Af lanna_bana

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"I trusted you!" "yea, well I trusted you too and look where that got us!" Mere



407 26 0
Af lanna_bana


Bedtime Stories Pt. 2

"Well, there's no sulfur anywhere. How about the EMF?"

Dean walked into the room Sam was in, who was holding an EMF near a window. The trio had traveled to the house that Miss Watson and her partner were attacked in, and where she claimed she saw a little girl with long black hair.

"Yeah, it's going nuts. When I went over here by the window .... There's definitely a spirit here."

"Who stood outside the crime scene and watched."

"Looks like."

Dean scrunched his brows, "what the hell do you make of that?"

"Actually, I do have a theory -"Sam stopped talking when he saw Beau walk into the house, his footsteps heavy from the boots he was wearing, "okay, I looked around the house and went off in the woods a little bit," he shook his head, "didn't find anything."

Dean spoke up, "Same here. But Sam's been going crazy."

Beau and Dean both look at Sam, waiting for him to talk. He cleared his throat, "uh yea, i actually have a theory. Uh, sort of."

"Hit us."

Sam gave a quick glance to his brother before looking at the EMF meter again, "well, thinkin' about fairy tales."

Dean and Beau wheezed out a small laugh, "oh that - that's nice. You think about fairy tales often?"

Sam gave them a look, "No, Dean, I'm talking about the murders. A guy and a girl? Hiking through the woods, an old lady tries to eat 'em? That's Hansel and Gretel. And then we got three brothers, arguing over how to build houses, attacked by the Big Bad Wolf."

Beau stood, thinking, "Three Little Pigs."

Sam nodded, "yea." 

Dean had a thoughtful look, "Actually, those guys were a little chubby. Well, wait, I thought those things ended with, uh, everybody living happily ever after?"

Beau shook his head and spoke up, "not the originals, they were fucked up, full of murder, violence and sex."

Sam nodded in agreement, "yea, the Grimm Brothers, it was kinda the folklore of it's day. Now, it got sanitized over the years, turned into Disney flicks and bedtime stories."

"So you think the murders are uh, what? A re-enactment? That's a little crazy."

"Crazy as what? Every day of our lives?"

Dean looked at Sam, "touché." Dean refocused on the earlier conversation, "how's the creepy ghost girl involved?"

Sam shrugged, "uhm... well, she must've been here for a reason. I'm willing to bet you top dollar she was at the construction site too."

"We gotta do research now, don't we?"

Sam shrugged, causing Dean to close his eyes and Beau to let out a tired sigh.


Sam and Beau stood outside the library, waiting for Dean to come back out, Beau was squatting down, playing with some rocks that were lying on the ground.

Dean exits the library, a not so happy look splayed on his face, he stopped in front of Sam, "so?"

"Checked every record they had. Found the usual amount of violent childhood deaths for a town this size."

Beau gently tosses the rock he was messing with away before standing up to catch up with the guys, who were starting to walk across the street towards a park.

"Wanna know how many were little girls with black hair and pale skin?"

Beau took a guess after hearing the last bit of the conversation, "zero."

Dean pointed his finger at him, "Zero! You wanna know how many little girls with black hair and pale skin that have gone missing?" He paused for a moment, "right again. Zip. zilch, nada." He looked at Sam and Beau, "Tell me you've got something good 'cause I've totally wasted the last six hours."

Sam chuffs, "Well, you ever hear of Lillian Bailey? She was a British medium from the 1930s."

"She got a thing for fairy tales?"

Sam shook his head, "nah, trances. See, she'd go into these unconscious states where, uhm, get this, her thoughts and actions were completely controlled by spirits."

Beau sighed, "this is some Scooby-Doo type shit."


Dean squinted his eyes in thought, looking at them, "Think that's what this kid is doing? Sending wolfboy and grandma into trances, making them go kill-crazy?"

"Could be. You know, kinda like uh, uh, spirit hypnosis or somethin'."

"Trances I get, bit fairy tale trances? That's bizarre even for us."

Sam, Dean, and Beau stop walking, looking down when they hear a croaking noise to see a bullfrog sitting right in front of them. Sam looked at it, "yea, you're right. That's completely normal."

The bullfrog croaks again and again. Dean lifted his hands up and let them fall to his side again, "All right, maybe it is fairy tales. Totally messed-up fairy tales." He looked at the frog again, "I tell you one thing, there's no way I'm kissing a damn frog."

Beau laughed while Sam shook his head before he focused on a house across the street, "hey, check that out." Sam points at the house, a pumpkin sits on the porch.

