Ambrosia Mafia

By LilyRose_2005

14 1 0

Azura What happens when your father has a secret life away from you? You get kidnapped. Neo I've watched her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

1 0 0
By LilyRose_2005


 I hate the feeling of a hangover, but this one was ten times worse and I felt like I had the weight of a mansion crushing my skull.

Wait a minute who the fuck was carrying me definitely not Chealse and it didnt feel like my father but he never had the decency to care for me. The memories started coming back. Chealse, the club, almost being raped, being save by a gorgeous man, the murder, and the needle. The fucker drugged me, that's why my head felt like that.

The warmth radiating off the person carrying me felt familiar, the guy who saved me and murdered my attacker right in front of me and then kidnapped me. I felt him stop moving and place me down in what felt like a leather chair whether we were in a house or not. I had no idea how long I was out for. If it was a couple of hours or days.

My eyes started to open, the light around me started to blind me. I was place beside a window and looking around I was in a fucking plane. Looking at the seat across from me he was sitting there with a smirk plastered on his face as well as the dude leaning beside him.

"Where the fuck are you taking me." My voice coming out or hoarse as a voice came through the speakers saying that they were taking off. "Suka" I muttered under my breath not knowing if they understood Russian but at this point I didn't care.

Both of their faces showed confusion which made me smile knowing that they had no clue what I said. "Speak English, love. I would love to hear what insults you are throwing our way." The guy leaning against the chair commented, getting a death stare that could end his life if it could.

"Net, ya khorosh. It's fun. Now who are you guys and where are you taking me." I was fed up of this shit. I just wanted to go to bed and wake and have this all a dream and get back to life as it is.

The guy started laughing. "You were right, man she is feisty. And I'm Nico, I'm polite enough to give my name. But I don't know about this one. It might take a while, love." This Nico guy was still laughing, patting the guy sitting down shoulder before walking to the other side of the plane.

Did that guy just tell me his name willingly or was I dreaming? And he was gorgeous as well. Are they from a different planet or something where there are hot guys just walking around? "Who are you?" I asked, curious about who this god looking man was in front of me.

"Did your father talk about his rivals with his.." He paused. "'Business?'" He quoted the word with his hands. Why does that have anything to do with his name? The only rivals my dad had were big name companies.

I looked him dead in the eyes trying to find out if this was a joke. "No, my father never talked about his rivals in business. He barely even speaks to me." I mumble the last part. It's true, he doesn't speak to me. He yells and abuses me. That's the only relationship we have had after my mothers death.

He leaned forward, chuckling. "So you have never heard of the name Eugene Ambrosia?" His name was Eugene like in the movie Tangled thief, this was funny.

"Wait your meaning to tell me you have the same name as a Disney film thief?" I hear Nico's laugh from the other side of the plane. "Omg, I've met the famous thief of Tangled, Eugene Fitzherbert." Sarcasm laced every single word as I leaned back in my chair crossing my arms and legs.

I felt someone lean against my chair. I looked up to see Nico standing there with the goofiest look on his face. "You know, that is the first time I've ever heard someone make that connection before."

I look back at Flynn Rider to see all the amusement that was there was all gone. "Nico leave now before I put a bullet in your head" There was no emotion in his voice but the flames in his eyes, I knew I was done for.

"I would let you know she was joking but, good luck darl." Nico let out a nervous chuckle before fleeing to the cockpit.

Oh fuck, I was in shit. I just aggravated the guy who kidnapped me and in an encased area fifty thousand feet above ground.

He leaned forward placing his hands on the arm rests of my seat. Close enough I could feel his breath fan across my face with every breath. "I will let that slide but I will not be downgraded to a common thief." He growled looking down at my lips for the slightest moment before back at my eyes.

Why was the urge to kiss him so strong that I felt myself leaning forward, I think he started to as well but to my surprise I yanked my head back at the last second. I was about to kiss my kidnapper. What the fuck was wrong with me.

He sat back in his seat staring off into space. And while he was doing that I was checking out his body. Shirt stretched over his body like it was 2 sizes too small, which I wasn't complaining his six-pack was showing and mother of all gods it's better than the men in Russia, his sleeves rolled up arms clutching the armrests which look like they were going to break at any second because oh my god those biceps.

"If you are finished checking me out," I avert my eyes back to his, feeling blood rush straight to my face. "If you dare to run when we land I will kill you right there and then. So don't run, the boss wants you alive" I hear someone snort, looking away from his dark eyes. I looked up to see Nico was out of the cockpit.

"I came out to tell you we are 5 hours away. Might want to get some beauty sleep darl while I have a chat with my boss." Nico didn't even look at me once, just continued to stare at Eugene.

What did he mean when he said the boss? I thought he was the boss.

