The True Queen | Arthur Pendr...

By AlphaStilinski13

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No young woman, no matter how great, can know her destiny. She cannot glimpse her part in the great story tha... More

Coming Soon
Author Note
Chapter 1: A Dragon's Call

Chapter 2: Valiant

512 22 16
By AlphaStilinski13

Before the next episode started, Tony, Stephen, Mordred, Barry and Percy decided to sit together, they wanted to know each other and they wanted to ask Mordred questions about their parents.

Merlynna and Arthur watched their children interact in awe. "Arthur." Merlynna whispered.

"Yeah?" Arthur responded.

"I want a girl next time."

"Yes, dear."

"I understand you have a shield for me." A familiar voice said.

"Is that?" Arthur asked, leaning forward.

"It's Valiant." Merlynna said.

"Who's Valiant?" Tony asked.

"A bastard." Ewan glared at the screen as he remembered what Valiant had done, not only to him.

The merchant, Devlin, motioned for him to come behind the counter. "With your swordcraft and this shield, I guarantee you'll win." Devlin said.

"Show me how it works." Valiant demanded.

"Certainly. Þærinne ymbcierran. Organ horwiht dolg." Devline said the spell. The painted snakes on the shield came to life and slithered out of the shield. "When you're competing in the tournament, you pin your opponent under the shield, a snake strikes. Your opponent will be paralyzed." Devlin said as he handed him the shield. "The snakes are now under your command. They'll do anything that you tell them to do." [Translation: Change it here. The sound of my voice causes filthy wounds.]

"Anything?" Valiant questioned.

"Just say the word." Devlin nodded. They both laughed.

"Kill him." Valiant said. A snake darted out from the shield and stroked Devlin.

"I hate snakes." Tony glared at the screen.


Merlynna walked into Arthur's chambers with breakfast (which she set down at the end of the bed). Arthur needed to train for the upcoming tournament. She smiled at his snore, she walked over to the window and opened the curtain. She hovered her face over his. "Rise and shine!" She yelled, causing Arthur to jerk awake. He realised that she had taken him away from his lovely dream, he glared at her, playfully. "Aww, was the Prince having a nice dream?" She asked in a baby-voice.

"Yes, actually I was... it was all you and me having fun on his very bed." He smirked as she looked at him with wide eyes, causing him to chuckle. He got out of bed and allowed her to make it up, he purposefully stretched, subtly flexing his muscles, he smirked when he realised that she was watching. She blushed when she realised that he had caught her staring. "Enjoying the view?" He asked.

"Ew... mum and dad are flirting." Mordred faked gagged; Arthur gave him a playful shove.

"J...just go eat." She said, pointing to his food. "I've started your bath as well." She said. As she passed by, he gently grabbed her arm before kissing her on the cheek, then walked to his bath.

"Thank You" He called over his shoulder, as she blushed and went to finish his bed. 


Valiant rode for Camelot and placed his helmet and seal on the registration table.

"Knight Valiant of the Western Isles. I'm here for the tournament." He said.

"Welcome to Camelot." The Steward smiled.


Arthur was training in his standard armour (without his helmet) but Merlynna wasn't wearing armour.

"Ready?" Arthur asked. "Where's your armour?" He asked.

"I fight better without it." Merlynna sighed.

"Your choice." Arthur shrugged. Merlynna drew her sword and Arthur attacked. She blocked his attack, Arthur attacked again and again, she blocked it, her movements fluid and graceful.

"Plot twist... Servant girl beats Prince in sword fight." Cisco said, moving his hand in mid-air, as if the words would actually appear.

Her black hair cascaded down her back, and her eyes held a fire that matched the blade she wielded. She always became a different person when she held a sword. Arthur was surprised, he didn't expect this out of his serving girl. Her stance spoke of years if training, of battles fought and won.

"I happen to think that you are exquisite with a sword in your hand." Arthur whispered to his wife.

"Is that so?" She smiled as she whispered and leaned to him.

"Remember, we can hear you." Mordred said. Arthur and Merlynna blushed.

Their swords clashed, the sound echoing through the ground. Sparks flew as they circled each other, their footwork precise. Arthur lunged, but she parried effortlessly, her blade singing in response. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, time stood still.

"You fight well." Arthur grunted, sweat trickling down his brow.

"As do you." Merlynna replied, her voice steady.

Their blades met again, the force of their clash sending shockwaves up their arms. Merlynna twisted, sweeping her leg out to trip him. Arthur stumbled but regained his balance, launching a flurry of attacks. She danced away, her movements like water, elusive and unpredictable.

They circled; their breaths ragged. Arthur feinted left, then struck from the right. But Merlynna anticipated his move and sidestepped.

With a roar, he charged, raining blows upon her. But she deflected each one, her blade a blur. She spun, her foot connecting with his jaw, sending him sprawling. He tasted blood, his vision swimming.

"Yield," she said, standing over him, her sword at his throat.

He chuckled. "Never."

With that, Arthur surged upward, knocking her off balance. They grappled, rolling in the dirt. His strength was waning, but he fought on, desperate to prove himself. Merlynna pinned him, her blade inches from his heart.

"Any last words?" She joked, her eyes softening.

He smiled, blood staining his teeth. "Only that you fight like a demon."

She laughed, then withdrew her sword. "Perhaps we're not so different."

"Where did you learn to fight so well?" Loki asked. He admired and idolised the woman, so he took this chance to learn more about her.

"My father was Knight in Camelot. But then... Uther found out that he had magic, and removed his knighthood and kicked him out of the kingdom. But he couldn't leave him alive... so, he sent his knights after him. they didn't find him until after I was born, when I was five, he left, wanting to protect us." Merlynna told them.


Merlynna walked in, losing her armour as she went. Gaius laughed at the actions of the young woman. "So, how was your first day as Arthur's servant? He asked.

Merlynna got excited. "I destroyed him." She smirked. She sat at the table wearing her dress. Gaius massaged her shoulders. "I've still got to remember all about tournament etiquette by the morning, I learnt it when I was a small child, I'm not even sure I remember it. Onhríne achtung bregdan!" She cast the spell and the book slid to her on the table and opened up. [Translation: Lay hold of honour, move it quickly.]

