Radioapple || The Deal ||

بواسطة Kiyoshilad

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Lucifer and Alastor met each-other at Charlie's hotel for redemption! Sadly it lend to many problems for the... المزيد

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Author note
|| The Deal ||
|| Angels Blood ||
|| Rosie ||
|| Bonding..? ||
|| You're a...? ||
|| Thank you ||
|| Not what you expect ||
|| Last day ||
|| Getting it ready ||
|| Alastor. ||

|| Mhm ||

926 25 34
بواسطة Kiyoshilad

As Lucifer woke up, he sat up from the bed still with his eyes closed as he lets out a long yawn with his ears twitching along. 

Little did he know an taller male was watching in awe, ' ' Hey dear! ' ' Alastor said out loud while still laying his head on the bed with his eyes wide open, looking at Lucifer.

' 'AhH- oWw~! ' 'The king yelped falling off the bed and now was yelling in pain.

' ' Pftt, sorry my lord! it was just so.. funny, that you though you was alone! ' ' Alastor said with his smile tightening. 

Now sitting up to look down at Lucifer on the floor.

' ' Uh huh.. Mhm.. Choke on dick and die, Bambi. ' ' Lucifer hissed out.

' ' Aha that name will never stop, will it? ' ' Alastor said while grinning which made Lucifer tail wagged slightly as he stood up. 

' 'Nope, now I'm going to get some food- ' ' Lucifer yawned again, making his way out of the Alastor room. 

Lucifer was now walking to the kitchen trying to cook up some pancakes.. 

key word.. 


Lucifer literally BURNED the pancakes! Not only that but he burned the milk too?!


Alastor ran to the kitchen as soon as the smoke came up into his nose. 

' ' WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? ' ' Alastor yelled, seeing the kitchen up in smokes, luckily that it was not up in flames.

' ' Making pancakes..? ' ' Lucifer said nervously, while Alastor went to go get fire extinguisher to put out the fire that was on the pan where the "pancakes" laid. 

Alastor turned around giving Lucifer a glare making the shorter king flop his ears in embarrassment. 

Alastor let out a sigh before pointing to the dinning room table.

' ' Go over there, I make the breakfast. I do have a talent of cooking. ' ' The red deer said while turning back to the burned stove to clean it up before cooking. 

Lucifer lets out a sigh, making his way to the table and sitting down on one of the chairs. 

He took his phone out of his pocket to check up the updated news on what happened with the people and how did they feel about the extermination. 

The king kept scrolling before seeing something that was on his for you page, "the vees..?" He thought curiously, Lucifer may be the king of hell but he didn't really keep taps on who's an overlord sinner or whatever came about. 

He was just enjoying his afterlife. 

After I believe 14 minutes, Alastor came with a plate of pancakes that looked very fluffy kinda like both of their ears, and a glass of milk. 

' ' Sire, I still can't believe you can burn milk.. ' ' Alastor implies while placing the plate of pancakes and the glass of milk on the table for Lucifer.

' ' I was never really the bestttt cooker.. ' ' Lucifer said, quite embarrassed still while Alastor had his own more well bloody pancakes on the table next to Lucifer. 

Now sitting down to eat. 

' ' Hey Alastor? ' ' The Devil hummed, while looking at his phone. 

' ' Yes, Dear? ' ' Alastor Said in his charming voice also eating his food.

 ' ' Who are the Vees again.. I uh, forgot? ' ' Lucifer asked while checking out the Vees profile kinda remembering them from the overlord meeting.  

' ' Ah, remember the one you kinda went at with! That's was one of the Vees ' ' Alastor claimed while still eating his food. 

' ' So i'm guessing the other two that was with him are also "Vees?" ' ' Which got him a nod. 

' ' Huh. ' ' 

The two males stood in quiet type of vibe, couldn't make out if it was awkward or comfortable to be honest. 

Once Lucifer was done with his food he made his way to the kitchen to clean up his plate. 

Soon after Alastor came also putting his plate in the sink for Lucifer to clean. 

' ' You can clean this for me right, darling ' ' 

This made Lucifer have a slight blush as his ears twitched little. 

' ' And why can't you just clean it up yourself? ' ' The shorter deer asked while still having his eyes on cleaning HIS plate that HE ate off from. 

Alastor lowered his head onto the man's neck, ' ' Well why not, think of it like.. being my wife! ' ' This caused a reaction he wanted, because once the word "Wife" came about, he was pushed back almost immediately.

' ' And why am I the wife?! ' ' Lucifer yelled, his tail lashing little while his ears were pointed up high. 

' ' Because dear... ' ' Alastor took a step closer. 

' ' You are short. ' ' another step. 

' ' Very submissive. ' ' last step that made him pretty close to the king. 

' ' And you look quite dashing in white! ' ' Alastor chuckled watching the shorter deer flustered face.

' ' I am not submissive!!  ' ' Lucifer yelled, but was quickly cut off with a yelp by a sudden hold on his waist that pinned him to the counter, Alastor used his left hand and grab a hand full of Lucifer blonde hair, pushing it to the side to give him a open spot to lay his fangs on the shorter deers neck. 

' ' You sure about that... ' ' Alastor said that came as a whisper.

Making Lucifer body shiver, not doing anything to stop the demon, knowing damn well he could... but something wa- no not something.. 


didn't want it to stop and 


enjoyed being under someone's wing. 

' ' See.. you could had killed me right before I could do this to you.. ' ' Alastor said while nibbling on the Lucifer neck, making him whine little with his ears twitching with every nibble he got from the taller male. 

' ' You enjoy this as much as I do. ' ' Alastor said with a huge creepy grin on his face. 

Alastor pushed his fangs into the male white pale neck, tasting the golden pure blood come within. 

