Shameless [Hyunminchan]

By The_minchan_deity

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A wreck A criminal A psycho ~♠️~ LEE MINHO X HWANG HYUNJIN X BANG CHAN ~♠️~ Show me you're shameless Write o... More

Introduction & warning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 🖤
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 🖤
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 🖤
Chapter 33 🖤
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 🖤
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 🖤
Chapter 47 🖤
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 21

764 59 53
By The_minchan_deity

Nothing. We found nothing, I would love to go kill someone right now but I don't feel like having a friendly visit to prison. Though I should be put in there for taking an abundance of souls. It's quite funny how they all beg for mercy in the end after sabotaging me like a bunch of cavemen.

The dark alleyways smelt like alcohol and blood. The stench was nasty for my nose but I dealt with it. Hwang's face was pure disgust, his eyes squinted and his lips displayed. 'What the fuck?' It almost made me snort but I kept it to myself and kept walking.

"This is where it happened a week ago...." Riki's voice descended. He looked around not finding any hint of clues.

"It's alright kid,"Hwang started. "Let's just get the hell out of here." I nodded agreeing and so did Park. There were broken glass bottles and shards of glass panes on the concrete ground with blood stains. I saw a white liquid stain on the wall, I knew what it was quickly looking away grimacing from the sight.

"What the fuck happened to humanity?" I whispered to myself almost getting out of the disgusting hellhole that I had to walk through.

The moment we left the alleyways I was greeted with fresh city air that I've longed to smell for a while. The stars in the sky were shining solo while the moon was hidden by the soft clouds. For some reason the moon reminded me of Hwang, I had no clue why but it just felt right. Then the single star that stole the whole night was glowing like there was no tomorrow. Like Lee.

I've gone crazy. That's dumb, I already am. Why am I thinking about them? I shook my head letting the thoughts sail away.

"It's getting late, I'm heading out." I said looking at my watch. It was about a quarter past 11. Lee should be asleep by now, then again I could be wrong. Last time Lee was awake with Berry listening to him. I would make a bet with someone right now, but who would I make a bet with? My demon. Nah....

"Alright." Hwang also departs with Park and Riki.

"See ya Hwang." I bid him goodbye, he just waved the back of his hand. I made my way to my lovely car. It was a bit chilly tonight, then again. It's early November. I didn't bring a jacket with me but It's not a huge problem, the car has a heater anyway. I got in immediately feeling a bit warmer. I let the car heat up a bit before putting pressure on the gas pedal.


I was home, well let's see how wrong or right I am. Though I have no fucking clue. I put in the passcode while turning the doorknob. The smell of cinnamon hit my nose like a pleasant surprise. I felt a small grin on my face taking my shoes off. The living room lights were on, which meant Lee was awake.

I walked in but I was way off. Lee was all cuddled up with Berry. Sleeping on the beast like it wouldn't bite his head off. Not that Berry actually would, I think she's too fond of Lee. I would let Lee sleep here but something in me told me to let him sleep in his room. I'll do that later, I'm starving right now. I was about to leave but for some reason I was drawn to him.

I noticed his phone was left on in his palm. It looked like he was reading a whole ass essay. I took it off but I could've sworn I saw my name on there, somewhere in the hundreds of words. I punched my thoughts out, focusing back on Lee.

His sleeping figure was like a solo star, shining in the dark sky. A view that would never get old. Now that I think about it, Lee is a dancer. Imagining him dancing to a sexy song– Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I sighed walking away to the kitchen and realized a plate of food wrapped was set on the counter top.

I felt something warm and fuzzy in my heart, I wanted to shove it down a deep hole but the feeling made the ice in my heart melt. I unwrapped the food and dug in. It wasn't as good as the meals I've cooked, but it was pretty decent. I quickly finished leaving the plate in the sink to let the maids wash tomorrow.

Now it was time to take Lee upstairs, but how the fuck do I do that if he's asleep. Should I just wake him up?

I stood in front of the sleeping 'beauty' I gently shook his shoulder but no response. I kept going until I eventually gave up. I sighed pushing back my hair and slid my hands under Lee gently avoiding waking him up. Just as I got him in my arms Berry just woke up and growled at me.

"What?" I whisper yelled at the tiger. I know very well why Berry was growling at me. "You can sleep with him in his bed." I rolled my eyes standing up walking to the stairs. Berry followed along, she seemed a bit drowsy. I walked up the stairs but while carrying Lee, he wasn't all that heavy, he doesn't seem to be eating normally. Guess this is a sign to shove food down his throat.

I stood in front of Lee's door trying to open it without dropping the sleeping boy in my arms. I exhaled aggressively, finally able to open the damn door. Berry rushed almost tripping me, that bitch– I finally got back to my feet

I walked to Lee's bed trying so hard not to just throw him on the bed. Finally, I got him sleeping and pulled the covers over him. Berry let herself sleep at Lee's feet. Somehow she now likes Lee better than me. Can't blame her, Lee doesn't seem all that bad.

I noticed a print on Lee's back. I know it's wrong of me to look without his consent, but this seems serious. I slightly pulled down the back collar revealing a huge mark that stretched down his back.

This is far from just falling down a staircase, this is fucking abuse. 


Well >:(

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