"Oi!" Gaius slapped the back of Merlynna's head. "What've I told you about using magic like this?"

"I need to practice the small spells if I'm meant to save Arthur, that requires big spells. If I can't do simple spells, how am I going to save Arthur's life?" Merlynna defended herself. "I think I hurt my shoulder." She said, pouting like a small child.

"What do I do if you get caught?" Gaius asked.

"What would you do?" Merlynna asked.

"Well, you just make sure it doesn't happen, for both our sakes." Gaius said, before going back to treating Merlynna's shoulder.

"You'd sacrifice yourself for me." Merlynna said, looking at Gaius.

"And I would do it all over again if it meant that you were safe." Gaius smiled.

"Ah! I save Arthur from being killed and I end up as a servant. How is that fair?" She asked.

"I'm not sure fairness comes into it. You never know, it might be fun." Gaius said, trying to cheer her up.

Merlynna scoffed. "You think mucking out Arthur's horses is going to be fun? You should hear my list of duties."

"I happen to think you had a great time, judging from that morning." Arthur teased.

"That stuff was fun. The actual servant stuff was not fun."

"We all have our duties. Even Arthur." Gaius said.

"It must be so tough for him with all the girls and the glory." She said, sarcastically.

"Yes, my life was so tough. But then you came in my life and all females paled in comparison." Arthur smiled.

"Shut up Arthur."

"Yes, dear."

"He is a future king. People expect so much of him. He's under a lot of pressure." He pressed hard on her arm, making her yelp.

"Ah! That makes two of us." She muttered, referring to her destiny.


Later that day, Merlynna decided to get Ewan's help at the training ground. She was going to ask Gwen but she was busy helping Morgana. Ewan stood there, dressed in his armour as Merlynna reminded herself.

"I was second choice!" Ewan pouted, playfully. Merlynna smiled and rolled her eyes, laughing at the childish action.

"Voiders goes on the arms. The hauberk goes over your chest." Merlynna repeated as she put on each part of the armour. "The chest. The arms. The chest." She muttered.

Ewan looked at the helmet in her hands. "I guess you know what to do with the helmet."

Merlynna giggled as she put the helmet on his head. "Erm, yeah. Yeah, that was the only bit I'd figured out."

"Why did you ask for my help? You already knew this." Ewan asked.

"The last time I did this was with my father when I was younger. I wanted to remind myself how to do it, so Arthur wouldn't be a prat." Merlynna said.


The next day, at the training grounds. Merlynna was fixing Arthur's armour.

"You do know the tournament started today?" Arthur asked, Merlynna was struggling a little with actually putting the armour on.

"It's struggling to fit. Clearly, you're eaten enough today." She said as she struggled to get the vambrace on Arthur's lower arm.

"Did you actually just call the prince fat?" Tony laughed.

"I'm not fat!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Did you just call me fat?" Arthur asked. "I am not fat!"

"Tell that to the armour." She said as she fixed the buckle on the gorget. She looked at his face and realised the look he had on his face. "Are you nervous?" She asked.

"I don't get nervous." Arthur scoffed.

"Everyone gets nervous, Arthur. It's natural." She said, looking at him in his eyes.

"Will you shut up!" Arthur yelled. Merlynna took a deep breathe, grabbed his cape and tied it tight around his throat, making him choke, and handed him his helmet and sword.

"What the hell man! She was just being nice!" Grover yelled.

"Great, yeah. I think you're all set." Merlynna said, she turned to walk away but Arthur grabbed her arm.

"Wait." He said, she turned to look at him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled." He sighed. "You're right. I am nervous. Everyone in the Kingdom will be watching, including my father."

"You will do amazingly." She said. She kissed his cheek in response to this morning and she left, leaving The Once and Future King a blushing and flushed mess.

The girls aww'd teasingly which made Arthur blushed.


Guinevere and Morgana sat excitedly in the stands of the tournament grounds as the competitors entered the arena. Merlynna peeked around the entrance as Uther strutted past the front line of knights.

"Knights of the realm, it's a great honour to welcome you to a tournament at Camelot. Over the next three days, you will come to put your bravery to the test, your skills as warriors, and of course, to challenge the reigning champion, my son, Prince Arthur. Only one can have the honour of being crowned champion, and he will receive a prize of 1,000 gold pieces." A box was opened, revealing the gold. "It is in combat that we learn a knight's true nature, whether he is indeed a warrior or a coward. The tournament begins!" The crowd cheered as the knights exited the area. Uther stopped by Arthur on his way to the stands and spoke to him in a low voice. "I trust you will make me proud." Uther slapped his back.

"No pressure then." Cisco joked.

The guards took Arthur and the other knight's capes, and they put their helmets on. The crowd cheered and Merlynna cheered as Arthur and the other knight fought.

"Aww, you're so proud." Leon teased her.

"Yeah! Come on!" She yelled. Arthur won his fight and the crowd cheered. "Yeah!" She cheered. Arthur walked off the grounds for the next fight and stood next to her. They watched as Valiant won his bout and the other knights competed. "Knight Valiant looks pretty handy with a sword." She said to Arthur.

Valiant exited the area and stopped near Arthur. "May I offer my congratulations on your victories today?" He asked to Arthur, but his eyes stayed on Merlynna.

"Likewise." Arthur said, pushing her behind him, wanting her out of Valiant's gaze.

"I hope to see you at the reception this evening." Valiant said, still looking at Merlynna, and left with his servant.

"Creep." The Pendragon children muttered in unison.

"Creep." She scoffed to Arthur.

Arthur snorted. "He comes near you... you tell me. I don't want you alone with him." He said.

Merlynna rolled her eyes. "I can take care of myself, Arthur."

"I know you can. But I still want you to tell me." Arthur demanded.

"Aww, he's so protective over her." Gawain joked, wiping a fake tear away, making the other knights laugh while Arthur just shoved him.

