Embracing the Villainess

By sky_is_limit

3.7K 175 8

Blinding lights. The flash of cameras. Dozens of fans cheering endlessly. This is the life Morgan Slate know... More

Embracing the Villainess
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seven

178 13 0
By sky_is_limit

Because I'm a hated empress, it's easy for bad employees to get away with some things. This world is also outdated in terms of technology, so a lot of things are still done by hand rather than a computer. With that being said, it seems easy for employees to embezzle funds from my palace. Somehow, one of these bad seeds was able to get access to the funds coming into my palace and has been slowly siphoning much of it out.

"Hmm." I tap my head as I read over things once again.

One month, one thousand dollars was taken. The next month, the amount was increased by two thousand. Each month brings about an increased amount and the most recent has now reached five digits. Until recently, they did just enough to not be caught. As long as things inside of the palace are maintained, it's easy for them to continue stealing.

My eyes burn from how long I've spent going over these numbers. Closing the ledger, I push it aside before grabbing onto the account book. Inside, I see a detailed list of every employee who works inside the empress' palace. The familiar faces of the kitchen staff pop up. Their faces piss me off and I turn away from that section before landing on the maids in my palace.

It takes me a total of two hours to go through the entire book. Half of these faces I haven't seen which made it easy to mark them as fired. When I spot the maid who served me earlier, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction as she's marked red as well. It'll feel terrible getting let go by a 'figurehead.'

Closing the book, I stand from my seat and march to the bed. A pain in my abdomen has been bothering me for a while now. For these moments, there's a golden string next to my bed. I'm supposed to just yank on it and it connects to the maid's quarters where they'll come if it's pulled. Well, for a while now I've been pulling on it as if my life depended on it, but to no avail. That is exactly why everyone is going to be fired.

If I were going into labor, they would be knowingly putting the heir into danger. Nevertheless, as the pain started to dull, I realized they were probably Braxton Hicks. Though I would love to be checked on by an actual doctor. Especially because these fake contractions indicate that labor is in fact on its way.

I lie on my bed and instant relief fills my body as I'm off my feet. I reckon it's time for bedrest with the approach of my due date. As I get under the covers, I give the thick string one last pull, already knowing nobody will come at my call.

That's fine. Tomorrow, I'll be doing some spring cleaning.


I've never considered myself a sadist, but as I hear the begging and crying from my previous staff, I can't help but smile.

Tear stained faces touch the ground as the old staff kowtows before me. Hands are folded together as they plead for their jobs and livelihood to be restored.They apologize frequently, expressing blame on each other for how I've been treated.

Half of the time, I've been zoning out as I think of what to do next. Where should I look to hire new staff? Most of these incompetent people came from recommendations of high ranking nobles while some have been with the imperial family since before my entrance.

"There's no use in groveling now. You're all no longer needed so I expect every last one of you to be gone within the next thirty minutes." For added effect, I check my nails, rightfully feeling like that bitch. "This is your own doing. None of you should expect a recommendation letter."

Turning on my heel, I make my way out of the palace. I want nothing more than to go to my room and lie down, but I really need to see a doctor. The only way for me now is to seek out my idiot husband and ask him to call for the doctor.

After memorizing the way from before, I'm able to head there without any guidance. Once again, the palace is busy with many scholarly people walking the grounds. As I don't want to be trapped with anyone again, I avoid all gazes and act like I can't hear.

I come to Callum's office quickly. Feeling sassy, I burst into his office without knocking. The large room is empty and I almost shout in frustration. Perhaps this is what I get for acting completely out of character for this body.

Either way, I decide to take a seat behind the desk and wait for this man to return.

Looking around his office, it's a completely ordinary place. To be frank, I expected to see a dungeon-like space with the way his attitude is. Perhaps there should have been no window so that the only lighting would be very dim lights sitting on the wall. Or instead of a couch in the center of the room, there would be some kind of huge torture device; maybe a personal guillotine.

I'm letting my thoughts get away from myself.

Shaking my head, I laugh at myself and settle back into the chair. Much to my surprise, it's actually quite comfortable with a slight cushion in the seat, but still a wooden back. In my world, this would be nothing more than a dining chair, so I'm assuming rolling seats won't come for a while.

A yawn leaves me involuntarily. Just for a second, I close my eyes. I hadn't realized how tired I was until I was sitting. In the past couple of days, I've really exerted myself.

Placing a hand on my stomach, I relish in the movement I can feel from my belly. I smile and as I'm telling this child things will get better, just closing my eyes becomes me falling asleep. Well, that's until the door to this office is violently thrown open and slams against the wall.

My heart races as I open my eyes and meet the angry ones of Callum. Naturally, behind him is the supposed saintess. Really, for her to be this mystical being meant to help the world or whatever, she's at the palace quite a lot. Even past being the emperor's mistress, does she not have duties inside the church?

"How dare you storm into my office, Chrysanthy? What gives you the right to command my palace as if it is your own?" Callum storms over to me and slams his hands against his desk.

Now that I know it's him, my fear has completely subsided and my heartbeat is back to normal. Trailing my eyes down his arms and to his hands, I raise an eyebrow. "I came for a doctor since I'm carrying your child."

Callum narrows his eyes as if he doesn't believe me. We have a stare down and I promise I get a rush of deja vu.

"Are you kidding me?" I huff and cross my arms. "I could very well be going into labor any day now, but of course you don't know that since you have other matters to attend to. I'm quite uncomfortable right now and the idiots you previously had working in my palace don't seem to care that I'm carrying the heir to the throne as despite my many calls, no one has answered."

"Did you even try to call out to anyone? Many of the servants have worked for the royal family for many years." He looks to the side and I just know he doesn't even believe what he's saying. "They wouldn't just leave the empress to her own devices."

"Well now many of the servants will have a hard time getting a job. I fired them."

"How could you be so cruel, Your Majesty? Many of those people have families they're taking care of." I had completely forgotten the presence of Astrid. Moving my gaze over to her, her fingers are interlinked in front of her chest as if she's praying. With furrowed eyebrows and a sad look on her face, she regards me in contempt. "Without an income, all of those families will be subjected to poverty."

I'm unable to hold back my snort. "Yes, because people who would leave a pregnant woman for a whole night while she's in pain deserve to keep their positions. And why are you still here? Get out!"

Astrid jumps as I speak sternly with her. She stares at me in surprise, as if I just told her she's won the lottery. With a dropped jaw, she looks over at Callum who is looking at me with confusion. I had expected him to start yelling at me for speaking to that woman like this. Instead, he looks as if he's just come to after a long bout of unconsciousness.

The man in question walks around the desk and leans down next to me. With brute force, he grabs the chair and turns it to face him fully. I have to clench the sides of the seat to not fall out of it. Callum then lifts a hand and presses it to my stomach.

"What pain are you feeling?" he asks.

I'm speechless for a moment, especially because I can't tell him they're Braxton Hicks. "It's a terrible cramping in my lower abdomen. I almost feel like I can't breathe."

Not looking back, Callum says, "Get Devon for me, Aster."

"But Your Majes-"

"Now! Aster!"

I never expected him to shout at her of all people. Even with me carrying his child, he's still been treating me like shit, so this is a pleasant surprise. And really, as I'm staring at his face, it's as if his blue eyes have become clearer.

I don't bother to look over at the other woman, but I can hear her steps against the wood floor. Then they stop and in a strained voice, she says, "Yes, Your Majesty."

*I have  question. Do you guys like the old cover better or the new cover?? And I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I think it's about to get really good.*

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