Oh and god was Lucifer a hot mess, not sure if he was turned on or disgusted by such a Display. 

' ' Getting bitten by a present, how... upsetting Dear. ' ' This made Lucifer ears pin down so intrigued but also embarrassed to say the less. 

Alastor was sure pushing his luck, he can tell the king was not going to do anything.

' ' A-Alas- ' ' The king was cut off by a loud ring like sound.. it's coming from Lucifer phone. 

Both of the males ears twitch by the loud noises as Alastor was Quick to move away from the smaller deer, which kinda made Lucifer sad with the lost of warm and comfort the taller deer have. 

Lucifer took the phone out of his pocket seeing that it was his daughter calling him.

Lucifer had looked up at Alastor before picking up the phone and placing it in his ear. 

' ' Hey Char Char! What's up? ' ' The shorter king asked while his other hand makes its way to his neck. ' ' mhm.. Ah.. Alright! ' ' Lucifer said while nodding. 

Alastor was very curious but stood quiet until the king was done.

' ' Alright! See you soon Charlie! ' ' Lucifer said within smiling, Lucifer loves his daughter I think everyone can tell just by how he acts. Lucifer hanged up the cell and put it back in his pocket. 

' ' Sooo.. What happened, Dear? ' ' Alastor asked with his straight posture looking down at the shorter deer.

' ' Charlie said she might come earlier than expected, because some problem happening over there... or something? ' ' Lucifer response, Alastor gave his normal famous "hum" while making eye contact with Lucifer. 

Alastor can tell that Lucifer was some what entertain with this, seeing how his face was a bright red.

' ' My lord, why give me that odd look ' ' Alastor said, giving his large smile as he walked away slowly from the king. 

' ' Why?! Did you not remember what you did like.. 10 minutes go?! ' ' Lucifer said annoyed as his ears flattened, glaring at Alastor as he walks with him. 

' ' Hmm.. I don't think so! ' '

  This made Lucifer let out a groan. ' ' Out of all people.. ' ' The King hissed quietly, making his way to Keekee, the cute and adorable black and white cat that can become a key.

' ' Hey Keekee ' ' Lucifer said in his baby like voice as he picks up he cat, having such a warm and small smile on the shorter deer face. 

This caught Alastor attention while watching the demon and the animal.

After few minutes of standing just watching Lucifer with the cat, ' ' Guessing you enjoy cats more than dogs? ' ' Alastor said while grinning.

 ' ' Yup! Well I like more cats with dark fur, since they kinda remind me of earths midnight sky ' ' Lucifer hummed back stilling having the cat in his arms while his body was slightly turned to not really face the Smiley demon.

' ' Mhm ' ' Alastor hummed now having very.. lovely plans for our dear friend, Husker!

 ' ' What Animal do you like? ' ' Lucifer asked while making his way to the couch with Alastor not far behind. 

Both males now sitting on the couch looking at each other. 

' ' I'm more of a cat's person also, I tend not to really enjoy taking care of mutts. ' ' Alastor said in a rather calm tone but harsh way to talk about the animal he didn't like, Understandable thought.

Lucifer nodded in agreement, still petting the cat that was now letting out purrs to each touch that the man gave. 

Ears to the pelt. ' ' So soft ' ' Lucifer said quietly while smiling down at the pet. 

' ' Say Dear, Let's watch a show for now, until later on so we can get that ice cream. ' ' Alastor aid while grinning still. 

' ' Hmm.. Sure I don't mind. It's nice to hang out with Keekee again ' ' Lucifer said while smiling. 

' ' And meee! ' ' Alastor singed while getting the remote. 

' ' Mhm, sure ' ' Lucifer laughed little while his ears sit up straight kind of like Alastor. 

Alastor put some type of show, nothing really in particular. 

But they both didn't mind. It nice to just relax watching shows with a lovely cat nearby two male deer's. 

Lucifer moved little over to Alastor mainly to lay his head down on the taller deer while smirking little. 

' ' Personal space? ' ' Alastor smile now turned more annoyed and got tighter. 

' ' Nope! ' ' Lucifer laughed out, making the man in red roll his eyes as he went back to watch the show that was playing.

With the others

' ' ANGEL! WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK ITS OKAY TO JUST SHOOT UP SOMEONES PLACE?!? ' ' Vaggie yelled, Glaring at Angel and Cherri. 

' ' I know right!? We should had bombed it! ' ' Cherri chirped in. 

Husker slapped himself in the face while looking at the group, wondering why did he even come.

Charlie just hanged up the phone with her dad, getting everyone's attention now.

 ' ' Alright! I told my dad we be coming little more sooner.. since Uh.. well.. uhm. you know ' ' Charlie mumbled, scratching her head while looking everywhere but at Vaggie and Angel. 

She shaked her head little. ' ' Anyways! We have one more spot to go to then we start packing to go to the hotel! ' ' Charlie beaned with her bright smile that can lighten up any creature. 

' ' Alright so go out one more time, pack, hotel? ' ' Angel asked while looking kinda drunk, but then again he kind of always is so it never really matter. Charlie nodded. 

' ' Yup! If you have more stuff then I suggest packing before we leave. ' ' 

Niffty came over. ' ' I'm start packing the roaches I killed!! ' ' Just as fast as she came she left the same way. 

' ' I swear that girl has a problem.. ' ' Vaggie sighed, while slapping her face with her palm. 

Husker nodded his head in agreement before heading to his room to pack up little. 

' ' Alright everyone come back in 20 minutes! ' ' Charlie yelled while running to her room, Vaggie few inches behind her.

Welp that's it! 

Sorry this came late, school a pain In the loving ass. 

But I hope you enjoyed!

( Words: 2180 )

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