"Fine. I'll tell you." She promised.

"Liar." Arthur said.

"I didn't lie!"

"You didn't tell me what happened. I had to make you."

Arthur nodded. "Uh, for tomorrow you need to repair my shield, wash my tunic, clean my boots, sharpen my sword, and polish my chainmail."


Back in Merlynna's Chamber, she was using her magic to complete the tasks and was reading the magic book. Gaius walked in and all the objects dropped.

"Are you using magic again?" He asked.

Merlynna shook her head. "No. I'm reading." She lied, raising the magic book that Gaius gave her.

"He saw the floating objects." Arthur laughed.

"What's all this, then?" He gestured to dropped objects. She shrugged; Gaius sighed. "I just came to tell you that supper's ready." 


The tournament knights queued up to meet Uther and Lady Morgana.

"Knight Valiant of the Western Isles, My Lord." Valiant introduced himself.

"He is no Knight." Leon glared at the screen.

"I saw you fighting today. You have a very aggressive style." Uther said, approving of his fight.

"Of course, he would approve." Merlynna muttered.

"Well, as My Lord said, "To lose is to be disgraced." Valiant said.

"I couldn't agree more. Knight Valiant, may I present the Lady Morgana, my ward." Uther said, gesturing to Morgana. Valiant bowed to kill her hand while Arthur looked on with a wry grin.

"My Lady." He smirked.

"I saw you competing today." Morgana smiled.

"I saw you watching. I understand the tournament champion has the honour of escorting My Lady to the feast." Valiant said.

"That's correct." Morgana nodded.

"Then I will give everything to win the tournament." He promised. She smiled and nodded to him, who nodded back.

"My Lady." Valiant walked over to shake hands with the other knights, Morgana and Guinevere watched. Arthur bowed to his father.

"Arthur." Uther nodded.

"Father." Arthur said, he looked over at Valiant before walking to Morgana.

"They all seem rather impressed by Knight Valiant." Morgana commented.

"They're not the only ones." Arthur said.

"You're not jealous, are you?" Morgana asked, believing him to be talking about Merlynna.

"I don't see there's anything to be jealous of." Arthur scoffed. Morgana's smile faded and Arthur walked on.

"Well, that was uncalled for." Caitlin said.

"Could Arthur be any more annoying? I so hope Knight Valiant wins the tournament." She told Guinevere in a low voice.

Guinevere shook her head. "You don't really mean that."

"Yes, I do." Morgana told her.

"I didn't." Morgana whispered, not realising that everyone heard her.

"What was that?" Steve asked.

Morgana sighed. "I didn't that... when I said that I hoped that bastard wins. I wanted Arthur to win." She said.


Merlynna was walking past the armoury when she heard a hissing sound, she looked around.

"What the hell?" Barry said.

"Hello? Is there someone there?" She called out. She looked around the armoury and found Valiant's shield and saw one of the snake's eye blink. She moved forward to touch it when she was stopped by someone grabbing her wrist...tightly. She looked up and saw Valiant.

"You shouldn't grab women like that!" Grover yelled.

"Can I help you with something, girl?" Valiant asked.

"Nope. I'm good. I, I was just... I was, erm, gathering my master's armour." Merlynna lied, she tried to pull her wrist from his grip, but it only tightened.

"You weren't at the reception yesterday." She held in the urge to roll her eyes, trying to yank her hand away. He held her hand more tightly, not allowing her to escape him. "I was quite disappointed."

"No one cares about your fucking disappointment!" Tony yelled.

"I'm a mere servant, and I wasn't supposed to be attending. Now if you'll excuse me." His grip tightened even more, and she gasped in pain, trying to get away from the man, not liking the course of actions he was taking. But he was too strong. He took another step forward; he was very close to her now.

"You are a pretty thing aren't you" He raised his free hand and touched a strand of hair that hung onto her shoulders. Merlyn gulped wishing she could be anywhere else but here. "I might just have to take you for myself."

"Back the fuck off." Mordred roared. No one hurts his mother.

Merlyn's eyes widen as she felt repulsed by his words.

"Everything okay here?" A voice came from the door, Merlynna turned her head and saw Ewan.

"Yeah! Ewan!" Everyone cheered.

"Everything's fine." Valiant answered, taking a step back and releasing Merlynna from his tight grip, leaving behind a bruise.

"I was asking her." Ewan glared at the man. "Merlyn, are you okay?

"Damn right he was!" Stephen yelled.

"Everything's fine. Thank you Ewan. I came to gather Arthur's armour." Merlynna answered.

"Then you'd best be on your way." Valiant said, staring at her. It made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Right, yeah. No problem." Merlynna picked up Arthur's armour (with Ewan's help) and rushed out.

"Merlyn." Ewan pulled her aside. "Are you sure, you're okay?" He asked again.

Merlynna nodded. "I'm fine. Honest." She smiled and made her way to Arthur's Chambers.


Arthur's armour laid out on the table as he entered, dressed in his gambeson.

"You did all this on your own?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, Sire." Merlynna nodded.

"Now let's see if you can get me into it without forgetting anything." He said. Merlynna put on Arthur's hauberk and surcoat, followed by the gorget, vambraces, pauldron, and couter. Next, his mail coif, belt, sword belt, dagger, and sword. Finally, she handed Arthur his helmet. "That was much better. Not that it could have got any worse." He nodded in approval.

"When do you change into less of a prat?" Gawain joked. Arthur shoved him, playfully.

"I'm a fast learner." She commented.

"I hope, for your sake, that's true." He joked.

"Good luck." Merlynna smiled. She winced at the pain radiating from her wrist.

"I still don't understand why you won't tell me what happened." Arthur sighed. He was worried about her.

"I told you. I'm clumsy."

"At least have it treated by Gaius." She lowered her attention to her wrist, but only shook her head, knowing it was nothing severe. Gaius had enough work already; she wasn't going to be a burden.

"There's no need. It's just a bruise, nothing more," she countered quietly, not in the mood to be talking about it, "It will heal in no time."

