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By normz__

14.1K 690 2K

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01 | ALLEN
05 | DEAD
09 | FIRED


663 37 107
By normz__

"𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞," 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫,"Just let me explain. I mean you no harm."

No one in the group seemed ready to make a move against the supposed stranger, but no one seemed willing to relax either. Joe still held his gun pointed at the stranger, Rae still hiding behind Barry, who had pushed her behind him in a protective stance.

Ever the hero.

His eyes focused on the stranger, who kept his hands raised in surrender.

She felt like rolling her eyes at Barry's protectiveness, but she kept her poker face, too but her thoughts were racing, trying to come up with a way to slip away unnoticed.

Meanwhile, Cisco, Caitlin, and Iris stared at the man while their bodies tensed up, and Barry didn't signal for anyone to calm down. Instead, he took a single step closer, "How do you know my name?"

"I know all your names." The man, who declared that his name was Jay Garrick, added in.

His eyes turning to look at people, "Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Detective Joe West-"

"Enough." Joe cut in, only finding more reasons to keep his gun up,

"That part about explaining needs to happen right about now."

With a slight nod of understanding, Jay switched his focus from one person to the other,

"This world is in danger."

The sentence seemed to spark an interest in their friend Cisco as he took a step closer,

"What other worlds are there?"

Rae stood silently watching the group, her face a blank mask of neutrality. She was trying her best to blend in, but inside she was a ball of anxiety. She knew that Hunter was secretly a villain, and that no one else was aware of this fact. So she was trying to stay calm and act normal, while constantly searching for a way to leave unnoticed. But the longer the conversation went on, the more difficult it became to maintain her composure.

She kept remembering all the terrible things he's done and still doing.

Jesse Wells and the real Jay Garrick was still trapped inside a cage.

Harrison Wells is probably getting ready to jump to Earth 2.

And countless of other earths are suffering because of him.

She was determined to slip away without attracting attention to herself, but she was growing increasingly uneasy. He cannot find out about her or else all of this was for nothing ,and she's just been a pain in the ass for nothing.

"Okay, so, Jay," Barry spoke up with hesitation, "how exactly do you know all of this?"

"Where I came from," Jay answered, Rae leaning to the side to get a good look at the man as he lowered his hands cautiously, "I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash."

"Before I arrived on your Earth, I was in a fight with a man named Zoom."

Yeah a fight with yourself loser

Jay answered, his eyes catching sight of Rae as she stepped to the side and stared at him. His eyes quickly moving to the rest of the group,

"Zoom had me beaten. He was about to kill me when suddenly there was a blinding light and the sky split open.

A breach, between my world and yours, caused from the singularity.

It pulled me in and I somehow ended up in your world. Powerless. Unable to return home..."

While everyone else in the group was focused on the stranger's every word, Rae was staring at him with a hateful look in her eyes. She was not only distracted from the conversation, but she had completely checked out at this point. In fact, she had missed the majority of what Jay—Hunter—the actual b*itch, had said, only catching on to the last part of his story.

Harrison Wells should've punched his face earlier, she thought

Everyone in the group was still stunned by his words, completely speechless in shock, while Rae was glaring at him with a death stare and no shame whatsoever. She was completely focused on one thing only: getting away from him at all costs

Everyone turned to look at Barry, who only stared at Jay, "We're gonna do some tests on you. See if you're telling us the truth."

Barry's voice suddenly lowered in a threatening voice, a tone that said the message was meant for one person and one person only, "Cause if you're not, this Zoom, he's not gonna be your only enemy."

Rae started off as she had planned, making a break for it as fast as she could on her crutches. But Barry was quicker than expected, catching up to her in an instant.

Obviously he's The Flash.

"Where do you think you're going?" Barry asked.

"Lose the attitude Allen. I don't want to get involved," Rae replied. "I don't trust...Jay at all. It'll only turn out badly for everyone."

Maybe if she's direct enough, she could save not only herself but the entire season.

