𝐊𝐢𝐝 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁...

By ProblemChild1470

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┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓ 𝚂𝙾𝙽𝙸𝙲X 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 × 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ "𝙄'𝙢 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙪𝙨...𝙖... More



829 24 28
By ProblemChild1470

(~Y/N's POV ~)

"(Y/N) please, no working on your robotic projects at the table! Please, eat your breakfast, mi hija." Ella said to me, taking the wrench out of my hands. I trying to grab it back. "I had broken my tablet...I need to fix it. I'll eat la-" Before I could finish my sentence, Ella had already shoved a spoonful of food in my mouth. "Shush shush, eat your food. You can finish it afterwards."

Swallowing, I sighed. "Yes, ma'am." I didn't want to go and cross Ella. She does a lot around here just like Mr. Tanaka. I didn't want to seem ungrateful, plus the food was really good. Her cooking was always so delicious and savory. And she's always so kind to me, she even helps me out when it comes to feminine things.

I couldn't help but over here Mister Tanaka on the phone with someone. "Thorndyke residence... Very good, sir." Speaking of the devil himself as he hangs up the phone while entering inside of the dining room. Looking at me and Chris... Please don't tell me my parents are coming please don't tell me my parents are coming please don't tell me my parents are coming!!!

"Your father and your uncle has requested that I inform you two, that he and your mother will be stopping by for a visit this afternoon. Along with your parents as well, Ms, (Y/N)." Hearing this I let out a dramatic groan. Slamming my head on the table like a child.

"Wow! They're coming to see us! It's not even our birthday!" Chris shouted out happily. Chris's parents were never here half of the time or ever. With two very rich and famous parents, you can only imagine what their bonding times are like.

Don't get it wrong Chris's parents absolutely love him. They told me all the time before they leave how much they really wish that they can do stuff with him... While at the same time wanting to give him everything. I kind of envy him sometimes... It breaks my heart seeing his mother cry, thinking she's a bad mother because she can never spend time with her son.

"Yeah... Meaning my parents definitely want something..." I mutter softly rising my head back up and resting it on my palm... Before it struck me. "Uh oh... I just remembered something! I gotta go! Thanks for the food, Ella! Muchas gracias!" I yell out zipping past Mr. Tanaka...

How the funk did I forget we have four talking animals inside of the mansion??!!!


I was sitting in gramps's room with the others as they were eating. I waved at Chris as he left for school through the window. Already explaining to everyone what was happening today.

I was sitting up against the wall, having my Game Girl in my hands playing Pokomon. My knees up to my chest as I had my (Favorite Color) hood on with the hood over my head... I don't like visiting day.

"Chris sure is happy about his folks visiting huh, Chuck?" Tails ask Gramps who choose his food while nodding. Amy asking what their careers were. "Chris's dad is president of a huge software company. He spends most of his time at the office, or traveling on business." He replies as Amy follows up with another question about his mom. "She's a star, a famous actress, who Jets all around the world making movies."

I hear on their conversation. Not even paying attention to the blue hedgehog who was laying up near the window. Looking down at me with confusion, and wondering eyes.

"I bet it's pretty tough for Chris not having his parents around most of the time... Wait what about (Y/N)'s parents! I forgot to ask what they're like! With how super smart she is, I bet they have awesome careers. What are your parents like (Y/N)?" Tails looks over at me, not seeing Gramps shaking his head and arms trying to stop him from asking the question.

I stopped my game as my fingers grip onto my Game Girl... My eyes looking down for a second, before looking back up. "Their okay." Was all I muttered out going back to my game. The others looking at me with worried eyes. "Did I say something wrong?" Tails asked sadly, as Gramps sighs.

"We don't really talk about her parents. She doesn't mention them a lot... There travelers and treasure extraordinaires... Greedy people in my opinion. Only care about the fame and riches in the world, never about the true adventure or the science. The only time they actually came around to really talk to her is when it came to Nobel prizes or speeches to different countries. Once those were over with it was back to leaving... At least with Chris's parents they always said goodbye. Not to mention they're not her real parents, she was adopted when she was a young child. Yet, it's still sad how my son and daughter-in-law treat her more like a child, than how they treat her."

Everyone now looking at me with such sad and pity eyes... Pathetic isn't it? Besides all of it I don't hate them... You're not supposed to hate your parents, at least that's what I thought.

Hearing those words made my head hurt... I feel like such a selfish kid now. They were probably just very busy people just like Chris's parents... Maybe they just don't know how to show true feelings! I don't know how actual parents are supposed to be like or if all parents are different!

I sigh once more getting up from sitting. Sonic moving out of the way from the window as I open it up. Stepping out of it and sitting on the roof. Hugging my knees up to my chest tightly. Not even seeing the blue hedgehog at first who sat by my side. None of us saying anything as we both look up at the sky... The silence was nice. Helped me forget about the fact...