"Yea? It's close to Halloween."

Sam looks at the two, "You remember Cinderella? With the pumpkin that turns into a coach, and the mice that become horses?"

Dean looks at Sam, "dude, could you be anymore gay?"

Beau cleared his throat, looking at Dean with raised brows and a straight face. Dean looks at him when he hears Beau clear his throat, stammering when he sees the look he is giving him, "right, uh, yea."

He looks back at Sam, who was giving him a nonplussed look, his jaw working speechlessly for a moment. Dean looked straight ahead at seeing his reaction, "don't answer that."

Dean starts to walk ahead of them and towards the house, leaving the other two to catch up to him.

By the time the two reached the house, Dean was picking the lock to the front door, Sam opened the door, and they all entered.

"Well, who knows, maybe you'll find your fairy godmothers?" Sam and Beau look annoyed while Dean just smirks at his own comment.

Beau just lets out a sigh and walks away to survey the place, Beau is looking at something in the living room when he hears a noise. He sat still for a moment, waiting to see if he heard anything else.


Hearing the noise again he quickly drew his blade from his boot. Making his way towards the noise he see's Sam and Dean, he motions his head toward the noise. Dean motions Sam to head towards it, Dean and Beau following behind him.


Moving quickly, they find the source of the voice. A teenage girl is sitting handcuffed to the kitchen oven. Sam moved towards her, trying to put her at ease, "hey! Hey. It's okay. We're here, we're here. We got you."

Sam opens his lock pick kit, the girl spoke to them with a terrified look on her face, "You have to help me. She's a lunatic."

"What happened?"

"My step mom, " the girl shakes her head, not believing what just happened to her, "she just freaked out, screamed at me, beat me. Chained me up."

Beau questions the girl, "where is she now?"

"I don't know."

Dean looks through the kitchen door and spots a little girl with dark hair and pale skin peeking out. Dean slaps Beau on the arm, getting his attention, making him look at Dean, who motioned towards the kitchen door. Looking over, Beau sees the little girl staring at them.


Sam looks over and sees her as well. The little girl runs away after catching their attention. Dean follows closely behind her, leaving Sam and Beau with the girl.

Beau looks at the girl, "let's get you out of here, yea?"

The girl quickly nods her head and gets up after Sam helps her out of the handcuffs and take her out of the house, where they call and wait for the paramedics to show up.


Beau sees Dean sitting on the hood of the impala, playing with an apple?

Leaving the girl with Sam, Beau walks towards Dean and sees that it is an apple. "Where'd you get an apple from?" Dean looked at Beau, "the little girl dropped it when she vanished." Beau nodded at his statement, "she said anything?"

Dean shook his head.

"Paramedics picked up Cinderella."

Beau looked back to see Sam approaching them, Dean tossing the apple at him when he was close enough, "so... little girl, shiny red. I'm guessing that means something to you, fairy tale boy?"

Sam looked at the apple, "I think it's Snow White."

"Snow White? Ah, I saw that movie. Or the porn version anyway, 'cause there was this wicked stepmother? Woo, she was wicked, " Dean smirks at the end of his sentence, while Beau just looks at him with a disgusted look on his face.

Sam spoke up, "there is a wicked stepmother. And she tries to kill Snow White with a poison apple."

"But the apple doesn't actually kill the girl, right?"

"No, puts her into a deep sleep, so deep.." something in Sam's mind clicked, "..it's almost like she's dead." Sam tosses the apple back at Deam before he gets into the Impala, Dean following his actions as Beau gets on his motorcycle.


"No, sorry. We don't have any comatose little girls." The nurse at the front desk of the hospital told them. Sam raised his eyebrows, "you sure?"

The nurse nodded, "totally. It's mostly old guys. And, well... Callie. She's been around since before I started here."

"Callie?" The nurse looks at Dean and nods with and nods with a small frown, "yeah, it's so sad. And poor Dr. Garrison, he just... won't give up on her."

Beau stepped forward," Is Callie one of his patients?"

"No. His daughter."


Rapidly making their way through the hospital hallway, they finally reached their destination: Callie's hospital room. They stood outside the doorway watching Dr. Garrison reads to Callie.

"...and the Huntsman stepped inside, and in the bed lay the wolf. So the Huntsman took a pair of scissors and cuts open the wolf's belly."

Sam, Dean, and Beau all glance at each other before Dr. Garrison notices them, he puts down the book, gets up, and walks towards the trio. Standing in front of them, he clears his throat, "Detectives. Can I help you?"