"It was an order, not a request. Besides, you didn't tell me how it happened." The girl didn't understand why he wanted to know, and she certainly would not give him a proper answer.

"It's time for your fight." Merlynna said.

"You really did care when you first met her." Cecile said.

"Still do." Arthur smiled at Merlynna.


Arthur marched into the area and acknowledged the crowd as Merlynna watched from the entrance, with a soft smile on her face.

"Is it my imagination, or are you beginning to enjoy yourself?" Gaius asked.

"It..." She sighed, still looking at Arthur. "It isn't totally horrible all the time." Arthur fought his opponent and won. "Yes!" She clapped. Next was Valiant, he was fighting Ewan, who was still angry about how he treated Merlynna. Valiant knocked Ewan down, whose helm rolled off. Valiant pinned him down with his shield.

"Strike him." Valiant whispered. The serpents came out of shield, but this was not seen by anyone. "Strike him!" He demanded. The serpents bit Ewan and Valiant hit him, knocking him unconscious, and stood. The crowd cheered for the winner, while Arthur and Merlynna were watching Ewan, with concern, as he laid motionless on the ground.

"I think he's badly hurt." Merlynna told Arthur before running on the grounds with Gaius, who had his medical bag.

"Ewan!" Everyone yelled.

"Aww, they all care for me." Ewan smiled.


In Gaius' Chambers, Merlynna entered and placed Arthur's armour down, before walking to Ewan's side.

"How is he?" She asked.

"It's most odd. Look at this." Gaius moved Ewan's head so Merlynna could see his neck. "See these two small wounds. Looks like a snake bite."

"Yeah, from the shield." Cisco said.

"How could he've been bitten by a snake? He was injured in the sword fight." Merlynna said.

"But the symptoms are consistent with poisoning: slow pulse, fever, paralysis." Gaius informed her.

"Can you heal him?" She asked.

"Well, if it is a snake bite, I'll have to extract venom from the snake that bit him to make an antidote." Gaius answered.

"What happens if he doesn't get the antidote?" She asked, worried for her friend.

"Then I'm afraid there's nothing more I can do for him. He's going to die." Gaius said, looking down in sadness.

"He was fighting Knight Valiant." Merlynna muttered. But Gaius didn't heard her.

"What's that?" He asked.

Merlynna shook her head. "Nothing."

"You need to stop doubting yourself." Ewan said, looking at Merlynna.


Valiant walked through the Red Ribbon Chamber as Merlynna spied on him from around the corner and continued to do so in his guest chambers. She watched as he pulled a mouse of a cage. "Dinner time. Come on." He said. He summoned the snakes from his shield and fed them the mouse. Merlynna ran and hid in an alcove of the criss-cross Corridor and Valiant gave up the chase.


Merlynna sat by Ewan's side, dabbing his head with a wet cloth, trying to ease his fever. "I've just seen one of the snakes in Valiant's shield come alive. He's using magic." She said when Gaius entered.

Gaius looked her with wide eyes. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"The snake ate a mouse - one swallow, straight down. Sir Ewan was fighting Valiant when he collapsed. It must've been one of the snakes from the shield. I have to tell Arthur." She said, getting up.

"Is there any chance you might be mistaken?" He asked.

"I know magic when I see it." Merlynna said.

"Perhaps, but have you any proof?" He asked.

"Don't you believe me?" Merlynna asked, sadden at the thought of Gaius thinking she was lying.

"I will always believe you." Gaius said, looking at her.

"I fear you'll land yourself in trouble. How will you explain why you were in Valiant's chambers?" He asked her.

"What does that matter? He's using magic to cheat in the tournament!" Merlynna exclaimed.

Gaius shook his head. "But you can't go accusing a knight of using magic without proof. The King would never accept the word of servant over the word of a knight."

"He is not a good king." Sam said.

"What? So, what I say doesn't count for anything?"

"I'm afraid it counts for very little as far as the King is concerned. That's the way it is." Gaius told her.


Merlynna and Arthur watched as a serving boy used a step ladder to put on the helm of Arthur's next opponent.

"You're telling me you've got to fight that?" Merlynna pointed to large bear-like person.

"He looks like he could crush you with his bare hands." Barry said, with wide eyes.

"Yes, and he's strong as a bear. But he's slow." Arthur said, staring at the man.

"Ah, and you're fast. Your speed is your advantage." Merlynna smiled.

"Exactly." Arthur smiled. Merlynna finished helping Arthur with his armour while Morgana absently stroked Guinevere's cloak in the stands.

"You're not worried, are you?" Gwen asked.

"No." Morgana said.

"Liar." Nathasha scoffed.

Merlynna saw Valiant put down his shield as Gaius approached her. "How're you getting on?" He asked.

"Fine. Just doing my job. Minding my own business." Merlynna said. Arthur fought the bear knight and won... but Valiant won his match as well. Merlynna and Gaius looked at the final brackets.

"Valiant's going to fight Arthur in the final. He'll use the shield to kill him." Merlynna said in horror.

"And Arthur's going to win!" Peter yelled.


Merlynna sat beside Ewan, dabbing his head with a wet cloth, when Gaius entered.

"Merlynna, about what I said yesterday... Look, Uther wouldn't really listen to you or me, but you are right. We can't let Valiant get away with this." Gaius said.

"But we don't have any proof." She said before realising something. Merlynna got up and left.

"Well, if we could cure Ewan, he could tell the King that Valiant was using magic. The King would believe another knight. But how we get the antidote...Well, that's another matter." He turned around and realised that he was alone. "Merlynna?"

Everyone laughed.


Meanwhile, the knights were toasting. "Long live Valiant!" The knights yelled.

"Let Valiant die!" Bucky yelled.


"What! Steve, he deserved it!"

"So Valiant, do you think you stand a chance of defeating my son?" Uther asked.

"He is a great warrior, My Lord. I do hope to be a worthy opponent." Valiant lied. Merlynna peeked in the Council Chamber, to confirm that Valiant was busy and wasn't going to his chambers anytime soon.

"He's going to beat your ass." Clint yelled.