I'm going to have the worst day of my life...

"Hey (Y/N)... y'know when I'm pretty upset...I try to think about it... but once j think clearly I remember about all my friends who care for me...and the stuff that makes me happy."

Sonic, not looking at me, tells me in a way of trying to cheer me up. I smile just slightly... "Thanks Blue...but I think I just need a nap... Thank you for trying though. I'll probably use it." I kissed him on the cheek. Before walking up the roof and going to my window. Opening it up and crawling through, closing it but leaving it cracked.

Taking off my hoodie and tossing my Game Girl on my desk. Slipping underneath my covers, placing my glasses on my desk as well, before turning off my lamp. I look up at my ceiling for a while... Feeling my lip quiver as my eyes swell up with tears. Covering my eyes as I dig my nails into my eyebrows. Crying softly so no one else could hear me...

I just want this day to be over with.


I open my eyes wide. Sitting up quickly as I look around my room... Everything gone so dark. Looking over to my window, seeing it was wide open as it was itch black outside. The only thing lighting was the Moon from the sky. I yawned, grabbing my hoodie and slipping it back on. "I can't believe I slept all day... I really need to get back on a sleep schedule."

Putting on my shoes, and walking to my door leaving out. Walking down the stairs, and into the dinning room...To see Mr and Mrs. Thorndyke. They got up and smiled at me. "(Y/N)! Darling! It's been so long sweetheart!" Mrs Thorndike comes over to me and gives me a hug. "My! I'm sorry did we awake you from your sleep? I am so sorry about that, dear." My brain was still kind of blank at the moment...but I smile.

"What? Pft, no you didn't. I had been asleep all day. I needed to get up anyway." I replied with the big smile on my face. "I missed you guys. It certainly has been a while." Mr Thorndike comes up behind me and rubs my head. "There's our, Kid Genius, made any new exciting gadgets kiddo?" He asks me as Mr Tanaka clears his voice. "Ms. (Y/N) is grounded from creating any gadgets of technology at the moment, I'm afraid." Replied the butler. "I'll show you later." Whisper into his ear as he gives me a thumbs up.

I felt calm again. I felt at peace. My body felt...nice. I forgot why I was so worked up in the first place. Gramps looked over at me and places a hand on my shoulder, patting it.

"(Y/N), is that you. Where were you? This place is so big I always forget which room your in."


"You didn't sleep all day did you? What did we tell you? You'll waste all that knowledge you have in that treasure mind."

Please tell me ...

"Come say hello to Mother and Father."

This is still a .. dream?

A man who was tall, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. A women who was just an inch short than him, with curly blonde hair, brown eyes, and fair skin...Mr and Mrs. Sullivan. Code name: Mom & Dad.

They walk up to me. Mother greeting me as she kisses me on each cheek, but not touching my skin. Father shaking my hand as a greeting as well. "We do hope you have been studying. You have a meeting with one of the professors in Harvard and coming up you have four different countries this year so you can meet the prime minister for your technology and mechanics. Some are even willing to pay top dollar for your robotics."

There they go again... On and off rambling about what to do and what I have to do. Not even a single how are you or how I've been? I look over at Chris's parents who kind of had a bit of a worried expression. "Um, dear sister. Didn't she just have three meetings last month? I mean I understand she's famous all around the world but, putting all of this pressure on one child is-"

Mrs Thorndike tried to reason with her sister who just holds her hand up cutting her off. "Lindsey please, I thought we made a deal. What you do with your son is your business, and what I do with (Y/N) is mine. Okay?"

Mrs Thorndike was going to reply but she backs down from it... I appreciate her sticking up for me but it's fine. I look over near the window as my parents continue to babble on about my schedule... I noticed Sonic looking out the window. I gave him a smile before turning my attention back to my parental units...

I sometimes wonder what my real parents were like?

(~The next day~)

I tiredly walk into Gramps room closing the floor door behind me as I crash onto the ground... I was so tired and exhausted. They had me review lines after lines, making me try to remember three different languages less than 4 hours.

Amy sat next to me as she rubs my head. "Are you okay?" She asked me as I said quiet for a few minutes. Before jumping up and stretching. "Yup! Never better! Why you asked- huh-? Hey, is that Cream outside?" I asked, my expression in mood changing very quickly to my normal happy and enthusiastic one... I don't want them to think I'm not happy.

"Yeah, she's picking flowers, she used to pick flowers all the time and make flower crowns for her mom. She really misses her a lot. I wish there was something we could do to cheer her up." Amy tells me as I think for a moment. Turning my head over looking at the poster Gramps had on his wall... I know that place.