Dean spoke first, "we just...heard that Callie is your daughter." Sam spoke right after Dean finished talking, "and we wanted to say how very sorry we are."

Dr. Garrison nods in fake appreciation, "well, uh. Thank you. If you'll excuse me." When the doctor started to walk off, they matched his steps, Dean closer to him, "Oh, heading this way? We'll walk with you. How long's Callies been like that?"

Beau quickly spoke, relieving the slight tension, "we don't mean to intrude." Sam followed that up with a nod before speaking up himself, "we can't possibly understand how hard it must be for you seeing her like this."

Dr. Garrison sadly nodded, his tone changing, "it's not easy. She's, uh, been here since she was eight years old."

"That's when she was poisoned?"

"Yeah. Swallowed, uh, bleach. Never figured out how she got her hands on the bottle. My wife found her, uh, brought her to the ER here, and I was on call."

"Your wife was, uh, was that Callie's stepmother?" Dr. Garrison stops and looks at Dean when he said that, "actually yes, how'd you know that?" Dean shrugs, lucky guess."

Dr. Garrison spoke again, "Well, Julie was the only mother that uh, Callie ever knew. My wife passed away last year and, uh ... it's just my daughter and me now." He paused, "she's all I've got left." He pauses again trying to keep control of his emotions, "Uhm, excuse me. I've gotta get back to work."

Dean respectfully acknowledges him, "yeah."

Dr. Garrison walks away, leaving Sam, Beau, and Dean to collectively share a look.

They turn on their heels walking the same way they came, "Well, you're right. It's Snow White in spades."

"Yep. Step-mom poisons the girl, puts her into a deep sleep. What's the motive you think?"

"Could be like Mischa Barton." Dean see's Sam's confused look, "Sixth Sense, not the O.C."

Sam looks even more confused, "what?"

"Oh my gosh, Sam, The Sixth Sense, you know with the 'I see dead people' kid."

Dean interrupted before anymore could be said, "hey, you know fairy tales, I know movies. She played the pasty ghost. You know the, uh, remember the mom had that thing you know, where you keep the kid sick so you get all the attention?"

"Oh yeah yeah yeah, uh, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Huh, could be."

"So say all these years, Callie's been suffering silently because nobody knows the truth about what mommy dearest did?"

They made their way to the reception area of the hospital, Sam still talking about the girls spirit, "and after all this time her spirit just gets angrier and angrier, until it finally just starts lashing out."

Beau nods and points a finger at Sam, "right. Meanwhile, she has to listen to unfiltered fairy tales from her dad." Dean finished off his sentence, "it's enough to drive anybody nuts."

"OK, but how are we gonna stop her, I mean, Callie's stuck here, her father's keeping her body alive."

Dean had a look on his face, "it does make it a bit hard to burn the bones."

"Really, wow, I never could have noticed." Beau gave Dean a 'duh' look while Dean just glared back at him.

Suddenly, the emergency doors open, "coming in!!" Sam, Beau, and Dean watch as the EMTs bring in an older woman. Scratch marks can be seen on parts of her body.

The doctors around quickly jump to the situation, "what's her status?!"

"Seventy-two year old female, sustained multiple lacerations and puncture wounds. BP is eighty over forty and falling. Sinus tachycardia."

The doctor immediately began checking the woman, coming across something...different. "is that a bite?"

The EMT looked, "looks like she was mauled by a mad dog or, maybe a wolf?"

The trio of men watched outside of the ER, Dean questions them, "what was the last story Dr. Garrison was reading Callie?"

"Little Red Riding Hood."

The trio watch on as the doctors try to save the woman. The doctors working on her until they couldn't anymore. They watched on with grim faces as a white sheet was lifted to cover her body.

Seeing one of the EMTs walk by Beau quickly zeroes in on him, "Excuse me." Beau shows him his 'badge' before quickly shoving it back into his pocket, "was she the only victim?"

"She was found by the side of the road, barely alive. Alone."

Dean spoke up from beside Beau, "we need to find her next of kin." The EMT looked through the paperwork he had, "she has a granddaughter."

Dean spoke up again, "do you have an address?" The EMT looks through the file before pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to Dean, "thank you."


The three stood in the corridor, speaking of what to do next, "Hey, you find a way to stop Callie, all right?"

Both Sam and Beau scrunched their faces in confusion, "what about you?"

"I am going to go stop the Big Bad Wolf," he pauses at hearing what he just said. "Which is the weirdest thing I've ever said."

Dean walks away, Sam and Beau watching him.

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