"You should stay in Camelot after the tournament. I could do with more knights like you." Uther said.

"I'd be honoured, My Lord." Valiant smiled. But when Uther looked away, the smile turned into a smirk.

"No!" Everyone yelled at the stupid King.


Merlynna stood outside Valiant's Guest Chambers.

"Aliese." The door unlocked. Merlynna entered and took a sword from a rack, approaching the shield. Merlynna turned to the door when she heard someone approaching. A snake slithered out of the shield and poised to strike. Merlynna saw the shadow of the snake and turned to cut off its head. The other snakes came out, but Merlynna dropped the sword, grabbed the first snake head and ran out of the room. [Translation: Open]

"With her magic, she'd make a great spy." Natasha whispered to Clint.

"We'd have to work on her sneakiness and lying." Clint said.


Merlynna ran straight to Gaius' Chamber, when she got there, Gaius drained some venom from the snake's head.

"I'll get started preparing the antidote." He told her.

"I'm going to tell Arthur." Merlynna walked to the door

"You'll need this." Gaius handed her the snake's head. "And Merlynna, what you did was very brave."

"Aww, he's so proud." Tony said.


Arthur was dining in his chambers when Merlynna barged in, telling him about the snake.

"You? You chopped its head off?" He asked, sceptically.

"Why is that hard to believe? She beat you in a fight." Cisco said.

"Ewan was bitten by a snake from the shield when he was fighting Valiant. You can talk to Gaius; you can see the puncture wounds in Ewan's neck where the snake bit him. Ewan was beating him, he had to cheat." Merlynna told him.

Arthur shook his head. "Valiant wouldn't dare use magic in Camelot."

"Yes, he would." Mordred nodded.

"Ewan was pinned under Valiant's shield. No one could see the snake bite him." Merlynna said.

"I don't like the guy, but that doesn't mean he's cheating." Arthur told her.

"Gaius is preparing an antidote to the snake venom. When Ewan's conscious, he'll tell you what happened. If you fight Valiant in the final, he'll use the shield. It's the only way he can beat you. Look at it!" Merlynna yelled, picking up the snake's head. "Have you ever seen any snakes like this in Camelot?" She asked him. Arthur took the snake's head and looked it over. "I know I'm just a servant and my word doesn't count for anything. I wouldn't lie to you." She promised, Arthur looked at her, the two stared at each other.

"They so love each other." Annabeth said.

"I want you to swear to me what you're telling me is true." He said.

"I swear it's true." She promised.

"Then I believe you." Arthur told her.

Arthur peered at Merlynna. "Is he the one who did this to you?" He nodded towards her hand, and she rolled her eyes.

Why did he even care, she couldn't understand and didn't even try to. "That isn't important."

"Because he loves you!" Peter yelled.

The blonde frowned, assuming that meant he's right. "Tell me." He demanded.

She huffed and crossed her arms. "Yes, it was him. We had a run in in the armoury."

"He did nothing else?" Arthur queried carefully, trying not to step over the line. When she simply shook her head, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and shifted his eyes back to the snake. Even though he wanted to know more, he let it go. It wasn't really his concern. "I'll call an audience before my father." Arthur nodded.

"If he did anything else. I'd raise him from the dead and kill him again." Arthur glanced at the screen, thinking of Valiant hurting his wife.


While Valiant was being escorted through the Square to the Council Chamber of Doom. Merlynna treated Ewan into the Physician's Chamber. It was going to be Gaius, but Merlynna wanted to be by Ewan's side when he woke up.

"Aww, you care about me." Ewan teased her.

"Shut it." She responded.

"Welcome back." She smiled when his eyes opened.

"There was a snake on his shield. It came alive." He whispered.

"You're weak. The snake's venom is still in your system." Merlynna said.

"I must warn Arthur." Exam made a move to get up but Merlynna stopped him.

"Arthur already knows." Merlynna pushed him back down. "He's requested an audience with the King. Now, they'll want to talk to you. Rest. You'll need your strength. I need to fetch more herbs. I'll be right back." She moved to the side of the room to grab the herbs when she heard Ewan yell.

"Merlyn!" She turned to see a snake about to strike him. Her eyes shone gold and the snake disappeared.

"That's how you found out!" Barry asked.

"Ewan nodded. "Yes. Other than Gaius, I was the first to know."

"You found out by accident."

"Nope, it's because you trusted me."

Thor leaned to his brother. "You better hope she doesn't catch you in your snake form." He joked.

She and Ewan looked at each other. "We have to get you to Uther now." Ewan nodded in agreement.


In the Council Chambers, Uther entered. "Why have you summoned the court?" He asked his son.

"I believe Knight Valiant is using a magic shield to cheat in the tournament." Arthur told him.

"Valiant, what do you have to say to this?" Uther asked said knight.

"My Lord, this is ridiculous. I've never used magic." Valiant lied. "Does your son have any evidence to support this outrageous accusation?" He asked.

Uther looked at his son. "Do you have evidence?"

"I do." Arthur nodded. He looked at Gaius and motioned for him to come forward, he handed him the snake's head Merlynna cut off earlier.


Back in Gaius' Chambers, Merlynna mixed a potion. "I'm afraid this potion tastes like toad water, but it'll get you back on your feet."

Ewan drunk it and gagged. "That's disgusting."

"She did warn you." Bruce said.


"Let me see this shield." Uther demanded.

"Don't get too close." Gaius said.

"Be careful, My Lord." Arthur drew his sword as Uther inspected it.

"As you can see, My Lord, it's just an ordinary shield." Valiant shrugged.

"Oh please, he's not just going to show everyone that he's using magic." Tony rolled his eyes.

"He's not going to let everyone see the snakes come alive." Arthur said.

"Then how am I to know that what you say is true?" Uther asked.

"Because he's you son. You should believe him." Joe said.

"I have a witness. Knight Ewan was bitten by one of the snakes from the shield. Its venom made him grievously ill, however, he has received an antidote. He will confirm that Knight Valiant is using magic." Arthur defended himself.

