THE CHARMER • ♘ Mahabharata f...

By kshama_leela

18.1K 718 276

Krisha a sweet and caring person who doesn't even have a single mean cell in her body who rules everyone with... More

• Graphics •
• Cast •
[1] 🍁 FAMILY 🍁
[2] 🍁 FARAWAY 🍁
[3] 🍁 FATE 🍁
[11] 🍁 LOVE SICK 🍁
[12] 🍁 NEPENTHE 🍁

[10] 🍁 HEARTBEAT 🍁

673 48 18
By kshama_leela

I Called You

"I thought these palanquin rides are so fun from all those historical serials but now I know they're definitely not" Krisha ranted with a puffed face. She along with Draupadi, Dushala and the kuru princes was travelling towards the temple that is located on the banks of river yamuna that flows in the western part of kuru kingdom, which is mostly occupied by the forest.

The palanquin Krisha was sitting in came to a halt signalling they might have reached, she didn't go out immediately and took her time to stretch her arms as much as she could to relax her stiffened body.

And when a hand appears from the curtains of her palanquin to help her get out, she takes it. She steps out of the palanquin and comes face to face with Duryodhan that surprised her "for how long have you been standing here" she asked not expecting it to be him "longer than you'd like" he replied.

"Krisha, come" Draupadi called her and she realised he was still holding her hand, but he let her slowly pull her hand away as she walked ahead towards Draupadi and Dushala.

Yudhisthir suggested the three ladies to complete their Puja while the tents would be prepared for their stay as it's not possible to go back today only so for the night they'll stay here and tomorrow morning they'll go back, and accepting his advice they first prepared the things required and then went to the temple.

They performed their Puja with all the rituals and worshipped lord Shiva and Mata Parvati with pure devotion singing their hymns with their melodious voices. After that they came back to the place where the camp was now well established with fully accommodated tents for their comfortable stay.

After coming back the cook came to ask Draupadi about the dinner so she left to check on the preparation leaving Krisha and Dushala alone.

"Can I talk to you Dushala jiji" Krisha asked "ofcourse, you can" Dushala replied with a smile "not here" Krisha hesitated a bit that confused Dushala but none the less she took her to her tent.

"What's so secretive that we couldn't-him" Dushala asked perplexed but Krisha cut her in between and that single word made Dushala freeze on her spot.

"Who him?" Dushala asked trying to act normal because how would she know, right "about Dhrishtadyumna" Krisha spoke slowly and Dushala looked at her with terror in her eyes, she was scared, thinking what if anyone else also knows.

"How do you know?" Dushala stammered "so he never told you about his best friend, now that's hurtful" krisha said putting a hand on her heart "it means you're that rajkumari Krishnavi who's his best friend, i should have realised it by now" Dushala beamed with a big smile forming on her lips and she hugged her.

"But why did you say yes to marry sindhuraj when your heart already belongs to him, I can't even explain the hurtful look in his eyes after he got your last letter" krisha asked breaking the shared hug.

Dushala looked away to hide her tears that started to well up in her eyes but Krisha made her look at her and wiped them "I wanted to deny but Jyesht already promised my hand to sindhuraj Jayadrath and even pitashree agreed to the proposal they sent us, and after that I just couldn't musher the confidence to tell them I already love someone else" Dushala explained.

She's not weak but she's just scared of what if nobody listens to her and forcefully gets her married right away because Panchal and Hastinapur, haven't quite been on good terms from a long time so what guarantees that they will accept her relationship with the yuvraj of Panchal happily. And she does not want to spend her life with anyone else except him, even this thought is terrifying to her because if something like this happened, she would die.

"My bhrata Krishna has once told me that instead of worrying about something that is yet to happen we should focus on our present and our deeds and karma. So don't worry about the future jiji because we don't know what it held for you, for all of us" Krisha spoke stroking Dushala's hair.

"And I promise you I will help you in every way possible to make sure you don't marry someone you do not love" Krisha held her hand and promised her and Dushala also tightens her grip on her hand with a smiled, she knows that God will never let her lose her love and this little hope is the only reason why she's still going on with everything.

"You both are here and I was searching for you everywhere" Draupadi exclaimed coming inside the tent and informed them that the dinner is prepared and the princes are already done so they should come before the food turns cold. "Bhabhi shree you could have sent a dasi to inform us. I'm observing, you didn't take even a bit of rest from morning and I'm sure if you keep on doing this you'll get sick" Dushala quaked being worried for Draupadi.

