Willy Wonka x Reader

By StoryTeller1162

131K 3.8K 1.6K

Willy Wonka is a man with a hatful of dreams. He is something of a magician, a genius inventor, and an amazin... More

A Hatful of Dreams
A Place To Stay
You've Never Had Chocolate Like This (Hoverchocs)
Scrub Scrub
Making Friends
Sweet Tooth
Plan in Motion
New Plan
A Break-In At The Zoo
Life Stories
For A Moment
The Message
A Shocking Discovery
Late-Night Planning
You've Never Had Chocolate Like This
The Oompa-Loompa
The Shop
The Conspiracy
A World Of Your Own
Poisoned Chocolate
A Devasting Deal
A Trap
A Double-Crossed Deal
Nothing's Gonna Harm You
Willy to the Rescue
A Brilliant Plan (Part One)
A Brilliant Plan (Part Two)
The Truth
Death By Chocolate
Lofty to the Rescue
The Chocolate Cartel's Defeat
Oompa-Loompa Reprise

Pure Imagination

2.9K 105 36
By StoryTeller1162

(Willy's POV)

     After (Y/n), Noodle, and I clean ourselves up, I sit on the cathedral steps, watching the crowd enjoying the rich chocolate flowing from the fountain. (Y/n), Noodle, Abacus, Piper, Lottie, and Larry are pouring chocolate milk into cups for people. I reach into my pocket and take out the chocolate bar Mamma made for me, somewhat the worse for wear. Perhaps, finally, it's time. I slowly open the wrapper, and I see, slipped in alongside the chocolate, a piece of golden paper. On it is a message from Mamma:

"The secret is it's not the chocolate that matters. . . It's the people you share it with!
-Mamma xxx"

     I stare at it, completely still, my eyes full of tears. Then I look up and spot a familiar figure in the crowd. It's Mamma, looking just like she did all those years ago! She promised she would be with me when I shared my chocolate with the world. And she kept her promise. She blows me a kiss, and I laugh silently, overjoyed to see her one last time—and finally ready to let her go. I blow a kiss back to her, and she pretends to catch it and hold it close to her heart. Someone in the crowd passes by in front of her, and she disappears forever. I look to see (Y/n) and Noodle walking up to me, and I stand up. I break off a couple pieces of chocolate and hand them to (Y/n) and Noodle. They eats them, and a look of pure joy spreads across their faces. Abacus, Piper, Lottie, and Larry join us, and I break off pieces of chocolate for them. They enjoy their pieces while I eat mine. A moment of pure happiness.

(Noodle's POV)

"So, how does it feel, Willy? Is it as good as you remember?" I ask.

"Every little bit. I wish it could last forever," Willy replies.

     He looks up at the cathedral clock.

     "But I guess it's time," he says.

     I notice that Abacus, Piper, Lottie, and Larry are looking at me with excitement. (Y/n) is looking at me with a happy smile, but I can see sadness in her eyes.

     "Time for what?" I ask.

     "Do you know how many people in the city are named D. Smith?" Willy asks.

     "One hundred and six," Abacus says.

     "And luckily, you have a friend who works in the telephone exchange. . ." Willy explains, and I look at Lottie, who waves at me. ". . . and she spent the entire afternoon ringing around, and guess what?"

     "We found her," Lottie says.

     I feel stunned hearing that.

     "You found my mom?" I ask, hoping they're not joking.

     "She works in the library," (Y/n) says.

     "That's where she lives," Abacus adds.

     "Come on, Noodle," Willy says.

     I don't believe it. I'm actually about to meet my mom.

(Third Person POV)

     The clock strikes five as Willy and (Y/n) lead Noodle through an academic quadrangle. Noodle stops, too nervous to go on. Willy and (Y/n) turn to look at her. (Y/n) walks up to her and holds a hand out to her, looking at her with a sad smile.

"Come with me,
And you'll be
In a world of pure imagination," Willy sings.

Noodle nervously takes (Y/n)'s hand, and the three walk to the ancient library. Noodle stares, a strange sense of recognition washing over her. It's just as she imagined it would be.

"Reach out, touch what was once
In your imagination," Willy sings.

Noodle's mother emerges from the library. She looks around anxiously, then spots the little girl she thought she'd lost twelve years ago. (Y/n) feels a lump in her throat, as she realizes that this is where she has to let Noodle—her best friend—go. Noodle looks at Willy, happy and sad, excited and scared, unable to process the mess of emotions inside.

"Don't be shy,
It's alright
If you feel a little trepidation.
Sometimes these things don't need
Explanation," Willy sings.

     Noodle then looks at (Y/n), who is trying so hard to keep her tears in. Noodle smiles softly at her best friend, and hugs her waist tightly. Unable to hold her tears in any longer, (Y/n) hugs Noodle back tightly. After a moment, the two pull away, and Noodle walks toward her mother, then stops at the gate and looks back at her friends. Willy smiles reassuringly while (Y/n) nods in encouragement, and Noodle turns once more to her mom. Noodle opens the gate and starts to run, a smile blooming, and her mother happily runs down the steps to her daughter—and hugs her like she'll never let Noodle go.

"If you want to view Paradise,
Simply look at them and view it.
Somebody to hold on to—it's
All we really need,
Nothing else to it," Willy sings.

     "Mom," Noodle says as she embraces her mom.

(Y/n's POV)

     While I truly am happy that Noodle has reunited with her mother, I can't help feeling heartbroken. I practically raised Noodle and loved her like a little sister, and now. . . now I'm losing her.

"You okay, (Y/n)?" Willy asks me, and I wipe away my tears.

