
By Caribbean_WWE_Gyal

2.5K 98 42

Jordan has a dream of going into fashion and wants to jumpstart her career as a stylist. She doesn't really h... More

Wine and Go Down Deh
I Speak the Language of Dance
Get The Thoughts Together
Don't Hide Yourself
My Comfort
Sorry? Not.
Absent Minded
Flaws & All
On My Vacation?
Llegar a Conocerme🤗
What are we?
What Do You Want Me To Do

Welcome to Publix🙃

535 15 5
By Caribbean_WWE_Gyal

Jordan's Pov

As I finished ringing up my last customer of the rush...

"Have a great day! Come back soon!" The customer just grabbed his receipt from my machine and pushed his cart away. I rolled my eyes and looked to my bagger, which happened to be my work bestie and one of the only ones I would trust with my life here, Rae.

She giggled and said, "Now you know them folks don't give a damn."

I giggled with her. "I mean, yeah, but I'm trying to be somewhat cheerful!"

"Like I said.. you KNOW them folks don't give a damn! All they care about is getting they organic bananas and going home. " she rolled her eyes

"What's even the difference between an organic banana and a regular one??"

"Girl I don't know? Maybe they naturally from the earth, like no chemicals and shit.."

"So if I was to pick a banana from a tree as is--"

She closed her eyes and groaned. "Jay, please don't make me think so early in the morning!"

I laughed "Girl it's 11am!"

"And my brain doesn't start working till noon"

We both laughed, but trying to not be so loud because--

"Rae! Can you help Mark bag on 5?!"

Rae groaned and mumbled "Bruh I hate helping that old man! He always be talking about bAcK iN tHe 'OlD dAyS' and he be so slow just to scan they items while he talking. The customers have to look around like is he finna continue--"

"Rae!" I heard Kim again

Rae looked over "Coming!" She walked away mumbling "I'll be back.."

I chuckled and went to the front of my register. Unfortunately, when we don't have customers, we have to go to the end of our registers to greet people as they come to check out. We're kinda dead, so people really go to self check out.

Alyssa was in charge of SCO, and she looked at me. She was also someone I would trust with my life.

I was right next to SCO, so I didn't have to raise my voice or creep over.

"Wassup girlie?" I said to her

"Girl... there's this fine ass man that walked in here."

"Ooo someone for you?"

Her eyes widened and whisper yelled, "He too big for me, he'll break my twig ass!"

I laughed loudly attracting the attention of our team lead, Amy. She's cool honestly.

"What we laughing at??"

I pointed at Alyssa still having chuckles in my system. "There's a fine ass man that would snap ha ass in half"

Amy furrowed her brows "Um context??"

Alyssa said, "There's a man walking around here and he's really cute.. like REALLY cute."

Amy raised her brows "White?"

"No I think he's Hispanic?"

"Mmm where'd he go?"

I covered my mouth "Not Amy tryna get sum!"

She shushed me "I'm getting away from yall!" She walked away laughing

Alyssa looked at me "We still on for tonight?"

"Hell yea! That new Caribbean place downtown finna be lit girl! We gon teach you how to use them hips babes."

"Girl with what rhythm?"

"Gyal all yuh duh hear di music an guh wid it"

She blinked a couple times "English?"

"Mi speaking English yuh just cyaa undastan mi cuz it broken up"

Blinks some more "Oh..ok" she laughs "but your accent is so cool, I love it"

I'm lucky I'm too black to blush. "Thank you..uhhh I don't know how to take compliments!" I nervously chuckled

She smiled "I also love that strip you have through your hair."

I smirked "You tryna fuck orrr--"I laughed cutting myself off

Alyssa also laughed before saying, "Oh my God Jay shut up! I'm serious!"

"I'm just kiddingggg. But thanks, I need to put a little bit of me in the uniforms to spice it up" I started fluffing my hair

"It works, most definitely."

I start to look around "There's no way we had a full conversation without no one interrupting. If we this dead, please let me go home!"