She just realised how this lady is single handedly taking care of everything and everyone without even taking some little rest and now she's feeling guilty because nowadays she's so emerged in herself or she should say her dilemma and sorrow that she doesn't even focus on her surrounding.

"It's okay Dushala I'm fine. Don't worry, it's just a part of a married woman's life that you'll be too soon going to experience and trust me doing things for your family and taking care of them is something that one can never get tired of" Draupadi explained sweetly and patted Dushala's chin.

They then had their dinner while chit chatting and laughing. Dushala was feeling a little lighter to finally talk about her inner turmoil with someone and after the dinner she went to her tent to rest for the night after greeting goodnight to Draupadi and Krisha.

Draupadi on the other hand wasn't feeling like sleeping right now so she took Krisha to her tent to spend some time with her and they started talking and then Krisha started narrating a story about how once she and her bhrata Krishna got caught red handed by Devaki mata while stealing makhan and sweets for four of them and got punished and Dau and Subhadra jiji didn't even saved them.

In the middle of her narration she realised Draupadi had fallen asleep so she pulled the blanket over her and went out of her tent.

Krisha forgot her shawl in Draupadi's tent but didn't bother to go back and started walking to her tent but soon regretted her decision when a cold wind blew by her making her shiver and she increased her pace while rubbing her arms. Her tent was at the end and literally if someone is to kidnap her today, nobody is even going to know.

She came out of her thoughts when someone wrapped a shawl around her "I must say you're really brave to walk out on such a cold night without a shawl" Arjun said giving her a smile "or stupid" she added with a small laugh.

They continued walking until they reached her tent "your tent shouldn't be at last, there must be some mistake it was supposed to be in the middle with Draupadi and Dushala. If you want you can change it with mine" Arjun offered "no it's okay, it's totally fine" Krisha tried to assure him.

Krisha forwarded his shawl to give it back to him but he declined "it's okay keep it, you might need it" and she accepted it giving him a thankful smile. Krisha looked around and a small pout formed on her face.

"What happened?" Arjun curiously asked "I wanted to eat berries but there are none" she explained "you want to eat them right now?" He asked and she hummed in response "well now I would just go to sleep after writing a letter to Dwarka" she signed and he nodded "good night and if you would need something or anything happens, just call me and I promise I'll be here" he said and went out of her tent.

Arjun after coming out took a fire torch and went to pick some berries from the nearby river bank he remembered he had seen some there, but he was oblivious that someone else also heard their conversation.

Arjun went to the river bank and saw someone he didn't expected at all "bhrata Duryodhan, what are you doing here?" Arjun asked perplexed, for a moment Duryodhan felt like a mouse who just got the cat's attention but he composed himself and spoke "umm Dushasan wanted some berries so as a good brother I just came to pick some of them for him, but what are you doing here?".

Now it's Arjun's turn to get nervous "me I... I also came here to pick some berries for, for Nakul he needed them for a new remedy he is preparing" he lied giving him a tooty grin but Duryodhan seemed to believe him or maybe he just doesn't care.

Both of them started to collect barriers in an awkward silence giving each other forced smiles every time they caught each other's eyes.

While collecting berries Arjun felt as if someone is calling him and he looked around but didn't find anyone, and seeing he has collected enough berries he started to walk back while Duryodhan was still picking.

It was because Duryodhan didn't want to go with Arjun so he kept on collecting berries and started to walk back to the camp area when Arjun was out of his eyesight.

When Arjun reached Krisha's tent his blood ran cold because the guards around her tent were laid on the floor unconscious, the berries in his hands fell down dancing and jumping on the ground around his feet which started to move towards Krisha's tent.

As he entered he noticed the whole place was out of order, everything was thrown here and there and Krisha was no where to be seen, but the pace of his heart increased when his eyes caught sight of the blood droplets on the floor and he immediately ran out to check the whole camp area.

By now Duryodhan also came and stopped Arjun who was frantically looking around till now others also gathered around him after being informed by the soldiers sent by him.

"She is missing" he gulped "who" everyone asked worried and confused about the sudden commotion he formed "Krisha, someone took her forcefully" he acknowledged everyone and for a moment pin drop silence prevailed over them.

"Nakul and Sahdev stay here with Draupadi and Dushala. And everyone else will march in different directions it must not be long ago, the person who showed the audacity to lay their hands upon Dwarka rajkumari and our guest must not be very far and now they will know the consequences of their hineous deed" Yudhisthir ordered everyone.

