The perfect host

By Karnage_kult

137K 2.9K 849

After a traffic accident, Izuku meets 4 symbiotes that take over his body and save him, but from then on, lif... More

Izuku's bio
Marvel/Bnha Harem pt.1
New friends
Costume vote
We are Hybrid!
Black cats bring good luck
Thinking with your head
Harem pt.2
Vigilante Vs Hero society
Leaving the nest
Attempt redemption
The perfect host
The meaning of L.I.F.E.
The slaughter
Sludge attack
What the cat dragged in
Bulk up
Entrance into a new life
1st day nerves
My name's Jeff
U.S.J bloodshed
License to kill
Lawful vigilante
Respect your elders
Race to a festival
White on Black (18+)
The battles to become no.1
Man with no brains
The widow feeds
Hero killer vs Devil killer
Updated bio
Rematch against the no.1

Loss of Love

1.9K 55 8
By Karnage_kult

The winner of the festival sat next to a table on which his phone sat and looked down at the gold medal he had won. Izuku's phone rang, and he picked it up from the table and answered it when he saw that the caller id was his mom. "Hey, Mom!" Izuku said with excitement "I' so proud of you, Izuku! Winning a festival and kicking all of their butt's!" Inko said with enthusiasm, and Izuku smiled.

"Izuku, when you get home, I'll make you your favourite food!" Inko told Izuku, and he smiled."Thanks, mom! Can't wait. I'll see you when I get home, " Izuku said with a large smile on his face. Izuku left the stadium and sprouted his wings, and pounced into the air with a single flap.

Izuku watched down at the cars that moved through the streets and the people who marched on the paths to get to work or back home. Izuku noticed the flash of police lights and then the loud whirring of the siren.

The police car zoomed forward through the traffic, and Izuku followed it to help wherever it was going. The car had ended up in front of a U.N army base, and there were already 5 other cars and a Swat van. 'Whatever's made this happen is a serious threat!' Izuku said in his mind as he flew over the gates of the base.

He flew closer to the ground and noticed an F-117 Nighthawk with the head of it peaking out from a hangar. 'What's something capable of carrying a nuke doing here?' Izuku questioned himself, and Toxin spoke out 'Izuku, it doesn't matter why it's here as long as we get to whoever's infiltrated this place!'. Toxin was right. He didn't have to worry about it cause when they caught whoever got into here, it would all be over...

Izuku noticed in one of the buildings that a few bodies were positioned in the garden in front of it. "Found you!" Izuku declared as he shifted his wings back and slid towards the entrance of the building after using a flag pole to turn left. He slammed through the doors and was greeted with both dead demons and police as well as U.N soldiers.

'The demons... their leader might be here as well!' Izuku thought hopefully as he walked up the stairwell that was painted with blood and dead officers and soldiers. He made it to the top of the stairwell and heard a voice call out to him, "Hybrid..." Izuku looked to his left and saw Officer Davis on the floor bleeding out with a katana through his stomach. He ran over and knelt down

"Shit, Davis! Don't worry, I can heal you, and you'll be better than ever." Izuku told the dying officer who he would call a friend, and Izuku put a hand on Jefferson's chest, but the officer weakly pushed away Izuku's help."Nah... don't bother... I'm ready... but look after Rio and Miles for me... cause, you apart of the family..." Davis whispered this weakly to Izuku, and the boy shed a tear that got soaked up in his mask.

'He's gone...' Anti-Venom muttered, and Izuku sighed and moved his fingers over Jefferson's eyes, closing them for all eternity. Izuku continued to look around the upper floor, and a large screen showing a digital map of the surrounding cities began to turn static.

"Hello, Hybrid. Or should I call you by your real name, Izuku Midoriya?" The static map turned into the face of a black and white man. "I'm guessing you're the leader of the Demons?" Izuku asked him, and he nodded. "Yes, you're correct. The man before you is Mr. Negative, the leader of the demons." Mr. Negative introduced himself to Izuku, and their was a thought in the back of his mind that made him worry, not for himself but for his mother, for his girlfriend, for Jeff, for everyone else.