"I guess I just never thought it would hurt so much to let her go. Noodle always told me how she dreamed of seeing her mother, and all I wanted was for her to be happy. Now she's with her mom and. . . I feel like I've lost a sister," I explain through my tears.

Willy takes my hand and gently squeezes it.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Noodle's not the only one reuniting with a parent today," he responds.

I look at him with confusion, wondering what he's talking about.

"I had Lottie make a call to Noodle's mom and someone who loves you very much. Someone who has dreamed of seeing you for so many years," he continues.

My eyes widen when I realize who he's talking about, and he looks at me with that mischievous glint in his eyes when he sees my reaction.

     "You don't mean. . ." I start to say.

     "(Y/n)?" a familiar voice says my name from behind me.

     I freeze for a moment when I hear that voice. Willy looks behind me, and I slowly turn around to follow his gaze. At the other end of the tunnel stands my dad, the man I have dreamed of seeing for so long. He stares at me, as if he's unable to believe I'm really here. After a few seconds, he starts running to me, a big smile appearing on his face. I feel a smile appear on my face as well, but I don't even get the chance to run to him as he suddenly picks me up in a hug and spins me around. He then sets me down on my feet, but he doesn't stop hugging me. The hug is so tight that I can barely breathe, but I don't say anything. For years, I've dreamed of this moment. I haven't felt this affection in so long. More tears stream down my face as I hug my father back. My dad pulls away and places a hand on my cheek.

"I thought I lost you forever," he says before pulling me in for another hug.

(Willy's POV)

I watch happily as (Y/n) and her father hug. After a moment, they pull away, and (Y/n)'s father looks at me.

"And who are you?" he asks me.

"I'm Willy Wonka, sir," I reply holding my hand out for him to shake, to which he accepts.

"Ah, the Willy Wonka? I've heard your chocolate is amazing," he says.

"It really is. And Willy. . . he's also my boyfriend," (Y/n) tells him.

I grin when I hear (Y/n) call me her boyfriend. Mr. (L/n) looks at her for a second, then at me.

"Do you truly love my daughter?" he asks me.

"Yes, sir. I love her more than anything in the world," I immediately reply.

Mr. (L/n) stares at me, making me and (Y/n) feel worried, then he smiles kindly at me and holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Take good care of her," he says, and I gladly shake his hand.

(Third Person POV)

"So goes a good deed in a weary world," a familiar voice says.

Willy, (Y/n), and (F/n) look to see Lofty in the tunnel. (F/n) gasps with surprise when he sees Lofty.

"I was wondering if I'd see you again," Willy says.

"I'm not going anywhere, Willy Wonka, not until you've paid your debt. Now I know you tried, but Loompa Law is very clear on this subject. Until such time as the chocolate is physically in my ha—" Lofty explains, but Willy produces a jar of chocolates and places it in Lofty's hand. "Oh, thank you."

"Thank you for saving our lives. If it weren't for you, we would've died," (Y/n) says, and (F/n) looks at her with concern. "Long story."

     "Well, I suppose that concludes our business. I will now return to my beloved Loompaland—where the cocoa beans grow in disappointingly small numbers and my friends look down on me," Lofty says.

     "What? I thought they called you Lofty," Willy points out.

"The truth is that I am a quarter inch below average. They call me Shorty-pants," Lofty explains, looking embarrassed, making Willy, (Y/n), and (F/n) chuckle. "Well, there it is. Good day to you, gentlemen, ma'am."

He turns to leave.

"It's a shame you have to go," Willy calls after him.

"I said good day," Lofty repeats.

"If I'm going to share my chocolate with the world, I gonna need more than a shop," Willy says.

"I'm sure you will," Lofty replies.

"I'll need a factory," Willy continues.

"Good luck with that," Lofty scoffs.

"And someone to head up the tasting department," Willy adds.

Lofty stops in his tracks, intrigued.

"The tasting department?" he asks.

"Come with me. . ." Willy sings.

"Alright," Lofty says.

"And you'll be. . ." Willy sings.

"Where?" (F/n) asks.

Willy, (Y/n), (F/n), and Lofty go to a ruined castle.

"In a world of pure imagination," Willy sings.

"That's a ruined castle," Lofty points out.

"Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination," Willy sings.

"Frankly, I rather doubt it," Lofty says.

"We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in the world of my creation.
What you see will defy explanation," Willy sings.

And now (Y/n), (F/n), and Lofty start to see the world through Willy's eyes. The walls are repaired and a great glass roof covers the courtyard.

"That does defy explanation," (F/n) says, impressed.

Willy uses his cane as a lever and pulls it, causing a chocolate waterfall to spout from the wall, forming a chocolate river at their feet.

"If you want to view Paradise,
Simply look around and view it!
Anything you want to, do it!
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it," Willy sings.

Chocolate grass and flowers sprout from the floor. Lofty picks a chocolate flower, and uses a chocolate teacup to sample the chocolate flowing through the river.

     "Not bad," he admits, and takes a bite of the chocolate flower.

     Willy operates a complicated-looking machine, sending great vats of rainbow-colored liquid into a machine which compresses them into a perfect little chocolate.

"There is no
Life I know
To compare with pure imagination.
Living there, you'll be free
If you truly wish to beeeeeee!" he sings.

     He gives the finished chocolate to Lofty, who eats it. A look of pure joy crosses his face, and he offers his hand to Willy, who shakes it enthusiastically. Willy then looks at (Y/n). He walks up to her, and gently cups her cheek.

     "I love you, (Y/n)," he says.

     "And I love you, Willy," (Y/n) replies.

     Willy wraps his arms around her waist as he pulls her in for a passionate kiss, and (Y/n) is only too happy to kiss back as she wraps her arms around his neck. (F/n) and Lofty smile as they watch, happy for the couple.

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