"Where is this witness?" His father asked.

"He should be here..." Arthur looked to Gaius. "Where's Ewan?" He asked.

"Merlynna's on her way with him."

"I'm waiting!" Uther yelled, getting impatient.

"Be patient!" Cisco yelled.

Arthur was about to inform him when the doors opened and in walked Merlynna accompanied by Sir Ewan. Ewan thanked Merlyn before bowing to his king "Sire, what your son says is true. I saw the snakes come out of Valiant's shield and attack me on the field."

Uther looked at the injured knight before looking at Valiant "What do you have to say about this Sir Valiant?" he demanded.

"My Lord, he was merely mistaken. The snakes on my shield do not come alive. If your son made these accusations and have had knight lie because he's afraid to fight me, then I will graciously accept his withdrawal."

"What bullshit!" Stephen yelled.

"Is this true? Do you wish to withdraw from the tournament?" Uther asked his son, ignoring the fact that another knight had proven Arthur's words true.

"Seriously! He's believing a stranger over his own son!" Cecile exclaimed.

"Of course not. My servant fought one of the snakes from..."

"Your servant? You made these outrageous accusations against a knight on the word of your servant?" Uther shouted.

"I believe her to be telling the truth!" Arthur argued back.

"My Lord, am I really to be judged on some hearsay from a girl?" Valiant asked, rubbing salt into the wound. Merlynna couldn't stand back and watch anymore.

"I've seen those snakes come alive!" Merlynna said as she stood beside Arthur.

"How dare you interrupt?!" Uther shouted. "Guards!" Suddenly, Merlynna felt hands grabbing her arms. She swung her head to find two guards on either side of her. Arthur span around and stared at Merlynna with a twinge of fear in his eyes. Neither liked Merlynna being in the dungeons. But Merlynna didn't fight the guards – she knew that if she did, it would just be worse for her. As she was being hauled out of the hall Valiant called out.

"Get off her" The men yelled.

"I'm sure she was merely mistaken. I wouldn't want her punished on my account." Valiant said to the king even though his eyesight was fixed on Arthur. Arthur was being humiliated by the knight.

"How the hell did he win this?" Caitlin asked.

"You see? This is how a true knight behaves – with gallantry and honour." Uther commented, humiliating Arthur even more.

"He is not a true Knight!" Elyan said.

"My Lord, like I said earlier, if your son made these accusations because he's afraid to fight me, then I will graciously accept his withdrawal." Valiant smirked. Merlynna couldn't take it. Throwing the guards off her, Merlynna stormed back towards the Valiant.

"Arthur is not frightened of you, he is..." Arthur turned and grabbed Merlynna preventing her from speaking.

"Then what am I to make of these allegations?" Uther asked, knowing his son wouldn't withdraw.

"Obviously there has been a misunderstanding. I withdraw the allegation against Knight Valiant. Please accept my apology." Arthur said, he had been humiliated in front of his father. All he could do now, was fight.

"Accepted." Valiant smirked.

"Urgh. How did that go wrong?" Percy said.


In Arthur's Chambers, Arthur and Merlynna were having an argument.

"I believed you; I trusted you, and you made me look a complete fool." Arthur scoffed.

"I know it didn't go exactly to plan." Merlynna said.

"Didn't go to plan"?!" He repeated. "My father and the entire royal court think I'm a coward! YOU HUMILIATED ME!" He yelled at her.

"We can still expose Valiant." She said. "I am telling you Arthur... I saw it with my own eyes. There were snakes coming out of his shield. He was feeding them a mouse. Ewan agreed with me." She pleaded, hoping to break through his stupidity.

"Merlyn, are you on your bleeding or something? It's over." Arthur yelled.

"Are you serious!" The girls exclaimed.

"Arthur, I have not once lied to you during our time together, why would I lie now!"

"Merlyn, I was just humiliated in front of my father, the king, because of you. Because of a woman's imagination. Not to mention a Servant woman's imagination. More than likely there was a snake already in the arena and Ewan startled it. You both probably just imagined the magic part."

"But..." Merlynna tried to defend herself but Arthur stopped her.

"No, I don't want to hear anymore. You will leave and get back to your chores or you will be fired." He demanded. "This is why I didn't want a woman serving me they are all crazy." He muttered, waving her away and ignoring the tears pooling in her eyes.

"I quit." He spun around at that staring at her in shocked silence.

"Ex...Excuse me." He stuttered.

"You are a fool Arthur Pendragon." She spat. "Ignoring the warnings of others just because of their gender or status in the castle. Just like you father, it will be your downfall one day. I only hope your downfall won't be at the bite of Valiant's pets. Goodbye Sire." She spat. Merlynna stared at him and marched out. If he wasn't going to help her, then she was going to expose Valiant herself. After that, she was done, as soon as the sun rose tomorrow, she was heading home.

"When do you become a better person?" Tony asked. He did not lie the way he spoke to his mother.

"We're still working on it." Merlynna joked.

"Merlyn!" Arthur exclaimed. "I become a better when Merlynna officially becomes mine. I wanted to be worthy of her." He said.


Merlynna needed help, and there was only one place (apart from Gaius) she could go to. She went to see the Dragon. She was walking down the hall, when she was pulled and thrown against a wall. It was Valiant and he bad a look in his eye that she did not like... it scared her. It didn't help that his breathe smelt of alcohol.

"That bastard!" Mordred, Tony, Stephen and Percy stood in anger. They wanted to kill them.

"In my father's lands, if a servant was to touch something that wasn't theirs, they would not go unpunished, the question is, how do I punish you?" He moved his other hand to her throat, squeezing hard, "I think I have an idea." He grinned maliciously, careless as he ripped her dress, causing her to yell. Fortunately for her, and unfortunately for him, he had let go of her arm, that was all she needed. With a sharp punch to the jaw, he tumbled back, crashing against the wall. The drunk scrambled to his feet, clearly angry, and ran at her, stopped only when one of her daggers was plunged into his shoulder.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered. "Kill him!"

