Ambrosia Mafia

By LilyRose_2005

14 1 0

Azura What happens when your father has a secret life away from you? You get kidnapped. Neo I've watched her... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

10 1 0
By LilyRose_2005


Body's all bunched together, dancing along to the music the DJ was playing as Chealsa and I weaved our way to the bar. Laughing at all the boys who stopped dancing just to stare at us and all the jealous girls giving us filthy looks.

Getting to the bar we ordered seven shots. "So you're going to celebrate your birthday by picking a guy tonight, or going to be a party pooper again." Chealsa looked at me as we downed the first shot. She knows I just broke up with James and she wants me to hook up with someone to get him off of my mind. Just like she does after every break up.

James and I were together for two years and for half of that he was cheating on me with one of the popular girls at the college he went to. So as any sane broken hearted girl would do I slashed three of his tires and smashed his windscreen with a baseball bat, which didn't end well for me because when my dad heard about what happened he punished me in the worst way possible. Now I was hiding all of the bruises on my body from my best friend.

"I don't know yet. Let's just see how drunk you can get me first." I sighed, drowning down another shot knowing it was her idea to put me in this skin tight dark emerald green dress that showed my non existing hips. But knowing Chealse this was how she dealt with heartbreak, where I'd rather stay at my apartment downing a whole container of ice-cream while watching an action movie.

As I drowned my last shot, Chealsa dragged me on the dance floor in between all of the drunken mess as our song came on, Like a G6. After the song finished my body was finally feeling warm and fuzzy from those shots. I lost Chealse somewhere in the crowd but didn't really care at the moment I was feeling good.

I felt someone start to dance with me. "All here by yourself. That doesn't seem safe." The guy chuckled into my ear as he grabbed my waist pushing my back against his front, leaning back against him. I started to move my hips in time with his. All the alcohol I drank, I knew was a bad idea because I had no idea who this man was and I didn't really care as he started to drag me out of the club. Normally if a guy wanted you they would at least buy you a drink and talk you up first, but this guy was quiet and had other things on his mind by the looks of it.

My mind was telling me to struggle and run away from him and go to the security guards but my body was in some kind of trance and wasn't listening.

"Where are you taking me? And I don't even know your name yet.'' I mumbled as I staggered against him as he pulled me out of the club. Security weren't paying attention to the ones leaving the club, only the one wanted to get in. The street quiet the odd car driving passed, drunk bodies making out against the club wall not even caring about the world around them.

He looked to the side a bit. "Somewhere more quiet than that overpopulated club, sweetheart." He answered. We kept walking until we got to an alleyway and he pushed me down.

Looking around there was nothing except for a dumpster, trash laying around and us. No one witnessed what was happening. Only a stupid tabby cat.

Tripping over I landed straight on my side because of these stupid heels and the alcohol. "Now this is much quieter don't you think sweetheart?" The man smirked, coming towards me and yanking me by my waist off the ground just to push me against the brick wall that shaped the dark alleyway.

Smacking my head against the cold bricks I started to realize what he was going to do to me. Placing a hand around my neck he slightly started to choke me, not tight enough to deprive me of oxygen but enough to make the bruise on my neck to reappear. Great.

"P-please stop." I managed to get out before he let his hand travel underneath this stupid slutty dress Chealsa made me wear. Wait, Chealsa, she doesn't even know where I am.

His hand didn't stop at my plea, he just tightened his grip on my neck as he brought his mouth to my ear. "If you don't behave like a good little girl, this won't end well for you." His voice is gruff and full of threats. But as soon as that threat left his mouth, he was ripped off of me and thrown to the ground, allowing me to slide down the wall to watch what was unfolding in front of me.

My attacker was now getting plummeted into the ground by a man in a black suit. Once the guy had stopped struggling the stranger stopped his assault pulling out a gun. My eyes widened in horror as he let off three bullets into his chest and one into his head.

I was frozen, I couldn't move, my mind was screaming to run. But I was paralyzed. The man turned to me, I slowly looked up at him. "You killed him?" It came out as a question when I already knew the answer to that, yes he did.

The man in front of me chuckled. "What, no thank you for saving your life?" He smirked as he pocketed his gun, stalking towards me.

Why the fuck would I thank him, this smug murderer wanted me to thank him? Fuck that. "W-why would I thank you? You just killed a man!" I cried out, Bringing my knees up to my chest not caring that my emerald green dress was riding up my thighs.