Apparently, it's not that easy.

Rae was about to continue her break for it, but Barry continued the conversation once again.

"You said you don't trust Jay, any specific reasons why?" Barry asked, giving her the chance to explain herself and her feelings towards the stranger. He doesn't trust him either but somehow everyone else is getting swayed by Jay.

Rae paused for a moment, thinking about what she could say that would not give away her true identity.

"Well," she finally replied, "he's just too... smooth."

Barry waited for her to continue,

"He's just too smooth," Rae repeated. "The story seems a bit too convenient, too vague. Who in their right mind would just come out of the shadows! He's too charming, too confident, too...perfect. "

Barry, meanwhile, looked a bit hurt and jealous of Rae's comments about Jay. He didn't want to show it, but he was bothered by her assessment of the stranger.

"Well, I need to talk to him," Barry said, his tone now showing a tinge of jealousy. "I guess I'll just have to see for myself what he's really like."

Barry continued the conversation, turning his focus towards the idea of multiple earths and whether or not Rae believed in it.

"Do you think it's real, this whole concept of multiple earths?" Barry asked slightly, changing the subject but keeping the conversation going for her to stay a bit longer.

Rae shrugged, saying, "I'm not a scientist, I just crunch numbers. Why are you asking me, anyway? You have a whole team for that stuff."

Barry had to admit that Rae had a point, and he was feeling a bit awkward after realizing what he had asked.

They were both quiet for a few moments, each contemplating their next step in this complicated situation.

Barry finally broke the uncomfortable silence, speaking up in a more serious tone.

"Look," he said, "I know I've had some misfortunes in the past when dealing with these kinds of situations, but I'm trying to do things right this time. I trust your gut feeling more than mine. If anything seems off to you, just tell me and i'll just put him in the pipeline"

"You have a pipeline as a prison cell?"

"Well, it's not really prison-"

" Your big bad's go in the basement? God, you just got creepier"

"It's not like that, I swear—"

"Kidding. Just trying to lighten the mood. I don't trust him. But it's not up to me to decide what to do with him."

She understood that he was trying to do the right thing, and she wished she could do the same. She already broke so many rules.

Did Barry even look at Iris this whole time?

(the answer is no)

With no chance to tell Barry about what she knew, Rae decides to escape from the conversation and go about her own business.

"Good luck with this whole mess, Allen."

Barry watches her go, feeling a bit disappointed and anxious at the same time.

But he also knows that she did the right thing; it would be too dangerous to get involved with Jay, and it was best to keep her safe.

Barry finally clears his throat "Thanks, I'll do what I can...for all of us"

"I know you will."

Barry smiles, a faint hint of red on his cheeks

"And...stay safe, Speedy. Not just from Jay, from everything coming up" she said ominously, unintentionally of course.

Rae nods and leaves, knowing that she has kind of avoided the dangerous situation, and hoping that Barry will be able to solve the issue.

He's a grown man.

"Listen to me right now. Everyday I wake up and I think: I don't wanna do this. And then I come to work and think: I'm doing this. And then I finish work and I'm frustrated but I did it. Then I go home, completely drained, a husk of my formal self and think I don't wanna do it again, but I do!

I'm always this close to a mental breakdown—but I've got things to do and deadlines to meet, so it's gonna have to wait—

Tell me why, DAVID G.— actually HOW did we lose three million dollars while I was away—"


"I don't want to hear excuses. I made you temp chief leader because I thought you were the most competent compared to all those nutwads—"

"What's a nut—"

"I'm in crutches David! I am injured! So why are you raising my blood pressure!"

"I'm so so sorry Miss Graham, it was one of the interns I'm sure—"

"Don't you dare blame the interns David—We could get fired from this, do you want to get fired?!"

Rae didn't know why she did this to herself. She's pretty sure she's not a masochist. She hated her job back in her world, so why did she choose the same job again.

Well, it's mostly for comfort of a similarly environment. No matter how stressful it is.