"Don't ever touch a girl again." She hissed through gritted teeth, wincing almost unnoticeably at the feel of a bruise on her neck begin to form. She twisted the blade, feeling a dark sense of satisfaction as he cried out, before pulling it out completely and wiping it clean on his tunic. She let him fall to the ground and left. She needed to find something to hide the bruising and talk to the dragon. She looked down and saw her dress still ripped. Her eyes shone gold and the tear in her dress miraculously sewed itself together, looking almost as good as new. Cursing herself for not learning many healing spells, having relied on Gaius' medicine, she picked up a faded neckerchief, tying it around her neck. She then made her way to Kilgharrah.

"That was badass." Peter said.

Arthur looked at his wife. "You never told me this!"

"I never wanted to talk about it and I still don't." Merlynna said.

"Where are you? I just came to tell you: whatever you think my destiny, whatever it is you think I'm supposed to do, you've got the wrong person! That's it. Goodbye." She yelled; she was about to leave when Kilgharrah flew down.

"If only it were so easy to escape one's destiny." He said. "What happened to your neck?" He asked. He could see the bruise underneath the neckerchief.

"Aww. He does care." Merlynna joked. She felt the same fear she did back then, watching Valiant. She didn't want to feel that again, she needed a distraction.

"Nothing. How can it be my destiny to protect someone who hates me?" She asked.

"A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole. Very soon you shall learn that." Kilgharrah informed her.

"Oh, great. Just what I needed, another riddle." Merlynna scoffed.

"He loves his riddles." Merlynna sighed.

"That your and Arthur's path lies together is but the truth." He said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"You know, young warlock, this is not the end. It is the beginning." Kilgharrah said, vaguely and flew away.

"Just give me a straight answer!" She yelled as Kilgharrah flew away.

"It's so hard to get a straight answer from him." Merlynna rolled her eyes.


Merlynna sat on the steps in the Square, trying to think of a plan to expose Valiant, when Guinevere approached.

"Hello, Merlynna." Gwen said.

"All right?" Merlynna asked. Guinevere sat beside her.

"Is it true what you said about Valiant using magic?" She asked. Merlynna nodded. "What are you going to do?"

"Why does everyone seem to think it's down to me to do something about it?" Merlynna scoffed.

"Because it is! Isn't it? You have to show everyone that you were right and they were wrong." Gwen said.

"I had to do that a lot. Luckily, when Arthur and I started courting, I didn't have to do that a lot. He just believed me." Merlynna smiled at her husband.

"And how do I do that?" Merlynna asked.

"I don't know." Guinevere sighed.

Just then, Merlynna caught sight of a dog statue. "That's it." She said, getting up.

"Where are you going?" Guinevere asked.

Merlynna asked her own question. "Do you have a wheelbarrow?"

"That where Duke came from?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah." Merlynna nodded.


After getting the wheelbarrow, Merlynna wheeled the dog statue to Gaius' Chambers, walking straight past him and Ewan (who was staying in Gaius's chambers as he recovered) to her chambers.

"What are you doing with that?" Gaius asked.

"I'm going to let everyone see the snakes for themselves." Merlynna responded as she walked to her chambers, she lifted the statue out of the wheelbarrow and pulled the magic book out from under a floorboard.

"Bebiede þe arisan cwicum." She tried the spell. But it didn't work. "Bebiede þe arisan cwicum. Bebiede þe arisan cwicum." But it still didn't work. [Translation: I command you to rise up to life.]

"That was one of the spells that really annoyed me." Merlynna said.


Meanwhile, in Morgana's Chambers, she was having a nightmare about Arthur fighting Valiant. She jerked awake.

"Arthur!" She whispered. Morgana got up and went to her window, watching Arthur practice in the Square below, hoping he would be okay.

"So, the dreams were true." Arthur whispered to himself.


Merlynna was still trying the spell over and over but nothing was happening. She was going to fail protecting Arthur.

"Except you didn't." Arthur whispered.

"There were times where I was close." Merlynna whispered, leaning into her husband.


Believing her spell wouldn't work, Merlynna went to beg Arthur not to fight.

"I thought I told you to get out of my sight." Arthur scoffed when she walked in.

"She's protecting you! Why are you being such a dick about it." Annabeth said.

"It was my pride and anger about my father believing a Knight over his own son and I took it out on her." Arthur said.

"Don't fight Valiant in the tournament tomorrow. He'll use the shield against you." She said.

Arthur refused to look away, knowing that if he did, he would do anything for her. "I know."

"Then withdraw. You have to withdraw." Merlynna told him.

"Don't you understand? I can't withdraw. The people expect their prince to fight. How can I lead men into battle if they think I'm a coward?" Arthur asked.

"Valiant will kill you. If you fight, you die." Merlynna whispered, her eyes filling with tears. Even thought they fought, she didn't want him to die... and it wasn't because of destiny.

"Aww. You love me." Arthur teased her.

"Then I die." Arthur shrugged.

"How can you go out there and fight like that?" Merlynna asked, now standing in front of him, chest-to-chest.

"Because I have to. It's my duty." Arthur told her.


It was the day of the fight; Arthur was fighting Valiant today. Merlynna woke up early with the spell book in her lap and spoke drowsily.

"Bebay odothay... arisan quickum." She was determined to make this spell work.

Valiant sharpened his sword near the tournament grounds while Arthur stood in the area, looking around for one person... but she wasn't there.

"Aww. You looked for me." Merlynna teased.


Arthur's old serving boy, Morris, helped him with his armour when Merlynna entered.

"Leave us." Arthur told Morris, he quickly bowed and left.

Merlynna walked towards him and put her hands on his back which made him turn around.

"Let me." She fixed the strap for the gorget and tightened the vambrace. "You know, when I younger, I used to help my father with his armour." She said, handing him his helmet.

"Your father was a knight?" Arthur asked.

"He was." That was all Merlynna wanted to say, and Arthur knew this, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Thanks." He said. He turned to leave when Merlynna spoke again.

"Arthur, be careful." Merlynna begged. Arthur nodded, but made no promise.