"I assume you saw the F-117 Nighthawk outside? It's a beautiful death machine capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that could destroy multiple city blocks. It would be a shame if..." Izuku's eyes widened, and his pupils dilated till they were small speaks of dust as he heard the sound of an engine roar to life. "...It had a nuke loaded onto it and was heading towards a location of someone you hold dear to your heart!" Mr. Negative cackled as the screen flipped back to the map and zoomed in, allowing Izuku to read the place it was about to be sent to destroy.

Mustafu, Apartment complex no.2, Nabo boulevard "No, Mom!" Izuku shouted and ran to the window to break through but fell to the floor as his ears were flooded with sirens."AH! AH! SHIT! YOU BASTARD!" Izuku shouted as his body convulsed as the symbiotes shrieked in pain. "Hope you'll get there in time." Mr. Negative said, his voice beat into his ears through the speakers, and Izuku crawled to the window and threw himself through it onto the ground next to a body.

The F-117 Nighthawk roared past Izuku, and he pushed himself as the Symbiote began to regain their stability and got up. It ascended quickly, and Izuku morphed his wings onto his back. He had to get to the F-117 and stop it. Somehow contain the nuke. Without causing the deaths or destruction of the people in the city.

"Crap! Crap! Crap!" Inko screamed as she ran back into the kitchen from her nap in her bed after smelling the burning of her food. "Aw Dammit!" Inko exclaimed as she pulled up the burnt food that could only be recognised as ash. Inko shoved it into the bin and sighed. 'Gonna have to do it again, Izuku's gonna be starving, waiting for me to finish. I wonder what's taking him so long?'

"We have to get on it!" Izuku shouted as the flames from the Nighthawk's engines burnt away the tendrils that got close enough to attempt to attach to it. Izuku flapped his winds faster and even used OFA, but it seemed to be faster than him. But he couldn't lose hope. He had to stop it!

'Izuku! What are we supposed to do!? We can't defuse a nuke. In fact, It's not even possible to do such a thing! We may be able to heal you from the radiation poisoning and your injuries, but you shouldn't be so reckless!' Venom warned Izuku, and the boy understood, but they got closer to it, and Izuku reached his hand out to it and touched it for a brief moment before it slipped away, going faster than before.

'Need to... stop it! Need to... stop it!' Izuku shouted in his head as it went further and further away 'Need to... Save... My mother!' Izuku screamed at himself, and everything he heard fizzled away. All he was focused on was the Nighthawk and its destination.

Izuku got faster and got closer than he was before to it and grabbed a firm hold of the Nighthawk. "Yes!" Izuku shouted, and hope filled his heart. Izuku took notice that they were getting closer to the apartment complex. He slammed his fist down on the exterior of the Nighthawk. He would've easily been able to tear through it. But...

His hand bounced off the exterior as if enforced with material that he couldn't tear through "Fuck! Fuck!" Izuku shouted at himself in mental anguish and punched it again. Nothing. He sliced at it. Only a scratch. "Come on!" Izuku pleaded as he heard the whistle of the Nighthawk as it descended quickly.

'No, no, no, no, no, no!' Izuku shouted in his mind as it got closer and closer to the one person he had loved all his life. The woman who had supported him, no matter what. The first light. The one who raised, cared, and nurtured him.
There he stood, the failure of a hero and a son. His eyes rained with silent tears as the sky itself mounted the loss of the people in the apartment complex and the surrounding area. He stood there, alone despite the radiation poisoning and the injuries he had sustained himself. He stayed and could only look at the mangled hand of his mother, whose face had been burnt by the flames of the F-117's impact.

Izuku's cries soon became loud as he fell to his knees and screamed in all his pain. He had lost her. And it was all his fault. His body bubbled with rage and bloodlust, and with a slam of his fist, the ground shattered, and rubble crumbled away. Izuku morphed his right arm into a blade and pointed it at his chest. "Die... No one else should die... but me!" Izuku shouted, stabbing himself in the chest continuously as the symbiotes healed him.

"No one else should die..." Izuku shouted as he stabbed himself one more time and remembered 'Hope you'll get there in time.' "... but him!" Izuku declared as his eyes burned with rage and his own tears. He stood up and wings larger than any he had used before sprouting from his back, and tendrils loosened from his body like multiple arms.

He shot up into the air and destroyed a cloud in the process. Izuku will kill Mr. Negative, and there was no one that would stop him from doing it. Not even the mightiest of heroes.

Chapter end
I feel like I should've extended the death and mourning part further, but I couldn't come up with much to say.

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