
By evermorestan1313

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By evermorestan1313

date: july 28th 2023

taylor's pov:
ouch. a wrap my arms around my lower abdomen, i was really hoping it was just some pms cramping, but as a sat up, i felt *that* feeling.

shit. my period came.. in the middle of the night.. at my boyfriends house. i wish my uterus could just tell me im not pregnant instead of making me bleed for 7 days a month. it's not fun.

i don't really want to announce that i got my period to travis, i get that it's normal and all, but i've only known him for a month or two, i don't need him to see me like this.

i know he probably wouldn't be mad or anything, unlike some of my exes. i just don't want to talk about my bodily functions to him.

i didn't realize i had bled onto his sheets until i stood up to go to the bathroom. fuck. i hate being a girl so much. i even wore a pad before sleep, just in case, but that clearly didn't help. how the hell did i even manage to bleed through a night pad in like 3hrs? what the fuck. i need to go to the doctor or something soon, that's too much bleeding.

i highly doubted that my period would actually come tonight, so i didn't bring any more pads, but apparently i was wrong.

i covered up the blood spot with another blanket, hoping travis wouldn't notice right away. i quietly walk into the bathroom, hoping i could find a pad of some sort.

i checked almost all of the cabinets, no luck. i didn't really expect to find anything, but whatever. i probably should've told him that i stained his sheets by now, but all i wanna do is cry. these damn period hormones aren't even funny.

i'm not even that upset, but tears are streaming down my face because of a silly little stupid problem that's not even my fault.

travis's pov:
i woke up and very quickly noticed taylor wasn't beside me. i assumed she probably got up to use the bathroom or get a drink, so i didn't think anything of it.

i was still half asleep, but i noticed a dark red stain on the bed sheets that wasn't there before, and taylor crying in the bathroom. she must've gotten her period or something. did she think i would be mad? poor girl.

taylor's pov:
"taylor?" i hear from the other side of the door.

shit. i must've woken up travis from all this crying, god i hope he doesn't break up with me after seeing me like this. he has barley seen me cry before, let alone on my period and a complete mess.

"taylor? taylor baby are you okay?"

i don't know how to answer. i feel bad. i don't know if i should apologize about the sheets, or what. i don't even feel like talking to him right now. not because i don't love him, i just know im gonna be a bitch and irritable.

"go away."

"tay, what's wrong? it's okay"

"im not telling you. i don't wanna talk about it."

"taylor, i promise it's okay."

"leave me the fuck alone. i don't want to talk about with you. it's a girl thing."

"can i come in? taylor baby, i want to make sure you're okay."

"im fucking fine. i don't wanna talk right now."

travis's pov:
i could tell she obviously didn't want me to know that she was on her period, which is okay, but i just want don't want her to think i'll be mad at her, i don't know a ton about periods, but i do know there's blood, so i can imagine taylor doesn't feel great.

taylor's pov:
"taylor, i promise im not mad at you. just tell me what happened and i promise, it'll be okay baby."

"fine. i got my stupid period and bled through and stained your sheets sorry."

"oh taylor baby, it's okay. please tell me you didn't think that i'd be mad? it's okay."

"i don't know. some other guy was pissed at me with a similar situation."

"it's okay taylor. it's just a little bit of blood, i don't mind. how about i go change the sheets on the bed, and you can clean up or shower if you'd like?"

i didn't respond

"taylor? what's wrong?"

"i don't really have anything. i'm sorry."

"oh, uh i think i might have a couple tampons in the downstairs bathroom from when my cousin stayed with me?"

i feel like an idiot. i've literally had my period for almost 20 years and i don't know how to use a tampon. they just hurt going in, while there in, and coming out, which probably just means im doing it wrong or something and the whole toxic shock syndrome thing scares the shit out of me. i guess tampons are more convenient, but pads are way easier and comfier.


"oh, uh sorry, do you have any pads? i don't really know how to use tampons. sorry"

"tay, don't apologize, it's okay baby. but i don't think so, but i can run to the store quickly. i can be back in like 10. can you text me a pic of the ones you want?"

"uh yeah. thanks travis."

i don't think i've ever had a boyfriend offer to get me pads or anything, or even talk to me about my period. it only came up like twice in my previous relationship, which is odd i guess.

i try to patiently wait for travis to be home, but it's kinda hard when you're heavily bleeding out of your vagina and have the feeling of knives stabbing your uterus commonly known as cramps.

travis's pov:
god damn, why are there like 100 different options? do i get her size 5 because she's tall? probably not, that wouldn't make that much sense. i gotta look at the picture again. i feel so stupid, i know literally nothing about this.

i feel like i should probaly do some research at some point, it's kinda sad the only thing i know about periods is it involves blood for like a day or something

i glance over at the tampons or whatever there called, holy shit? those go inside of you? how the hell does that work? i have many questions.

the picture of the ones taylor sent me had a moon and stars, which means it's for nighttime i guess, i didn't know if she needed ones for the daytime too, so i decided to grab a package that looked the same, just smaller and thinner. i'm not too sure if it's the right thing, but i can always go back if she needs me too.

i also grabbed a chocolate bar on the way out, i heard that chocolate is something girls crave on their period, which even if that's not true, who doesn't want chocolate, right?

taylor's pov:
i don't know what the fuck is going on with my mood swings but i feel terrible because i was acting like a bitch when travis was literally just trying to make sure i was okay, and now im just crying because, fuck it. i don't even know why.

he probably hates me now, and all i wanna do is sit here and cry.