"I hated that you didn't promise. But I also understood." Merlynna said.

"See you at the feast." Arthur said.


Arthur entered the area. Arthur and Valiant stared at each other as they put their helmets on, prepared for the fight.

"Woo! Come on Arthur." Everyone cheered. Arthur puffed his chest in pride, making Merlynna slap his clap, laughing.


Merlynna returned to her room, trying the spell again.

"Bebiede þe arisan cwicum." She mumbled the spell with her eyes closed. There was growl. The spell the working. "Bebiede þe arisan cwicum." She repeated. The rottweiler barked. Merlynna opened her eyes and saw the once statue as a living being. "I did it!" She cheered. The dog lunged at her, but she rushed out of the room and shut the door. Ewan looked at her in confusion and Gaius entered. [Translation: I command you to rise up to life.]

"She did it." They cheered.

"Arthur's fighting Valiant!" Gaius exclaimed.

"I know. I'm on my way. Oh, whatever you do, don't go into my room. I'll deal with it later." She said, then rushed out. Gaius was confused at Merlynna's statement, he looked at Ewan who shrugged. He peeked inside Merlynna's room and the Rottweiler barked at him, making him slam the door.

"I said to not to go in my room." Merlynna said, looking at Gaius.

"I was curious!" He defended himself.


By the time Merlynna got to the tournament grounds, Arthur was fighting Valiant. He knocked off Valiant's helmet and removed his own, then they both pulled down their mail coifs. Valiant knocked Arthur to the ground and stepped on his shield. He disarmed Arthur but Arthur caught him before Valiant could strike. Valiant pinned Arthur against the wall but Arthur shoved him off. This was Merlynna's opportunity.

"Bebiede þe arisan cwicum." She mumbled. The snakes came out of the shield, causing everyone to stand in surprise. Valiant was using magic in Camelot. [Translation: I command you to rise up to life.]

"What are you doing? I didn't summon you!" Valiant yelled at the snakes.

"He is using magic." Uther muttered. His son was telling the truth.

"What a surprise!" Loki scoffed.

"And now they see you for what you really are." Arthur smirked.

Valiant chuckled and sent the snakes to the ground. "Kill him!" He demanded.

Arthur backed up towards the stands, he had no sword, no way to defend himself. Merlynna looked around and saw his sword on the ground.

"Arthur!" She yelled, Arthur looked at her and she threw the sword to him. Arthur caught it and swung at Valiant, killing the snakes and disarmed Valiant and ran him through.

"It's looks like I'll be going to the feast after all." Arthur joked.

Valiant dropped and the crows cheered. Their prince had won. Arthur smiled at Merlynna o his way out of the tournament grounds.

Everyone cheered. "He's dead!"


The tournament was over and Arthur was named the winner, meaning he escorted Morgana to the feast. Courtier mingled and Athur had spotted Arthur entering with Morgana by his side. "My honourable guests, I give you Prince Arthur, your champion." The court applauded and Arthur offered Morgana his arm.

"My Lady." He joked.

Morgana curtsied. "My champion." She joked.

Arthur looked down. He missed the relationship he and Morganna used to have. But after everything... they could never get back to that.

"See, I told you he gets all the girls and the glory." Merlynna scoffed.

"And he owes it all to you." Gaius said.

"Has your father apologised yet for not believing you?" Morgana asked Arthur.

"He'll never apologise. I hope, uh, you're not disappointed Valiant's not escorting you." Arthur said.

"Actually, I'm thankful it's you. He was a creep." Morgana laughed.

"He was." Morgana scoffed.

"That was some tournament final." Arthur said.

"Tell me about it. It's not every day a girl gets to save her prince." Morgana said, referring to Merlynna throwing Arthur his sword.

"Uh, I wouldn't say I needed exactly saving. I'm sure I would've thought of something." Arthur said.

"So, you're too proud to admit you were saved by a girl." Morgana scoffed.

"Because I wasn't." Arthur denied.

"Yes, you were." Natasha said, looking at Arthur.

Morgana glared at him. "You know what? I wish Valiant was escorting me."

"Me too. Then I wouldn't have to listen to you." Arthur retorted.

"Fine!" Morgana yelled.

"Fine!" Arthur yelled. Morgana stormed off to talk to Guinevere and Arthur went to Merlynna.

"Wow, you guys really did act like siblings." Bruce said.

"We did." Arthur said.

"Can you believe Morgana? She says you saved me. Like I needed any help." He scoffed, expecting her to act as if nothing had happened... but she wasn't going to be make it that easy on him.

Merlynna ignored the statement of her not saving him. "Sire did you need something." Merlynna enquired standing up and folding her arms respectfully behind her back. He cringed slightly at her use of sire as he sighed walking fully into the room and closing the door.

"I hated that." Arthur shuddered.

"I admit I have been unfair to you. You were only trying to warn me and yet I treated you badly. You were right as a future king it is my job to listen to the views of all my subjects, to not be like my father. Not just the males either. I... I am sorry." He apologised.

"Come again. I don't think I quite heard that. Mind repeating it." She joked, a smile growing on her face.

"I don't know what your talking about. I didn't say anything." He denied, sticking his nose in the air.

"So, um... I was wondering if you might give me another chance?" He hopefully enquired. His voice losing his arrogant tone half way through. Instead replaced by that of a small hopeful child. She smiled at him, her heart melting as he finally revealed his more vulnerable side.

"No, don't worry about it. Buy me a drink and call it even." She smirked.

"Uh, I...I can't be seen to be buying drinks for my servant." He stuttered; her smirking had an effect on him. "Besides, my chambers are a complete mess. My clothes need washing. My, uh, armour needs repairing. My boots need cleaning. My dogs need exercising. My fireplace needs sweeping. My bed needs changing. And someone needs to muck out my stables." Arthur rambled as he walked away.

"Yes, your royal pratness."

"You can't speak to me that way." He states. But there was no real anger in his voice as he turned his back to her. She could see a smile tugging the corners of his lips.

"Holy crap." Tony sighed, leaning back. "That was a lot."

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