All of them got on their horses and went in different directions searching for Krisha except for Nakul and Sahdev who stayed back with Draupadi and Dushala who were worried to their core.

Arjun wasn't just worried but was also feeling guilty because he promised her that he will be here when she would call him and he knows it was her only when he felt like someone was calling him, near the river bank.

He suddenly pulled the rein of his horse and changed his direction and rode his horse towards the river bank and searched around the whole palace but he didn't find even a single sign of her or anyone and his feet halted in disappointment.

He closed his eyes and wished to every god who was hearing him to just show him a direction, to just give him a sign about her whereabouts because if anything happened to her his heart will forget how to beat and how can his heart would be able to beat if something happens to his heartbeat.

Arjun was now walking away from there with his hand tightly wrapped around the rein of his horse, but suddenly something shined beneath the moonlight and he saw it.

It was her anklet and it was just outside the more denser forest borders and a ray of hope shined in his eyes with which he took the anklet and sat on his horse now even more determined to find her.

He also shot an arrow towards the sky that created a sparkling effect, indicating everyone.

As he went inside the forest he started to have this weird feeling as if someone was constantly keeping an eye on him and after sometime he even saw who it is but still he kept on moving ahead without showing any change in his facial features and suddenly he shot three arrow towards the snoop that pierced his throat and his body fell down from his hiding spot.

It was a rakshasa and soon plenty of others also came out and started attacking him and he also started to shower several arrows of different kinds on them, by this time others also reached there and started fighting with the rakshasa colony.

Bheem was the most ahead and was even throwing trees on the rakshasas after uprooting them and in no time all the rakshasas were dead and the last one was killed by Bheem who was their head, some of them even ran away to save their life in fear.

These rakshasas weren't as strong as Hidimb or others that Pandavas met during their exile after the Varnavrat incident but the settlement of these rakshasas was larger and didn't even have any females or children.

Duryodhan saw Krisha laying on the ground near a large rock and went to her, he softly wiped the blood from the bruise on her forehead but it still felt painful to her.

She was taken by these rakshasas after Arjun left her tent and she started to collect stuff for writing a letter, and the eyes of the rakshasa king of the settlement living in the nearby forest fell on her and he ordered others to bring her to him.

The other rakshasas used their Maya and made the guards around her tent fall unconscious and tried to forcefully drag Krisha with them but when she tried to run out screaming for help one of them held her neck from behind and banged her head with the edge of a sitting furniture, and a bruise formed on her forehead and sone droplets of blood fell on the ground.

She also started to slowly lose her consciousness. When they were near the river she saw Arjun and extended her hand in his direction and tried to call him but not even a syllable came out of her and she finally lost her consciousness completely after which she had no idea what happened until now.

She scrunched her face while groaning in pain because of the injury on her forehead being disturbed but she was recognising the voices around her and understood she is safe now.

Arjun bent down and checked her for any possible injuries except her forehead and fortunately there was none, only a light bruise on her forearm that must be due to being tightly held.

"Krisha are you awake, can you hear me?" Arjun asked because she wasn't opening her eyes instead just moving her head slowly.

But when she heard his voice she tried to open her eyes but she wasn't able to see anything, everything around her was just blurry and she held Arjun's finger tightly "I called you" she said not being in control of her senses and completely fell unconscious again but those words made his heart sank.

Duryodhan took Krisha in his arms and started to go back to the camp but Arjun just stood there making his hand that is now devoid of her touch into a fist submerging himself into guilt considering himself the reason for her pain.



please don't be silent readers and vote & comment

🥀Thanks for reading🥀

I hope you like the chapter!! I'm sorry for any writing mistakes💗💗

I don't think anyone expected or thought Dushala to be Dhrishtadyumna's love interest😂

But still do comment about

what do you feel about Dhrishtadyumna and Dushala being paired together?

And as I have said, that in the next update I will also introduce the face claim of krisha..... So here it is and I chose her mostly because I haven't seen her in any Mahabharata fanfiction but you are free to imagine anyone you like instead💖

So here comes Krisha's face claim..


























She also seems to not believe it either 😂😂


● Riya Sharma as 🍁 Krishnavi 🍁 ●

So That's it for today take care of yourself and spend time with your family and friends<3

♥️Sayonara beautiful humans♥️

✨ Have A Good Day/Night ✨


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