I jumped as I feel someone hug me from behind

I hear Rae "It's just meee" She smiled "You can't go home, but they said shut your light off since it's dead and go get carts from outside"

I groaned, "I rather just stay on and stand here" I turned off my light

Getting carts sucked. You know how Walmart has that cart machine? Yea, that's us.. we're out here for 30 mins. The limit is 5, but people sometimes get a little more. Not necessarily to make fewer trips, but because they wanna show off.

I went outside to the side with the most. I grabbed 4 carts and started pushing but before I could even make it 5 feet I hear a customer coming up to me basically running!

"Excuse me can you take this one too? Thanks."

She pushes the cart to me, walking away after she did! I had to stop it with my foot!

I mumbled under my breath "Di bitch could've at least wait till mi park di carts.."

I quickly grabbed it before it rolled down the hill and added it. I continued to push the carts up the hill till I'm stopped again.

"Hey can you take this one?" The man didn't even wait for me to finish he just added his cart! "Appreciate it!" He walked away to his car

Now remember how I said the limit is 5? Well we technically can't even tell customers no anyway, so now I'm struggling. My limit is usually 4... as I'm pushing 6. I guess I need to hit the gym..

I'm trying not to let anyone see I'm struggling, but I kept losing control of the carts almost hitting a few cars in the process. Why the hell do they even have a damn hill?!

I hear another cart from behind me rolling closer. I swear to Jah if they add--

"Excuse me? You need help?" The stranger asked

I didn't even turn around I just kept pushing. "No I'm good I'll take your cart though" I stopped and had my hand out waiting for the cart.

I heard a deep chuckle come from him and it sounded too good to my ears.

"I don't think you need to add any more babygirl"

I turned around thinking it's a creep, but my breath got caught in my throat. What stands before me is tannish man that looks over 6 foot, his hair in a bun, he's wearing a tight fit hoodie that hugs his huge muscles, and a smile that can stop traffic..His attire looks like he just came from the gym.

I looked like a fish out of water I didn't even realize he added his cart and took the rest from me.

"I-I sir it's fine I can--!"

He chuckled that delicious chuckle again "Just tell me where to put them babygirl, I got you."

"I mean through that door, but I can't ask you--"

"I'll say this is a good workout for me, just put it on my tab" He winked

He started pushing it like it was nothing! I mean then again.. LOOK AT HIM

I followed behind him as he pushed it through the door into their correct slots

"I-I uh thank you.." sooooo lucky I'm too black to blush

"No problem Jay"

"How do you know my name?.."

He pointed to my apron and smirked "Name tag ring a bell?"

I looked at my apron then down at the ground "O-Oh yea"

"Pick your head up beautiful"

I picked my head up looking to the side smiling

He smiled "There's the smile. I'll probably see you around"

I smirked "I mean you know where I work so I guess so. See ya--"

He cuts me off "Joe"


"My name is Joe"

"Oh well see ya around Joe"

He winked at me then left

I looked to the floor to see if a part of me melted to the floor yet... nope I'm still standing and cheesing like an idiot. Bloodclaat.

I finished doing carts and still can't get my mind from off this man throughout my shift

"Jay..Jay. JORDAN!"

"HUH?!" I looked up and saw Rae and Alyssa looking at me

Rae spoke up first "Yo you good?"

"I can't get this man off my mind.."

Alyssa asked, "Who?"

"Some dude I met in the parking lot."

Rae playfully rolled her eyes "Here she go"

I looked at her "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know you a hopeless romantic" she chuckled and Alyssa started laughing

I rolled my eyes "Let me enjoy my little wattpad fantasy"

Now Rae rolled her eyes "Yuh need tuh stop reading dem stories an focus pon reality bredren"

I groaned "Let me be delulu for a second"

Alyssa said "Well not too long we need to clock out and get ready for tonight"

We went to the time clock to clock out. We equally can't stand this place, so we placed all of our availability the same. As I clocked out, I couldn't stop thinking about the time that's about to be had tonight!

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