"taylor! i'm back!"

i'm still crying on the bathroom floor because i don't know what to do. well i do, i just don't feel like it.

"i'll go change the sheets quickly, cuddles when you get back? oh, here are your things by the way" he says while handing me a bag from the store.

he got me chocolate? and day pads too? i didn't even think of that. god i love this man so much.

i quickly put on a fresh pad, change into some black sweatpants and one of travis's shirts. his shirt is huge on me, but i think it's cute.

"you alright now?"

"yeah. i'm sorry about your sheets by the way. i didn't think my period was going to come tonight."

"it's okay baby. just next time, don't be scared to tell me, i promise i won't be mad."


i had a flashback to when i was still with joe and something similar had happened.



"what's wrong joe?"

he moves the blanket and underneath it reveals a small blood stain on his sheets

"oh uh, sorry. i must've gotten my period."

"seriously taylor? haven't you had your period for like 15 years? you need to have a better handle on this. i'll sleep in the guest bedroom tonight. just make sure to change the sheets"

"oh ok."

i stumbled over to the bathroom, and looked in the cabinet where i usually keep my pads. no pads. just a small handful of tampons. i don't use tampons, never. is he cheating on me?

"joe?" i call from the bathroom

"what do you want taylor"

"who's tampons are these?"

"uhh yours? you must've left them here."

"joe. are you an idiot? don't lie to me."

"what the fuck do you mean? they clearly aren't mine. so they must be yours, you probably used them before and forgot about it"

what the fuck? is he trying to gaslight me about my own period?

"i think i would've remembered if i learned how to properly use a tampon after 19 years of trying. you literally know i don't wear tampons, it's like your trying to tell me that im being cheated on"

"taylor- wait"

"im calling selena to come get me. good bye joe."

*end of flashback*

i still think it's crazy that he was such a bitch in the first place, he's the one acting likes he's on his period.

"taylor? you good?"

"oh uh yeah, i was just thinking about something"

"do you want anything else tay?"

"do you have any midol or advil?"

"i think i have advil in the bathroom, i can go grab it. are you sick?"


"wait then why do you need advil?"

"cramps? do you not remember, i'm kinda on my period right now?"

"oh, sorry. i didn't know they hurt. hopefully you'll be done tomorrow"

i do love travis very much, but i fear he doesn't understand periods, like at all. does he think it ends after a day? he's in for a quick health lesson.


"yeah baby?"

"can i ask you a question...?"

"of course tay"

"do you even know what a period is? like other than the very basic facts?"

"uhh i know girls bleed for a little bit? and apparently have cramps too"

"a little bit?"

"yeah, like a day or two? right?"

"oh boy."

travis just looks at me with confusion. poor guy doesn't know the female health lesson he's in for. i've decided i want the guys im with to at least understand what a period is. it's not his fault her doesn't understand, he's just a guy.

"travis, it lasts like a week, or sometimes more or less depending on the girl"

"a week? oh damn. how are you not like loosing too much blood? that's fucking crazy? how does that not hurt?"

"it's only like 2-3tsp, but the bleeding itself doesn't hurt, it just kinda feels weird as it's leaving your body. the thing that hurts is the cramps, back pain, headaches, stomach aches, and sore boobs."

"so you're basically sick for a week, except your also bleeding? and this happens once a month? like every month?"

"yup basically. but pain meds usually help. do you have any other questions?" god i feel like i'm a health teacher right now

"well uh, the tampon thingys, how do those even work? the look uncomfortable?"

"well, the aren't supposed to hurt if you put them in the right way, but even after 19 full years of having a period, i still haven't been able to do it correctly, it just hurts and doesn't go in. i can't really explain it. but if tampons don't work, pads are really easy to use, and i think they're comfier."

"ohh are those the thing with like this sticky back? i remember those from health class, but how do you even pee while wearing them? don't they get stuck to you?"

oh my god. i'm dating a literal idiot. does he not have common sense?

"travis, please tell you're joking."

"no? isn't that what they showed us in health?"

"you don't stick the sticky side to your skin, you put the sticky side on your underwear and the absorbent padded side towards your body."

"oh. i feel like an idiot."

"well at least you know now. okay now that health class is over, cuddle time?"

"of course baby."

first chapter!! leave requests here!

(i don't write detailed smut btw, i don't mind writing about sex, it's just gonna be very vague)

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