know how to do hard work to get where you need to go. From what we've gathered from Reina...You can't even write your own name let alone do simple things on your own without help from her."

"There would be no way you'd make it as an idol, even with Reina's help. You're wasting your time being hateful towards that woman. She's had it with your nonsense and as of now so are we. You had both of us fooled that you were a kind and sincere young girl. But obviously that's not true. You are a cruel little child who whines and has a tantrum when things don't go your way."

Kayla teared up hearing them speak, as Syo finished speaking Reina came out of the booth. 

"Well crap, you two really laid into her didn't you? I've never seen her look so pathetic." Reina said amused


Reina just looked at Kayla unamused. "I ain't the one who has been jumping male to male while in middle school. That's all you, I have always been a loner in school. I've never had any friends before meeting the males of Starish and Quartet Night. Unlike me, you're not a damn virgin." Reina said seriously

As Reina spoke Wuu came towards them and overheard Reina speak. "Wait...that was Kayla-not you?" Wuu asked her

Reina turned herself to look at Wuu and nodded her head. "Yes that's correct. She's had me sleep outside of her room when she's had males over since there had never been a place for me to sleep officially in that place when I lived there."

Wuu looked confused. "You should have had a room, I specifically bought a four bed room house so both you and Kayla would have your own room."

Reina scoffed. "That other room is used for all of the clothes that your wife buys for your spoiled ass brat child."

Wuu rubbed between his eyes. "That would explain a lot. Listen Reina, I think I am getting an understanding of what went on when you lived with us and why you won't return. But do you mind if we talk one on one for a moment. I want to get the honest truth from you of everything before we continue with this project. I have a bad feeling my wife has been fibbing and lying straight to my face just so I don't yell at her and Kayla."

Reina nodded her head. "I'll gladly tell you everything if you are willing to finally listen to me with an open mind."

"I am."

"Then I will go where you need me to go so we can discuss what you wish without the influence of your entitled brat child."

"Come follow me to my main office. We will be there." Wuu said before he looked at the two males. "You two are needed in the room next to this one to chose colors and the accessories of your plush animals. The others have already done so for theirs."

Syo and Natsuki both nodded their heads and left out as Wuu glared at Kayla. "You are to go back to your place behind the secretary office and wait there until I am done talking to your elder sister."

"That bitch isn't my sister she's my maid!"

Wuu slapped Kayla against the face hard. "Do not say that about your damn sister! She may be adopted but at least we wanted her, we have no choice but to deal with your bratty attitude!"

Kayla teared up before she left out sobbing holding her face, Reina looked at Wuu unamused. "So...I have been right to assume that you and your wife adopted me."

Wuu let out a sigh. "I apologize you had to find out this way, but yes. We're supposed to be your god parents. We knew your parents, your mother was a famous idol back in the day and your father was a police officer." Wuu said as he took her out of the recording studio and down the hall

"So...what happened to my parents?"

"Your mother was murdered on stage, your father was heart broken about the situation and chose to take his life, ignoring the fact that he had you to take care of. Your father...he was my best friend and it was hard to take the fact that he had killed himself. I had vowed when my wife and I got you that I'd treat you like I would my best friend. But that shot out the window the moment Kayla was born."

"No kidding."

When they got into the office he motioned for her to sit down as he sat at his desk. "Please, tell me everything from the first thing you can remember Reina. I won't be angry at you I know you were just doing as you were told."


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