Winged Secrets

By Anonymous10222

26 13 4

This book follows a character named Evie and a group of friends she makes along her journey. She wants to be... More

The Beginning - part 1
The Beginning - part 2
The Beginning - part 4
The Beginning - part 5
The Beginning - part 6
The Beginning - part 7
The Beginning - part 8(short)
The Beginning - part 9
Stike of Disaster - part 1
Strike of disaster - part 2
Strike of disaster -Part 3

The Beginning - part 3

2 2 0
By Anonymous10222

I'm reading on my bed when Maisy enters. I don't even glance from my book when she walks in.
"Oh you're reading a new book! Have you finished the old-"
I toss the book I got her in her direction, it hits the ground with a thud.
"Ok I know you're mad at me but don't take it out on the poor book." She brings it into her arms, almost carrying it like a baby.
"Are... you still mad at me?"
I put my finger under the last word I read as to not lose my place. I look up into Maisys eyes, her deep brown eyes look like puppy eyes. You know the ones you can't say no to, can't stay mad at?
"I'm not mad more just disappointed."
"Oh come on was it really that big of a deal?"
"You could have had my back? Or at least pitched in?"
"Have your back on what? Mom and dad are right it's to dangerous for you to become a soldier! Plus you don't see many girls-"
"And that matters why?"
"I didn't mean it like that."
"You know the real reason I want to be a soldier. It's because they get to see the world! See all the things I have read about!"
"Why not just tell mom and dad you wanna explore the world?"
"That's even worse! You know what they'll say. They said the same thing when those adventures came to town."
She makes air quotes as she talks.
"Image being dumb enough to go out and frolic around with no money. They are making a full of themselves with these stories"
"Well are they wrong."
"Well... no, but-"
"Ahhh see you admit it!"
At this point it seems the conversation has become a joke to her. She's smiling but when she sees I'm serious she begins to do the same.
"Maisy haven't you ever wanted to see the plants you read about? Have first hand information to write about in your research journal?"
She walks over to my bed and sits down, placing the book at her side. She puts a hand on my cheek the way she did when I was little. When she explained things to me I quite didn't understand yet.
"Of course I do Evie. However you know I don't have that option, I have to take over the tavern."
The tavern is where my father works, where we live. As she says that it reminds me of that. I hear the sound of talking and music come up from the floor. My father built this place from the ground up, other than his family, it's his pride and joy. My sister being the oldest will inherit it, run it when my parents no longer can.
"I'm sorry I mentioned it."
"Evie. I'm not upset I have to take over. I love my family and this tavern more than any stupid plant, and I'm proud that dad is trusting it to me."
Maisy not only had a book on research about plants , but a book of plans. Plans for the tavern and how to improve it when she takes over. As she's gotten older I've seen her writing in that book more than her research book. Her and dad often talk about the plans and I can see her sadness when she's told and idea of hers won't ever happen. Though her excitement when my father tells her one of her ideas is "genius" always makes up for it.
"When the tavern is given to me I'll give you all the money you need to explore the world. To adventure to far away places, but I can't do that if you die being a soldier."
She looks as if she would burst into tears at just the sight of me in one of their uniforms.
"Please just be patient. You'll eventually be able to do enough adventuring for the both of us. Ok?"
She smiles at me and stands up, grabbing the book and walking towards the door she says
"Why don't we go into the woods tomorrow like when you were younger and see if we can't find anything?"
"That would be nice"
She smiles at me and shuts the door.
I look down at the book I was reading. That conversation has made me a little too exhausted to read anymore. I grab a slip of paper and place it in the book, closing the book and sliding it under my bed. I close my eyes and am slowly engulfed by my tiredness. And soon I am taken over by sleep.

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