He chuckled as he kneels down in front of me, lifting my chin up with his thumb and index finger. His fingers warm against my skin sending a shiver down my spine. "What, have you never witnessed someone being murdered before?" His deep voice sends vibrations through my body.

I quickly shook my head, wondering why he would ask such a question. Why the fuck would I have witnessed someone be murdered before? That question racked through my mind. I looked up at him taking in his sharp features, his tailored black suit, his short dark curly hair and the way the moon light shone on his skin. Staring into his eyes as realization flashed in them. "You don't even know who you are, don't you, princess? Or what your family does."

What was he talking about? My father runs a multimillion dollar company that he wants me to take over so he can still call the shots on my life. My brows furrowed with confusion. He must have been lying cause my father never lies, he made that promise after my mother died seven years ago today, happy birthday to me. "I know what my family does and it doesn't involve people killing one another. And I am Azura Harper, next in line for my father's company" My sudden boost of confidence as the adrenaline coursed through my body. "Who are you anyways?"

He abruptly stood back up to pull out his phone and dial a number. "Bring the car a-" I blocked out the rest of the conversation trying to process what just happened and what would happen to me once my father finds out.

I left Chealsa behind. I need to go back and tell her what happened. I sent a silent prayer that my leg will carry and they do. I get up leaning against the wall behind me. The mysterious man who was kind of hot to admit, had turned his back to continue his conversation so I couldn't hear him. I slowly started to sneak away making it half way out of the alleyway before I let out a small squeal of surprise as I felt a pair of hands grab my waist spinning me around and pinning me against the wall. I let out a small grunt as my breath left me, this was all too familiar but for some reason I'm not as scared as I was with the dead man who was still laying in the middle of the alleyway.

"Sorry princess, but you ain't going anywhere." He growled in my ear. That voice is going to be the death of me, that rasp and the accent that I can't quite pin yet. Ugh, it is so sexy. No, he just killed someone in front of me. I can't think about these types of things.

I start to realize how close he is, his face dipped down to talk in my ear, one hand resting on the wall with his gun firmly in his grasp, his other hand lightly gripping my waist and his broad shoulders blocking my view of anything behind him. I Ain't giving up so easily. "Yes I am, I'm going to go and grab my friend and go home." Crossing my arms having them brush against his strained shirt, his heat radiating off of his body.

He chuckled lightly, his breath fanning across my face. Stupid alcohol. "I love how you think you have a choice darling, when you don't. You're coming with me whether you like it or not." He was really getting on my nerves now, this insanely gorgeous man that was standing over me, I really want to knee him so hard he won't be able to have kids. But there was a slight problem stopping me from doing that, his legs were holding mine in place. If this was a totally different situation I would not mind this one bit.

As I was about to give him a mouthful I heard a car pull up at the top of the alleyway, the lights shone down on us and the dead body. He placed his gun back in his pocket before resting that hand as well on my waist, smirking. Omg, I was about to be kidnapped and I didn't even care. This alcohol was really getting to me.

Everything happened so fast I didn't even know how to comprehend it until a shoulder was digging into my stomach. That fucker. "Hey put me down!" Please don't. I have a nice view of his ass. "I have work in the morning and if I don't show, my father will kill me. Literally." I mumbled the last bit. Ok that one was a half lie, I didn't have work tomorrow but if I didn't check in with my father by a certain time, I could kiss my ass goodbye. And the hangover I will have I'll be dead anyways.

I tried my best not to wince in pain with the bruises that scattered my body but with half of them on my stomach it was fucking hard. "Clean this up and call someone to pick you up and I'll text you where to meet us." He told someone before walking toward the car. He put me down long enough to grab something from the front seat, still gripping my waist.

Why the fuck does he have a needle. "No, no, no. Get that thing away from me." I started freaking out. I'm not a fan of needles, I hate them. Before I could register what was happening he let go of my waist quickly grabbing my chin and facing my face away from him. At this point I was shaking, tears streaming down my cheeks, this was definitely the worst birthday.

The sting of the needle going in, I let out a broken sob as I clinged onto his shirt like it was the only thing that would save me. "Sorry princess." His voice sounded broken and his eyes flashed with what looked like the tiniest bit of regret. "Sweet dreams." His voice faded as everything went black. Why does this have to happen to me?

Hey guys, hope you liked the first chapter of my new story. There will be weekly updates either on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please let me know how you like it or for any improvements. 

Thank you for reading don't forget to like 😊

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