بواسطة Delster_thatgirl

7.3K 330 5

a single mother struggling to feed her own daughter everyday, will her own daughter found herself in the same... المزيد

18 ( EDITED)


1.4K 38 1
بواسطة Delster_thatgirl

um before we read this book first off I wanna say thank you again to all the love and support that my first book had!

and secondly I just want to let y'all know that this book will contain :
Sexual scenes
Inappropriate scenes
Bad Language
Harsh scenes ( r4pe, self h4rm, drinking, etc)
Realistic scenes that may offend ( not to like purposefully offend) or hurt people so yes you do have the right to skip if you do not feel comfortable!❤️

And thirdly this book is not based off of real people however it is based off of real life events and also this book is originally my idea so pleaseeee, use what your mother gave you and do not copy or try and steal any ideas.

anyways let's read !!

11:45 PM

"dere u go lil shawty" he licked his lips handing her  cash money while smoking his blunt.

"only $50?" sa'niyah mugged counting up the money, watching him zip up his pants.

"das all I got" he blew out his smoke while eyeing her body as she wore a black fish net which exposed most her parts.

"unless you down foe round 2" he smirked bringing out an $100 bill, she was tired after being out the streets all night for some money, however she didn't make much and she needed enough to make sure her kid was feed everyday.

she sighed unzipping his pants while he layed his seat back enjoying the show.


sa'niyah walked upstairs to her grandmas apartment door.

she took the key from underneath the mat and unlocked the door quietly going inside.

she turns the light on finding her way to her room, she walks inside seeing her 4 year old daughter esmari, laying on the mattress bed while the fan was on and the window was open for cold air.

she kissed her her forehead, covering her thick Dora blanket up to her chest.

"where the fuck yo ass been all night huh?" sa'niyah's grandma brielle asked while standing against the door crossing her arms.

"I was out" sa'niyah said walking pass her grandma and went to the kitchen to look for something to drink, her mother knew her situation so it wasn't a suprise to her.

"i tol you to be here before you got me cancelling my work niyah"

"i fogort-"

"don't tell me you fogort niyah! is not always me who gotta be have to look after esmari, she is your kid, your own responsibility"

"I'm sorry ma dang" she rolled her eyes closing the fridge not feeling to drink anymore, she was sick of her grandma saying the same sentence over again.

she went inside the bathroom, took of her every peice of clothing she got and took a quick hot shower.

few moments later she got out, wrapping herself with an towel, she brushed her teeth, using mouth wash, and walked inside her room.

after rubbing lotion, she wore her panties and an oversized t-shirt that was hanged outside the balcony.

she carefully layed on the mattress next to esmari, while holding her in her arms, kissing the back of her head making sure she was safe before slowly dozed off to sleep.



10:34 AM

"mama pacake,pacake!"

"baby we ran out of pancakes yesterday we only got cereal" sa'niyah looked back at esmari who sat in the living room while watching cartoons on the tv.

"hm" esmari fussed crossing her arms and frown her face, making sa'niyah giggle.

"mari you doin da most" sa'niyah mumbled while grabbing cornflakes from the wooden cupboard.

"fuck" she groaned after opening the refrigerator, seeing that there wasn't enough milk in the milk carton.

"mari we going out on an little adventure"

"we get pacake?" esmari asked looking at her mother. "only if you be a good girl to mama" she lifted mari and turned off the tv.

Mari was already wore her slippers, sa'niyah grabbed her grey oversized jacket and wore her black fluffy slides and turned off the lights before leaving the apartment.

she holds esmari's hand while they both walk down a few steps, soon as they step outside they heard the sirens from police cars, it was an everyday thing.

"hey niyah" a neighbour greeted smoking her cigarette while watching her kids play in the park with other kids that was in the middle of the whole apartment.

"hey boo" sa'niyah smiled greeting her.

"park?" esmari squeezed her mother's hand seeing the other kids play.

"we can go after you eat okay bubba?"

"o kay mama" she smiled and happily skipping to wherever her mother was going.

sa'niyah walked to a corner shop that was a few blocks away from the apartment, smelling the morning smoke, while seeing her local people hanging around the area.

she made it to the store being less busy as usual, she walked over to the milk section, looking for the cheapest carton of milk but it was ran out.

she rolled her eyes having no choice but to take the carton of milk that was $6 and walked over and grabbed pancake mix for next week.

"mari come hea" she yelled her name seeing mari play with the gun all machine inside the store.

"jus these two?"



she gave the cashier the exact cash and took the blue plastic bag that had her groceries. "lesgo mari" she held mari's hand and walked out.

"you got a dolla pretty lady" an old guy asked approaching sa'niyah.

"nah I'm sorry sir you have a great day though" she said and fasten her pace walking away from him, she felt bad saying no however she was already struggling.

as she makes it back to the apartment, she peeps ace eyeing her at an distance.

"go head and play for a lil bit okay?" sa'niyah said while looking back at ace.

"yay!!" esmari happily ran towards the park and sa'niyah walked towards who wasn't far away from the apartment.


"hey ace" she smiled looking at his tall figure, he was a darkskin with a lil fro, and wore black sweats, while he wore a grey singlet that showed most his muscles and exposed his arm tats.

they were "besfriends" in highscool until they both stopped talking after chris ended up talking to someone else's leaving sa'niyah in her own world.

"how u been?" he asked crossing his arms while licking his bottom lip as he maintains eye contact with sa'niyah.

"alright" she looked down, she had to look away from his eye contact to control herself.

"how lil you?"

"she good too" she chuckled as he referred to mari, she looked through the fence making sure she was able to see her daughter.

"you sellin?" sa'niyah asked having her hands inside her jacket pockets.

"yeh watchu wan?"


"ion got it"

"you said you was gon get it by this week" she mugged,

"chillout, the delivery ain't come in yet"

"what else u got?"

"we only got heroin" he said but sa'niyah agreed on not taking heroin no more after she gave birth.

sa'niyah was an drug addict, however she could only take weed knowing it would be a better lifestyle for herself and her kid, she didn't wanted to end up like her parents.

"hey niyah" her old bestfriend tanisha appeared after she saw ace with sa'niyah, sa'niyah looked at her and focused back on ace not giving any attention to her.

"jus let me w know when y'all are restocked ight?"

"aight bet" he licked his lips looking down on her ass as he watches her walking back to the apartment.

"what was y'all talking about?" sa'niyah heard tanisha's loud annoying ass voice talking to ace as she stood infront of him while her hands were on her hips, she shook her head slowly getting irritated after seeing her ex bestfriend being with the man she wanted..


"yesh mama?"

"les go and make yo pancakes"

"pacake! pacake!!" she screamed happily running toward her, esmari reaches her arm out to held her mothers hand.


hey ya'll I'm making a another bookkk😛🤭

I'm seeing a lot of people upset about how I ended the first book and want me to make a part 2 , they will be no part two of my light, that is the official end and I don't want y'all coming for me.

I'm gonna really focus on this book and try to make it realistic as I can❤️

thoughts on it??

make sure y'all comment and vote I love you guyss

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