Walking over to Sonic. Whispering something into his ear... He looks at me and nods. Grabbing the poster before leaving out... Not before giving me a wink. My cheeks heat up once again... That hedgehog was always such a tease. It's been a while now since they've been here. Me and Sonic have grown closer to one another... I still can't believe I kissed him the other day. On the cheek I mean, then again it was out of sincereness so maybe he didn't think too much of it.

"I'm gonna head back downstairs. If you need anything guys, just walkie me." They waved to me as I walk downstairs. Yawning before nearly falling, waiting for impact... but before I nearly fell...I felt someone catch me. It was Mr. Tanaka...

"You really should watch where your going. You can get badly hurt." He grabs my arm and lifts up up. Showing some bruises. "Or should I say more hurt." I snatch my arm away. Backing up from him. "Its none of your-" "It is my business. As long as you are apart of the Thorndyke family, you are my main concern. Do not tell me you've been making dangerous machines ag-"

"I don't need this from you. Why don't you deal with Chris instead of me. Your always on me like I'm a dangerous person and gonna hurt someone! I like making theses machines-"

"Do you?"


"Or do you like making them so you have something to show to your parents to make them feel proud?"


"I don't stop you from making machines because their dangerous. I stop you so you can have a break. You are still a child and should be able to act like one. I have never been on good terms with you parents. But that doesn't mean I dislike you." He hugs me close. "I see you as a child of my own."

....Is this what love from a parent is supposed to feel like?... Why do I feel like...I've felt this before.

I slowly reach my hands up and grip his back....I really needed this hug...I needed a hug in general.

"I should also have informed you. That your aunt is hosting a big party tonight. Everyone must look their best...but because I'm letting it side today. You may where whatever is comfortable for you..." He takes my hand, before leaving off. I look down to see my wrench...I smile happily.


Chris was out of school as the party was almost ready to begin. "Hey guys..." I walk up to Chris and Gramps. Gramps was wearing a widely nice tuxedo, well Chris was still in his school clothes from just getting off of work. "Heya, Kid Genius...Wow, don't you look like." Gramps complimented my outfit. It was the only formal outfit I had that I actually really liked. It was a white blouse, with a blue neck tab, dark blue slacks the went up around my waist, and nice dress shoes to match with it.

(Any accessories / hairstyle / any changes you'd like to the outfit all welcome. The outfit was just a little idea came up with but doesn't have to be the thing you have to wear. If you have any other different types of style feel free to pretend she's wearing a different outfit.)

I thanked him as Chris complimented me as well. Thankfully mother and father were out doing something at the moment. Thank goodness... To clear up, I don't mind the fame, or some of the fans I have in this world. I love that people look up to me and want to learn just as much as I do... But I'm still human... I deserve a break, and to choose what I want with my life! And ever since Sonic showed me to an adventurous one... I don't think I've ever stopped smiling! Maybe tonight I'll finally tell them... That I want to start to do things my way.

Snapping me out of my thoughts as Chris got closer to me and Gramps. "Also, could you please tell the others to stay in sight until (Y/N)'s parents go away?" He asked us which made me pause for a moment... Sonic was out grabbing flowers for Cream. I know Tails and Amy are in Gramps room... But where are Cream and Cheese?

I look over past them as I gasp. The two boys also looking over as they copied me and gasp. Cream was on her tippy toes with Cheese. Trying to put what looked like homemade party decorations up. I look over to see Mrs. Thorndike coming over.

As the two boys go to distract her, I quickly run over to Cream and Cheese. "Hey Cream! What are you doing here you know it's not safe?" I told the little rabbit girl as she jumps into my arms hugging on to me. "Look, I made my own party decorations! Aren't they pretty?" She asks me... I can't stay mad at their adorable faces. "Yes it's very pretty. You did a great job!"

My heart sunk when Ella walks into the living room. Quickly grabbing her as we hid behind the couch, waiting for her to leave out. "Sweetheart, I asked you to stay upstairs so nobody would see you. I know it's boring, but you could have went in my room if you wanted? I have a TV in there so you don't get bored." I tell her. But she shakes her head grabbing on to my shoulders.

"We don't care about watching TV! We just wanted to help you get ready for your party! You look very pretty in your outfit... I wanted to give you this flower crown because I thought it would match..." She tells me holding up a flower crown... It was homemade too.

I felt my heart ache in my chest. I would literally die for this child...

"Ms. (Y/N) understands. It is very thoughtful of you to help us get ready, Cream. And you are right, she does look very pretty in her outfit." Me and the little rabbit girl and the Choa both froze in shock and surprise. It was Mr Tanaka hovering over the couch... How did he-?

"He's seriously reminds me too much of Alfred from Batman..."


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