But no matter what world she's in, there will always be a David that'll ruin her day.

"I'm sure if we explain this to Dr. Mgee—"

"Have you ever even met that women? She won't take any sh*t that comes out of your mouth—in fact if an evil speedster came in to try to steal her invention, she would most definitely talk back—"

"Wait what—"

"I'm hanging up now. Fix this. Be better."

"O-Ok, again I'm so sorry—"

She hanged up.

Rae wished Barry feared her.

She had become quite accustomed to working remotely these days, but David's incompetence still managed to ruin her day from afar.

She sat down at her desk and started typing furiously on her laptop, trying to get some work done in spite of the distractions.

Rae couldn't wait for the day when she no longer had to deal with David on a daily basis.

Glancing at the clock and Rae saw that it was already past midnight.

She knew she needed to get some sleep, but she couldn't rest while there was still work to be done.

Is this how hero's felt?

She took a deep breath and dove back into her work, determined to make up for lost time and get the job done. She was all cozy in her PJ's that Granny gifted her with her hot chocolate, pillows surrounding her, the only source of light was from her laptop—

Until she received a call.

Rae's heart started racing when she saw the unknown caller's name pop up on her phone.

She had never been a fan of surprises, and she couldn't help but worry who could be calling her at this hour of the night. She didn't give her personal number to anyone but Granny.

Not even David.

Still, she took a deep breath and picked up the call.

"Uh, hi?"

There was a long pause, and the voice replied with a hesitant tone,

"Um, hey, uh . . . it's, uh, Barry Allen. How are you?"

Rae quickly recognized the voice and cut off the conversation, annoyed that Barry was calling her without permission. "H-how did you get my number?! I never gave it to you Allen."

"Oh, um, haha . . . well, let's just say I . . ." Barry paused for a moment, trying to think of a way to explain how he'd gotten Rae's number without sounding like a creep. "I . . . I have my ways," Barry finally managed to fumble out.

Let's just say that Barry had to beg Cisco to hack into the system to get her number.

The usual.

Cisco Ramon, the best wingman to ever live.

Though Barry denies all the accusations of his crush. It's just a friendly crush? Right?


She grew increasingly annoyed and cut him off before he could continue. "Oh... Is that supposed to be reassuring?"

Barry was feeling embarrassed now, and he tried to downplay his response.

"H-hey now, I just . . ." Barry trailed off, unsure of what to say next.

Rae was feeling annoyed and skeptical now, and she cut Barry off before he could continue his half-assed explanation.

"So what do you want, Allen?

"... since you're my best friend-"

Rae cut him off before he could finish his sentence,

"I am not—"

Barry quickly backtracked, saying he just wanted to inform Rae of an event that occurred earlier in the day.

"I told you I didn't want—" Rae quickly retorted.

"Please, please, please," Barry begged.

"Ok fine! Just make it quick, you got 20 seconds"

"Wha- Okay, Zoom forced Slick to come here to kill me. He set this building on fire, but I was able to put it out before the Sand Demon, Jay named him by the way, showed up and fought me. Dans demon boy Jay. We were able to get Slick's DNA and find his house, but Joe and Patty ended up arresting the wrong Slick. They're like clones or something. Doppelgängers? By the time the real Slick got here, he kidnapped Patty and took her to the Woodrue warehouse. Jay didn't have his powers, so he couldn't stop him, but I was able to save Patty and use my super speed to take out Eddie. Jay also taught me this  Zeus-like move, and with a lightning bolt, we turned Sand Demon into glass. " He rambles really fast and seemed breathless in the end.

"....well what do you want me to say?"

"I-I i don't know...I think we were wrong about Jay. He really helped us. We honestly couldn't—"

"Don't say it Speedy. I beg of you. I'm not a part of your team, my opinion should not matter.  I do want you to realize one thing--"

"Me and Patty aren't a thing, don't worry."

"That...was not what I was going to say..."


Awkward, huh.