This confused me so much. Curling up in the chair, staring out the window at clouds and the deep water far below.

Closing my eyes, I let the last 24 hours play through my mind. Worrying about Chealse and if anything had happened after I got kidnapped. Did his men hurt her? Or did they leave her alone?

The plane jolted me awake, looking out the window I saw that we had finally landed in whatever country these guys are from. I looked down at my body to see that someone had thrown a blanket over me while I was sleeping. Which is strange since I'm on a plane with criminals.

"Wakey wakey, darl. Time to go." I hear Nico's voice behind me. I looked at the seat in front of me to see that Flynn Rider was still sitting there staring at me like a creep.

No one said a word as I was dragged off the plane.

Nico dragged thief man off to the side, speaking to him in secret. Looking around I saw no one's eyes on me.

Maybe this was my chance to escape them and find a way home. Slowly leaning down, taking off my heels before I chucked them to the side before turning around running like my ass was on fire.

It only took them a few seconds before realizing what was happening. "FUCK. Eugene, she didn't listen to your warning man." I hear Nico scream at the boss or 2nd in charge, whatever he was.

I kept running, hearing footsteps behind me getting closer. Nothing was stopping me. I will not let this asshole take me hostage again.

As he was about to catch me a gunshot rung in the air, hearing a grunt behind me I saw Eugene collapsed on the ground holding his upper left leg.

Tires screeched at my side, men in black suits jumped out snatching me. "Say hi to your brother for me. Won't you Eugene." The older guy out of them stepped forward, smirking down at Eugene. Kicking the gun out of his hands that he grabbed.

"Let go of me." I screamed, thrashing around in the guys hold. But nothing worked.

Eugene chuckled. "Really? Franco. Stepping into our territory." The guy, Franco, raised his leg back landing a kick to his chest. I flinched at the force of it, that must have hurt.

"What will you do when Neo finds out?" He chuckled, spitting out blood. "You're signing your death warrant if you take his property."

Back the fuck up, I'm who's property? A guy I've never met? I think the fuck not. I have enough trouble with my father wanting to know every second of my life. I don't need to add some random crime boss to the list.

Franco looked back at me, his pervy eyes sliding over my body, taking me in. "His property, you say?" Eugene's face said he fucked up his wording.

I couldn't stand here and be told I belong to someone I didn't even know. "Excuse me. I'm not deaf and I'm no one's property." How dare they assume this.

Franco turned around, quickly sending his knee into my stomach. I grunted doubling over in pain. "No one spoke to you bitch." He spat at me. "If this is his property. He hasn't done a very good job in taming her." He gritted out, walking to the car.

The man holding me, threw into the car behind me. "No, get off me!" I struggled against him trying to escape the vehicle screaming at the man.

I kneed the fucker in the crotch, grunting he raised his arm throwing it back down on my head knocking me unconscious.

Why? Why does this keep happening to me? All I wanted was a night out with my best friend to celebrate my 21st birthday. But no, I had to get kidnapped, told that my whole life was a lie and then kidnapped from my kidnappers by their enemy by the sound of it. And in that I've now seen two people get shot.

I don't know if I've been out but I can tell I'm no longer in the car, but that I'm dangling from something with a bag on my head.


Two sets of footsteps flooded my ears as they stopped right in front of me. "Wake up bitch." A deep voice spoke before they ripped the bag off my head.

The light burnt my eyes making me regret opening them. I blinked a few times before the room focused.

"What do you want?" My voice came out all hoarse. I don't know if it was streaming or being knocked out for so long. But either way I didn't like any bit of this.

The guy from the tarmac chuckled. "I want information about Neo Ambrosia." Franco speaks like I know that name when I only just met Eugene Ambrosia.

I lift my head starring the guy straight in the eyes. "I don't know that name ok. I was kidnapped by the guys you took me from. So can you please just let me go." my voice got louder as i finished speaking.

A fist went flying into my stomach, making my knees collapse underneath me, chains tightening on my hands. I grunt, getting my footing again, releasing the strain on my wrists.

"Now, I think you're lying to me. And if you keep lying to me, my friend here will do more damage then just hit you. Ok do you get it now?" Franco suggested to the brute that just hit me.

Additional bruises now scattered between the ones my father gave me. "Now let's try an easier question." he stopped right in front of me. "What's your name?"

Should I answer that, no probably not. But I do. "Azura Harper." I said it loud enough that he could hear me.

He stiffened before chuckling. "Teo Harper let his precious daughter out of his reach." Why does everyone know who my family is? "Oh this is going to be fun." Franco smirked, nodding to the other man in the room, before pulling it out and dialled a number.

My eyes widened as the man picked up a knife walking back to me.

No, no, no. 

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