Heart of the Ocean | Pirate!A...

By Ghouliafied

17.5K 624 291

When the savage pirates of Paradigm are on their way home from a previous adventure, they come across somethi... More

World Map
1: Veiled Shadows
2: Under The Moon's Shadow
3: Awake
4: The Burden of Belief
5: The Calm Before The Storm
6: In The Wake of Change
7: The Art of Combat
8: Whispers of Truth
9: In The Heart of Danger
10: A Golden Pursuit
11: Bargains and Memories


2.9K 82 35
By Ghouliafied

•Captain of The Aurora
•Dubbed 'Demon of the Ocean'
•Responsible for making the crucial decisions on deck
•Knows how unfair the world truly is and tries to take down those who are corrupt
•Hence why he followed his father's footsteps of becoming a pirate
•Brought the group to where they are now - feared and successful
•Took over his father's ship when his parents died
•He still doesn't know who killed them and his goal in life is to find out

•He's also Hongjoong's second-in-command
•Became the navigator due to his great insights into general knowledge, especially the oceans
•He has been the longest on Hongjoong's ship as their relationship goes way back
•Can read everyone like a book, even Hongjoong who never lets himself be vulnerable
•Knows exactly what to do and what to say
at exactly the right time
•He is like a mother to everyone and secretly enjoys having that status
•He joined Hongjoong because he saw the great potential in Hongjoong as a Captain
•He thinks about settling down a lot, though he swore to always remain at Hongjoong's side

•Despite Seonghwa being the eldest and second in command, Yunho serves as a moral compass for everyone
•He is like the Sun and always brings an uplifting mood to the table whenever things get tough on the ship
•He always makes sure his group is in good spirits
•Above that, he always knows what to do in stressful situations
•Funnily enough, being the tallest of the crew gives him this sense of responsibility, if that makes sense
•He is like a shield to them
•Which is why whenever they go through vulnerable times,
he always offers to handle the important jobs that would have been put aside
Loves to come up with new ideas for weapons and anything mechanical

•People who've known about him or even heard of him often dub him 'Eye of the Serpent' because of his keen eyesight
•He has a talent for always knowing where danger lies, even when if it seems to be hidden in the current of the waves
•Some people suspect him of practising magic for the way he always knows when danger lies ahead, though he never denies it nor confirms it
•Quite the observer
•He came from a wealthy family, almost borderline royalty, though ran away after he was arranged to marry a person he didn't even know
•His eyes are alluring like a siren's voice
•He reads a lot of stories about myths and legends
•His biggest wish is to uncover such legends, such as the story of 'The Vial of Dream'

•Operates artillery
•Has the ability to command attention
•He is quite adventurous and is known for taking great risks in battle and such
•"Give this man a feather and he'll turn it into a weapon" kind of guy
•But on a serious note, he deals with a very tough past that he doesn't like to talk about for fear of being a burden
•His right arm is all mechanic due to an accident that happened when he was younger
•Doesn't like outsiders
•He fears they'll stab the crew in the back and leave with everything they worked so hard for

•Oversees most of the activities on the ship, such as anchoring, checking up on food stocks, counting expenditures and naval provisions
•Aside from that, he also works as a mechanic
•Often seen checking the ship in case of any damage
•He was first very unsure whether the position of boatswain would work for him
•He found himself to be unfit to hold such an important and intensive position
•Until Hongjoong reassured him that as long as he was trying, there would be nothing to worry about
•And so, after many trials and errors, he got accustomed to his duty and learned to love it, all the while growing as a person

•At first, Wooyoung seems like the most careless person in the whole world
•And when staying in taverns or such, he kind of is, judging from the way he is always chatting with people who could potentially hide dangerous motives
•And when Hongjoong first met him, he was unsure whether Wooyoung would kill more people than heal them
•But as time passed by, Wooyoung showed time and time again how precise and attentive he could be
•Wooyoung is a perfectionist, and it shows in his work
•He knows how to help people when it comes down to injuries or whatever they have sustained
•He can go from being out of this world to being in hyper-focus in a split second
•Excellent marksman

•Jongho, despite his strong aura and serious appearance, loves cooking
•And above else, he loves his pirate family
•And what's better than cooking for his family?
•He loves taking care of them, even if it is through actions rather than words
•He wants to let them taste the finest recipes he learned from his mother when he was younger
•Don't let him fool you, he is still the strongest member out of the whole crew
•And when angered, his strong nature comes to show
•He scares his older members sometimes, but they know that he has their backs at all times
•Even when the only weapon he can wield is an uncooked lobster
•Loves to sing while cooking

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