"Well still, Joe's new partner, Patty Spivot, and I, well, we had a moment during that whole Sand Demon fiasco. You know, behind the glass at the police station."

Rae with a nonchalant expression on her face. "Oh, really? That sounds... interesting."

Barry, hoping for a hint of...something, added with a subtle smirk while he's spinning on his chair in his lab, "Yeah, she's a fan of mine, reads all my forensic reports. We had a clear connection."

Rae raised an eyebrow, unfazed. "Well, good for you, Barry. Connections are important."

Barry, slightly disappointed by her lack of reaction, pressed on, "But, you know, it meant nothing. Just a moment. Nothing more."

Rae snorted , "Barry, you don't have to explain anything to me. It's your life, and we're 'best friends', remember?" she says in a mocking tone

Barry's shoulders slumped a bit, and he mumbled, "Right"

Deciding to press the issue a bit more, Barry probed, "I mean, aren't you even a bit curious? It was a pretty intense moment. Patty and I were on the same page, and she even mentioned how much she admires my work like in detail."

Maybe he was a bit desperate for Rae's attention but it's Rae! She's like the coolest person he knows.

"Barry, if you're expecting me to gossip over every 'intense moment' you might be overestimating my interest in your love life. Besides, I trust you to handle your personal matters. It was just a window moment"

Barry Allen was trying to achieve something he didn't know yet.

All he knows is that he's never felt like this with Iris, and that scared him.

"You should probably go back to the team. I'm sure your new....friend, needs some hospitality my company isn't as entertaining as your team. Sorry if you suffered a bit.," Rae guessed and felt bad for her pessimistic self.

"I would suffer your company forever, and it wouldn't be suffering," he quipped back—rather charmingly, dare he say and also, ignoring the first part.

Rae stays silent.

What can she even say after that?

Barry Allen, this is not part of the script.

He's supposed to be pinning over Iris West, or temporarily Patricia—sorry Patty. She's not supposed to be part of this equation.

Before she could even ask about his crush, he broke the silence with something unexpected.

Barry took a deep breath, nervously adjusting the cuff of his sweatershirt shirt as he spoke through the phone. "I promised I wouldn't offer."

Rae, curiosity piqued, questioned, "Offer what?"

Barry hesitated for a moment before carefully admitting, "For you to stay at Star Labs."

"Stay?" Rae echoed, a note of disbelief in her voice. "Like... forever?"

"N-no, not forever," Barry stammered, his words rushed. "You would be part of the team, and I'll be able to keep you safe. You could leave the fight to others, Rae, and you wouldn't have to risk your life. I would risk my own for yours. And y-you know—Star Labs does need some financial help. An accountant would be nice to add to the team. We still haven't fixed the roof." He attempted a light-hearted joke.

Rae's eyes widened in surprise, and she took her phone off her ear, staring at the screen as if processing the unexpected offer.

"Just like that?"

Barry, slightly flustered, continued, "I-it's totally up to you—"

"I'll think about it," Rae replied without hesitation, her decision made in the spur of the moment.

Rae Graham is gonna change up her plan. She's gonna save Barry from creating flashpoint.

Was that an abrupt decision? Yes.

Did she feel guilty over all her previous decisions? Yes.

Will she save Henry Allen from Zoom? Yes.

Hotel? Trivago.

"You will?" Barry sounded both surprised and hopeful.

Rae, with a subtle shift in her plan, revealed, "Sure, but only if I get fired from my job."

Barry, puzzled, questioned, "Why would you get fired—"

"Long story. It involves David," Rae interrupted.

"Ahh," Barry acknowledged, a trace of discomfort evident in his tone.

Barry, still processing Rae's unexpected decision, stumbled over his words. "Ok. This is—ok great. I can't wait for you to get—I mean, I don't want you fired. It's just—"

Rae, cutting him off, grumbled, "Shut up. And stop smiling, Speedy."

Barry, unable to contain his grin, playfully responded, "How did you know? Is it your Barry sense tingling—"



*minimum editing

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